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SaveCheck(); function SaveCheck() { Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Issue_NumExt").value =Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Issue_NumExt").value; var theDoc = Informed.currentDocument.currentRecord; var theValue = theDoc.Cell("DataAlert").value; var RevExt = "Revision 2.11" if (theValue == 0) { //The following code updates the Revision number when the form is saved. This code should be commented out on all but the External version. Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Issue_NumExt").value = RevExt; BuiltinCommand("Save As").execute(); } else switch(theValue){ case 1: Util.message("You cannot save this form until you have completed the Document Reference field.",null,STOP,false); Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value = Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value; break; } } nullJScr JavaScriptript  Hide_tVeclCat2|f3135sf1900`#6w,2.11`#",Vehicle Safety StandardsafetyVSSDDtment of Transport7SF 31_35 Vehicle Brake Systemsr/Selection of Test Fleet - Vehicle Brake SystemsC$<=IHHPJcLvNwGFIYKlMm@ * E`|<BD!F: 3  7Ro;ACE- 2Kd1H_%>W%<Sl;    p g    { r = 4 +  "   n m l k If ue ld cc Z^ 5] ,\ #[ :987643v1d0[.I-@$ \9[0Z'Y    EZ  y ^    @?>=52m/R,7]Tf\Lenw! *NelOnPwRX[^a d+gMjomvwxyjs|G ir{"OXaj    ?H(QZ5d6m7v8=>?@#E F (G 1H :Q R S T Y Z [ \ d!/e!8f!Ag!Jm!n!o!p!y"z"{"%|".""""0+sP-=>"?*@2A:BBCJDR  ~McNkOsP{}|k3gfewdoWXVUTSRQ7654/.-,'h&`%X$P       fe)r!"##+t!v!x"~"E"`"{""q!""#s!u!w!}"7"R"m""M ia!b!c!&N qO yP U V W X `! j!ek!ol!yL `K WJ N] ^ _!h!Si!\I C'0E:M`!./0""#$)*+,-sx *c#9~   5n1 ,B C D 2 :3 H4 V9 : ; < A %:0CVj i 3EWi{ p )w*+_ >` Ea Lb S(p 2   = E M   y 2 ij'- JKL./0 v   I \      "   X r!8"@#HyWX Y Z  1 ) w  % - 5   q * wCbEG "$x z .| K~ hADhBRDqF!#w y { <} Y@5 }     * 8 F T b p ~ 123 g ~h i j 0 ;   U b o    : Qyz{UVW F Q \ gx(5BOz9^ Cf*Ot5X{ %2?     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Manufacturer's Name  *V ./  @%  (JESCID_h4  ./ @&  (KESCID_h3  ./ @'  (LESCID_h2   @  ( SectWidthR_h3   ! @  ( SectWidthR_h3  @ @   DataAlert  @ @ @     A! Manufacturer's Name  *V @@ @    PTrigger  *  @ @0  p01    * @@@    Check_new_doc  @@(` Title  V@ @)  j Hide_MLTMHigh  @@ @ @    A! Manufacturer's Name  *V @@(` Title  U@ @)  i Hide_MLTMLow  @@  ( Hide_Comments    2$'Pp @  ( SectWidthR_h2  0@'1' D  0 Model:  * $% @  ( WheelBase_h2  $%0@'>' |  0 Model:  *  @0'  @  (H TyreDiam_h3    @  (I TyreDiam_h4  p @  ( SectWidth_h3  `! @  ( MaxSpeed_h4  ` @  ( MaxSpeed_h3  ` @  ( MaxSpeed_h2  $ 0%!P @  ( WheelBase_h4  $% @  ( WheelBase_h3   0`!P @  (MLTM_h4  ` @  (MLTM_h3  p @  (MLTM_h2   P!0 @  (LLTM_h4  @ @  (LLTM_h3  @ @  (LLTM_h2   @  ( SectWidth_h4  Pp @  ( SectWidth_h2  0 !  @  (Vent_h4  0 @  (Vent_h3  0 @  (Vent_h2   $' 0 0 @'  @'    e  A! Manufacturer's Name  *V  @ 00@' '  ( f ` "p Date (dd/mm/yyyy)  *L  Document   q; 3 x3$  Sheet 1 of 3   q8   @@ Title   @ @    33k Check65 h6 h6 > h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k  @ Title    @    33l Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k pP 0 *Date (dd/mm/yyyy)    0 1Selection of Test Fleet - Vehicle** Brake Systemsq p"`'0#p ]Braking System and Test Vehicle Details (See page 3 for instructions on completing this form)   q  p@#' p@'$p%'p0@ -Vehicle Number (for use on SE 31/.. or 35/..)  q !HX"H@ Title !HX"H @0  > 33 Check2 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k!X"X@ Title !X"X @5  @ 33 Check3 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k!H"H@ Title !H"H @:  @ 33 Check4 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k!8""8#8@ Title  !8""8#8 @?  @ 33 Check5 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k0h1 Yes  q 12p No  q  01@'(''/' ''  /@/  Affect_Yes_1  *; 12@')''/' ''  /@/  Affect_No_1  *7 12@ Title &12 @G   33 Check19 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k182h@ Title '182h @H   33 Check187 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(11X2@ Title (1X2 @I   33 Check186 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(112@ Title )12 @J   33 Check188 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(101( Yes  q 12p No  q  018@'K''/' ''  /@/  Affect_Yes_2  *; 128@'L''/' ''  /@/  Affect_No_2  *7 01H Yes  q 12p8 No  q  01X@'m''/' ''   /@/  Affect_Yes_3  *; 12X@'n''/' ''   /@/  Affect_No_3  *7 0 81! 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T T d  T,Arial (fIs the suspension and axle (r&configuration the same as the tested (~ vehicle? '`h(  (If no, please Comment)   qk &@h' Yes  q '' No  q  &'@'''/' ''  /@/ SameSusp_Yes_1  d  d  T d ,Arial (o SameSusp_Y(es_1&'@'''/' ''  /@/  SameSusp_No_1  d  d  d ,Arial (o SameSusp_N(o_1&0&( Yes  q '0' No  q  &'8@'?''/' ''  /@/ SameSusp_Yes_2  d  d  d ,Arial (o SameSusp_Y(es_2&'8@'@''/' ''   /@/  SameSusp_No_2  d  d  d ,Arial (o SameSusp_N(o_2&@'H Yes  q '0'8 No  q  &'X@'b''/' ''   !/@/ SameSusp_Yes_3  d  d  d ,Arial (o SameSusp_Y(es_3&'X@'c''/' ''   "/@/  SameSusp_No_3  d  d  d ,Arial (o SameSusp_N(o_3&@ 8'! Yes  q '0 h'! No  q  &!h'"@'''/' ''  #/@/ SameSusp_Yes_4  d  d  d ,Arial (o SameSusp_Y(es_4&!h'"@'''/' ''  $/@/  SameSusp_No_4  d  d  d ,Arial (o SameSusp_N(o_4  0 @''   )0 Model:  * $%@ Title 7$% @~  p 33= Check8 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k$%@ Title 8$% @  r 33> Check16 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k$ %P@ Title 9$ %P @  r 33? Check24 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k$"`%#@ Title :$"`%# @  r 33@ Check32 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k ! "@ Title 7 ! " @~  33E Check162 h6 h6 A h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(10p2 v*Are there other differences from the tested vehicle that would affect test vehicle selection? (If yes, please Comment)  ]  &'@ Title &' @1   33 Check184 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1&8'h@ Title &8'h @6   33 Check182 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1&H'x@ Title &H'x @;   33 Check181 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (nc({k(1&'@ Title !&' @@   33 Check180 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1p@' ' 6  0 Model:  * p0@'-' 7  0 Model:  * 0pp@'P' 7  0 Model:  * pp#@'r' 7  0 Model:  * pp@ Title pp @.  8 33 Check89 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kpp0@ Title pp0 @3  : 33 Check18 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kp0p`@ Title p0p` @8  : 33 Check171 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (nc({k(1p"pp#@ Title p"pp# @=  : 33 Check183 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1pp'0@'' Z  -0 Model:  * 00@'5' \  .0 Model:  * 00p@'X' \  /0 Model:  * p0#@'z' \  00 Model:  *  8Unique Braking/ESC system (if applicable) identification  Gs Gs h6 Gs,Arial (Y*Unique Braking/ESC system (if applicable) (eidentification@' '   0 Model:  * 0@','   0 Model:  * 0p@'O''' ''  0 Model:  * p#@'q'   0 Model:  * p' ?Variant description (include manufacturer's code if applicable)  /[ /[ Gs /[,Arial (AVariant description (M+(include manufacturer's code if applicable)@ Title 7 @~   33A Check8 h6 h6 /[ h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k@ Title 8 @  # 33B Check16 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k0@ Title 90 @  # 33C Check24 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"`#@ Title :"`# @  # 33D Check32 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kNR#'PP#Pp'` If selected for test enter the SE 31/.. or 35/.. Doc Reference, otherwise enter the vehicle number from this form for the test vehicle  << D  D h6  D,Arial (2If selected for test enter the SE 31/.. or 35/.. (*+Doc Reference, otherwise enter the vehicle (6*number from this form for the test vehicleP@' '    Q0 Model:  * P0@'+'    U0 Model:  * P0p@'N'    V0 Model:  * Pp#@'p'    W0 Model:  * @ Title G @  33M Check12 h6 h6  D h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@ Title H @  33N Check20 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@@ Title I@ @  33O Check28 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"`#@ Title J"`# @  33P Check36 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kp'pp'p'@'' >  ~0 Model:  * @ Title  @  > 33 Check13 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k0@'4' @  0 Model:  * 0p@'W' @  0 Model:  * p#@'y' @  0 Model:  * @ Title # @B  A 33 Check21 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!2 P@ Title $ P @C  A 33 Check29 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"`#@ Title %"`# @D  A 33 Check37 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kp'@' '   0 Model:  * 0@'/'   0 Model:  * 0p@'R'   0 Model:  * p#@'t'   0 Model:  *  p &>Maximum loaded test mass (Note 3) (kg)    !  @ Title 7 @~  c 33 Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k@ Title 8 @  e 33 Check16 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k P@ Title 9 P @  e 33 Check24 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"`#@ Title :"`# @  e 33 Check32 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kp@' ' N  0 Model:  * p0@'.' N  0 Model:  * p0p@'Q' N  0 Model:  * pp#@'s' N  0 Model:  *  ` &>Lightly loaded test mass (Note 2) (kg)    !  @ Title ; @  J 33 Check9 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k@ Title < @  J 33 Check17 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k P@ Title = P @  J 33 Check25 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"`#@ Title >"`# @  J 33 Check33 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@'' B  0 Model:  * @'0' D  0 Model:  * p `@'u' D  0 Model:  *  p )>Section width of tyres (F/R, Note 4) (mm)    #  @'' B  0 Model:  * @ Title G @  > 33 Check12 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@ Title H @  @ 33 Check20 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k `#@'v' D  0 Model:  * "`#@ Title J"`# @  @ 33 Check36 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k0 $Smallest vent area per wheel (mm )  q  ` @ 2 q 0 @' '      Vehicle Make  *<  `@ P  Vehicle Make  q<   @@ Title `  @ @   33 Check151 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (nc({k(1 @ @' '    "}  Vehicle Model  *>  `P   Vehicle Model  q>    @ Title a    @   33 Check150 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(10p' @ Title   @%  ( 33 Check51 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!5Pp Yes  q 0 No  q  00@'''/' ''9 1 /@/  Trailer_Yes_1  *> @'''/' ''9 1 /@/  Trailer_No_1  *: P@ Title P @(  * 33 Check50 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kP0 Yes  q 0 No  q  00@@'6''/' ''; 2 /@/  Trailer_Yes_2  *> @@'7''/' ''; 2 /@/  Trailer_No_2  *: P@ Title P @+  * 33 Check41 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(4P0 Yes  q 0 No  q  00@@'Y''/' ''; 3 /@/  Trailer_Yes_3  *> @@'Z''/' ''; 3 /@/  Trailer_No_3  *: @ Title  @.  * 33 Check40 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kP !p Yes  q 0 @!` No  q  0!@0"@'{''/' ''; 4 /@/  Trailer_Yes_4  *> !@"@'|''/' ''; 4 /@/  Trailer_No_4  *: .2#'00# 0$ @ @     A! Manufacturer's Name  *V 0$ @ Title  0$  @a  33  LengthMessage  h6 h6 h6,Arial (fgt(t!h( M(es 0 H*Licensee's reference for this document (Use only 12 characters, Note 1):  '  0  Created in:  q1 @P@''  0 Model:  * @pP'@  Vehicle variant test status  qq @P0@'*'  0 Model:  * @0Pp@'M'  0 Model:  * @pP#@'o'  0 Model:  * @@@ Title @@ @I  33 Check189 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@@0@ Title @@0 @J  33 Check190 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@@@p@ Title @@@p @K  33 Check191 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (nc({k(1@!@"@ Title @!@" @L  33 Check192 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(10'00'00p'0p#' p 0 Vehicle Category  qK p0'` p "Maximum laden vehicle speed (km/h)  q h$p !SF VBS January 2019 Revision 2.11  q   @ Title    @@  [ 33 Check121 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (nc({k(1  @ Title    @A  ^ 33 Check120 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1   P@ Title    P @B  ^ 33 Check117 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 "P #@ Title  "P # @C  ^ 33 Check119 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(10 @'S' D  0 Model:  *  p@'T' D  0 Model:  *  P@ Title I P @  @ 33 Check28 h6 h6 A h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kp'@'' X  K0 Model:  *   @  (J TyreDiam_h2  @'2' Z  L0 Model:  * @'' X  0 Model:  * @ Title  @j  B 33N Check12 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kp `@'w' Z  M0 Model:  * 0 @'U' Z  Q0 Model:  * 0Pp @  ( TyreDiamR_h2  0@'3' X  0 Model:  * @ Title  @k  D 33O Check20 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k !"  @  ( TyreDiamR_h2   `#@'x' X  0 Model:  * "`#@ Title "`# @l  D 33P Check36 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k  @  ( TyreDiamR_h2   p@'V' X  0 Model:  *  P@ Title   P @n  D 33R Check28 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k` @  z Trailer_Label  p '` @ Title `  @1  ; 33 Check7 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k @ Title   @6  = 33 Check10 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k @ Title   @;  = 33 Check11 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1" #@@ Title !" #@ @@  = 33 Check15 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k p  ABS Equipped?  qF 0 Yes  q @ @ No  q   @'''/' ''  /@/  ABS_Yes_1  *5  0@'''/' ''  /@/ ABS_No_1  *1 0P Yes  q 0 No  q   0@'8''/' ''  /@/  ABS_Yes_2  *5 P @'9''/' ''  /@/ ABS_No_2  *1 0p Yes  q 0 No  q   @@'[''/' ''   /@/  ABS_Yes_3  *5 ` @'\''/' ''   /@/ ABS_No_3  *1 0` Yes  q 0 " No  q  P @'}''/' ''  /@/  ABS_Yes_4  *5  !@'~''/' ''  /@/ ABS_No_4  *1  "p 2Load sensing variable proportioning system fitted?  1 1 h6 1,Arial ($Load sensing variable proportioning (#system fitted?0 Pp@ Title 0 Pp @  33i  MainCheck h6 h6 1 h6, Wingdings  (fn(tC(h(e0P0@ Title 0P0 @  33j  MainWarning h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (eW(ta(r0`P@ Title ^0`P @  33 MainLengthCheck h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (fn(tg(t(h0 ` $>Diameter of tyres (F/R, Note 4) (mm)        @''   0 Model:  *  ! "@ Title : ! " @  33 Check162 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 `  ADR  q (p)'(p)p@ Title ;(p)p @  7 33 Check7 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k(p)p8@ Title <(p)p8 @  9 33 Check10 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k(H)x@ Title =(H)x @  9 33 Check11 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1(p"x)p#@ Title >(p"x)p# @  9 33 Check15 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k()P p !Is the variant equipped with ESC?  q (()h@'''/' '', T /@/  ESC_Yes_1  *6 ()@' ''/' ''* T /@/ ESC_No_1  *2 ()@'A''/' ''. S /@/  ESC_Yes_2  *6 ()X@'B''/' '', S /@/ ESC_No_2  *2 ()@'d''/' ''. R /@/  ESC_Yes_3  *6 (()h@'e''/' '', R /@/ ESC_No_3  *2 () (@'''/' ''. Q /@/  ESC_Yes_4  *6 ( x)!@'''/' '', Q /@/ ESC_No_4  *2 ()'()0'(0)p'(p)#'( H( Yes  q ( ( No  q  (( Yes  q ( 0(P No  q  ( (( Yes  q ( P(p No  q  ( ( x Yes  q ( (! No  q  +`p-',-@  Title G,- @  7 33 Check7 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k,-0@J Title H,-0 @  9 33 Check10 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k,0-`@ Title I,0-` @  9 33 Check11 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1,"p-#@ Title J,"p-# @  9 33 Check15 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k+- P L*How is compliance of this variant's ESC system being demonstrated (Note 5):  B  ,- @'#''/' '', U /@/  ESC_Prac_1  *9 ,0-p@'$''/' ''* U /@/  ESC_Sim_1  *6 ,0-p@'E''/' ''. V /@/  ESC_Prac_2  *9 ,-@'F''/' '', V /@/  ESC_Sim_2  *6 ,`-@'h''/' ''. W /@/  ESC_Prac_3  *9 ,-@'i''/' '', W /@/  ESC_Sim_3  *6 ,-@'''/' ''. 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Title s* "p+ # @*  9 33p Check15 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k)+p 3Does the ECE approval for this variant include ESC?    h6 ,Arial (/Does the ECE approval for this variant include (ESC?*` +``@'!''/' '', a q/@/  ECE_ESC_Yes_1  d  d   d ,Arial (n ECE_ESC_Ye(s_1*`+`@'"''/' ''* a r/@/  ECE_ESC_No_1  d  d  d ,Arial (p ECE_ESC_N(o_1*`+`@'C''/' ''. b s/@/  ECE_ESC_Yes_2  d  d  d ,Arial (n ECE_ESC_Ye(s_2*`+`P@'D''/' '', b t/@/  ECE_ESC_No_2  d  d  A d ,Arial (p ECE_ESC_N(o_2*`+`@'f''/' ''. c u/@/  ECE_ESC_Yes_3  d  d  d ,Arial (n ECE_ESC_Ye(s_3*` +``@'g''/' '', c v/@/  ECE_ESC_No_3  d  d  d ,Arial (p ECE_ESC_N(o_3*`+` @'''/' ''. d w/@/  ECE_ESC_Yes_4  d  d  d ,Arial (n ECE_ESC_Ye(s_4*` p+`!@'''/' '', d x/@/  ECE_ESC_No_4  d  d  d ,Arial (p ECE_ESC_N(o_4)+`')+`0')0+`p')p+`#')@* Yes  q )* No  q  )* Yes  q )0*P No  q  )* Yes  q )P*p No  q  )* h Yes  q ) *! No  q  +,@ S  q +,@@ T  q +,@0  NT  q +,@ S  q +,@p T  q +,@`  NT  q + P,@! 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Either a vehicle is tested OR the SF reference cell points to the vehicle number corresponding to the correct group. If a vehicle is not tested, then we must check the above values of the other column (e.g. if the reference value is 1, then we check the current column against column 1). In order to do this, we use a "Choose ( Column_number, column_1, Column_2, ... , Column_n)" statement. In order to ensure we don't check against ourselves, we insert a blank space for our own column name, and check the result of the Choose function against the empty string. Thus we can easily pick the right value for the comparison without resorting to hidden tables. This Choose statement is in a big long string of logic, ANDed together. This is so it can fall through to the next check if any of the conditions are not met. 2) The magic '<' operator. Each of the data entry cells from column 2 onward has the capacity to mirror the cell value immediately to its left. This is done by having a hidden cell which stores the actual value, based on whether the data entry cell is a '<' or a number. If it's '<', then it holds the value of the *hidden* cell next to it, so that the row can be a long string of '<' characters, and each cell will have the correct value. 3) The Lookup facility In order to have a maintainable facility to lookup the limits for MLTM and LLTM, these values have been put into column cells, with a corresponding vehicle category column cell for the lookup. To find the right value, we simply use Choose (WhichMember (Vehicle_Category, Vehicle_Cat_Lookup Cell), Appropriate_Bound_Lookup_Cell), and the correct limit is returned every time. Note that the row entries are dependant on order, so changing the order of a column cell without changing the other cells to correspond will cause incorrect values to be returned.sks;lksjDoc1Doc1Revision 2.0Revision 2.1pmData file was last saved with template Revision 2.1. Saving data file will update the Revision number to 2.1.Doc1ECE-TUntestedUntestedTestede U$[܀#F610550500KEquipped to tow a trailer over 4.5 tonnes using compressed air for braking?%3iiiiNhhfghghxch[h]h^hfv=o=o=o=o=o=o>o,>oH>o>o*;op;o~;o;o;o;o iA- \>i-1>i' >i/.h0Help&UndoCu&t&Copy&PasteClear Select All Insert Date Place NotePreferences...Show ClipboardCellH^1Z2H3 hL7h=FontsSizes Type StylesMemorize Set Value...View`hheh- fhXghch bh Fit To Sides Show Choices Actual Size Enlarged Size Reduced SizeTemplate Information...Window<[h0[h1 j]h.TileCascadeShow AttachmentsSpellingJ^hYf`Check Current RecordCheck SelectionFont ASize A Type Style AFonts >o Item TitleSizes r>o Item Title Type Styles F;o Item TitleFonts ;o Item TitleSizes ;o Item Title Type Styles P=o Item Title Type Styles |dj Item TitleFonts aj Item TitleSizes bj Item Title Type Styles bj Item TitleFonts cj_ Item TitleSizes fcj_ Item Title Type Styles cj_ Item TitleFonts dj Item TitleSizes ^j Item Title Type Styles 2_j Item TitleFonts _jG Item TitleSizes `jG Item Title Type Styles ]jG Item TitleFonts Yj Item TitleSizes \j Item Title Type Styles \j Item TitleFonts \j Item TitleSizes |i Item Title Type Styles |i Item TitleFonts $}i Item TitleSizes N}i Item Title Type Styles x}i Item TitleFonts }i Item TitleSizes }i Item Title Type Styles }i Item TitleFonts ~i Item TitleSizes J~i Item Title Type Styles t~i Item TitleFonts ~i Item TitleSizes ~i Item Title Type Styles ~i Item TitleFonts h Item TitleSizes  Item Title Type Styles  Item TitleWx,,O 6 p Q,,O 6 d'Bjzw O 6 d<E propalis propalis< ;\, </~('0Sd3h/< , </~('0Sd3h/< 4;\, <j" 8^b  Ż%{bҫ B@rdfP q' xqC qRR?v  h;\;\   `;\ ;\ ;\;\D;\ ;\ 8;\ ;\ ;\46>;\H7 ;\:;\p?N j j j j j j j j j j j jjj<. U"2stN@\@ ;\ \;\;\h|;\   ;\ ;\ ;\;\D|;\ xj ;\ |;\ @;\7>,;\8 ;\p; @N j j j j j j j j j j j jjj</"!V#3uvO@\@ ;\ ;\;\h8;\   L;\  ;\D;\  ;\ ;\  ;\7>;\8 ;\p;;\@N j j j j j j j j j j j jjj<0$#W$4wxP@ ` ;\ l;\@C;\ C ;\    C;\C;\X ;\ ;\;\!;\C;\C;\  H;\ C;\p C;\ `;\ !";\ 8;\#;\$%C;\&'(C|;\ ;\t )*T;\;\@;\6[;\`* T  31/03j 31/04j 35/05j 35/06j MAj MBj MCj NAjj 31/02j 35/03j 35/04j MAj MBj MCjjj z T  31/03j 35/05j MAj MBj MCj NAjj 31/02j 35/03j 35/04j MAj MBj MCjjj z T  31/02j 35/03j MAj MBj MCjjj)@< ;\, <jPK4< ;\, <jOL4< p;\, <jNMP ;\,;\@8;\, <jP ,@4;\, <j* X;\ , 8S;\ |(;\  B@4A~6P 4A~6PeL , Revision 2.11jL ,B0R@z Z l;\ , ;\ST;\;\T e8 >c ;\ ,;\@Cl;\            ;\0;\ ;\;\;\;\;\$;\+;\ C;\ P;\ @;\    ;\!" ;\#$ ;\%&;\t;\ ;\t;\;\`;\;\$L;\+;\/8;\^;\c>& T  MD1j MD2j Н T  MD3j  8 T  MD3j * T  MEj # T  NAj Н T  NB1j  8 T  NB2j Ax T  NCj ;t T  * T  T  MD1j MD2j Н T  MD3j  8 T  MD3j * T  MEj # T  NAj Н T  NB1j  8 T  NB2j Ax T  NCj 2 T  * T ) ;\ ;\d;\D4;\L;\h ;\ EH ;\ ;\, .j%r  ;\C;\h  ;\   C   ;\;\D {|;\ ;\l%x MD1j MD2j MD3j ,MD4j ;PͫXP MEj *PͫXP NAj ePͫXP NB1j NB2j НPͫXP NCj AxPͫXP ;PͫXP) ,F@This form has a number of tricks and traps, so read on and be warned... 1) Full, partial, and non tested vehicles Each vehicle checks to see which group it is in for the purposes of comparing the values MLTM, LLTM, tyre section width, wheelbase, and vent area. Either a vehicle is tested OR the SF reference cell points to the vehicle number corresponding to the correct group. If a vehicle is not tested, then we must check the above values of the other column (e.g. if the reference value is 1, then we check the current column against column 1). In order to do this, we use a "Choose ( Column_number, column_1, Column_2, ... , Column_n)" statement. In order to ensure we don't check against ourselves, we insert a blank space for our own column name, and check the result of the Choose function against the empty string. Thus we can easily pick the right value for the comparison without resorting to hidden tables. This Choose statement is in a big long string of logic, ANDed together. This is so it can fall through to the next check if any of the conditions are not met. 2) The magic '<' operator. Each of the data entry cells from column 2 onward has the capacity to mirror the cell value immediately to its left. This is done by having a hidden cell which stores the actual value, based on whether the data entry cell is a '<' or a number. If it's '<', then it holds the value of the *hidden* cell next to it, so that the row can be a long string of '<' characters, and each cell will have the correct value. 3) The Lookup facility In order to have a maintainable facility to lookup the limits for MLTM and LLTM, these values have been put into column cells, with a corresponding vehicle category column cell for the lookup. To find the right value, we simply use Choose (WhichMember (Vehicle_Category, Vehicle_Cat_Lookup Cell), Appropriate_Bound_Lookup_Cell), and the correct limit is returned every time. Note that the row entries are dependant on order, so changing the order of a column cell without changing the other cells to correspond will cause incorrect values to be returned.P ,;\@;\, <jD ;\ ;\h ;\       At$l       A;\;\ p;\#  H;\ 4;\  ;\- ;\3<;\=;\B(;\D$  jj ,nxo@v #Fnxo@vj&j Untestedj jj4jBjjjEMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.Minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 2 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 2 must be tested. U@P ,@;\, <j S| $ ;\ ;\;\ ;\        A;\;\ ;\    CT;\       A;\p ;\;\;\;\;\ C;\        A;\0;\;\(;\P;\d;\;\);\N;\d;\n;\s;\u|;\| BpTR ;yZ T yZB$TR Untested  MA MB MC NA yZBTR When category is "BTR MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC 0yZB7TR When category is 0BTREThe wheelbase is expected to be within the range of 1000 to 10000 mm.m, the wheelbase of the tested vehicle must not exceed the wheelbase of the untested vehicle by more than 10%.m, the wheelbase of the tested vehicle must not exceed the wheelbase of the untested vehicle by more than 15%.&U)@P ,@, <QJ8P ,;\@lp, <MH8P ;\,@L, </~('0_d3h/P ;\,2L, </~('0*o\d3h/0P ;\,@0;\, </~('0W\d3h//P 2;\@2, </~('0'\d3h/.-P ;\;\,;\@;\, <~(W2d3h#P ;\-XL, <~(Wl ;\ ;\ 8;\ ;\T ,. ;\| ;\        A;\ ;\X  A4;\ ;\ ;\4';\H,;\4;\\7;\> % Untested x x  8QOQSUPRTV@ ;\ l;\ ;\ T;\ | ;\ ;\        A;\X ;\  A;\  ;\;\4x;\'d;\,;\\4P;\7;\p9<;\@ % Untested x x  :UOQSUPRTV@ ;\ ;\ P;\ T;\ | ;\ ;\        A;\X t;\  A;\  ;\;\4;\';\,;\\4p;\7;\p9\;\@ % Untested x x  :VOQSUPRTV@ ;\ ;\ ;\ T;\ | P;\ ;\        A;\X 4;\  A;\  D;\;\4;\'ӛ#,4;\7;\p9;\@ % Untested x x  :WOQSUPRTV  ;\;\|  UntestedBzM ETRTBzMTRBzM TRIf there are differences from a tested vehicle which affect test vehicle selection an explanation must be entered in the comments section.@  ;\ 8 T;\ | ;\;\l ;\ ;\ Untested % %   ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\h ;\ ;\ ;\;\;\ ;\ҧTx Untested % %    ;\ ;\ 4;\ ;\h ;\ ;\ x;\;\;\ ;\;\;\ Untested % %    ;\ 4;\ ;\ ;\h ;\ ;\ ;\;\l;\ X;\;\D;\ Untested % %     ;\<;\;\|  UntestedB@vM ETRڗB@vMTRB@vM TRIf there are differences from a tested vehicle which affect test vehicle selection an explanation must be entered in the comments section.@  `G;\|  UntestedBvsM ETRBvsMTRBvsM TRIf there are differences from a tested vehicle which affect test vehicle selection an explanation must be entered in the comments section.@  ;\|  UntestedB ETR%BTRB TRIf there are differences from a tested vehicle which affect test vehicle selection an explanation must be entered in the comments section.@ @  ,       A;\ ;\;\;\0;\  UntestedB.TR&B4TRB:TRJThe untested vehicle must not have a variable proportioning system fitted. QPRTV@ @  ,       A;\ ;\;\;\0;\  UntestedB2. TR"'B24TRB2:TRHThe tested vehicle must not have a variable proportioning system fitted. QOQSU@"T ;\        A;\ ;\;\0;\;\D ;\" UntestedB05TR'B6TRB<TRJThe untested vehicle must not have a variable proportioning system fitted."UPRTV@"T ;\        A$;\ ;\;\;\;\D ;\" UntestedB0FTR,(B6TRB<TRHThe tested vehicle not must have a variable proportioning system fitted."UOQSU@"T ;\        A;\ ;\;\X;\;\D D;\" UntestedB05TR(B6TRB<TRJThe untested vehicle must not have a variable proportioning system fitted."VPRTV@"T ;\        A;\ ;\;\(;\;\D ;\" UntestedB"0@TR6)B"6TRB"<TRHThe tested vehicle not must have a variable proportioning system fitted."VOQSU@"T ;\        A;\ ;\;\0;\;\D ;\" UntestedB05TRB6TRB<TRJThe untested vehicle must not have a variable proportioning system fitted."WPRTV@"T ;\        A;\ ;\;\(;\;\D ;\" UntestedB0@TRB6TRB<TRHThe tested vehicle not must have a variable proportioning system fitted."WOQSU@ 7z 4;\ , ;\ ;\T;\ ;\ ;\       A;\l p;\    C;\       A;\ ;\l;\D;\0;\;\ C`        A;\;\p;\H;\4;\ ;\;\);\N;\d;\n;\s;\z BPTR ;yZ T yZB"TR  Untested  MA MB MC NA yZBTR When category is ( BTR MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC 0yZBTR When category is 6 BTREThe wheelbase is expected to be within the range of 1000 to 10000 mm.m, the wheelbase of the tested vehicle must not exceed the wheelbase of the untested vehicle by more than 10%.m, the wheelbase of the tested vehicle must not exceed the wheelbase of the untested vehicle by more than 15%."Q)@ S| ;\  8 l;\  ;\       A;\;\ ;\    CD;\       A;\p ;\;\;\;\;\ C;\        A;\;\;\(;\P;\d;\;\);\N;\d;\np;\s;\u\;\| BpTR ;yZ T yZB$TR  Untested  MA MB MC NA yZBTR When category is  BTR MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC 0yZB7TR When category is  BTREThe wheelbase is expected to be within the range of 1000 to 10000 mm.m, the wheelbase of the tested vehicle must not exceed the wheelbase of the untested vehicle by more than 10%.m, the wheelbase of the tested vehicle must not exceed the wheelbase of the untested vehicle by more than 15%.&V)@ S|   ;\;\ ;\ ;\       A$;\;\ 7    C;\       A;\p D;\;\;\(;\ C;\        A;\;\;\(;\P;\d;\;\);\N;\d;\np;\s;\u\;\| BpTR ;yZ T yZB$TR  Untested  MA MB MC NA yZBTR When category is !BTR MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC 0yZB7TR When category is !BTREThe wheelbase is expected to be within the range of 1000 to 10000 mm.m, the wheelbase of the tested vehicle must not exceed the wheelbase of the untested vehicle by more than 10%.m, the wheelbase of the tested vehicle must not exceed the wheelbase of the untested vehicle by more than 15%.&W)@  ;\ ;\;\;\ Untestedjjjjjj`On an ESC equipped vehicle, the suspension configuration must be the same as the tested vehicle.}If the suspension differs from the tested vehicle, you must provide a description of the differences in the comments section.@  ;\ ;\;\;\ Untestedjjvjj,jj`On an ESC equipped vehicle, the suspension configuration must be the same as the tested vehicle.}If the suspension differs from the tested vehicle, you must provide a description of the differences in the comments section. @  ;\ 0;\;\ Untestedjje jj(e jj`On an ESC equipped vehicle, the suspension configuration must be the same as the tested vehicle.}If the suspension differs from the tested vehicle, you must provide a description of the differences in the comments section."@  ;\ 0;\(;\;\ Untestedjjf jjf jj`On an ESC equipped vehicle, the suspension configuration must be the same as the tested vehicle.}If the suspension differs from the tested vehicle, you must provide a description of the differences in the comments section.$@p` ;\ ;\ (;\@ ;\ ;\h |;\ X;\         A;\;\ ;\   C;\       A;\ ;\ d;\ C;\8        A`;\;\8;\;\;\";\(@;\V;\<];\b;\Pi;\p j %j ;PͫXP T PͫXP %j Untestedj j MAj MBj MCj NAj PͫXP xj j MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj 0PͫXP xj j$Q)rt   ;\;\@ ;\ ;\h ;\ t;\;\ ;\        A;\;\ <   C;\       A;\ ;\\;\ ;\ C;\        A;\;\;\;\;\(";\@;\<V;\];\Pb;\d;\dk;\r j %j ;PͫXP T PͫXP %j Untestedj j MAj MBj MCj NAj PͫXP xj j MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj 0PͫXP xj j&U)rt ;\ ;\ ;\@ D;\ ;\h 0;\ D ;\ l;\       A;\;\ ;\   C;\       AT;\ ;\,;\ ;\ C;\        AU;\t;\(",;\@<V;\];\Pb;\d;\dk;\r  % ;4A~P T 4A~P % Untested  MA MB MC NA 4A~P x  MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC 04A~P x &V)rt ;\ `;\ @ $;\ ;\h ;\ % ;\ l;\       A;\;\ ;\   C;\       AT;\ d;\ ;\ C;\        A;\;\;\;\(" ,;\@;\<V ;\];\Pb ;\d;\dk ;\r  % ;4A~P T 4A~P % Untested  MA MB MC NA 4A~P x  MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC 04A~P x &W)   ;\ 4;\ ;\ TH;\|   % )b6 ;\ ;\ T;\ T |  ;\ ;\;\ ;\;\;\0 Untestedj %j xj %j j j z!J ;\ ;\ l;\ ;\h ;\ ;\ ;\ L;\ ;\H;\ ;\;\0 ;\;\D! Untestedj %j xj %j j j z!J ;\ ;\ l;\ ;\h ;\ ;\ t;\ ;\ |;\d;\ ;\;\0<;\;\D! Untestedj %j xj %j j j!"z!J ;\ ;\ d;\ ;\h ;\ "&  ;\ ;\;\;\ ;\;\0;\;\D! Untestedj %j xj %j j j#$6 C;\T       A`;\L;\       A;\;\ ;\#4;\);\ 1 ;\6R BܩTR Untested BܩZTR« Bܩ`TRBܩfTRYUnique Braking System Identification should be identical to tested vehicle, please check.Q @+7& $ ;\T       A0;\;\       A;\;\ h;\#,;\);\ 0Ӡdr5 7R BHs =TR Untested BHsZTR BHs`TRBHsf>TRYUnique Braking System Identification should be identical to tested vehicle, please check. U @+7& (;\ ;\T       A (;\       A;\;\ ;\#;\);\ 0;\5;\ 7R B^| =TR Untested B^|ZTRTB^|`TRB^|f>TRYUnique Braking System Identification should be identical to tested vehicle, please check. V @+7& (;\ T       A\;\       A;\;\ ;\#;\);\ 0;\5;\ 7R B0| =TR Untested B0|ZTRB0|`TRB0|f>TRYUnique Braking System Identification should be identical to tested vehicle, please check. W @80 ;\ ;\ h;\ TC;\       A;\ل        A|;\h;\ ;\#@;\&;\,;\ 1;\8( j %j Untestedj j xj j jQ :D ;\ ;\ ,;\ C       Ah;\T;\       A;\;\ 8;\# &;\ ,;\1;\43;\:( j %j Untestedj j xj j j U :D ;\  ;\ C;\       A;\|;\       A;\;\ ;\#;\ &;\ ,;\143d;\:(  % Untested  x   V :D ;\ ;\ ;\ C       AX;\D;\       A;\;\ ;\#;\ &;\ , ;\1r43:( j %j Untestedj j xj j j W Z C;\h   ;\   ;\ ;\  ;\       A;\;\       A;\H;\\ ;\#       A;\;\ ;\5;\;;\`?;\I;\tN;\ZJ MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC B*wTR yZ yZB*,TRd Untested  yZB*sTRrB*/TRXThe maximum laden vehicle speed is usually within the range 50 to 220 km/h. Please checkIf the maximum laden vehicle speed for vehicle for the tested vehicle must be higher than the maximum laden vehicle speed for the untested vehicle.)-Q"@9] C;\      ;\ ;\         A;\;\       A;\\;\p P;\#       A;\;\$ ;\5`;\;;\t?L;\J;\O8;\[;\]J MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj jj lrv lrvjj Untestedj j lrvj\̘ jjXThe maximum laden vehicle speed is usually within the range 50 to 220 km/h. Please checkIf the maximum laden vehicle speed for vehicle for the tested vehicle must be higher than the maximum laden vehicle speed for the untested vehicle.").U-"@/\ CT;\   ;\   ;\ ;\  ;\       A;\;\       A;\t;\ ;\p#       A;\;\ ;\$5;\`;p;\?;\tI\;\N;\ZH;\\J MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj jj lrv lrvj̘ j Untestedj j lrvj̘ jjXThe maximum laden vehicle speed is usually within the range 50 to 220 km/h. Please checkIf the maximum laden vehicle speed for vehicle for the tested vehicle must be higher than the maximum laden vehicle speed for the untested vehicle.")/V-"@/\ C;\       H;\         A;\       Ax;\d;\ ;\p#       A ;\ ;\ NX5;\`;;\?;\tI|;\N;\Zh;\\J MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj jj lrv lrvj͘ j Untestedj j lrvj ͘ jjXThe maximum laden vehicle speed is usually within the range 50 to 220 km/h. Please checkIf the maximum laden vehicle speed for vehicle for the tested vehicle must be higher than the maximum laden vehicle speed for the untested vehicle.")0W-"@|       C;\;\;\ B)|%TRB)|(TR͘ B)|.nTRZVariant descriptions would normally be unique. Please enter a unique variant description. abc@        C;\;\;\;\ B>X CTRB>X*TR͘ B>X0TRZVariant descriptions would normally be unique. Please enter a unique variant description. abc@        Cd;\(;\;\;\ BV*| CTRBV*|*TRFΘ BV*|0TRZVariant descriptions would normally be unique. Please enter a unique variant description. abc@        C;\h;\;\T;\ B)| CTRB)|*TRΘ B)|0TRZVariant descriptions would normally be unique. Please enter a unique variant description. abc@" ;\ ,;\ ,;\ ;\T      C;\  % x  abc#^ ;\ ( ;\  ;\      CT;\ ;\,;\;\D;\;\X#  % < x abc#^ ;\ x;\ ;\  ;\      CH;\ ;\ ;\;\D ;\UD#  % < x abc#^ ;\  ;\  ;\      Cx;\ ;\P;\;\D<;\;\X#  % < x abc@ ;\ DD;\0;\;\H ;\ ;\            A;\  C;\ ;\;\ ;\";\41C;\pD;\;\ Cx;\<;\;\ ;\D;\;\;\;\ ;\        A;\ C;\ ;\ ;\!"D;\#;\ C(;\ ;\$%&;\;\<';\B;\e;\0t;\h' B""TR Untested yZ B@yZ yZB"(TR B@yZB"4%TR ECE-T Tested T-PB"dvTRB"jTR Tested ECE-T T-P yZB"8TRΏB"LTR܏B"TR ECE-A -yZ B@yZ yZ ECE-A ECE-TB"TR yZB"(&TRB".TRB"6TRDVehicle number of the test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.NThe representive test vehicle for Vehicle Number 1 can not be Vehicle Number 1+Representative test vehicle must be tested.XDocument reference would normally be greater than 2 characters in length. Please check.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.?Representative test vehicle must be ECE Approved or ECE Tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.0QUVWxyz{@4T  TDhA(;\ ;\ ;\   ;\         A4;\  C  ;\;\4" ;\1C ;\D ;\ |;\ C;\L;\;\ ;\D;\;\;\;\ ;\        At;\ C;\ ;\ ;\!"D;\#;\, C;\ T;\$%& ;\;\<';\B;\0e;\;\D;\h' B"& @TR Untested yZ B@yZ yZB"&*TRL yZB"&6NTRZ ECE-T Tested T-PB"&fTRhB"&lTR Tested ECE-T T-P yZB"&qTRvB"&TRB"&TR ECE-A -yZ B@yZ yZ ECE-A ECE-TB"&XTR yZB"&*sTRB"&0TRB"&8TRDVehicle number of the test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.NThe representive test vehicle for Vehicle Number 2 can not be Vehicle Number 2+Representative test vehicle must be tested.XDocument reference would normally be greater than 2 characters in length. Please check.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.?Representative test vehicle must be ECE Approved or ECE Tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.2UQVWxyz{@4T 8A 3_DA;\| ;\ p;\   4;\         A;\  C;\ D;\P";\1C;\D;\;\ C;\L ;\D;\;\;\\;\ ;\        A;\ C;\ ;\ ;\!"D;\#;\, C;\ ;\$%&h;\;\<'@;\B;\0e,;\;\D;\h' Bd @TR Untested yZ B@yZ yZBd*TR -yZBd6NTR ECE-T Tested T-PBdfTRBdlTR Tested ECE-T T-P yZBdqTRBdTR,BdTR ECE-A -yZ B@yZ yZ ECE-A ECE-TBdXTR: yZBd*sTRHBd0TRBd8TRDVehicle number of the test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.NThe representive test vehicle for Vehicle Number 3 can not be Vehicle Number 3+Representative test vehicle must be tested.XDocument reference would normally be greater than 2 characters in length. Please check.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.?Representative test vehicle must be ECE Approved or ECE Tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.2VQUWxyz{@4T  AD;\h;\|;\4;\ ;\ ;\            A;\  C;\ d;\(;\;\4";\1C(;\D;\;\ C;\L;\;\ ;\D;\;\;\0;\ ;\        A;\ Ch;\ ;\ T;\!"D;\#;\, C;\ x;\$%&<;\;\<';\BuTeT;\D$;\h' B  @TR Untested yZ B@yZ yZB *TRF = yZB 6NTRҎ ECE-T Tested T-PB fTR4B lTR Tested ECE-T T-P yZB qTR^B TR B TR ECE-A -yZ B@yZ yZ ECE-A ECE-TB XTR  yZB *sTR B 0TRB 8TRDVehicle number of the test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.NThe representive test vehicle for Vehicle Number 4 can not be Vehicle Number 4+Representative test vehicle must be tested.XDocument reference would normally be greater than 2 characters in length. Please check.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.?Representative test vehicle must be ECE Approved or ECE Tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.2WQVUxyz{@  ;\ X;\ 8  AD;\;\;\ ;\ ;\  ;\        A;\   C;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ *C;\\Dp;\ C;\;\8;\ ;\`D;\t;\;\;\ kxL        A;\C;\ ;\ ;\D;\;\ C;\T ;\;\|;\7 |;\<;\Zh;\;\T;\B   % Untested 4A~7P B@4A~7P 4A~7P x B@4A~7P x ECE-T Tested T-P x  Tested ECE-T T-P 4A~7P x x  ECE-A -4A~7P B@4A~7P 4A~7P ECE-A ECE-T x 4A~7P x  2QUVWxyz{  ;\ ;\ (;\  D;\;\ ;\  ;\        A;\   C ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\*C;\D;\;\ C;\$ ;\;\L ;\D;\;\;\ ;\        A;\dC;\ ;\ D(;\;\ C ;\hH;\;\7 ;\< ;\Z;\ ;\ULB  j %j Untestedj PͫXP B@PͫXP PͫXP xj PͫXP xj ECE-Tj Testedj T-Pj xj j Testedj ECE-Tj T-Pj PͫXP xj xj j ECE-Aj -PͫXP B@PͫXP PͫXP ECE-Aj ECE-Tj xj PͫXP xj j j4UQVWxyz{  ;\ hA A A DH;\;\;\ ;\ ;\  ;\        A<   C;\ ;\ ;\;\ |;\*C8;\D$;\;\ C;\$;\;\L ;\D;\;\p;\;\ H;\        A;\dC;\ ;\ ;\DX;\D;\ Cx;\ ;\hP;\;\7 ;\<(;\Z;\;\OZB   % Untested 4A~`TP B@4A~`TP 4A~`TP x -4A~`TP x ECE-T Tested T-P x  Tested ECE-T T-P 4A~`TP x x  ECE-A -4A~`TP B@4A~`TP 4A~`TP ECE-A ECE-T x 4A~`TP x  4VQUWxyz{  ;\ d;\ ;\ A D;\;\;\ ;\ ;\  ;\        AU   C  D;\;\ 0;\*C;\D;\;\ C;\$@;\;\L ;\D;\;\;\;\ ;\        A;\dC;\ ;\ ;\D;\;\ C$;\ ;\h;\7 ;\<;\Z;\;\;\|;\B   % Untested 4A~P B@4A~P 4A~P x = 4A~P x ECE-T Tested T-P x  Tested ECE-T T-P 4A~P x x  ECE-A -4A~P B@4A~P 4A~P ECE-A ECE-T x 4A~P x  4WQUVxyz{u>l $ P;\        A;\0;\D       A;\<;\    ;\H+@;\/;\\9,;\>  BGTR yZ EdyZBGUTR^  Untested BGfTRl BGlTRBGrTRQSmallest wheel vent area must be within the range 0 to 300000 square millimetres.hThe wheel vent area of vehicle of the untested vehicle must be equal or greater than the tested vehicle.~Q @D ;\ ;\ ;\C;\h x;\;\ ;\        A;\        A;\4 ;\  \ ;\p',;\+;\2;\7;\=;\D  Testedj Untestedj j %j PͫXP EdPͫXP xj Untestedj j xj j j~Q @ $;\ ;\h        A;\       AX9   ;\4 ;\+;\\/;\9;\p>;\@  BB <TR yZ EdyZBBxTR Untested BBh)TRBBnTRBBtTRQSmallest wheel vent area must be within the range 0 to 300000 square millimetres.hThe wheel vent area of vehicle of the untested vehicle must be equal or greater than the tested vehicle. U~ @@ t;\ h ;\       A0;\;\       A@;\;\   ;\4 ;\+;\\/;\9;\p>;\@  Bȁz <TR yZ EdyZBȁzxTR Untested Bȁzh)TR BȁznTRBȁztTRQSmallest wheel vent area must be within the range 0 to 300000 square millimetres.hThe wheel vent area of vehicle of the untested vehicle must be equal or greater than the tested vehicle. V~ @@ ;\ 9!, ;\       A@;\;\       A`;\;\   ;\4 ;\+;\\/;\9;\p>;\@  Bz <TR yZ EdyZBzxTR` Untested Bzh)TRnBznTRBztTRQSmallest wheel vent area must be within the range 0 to 300000 square millimetres.hThe wheel vent area of vehicle of the untested vehicle must be equal or greater than the tested vehicle. W~ @DG ;\ <;\ ;\C;\ ;\ ;\ ;\       A ;\        A,;\;\H   ' d;\,;\3P;\8;\><;\@;\G$  Testedj Untestedj j %j PͫXP EdPͫXP xj Untestedj j xj j j j"U~ DG ;\ ;\ ;\CD;\ ;\l;\ ;\ ;\       A4;\  ;\       A;\;\H  `;\ L;\' 8;\,;\3$;\8;\>;\@LG$  Testedj Untestedj j %j PͫXP EdPͫXP xj Untestedj j xj j j j"V~ @G ;\ ;\ ;\C;\ (;\ ;\        A;\ t;\       A;\;\H  ;\ ;\' ;\,;\3p;\8;\>\;\@;\G$  Testedj Untestedj j %j PͫXP EdPͫXP xj Untestedj j xj j j j W~  P C;\;\;\ ;\  ;\   ;\  X0;\  ;\ C;\ ,;\;\\/ p  ;\;\p;\\;\;\4;\  ;\  ;\ ! ;\       A;\";\       A;\`;\ ;\##$;\%;\&;\-;\1;\,Zx;\~;\@d;\>& BTR  MA MB MC B@yZ B@yZB2TR B@yZ  to  B@yZ  kg when vehicle category is  .  MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC B@yZ B@yZBTR B@yZ  to  B@yZ  kg when vehicle category is  .  Untested BTRBTR@Maximum Loaded Test Mass is expected to be with in the range of 2Maximum loaded test mass must be within the range hMaximum loaded test mass of vehicle 1 must be less than or equal to maximum loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 1 must be tested.")ijQ @ P C;\;\D;\  ;\   ;\ ;\ ;\X;\  X;\ C;\ `;\;\\8;\ ;\p  $;\;\;\;\;\;\ ;\ ;\ p;\! H;\       A;\";\       A;\;\ ;\##$;\%;\&;\-|;\1;\,Zh;\~;\@T;\>& BTR  MA MB MC B@yZ B@yZB2TR B@yZ  to  B@yZ  kg when vehicle category is  .  MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC B@yZ B@yZBTRн B@yZ  to  B@yZ  kg when vehicle category is  .  Untested B TR\辗BTR@Maximum Loaded Test Mass is expected to be with in the range of 2Maximum loaded test mass must be within the range hMaximum loaded test mass of vehicle 2 must be less than or equal to maximum loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 2 must be tested.")ijU @ P ;\CP;\;\ ;\  ;\   ;\  ;\X;\  x;\ CL;\ $;\0h ;\p  ;\h;\T;\;\,;\ ;\ ;\ ;\! ;\       A;\";\       A;\t;\ ;\##$;\%;\&;\-;\1;\,Z;\~;\@;\>& BTR  MA MB MC B@yZ B@yZB2TRB B@yZ  to  B@yZ  kg when vehicle category is  .  MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC B@yZ B@yZBTRP B@yZ  to  B@yZ  kg when vehicle category is  .  Untested B TR^lBTR@Maximum Loaded Test Mass is expected to be with in the range of 2Maximum loaded test mass must be within the range hMaximum loaded test mass of vehicle 3 must be less than or equal to maximum loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 3 must be tested.")ijV @ P C;\;\D;\  ;\   ;\ ;\ ;\X;\  P;\ C$;\ ;\;\\;\ ;\p  ;\;\;\p;\;\H;\ 4;\  ;\  ;\! 8;\       A;\";\       A;\;\ ;\##$;\%;\&;\-l;\1;\,ZX;\~;\@D;\>& BTR  MA MB MC B@yZ B@yZB2TR B@yZ  to  B@yZ  kg when vehicle category is  .  MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC B@yZ B@yZBTR B@yZ  to  B@yZ  kg when vehicle category is  .  Untested B TRBTR@Maximum Loaded Test Mass is expected to be with in the range of 2Maximum loaded test mass must be within the range hMaximum loaded test mass of vehicle 4 must be less than or equal to maximum loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 4 must be tested.")ijW @.c ;\ ;\ t;\ T|C;\;\ ;\  ;\      C;\ ;\|;\;\ h;\  ;\ ;\        A;\;\       A;\;\t ;\#;\&;\*;\A;\S;\W;\\;\c j %j j MAj MBj MCj B@PͫXP B@PͫXP %j MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj B@PͫXP B@PͫXP xj Untestedj j xj j$)ijQ Je ;\ x;\ ;\ C ;\d;\$;\ ;\  ;\      C;\ ;\;\l;\ ;\  X;\ 0;\       A;\;\       A;\t;\ ;\#h;\&;\*T;\A;\S@;\W;\\,;\^;\e  %  MA MB MC B@4A~)P B@4A~)P x MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC B@4A~)P B@4A~)P x Untested  x ()ijU Je ;\ D;\ ;\ C ;\T;\$;\ ;\  ;\      CH;\  ;\;\;\ ;\  ;\ h;\       A;\;\       A;\tX;\ ;\#0;\&;\*;\A;\S;\W;\\;\^;\e  %  MA MB MC B@4A~xP B@4A~xP % MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC B@4A~xP B@4A~xP x Untested  x ()ijV Je ;\ llN ;\ ;\C;\;\;\;\   8;\      Cp ;\;\|;\ ;\  h;\ @;\       A;\;\       A;\t;\ ;\#;\&;\*t;\A;\S`;\W;\\L;\^;\e j %j j MAj MBj MCj B@PͫXP B@PͫXP %j MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj B@PͫXP B@PͫXP xj Untestedj j xj j()ijW N  Ch   ;\  ;\   ;\       A;\0;\       A;\H;\ ;\\ l;\%D;\0;\;\/;\5;\=;\B;\NJ MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC B&sTR ;yZB&(TR4  Untested B&~`TR5 5 B&TRB&7TRlLightly Loaded Test Mass for vehicles of categories MD,ME, NB and NC is expected to be greater than 1000 kg._Lightly loaded test mass of vehicle 1 must be greater than lightly loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 1 must be tested.)Q @N  Ch     ;\   l;\       A;\;\       AH ;\ Y#;\;\;\-d;\3;\;P;\@;\B<;\NJ MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj jj ;lrvjj5 j Untestedj jjx5 j5 jjjlLightly Loaded Test Mass for vehicles of categories MD,ME, NB and NC is expected to be greater than 1000 kg.kLightly loaded test mass of vehicle 2 must be greater than or equal to lightly loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 2 must be tested.")U @N  Ch     ;\          A;\       A;\H;\ ;\\#;\;\;\-;\3;\;;\@;\B;\NJ MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj jj ;lrvj5 j Untestedj jj5 j5 jjjlLightly Loaded Test Mass for vehicles of categories MD,ME, NB and NC is expected to be greater than 1000 kg.kLightly loaded test mass of vehicle 3 must be greater than or equal to lightly loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 3 must be tested.")V @N  Ch     ;\          AQ6D;\       A;\H ;\ ;\\#;\;\;\-;\3;\;;\@;\B;\NJ MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj jj ;lrvjJ6 j Untestedj jjX6 jf6 jjjlLightly Loaded Test Mass for vehicles of categories MD,ME, NB and NC is expected to be greater than 1000 kg.kLightly loaded test mass of vehicle 4 must be greater than or equal to lightly loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 4 must be tested.")W @J ;\ ;\ l;\ C   ;\  ;\          A;\;\H;\       A;\;\p ;\ ;\%l;\(;\-2$;\7;\C;\J MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC  % ;4A~P % Untested  x   )Q J ;\ P;\ ;\ C;\   ;\  ;\   ;\       A;\t;\       A;\p ;\#;\&;\+P;\0;\5<;\7;\C(;\J MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj j %j ; T<X %j Untestedj j xj j j$)U J ;\ ;\ x;\ C;\   ;\  ;\   ;\       AT;\@;\       A;\;\p ;\#;\&;\+P;\0;\5<;\7;\C(;\J MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj j %j ; T<X %j Untestedj j xj j j$)V J ;\ ;\ P;\ C;\   ;\  ;\   ;\       A;\;\       A;\;\p ;\#;\&;\+;\0;\5;\7;\Cp;\J MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj j %j ; T<X %j Untestedj j xj j j$)W B T ;\        AyD;\D       A;\;\ ;\#  ;\  4 ;\\- ;\3;\=;\B$  jj ,nxo@v #Fnxo@vjj j Untestedj jjj j$j jjjEMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.Minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 1 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 1 must be tested.Q @D  { h ;\       AT;\@;\       A;\;\ ;\#  d;\  h;\- ;\3@;\=;\B,;\D$  BS ATR ,yZ #FyZBSTRxj  Untested BSjTRj j BSxxTRBS~TREMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.Minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 2 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 2 must be tested. U @D  ;\h ;\       AT;\@;\       A;\;\ ;\#  p;\ \;\ 4;\- ;\3 ;\=;\B;\D$  B8* ATR ,yZ #FyZB8*TRj  Untested B8*jTRk k B8*xxTRB8*~TREMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.Minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 4 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 4 must be tested. W @B   ;\       A;\0D       A;\;\ #  ;\  ;\4 \-  ;\3;\= ;\B$  jj ,nxo@v #Fnxo@vjk j Untestedj jjk jk jjjEMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.Minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 1 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 1 must be tested.Q@s~ ;\ 4;\ ;\ T ;\ <+ 0;\ ;\  T;\   ;\0       Ax;\        Ad;\;\ P;\#  (;\  A;\L ;\` ;\  A<;\;\ (;\'<*<;\O(;\T;\dg;\l;\xs j %j PͫXP ePͫXP j PͫXP ePͫXP xj Untestedj j xj j j xj j j6Q u ;\ ;\ 8;\  ;\ ;\ =$ h;\   ;\         A;\ ;\       A= ;\#  ;\  A`;\ L;\ ;\t  A;\h;\ ;\('@;\*;\PO;\dT;\g;\xl;\n;\u j %j PͫXP ePͫXP j PͫXP ePͫXP xj Untestedj j xj j j xj j j<U D ;\ ;\h ;\       A;\;\       A;\ ;\#  `;\ L;\ $;\- l,3=;\B;\D$  jj ,nxo@v #Fnxo@vjx j Untestedj jj j jjjEMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.Minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 4 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 4 must be tested. W@u ;\ ;\ t;\  ;\d;\  (;\  ;\ ;\         A;\        A;\;\ ;\#  ;\  A@;\  ;\t  A;\ ;\ ;\(';\*;\PO;\dTh;\g;\xlT;\n;\u j %j PͫXP ePͫXP j PͫXP ePͫXP xj Untestedj j xj j j xj j j<W * ;\ ;\ <;\D ;\ ÀTwP  *  <;\D(;\;\;\|;\ ÀTwP  ( ;\ O D;\;\@ ;\ ;\h ;\        A;\ ;\Dp;\;\!;\( % Untested x   Q@9: ;\ , X;\ ;\h       A;\ ;\C;\X    C;\ ;\ ;\;\ *p;\1;\49BY6TR Untested MA MB MC NABYHxTR<ә  MD ME NB NCBY\LTRJә BYf TRBYl#TRuThe untested vehicle must be equipped to tow an unbraked trailer of the same or lower capacity as the tested vehicle.The tested vehicle must be equipped to tow an air-braked trailer of capacity greater than 4.5 tonnes if the untested vehicle is equipped as such. Q)@* ;\ 4;\ ;\d;\  t ;\|        A;\D @;\l;\;\!;\#;\* % Untested x  "UX;N , ;\ @ ;\       A$;\ ;\C <;\    C;\ ;\ ;\;\*;\41;\9;\H;BYTTR Untested MA MB MC NABYJTRԙ  MD ME NB NCBY^sTRԙ BYh7TRBYnVTRuThe untested vehicle must be equipped to tow an unbraked trailer of the same or lower capacity as the tested vehicle.The tested vehicle must be equipped to tow an air-braked trailer of capacity greater than 4.5 tonnes if the untested vehicle is equipped as such."U)@* ;\ N ;\;\ ;\h ;\ ;\|        A;\D ;\l8;\!;\#$;\* % Untested x  "VX;N , ;\ @ ;\       A8;\ ;\C;\    C;\ ;\ 4;\*;\41 ;\9;BP1TTR Untested MA MB MC NABP1JTRՙ  MD ME NB NCBP1^qTRՙ BP1h5TRBP1nTTRuThe untested vehicle must be equipped to tow an unbraked trailer of the same or lower capacity as the tested vehicle.The tested vehicle must be equipped to tow an air-braked trailer of capacity greater than 4.5 tonnes if the untested vehicle is equipped as such."V)@* ;\ 4;\ ;\d;\  t ;\|        A;\D ,;\l;\!;\#;\* % Untested x  "WX;N , ;\ @ ;\       A,;\ ;\C;\    CD;\ $;\ ;\;\*;\41;\9;\H;BhFTTR Untested MA MB MC NABhFJTR  MD ME NB NCBhF^qTR BhFh5TRBhFnTTRuThe untested vehicle must be equipped to tow an unbraked trailer of the same or lower capacity as the tested vehicle.The tested vehicle must be equipped to tow an air-braked trailer of capacity greater than 4.5 tonnes if the untested vehicle is equipped as such."W)@L ;\ ;\ x;\ T|;\,;\ ;\ j Revision 2.11j j @ ;\ T;\ ;\T H;\ ;\;\   ;\;\;\0;\   T  B@ T  j j T  j j j One or more fields too long. j4The Document Reference field has not been completed.'Data file was last saved with template ;. Saving data file will update the Revision number to 2.11. P ;\ jjj@ d Th;\  jjj@ d Th;\  jjj@ d Th;\  jjj@  n ;\ ;\ @;\;\h  j %j j$  ;\ ;\ ;\ht;\|  j %j j$  ;\ ;\ ;\h x;\;\|  j %j j$  ;\ ;\ ;\h ;\c  j %j j[ ;\ ;\ t;\ C;\   (;\   3u    ;\       A;\;\       A;\;\ ;\#       AL;\8;\ ;\85;\8<ldC;\tHD;\T;\[ MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC  % 4A~wP 4A~wP % Untested  4A~wP x  )-Q"&^ ;\ ;\ D;\ C;\   ;\   ;\ ;\  ;\0       A;\       A;\p;\ ;\#       A;\$;\8 ;\5;\`8;\t=;\D;\I;\K;\W;\^  MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj j %j  T<X  T<X %j Untestedj j  T<X xj j j")U-"&^ ;\ ;\ 8;\ C;\      ;\ ;\  ;\0       A;\;\       A;\p;\ ;\#       A;\$;\8 @;\5`8;\t=ӱ DpI(;\K;\W;\^  MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj j %j  T<X  T<X %j Untestedj j  T<X xj j j")V-"&^ ;\ ;\ ;\ C;\   ;\   ;\ ;\  ;\0       Ad;\       A;\p;\ ;\#       A;\$;\8 ;\5;\`8t=;\DI;\K;\W;\^  MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC  % 4A~]P 4A~]P % Untested  4A~]P x  ")W-"D \Y h ;\       AT;\@;\       A;\;\ ;\#  d;\  T;\- ;\3,;\=;\B;\D$  BS ATR ,yZ #FyZBSTR Untested BSjTR*8BSxxTRBS~TREMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.Minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 3 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 3 must be tested. V @D  ;\h ;\       A;\;\       Ad;\;\ P;\#  (;\ ;\ ;\- ;\3;\=;\B;\D$  jj ,nxo@v #Fnxo@vjj Untestedj jjjjjjEMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.Minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 3 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 3 must be tested. V@u ;\ l;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ P;\  ;\ <;\         A;\ ;\       A;\ ;\ ;\#  ;\  A (;\  ;\t  A;\;\ ;\(';\*;\PO;\dTh;\g;\xlT;\n;\u j %j PͫXP ePͫXP j PͫXP ePͫXP xj Untestedj j xj j j xj j j<V Xp T ;\ 0;\       A;\0=       A;\ ;\ ;\ T;\ ;\ '         A;\ ;\x;\;\;\;\8C;\IS)(X jj tB-@v w5B-@vjj Untestedj j `B-@v B-@vjj `B-@v B-@v  mm.jjj@Tyre diameter is expected to be within the range 450 to 2000 mm.CMaximum diameter of tyres on the untested vehicle must not exceed KQJHIVY\_behk@P ;\;\@4;\, <jLK8Z p;\ h ;\       AH;\4;\       A;\ ;\ l;\;\  X;\'         A;\ ;\;\|;\h;\@;\C;\`I;\S;\tXҭ=Z jj tB-@v w5B-@vjs j Untestedj j `B-@v B-@vjs j `B-@v B-@v  mm.jjjGMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 450 to 2000 mm.CMaximum diameter of tyres on the untested vehicle must not exceed  LJUKHIVY\_behk@_ ;\| L;\   ;\       A;\ ;\ ;\       A;\4 ;\H ;\\@;\ ;\p+       A;\;\p;\;\L;\`4;\F ;\K;\T ;\[s_J j jj:t j tB-@v w5B-@vjHt j Untestedj j j `B-@v B-@vjVt j `B-@v B-@v  mm.j j jYou must enter a tyre diameter.7Tyre diameter is expected to be within 450 and 2000 mm.CMaximum diameter of tyres on the untested vehicle must not exceed QJB R2 ;\ 8;\ ;\ =;\|  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\;\ ;\D ;\ ;\X  ;\ ;\l   ;\       A;\ ;\       AH;\ 4;\ ;\;\  ;\';\  A;\;\ (;\  A;\t;\`;\;\ L;\+;\.(;\W;\\_Do~;\, j j j %j tPͫXP w5PͫXP j tPͫXP w5PͫXP xj Untestedj j `PͫXP PͫXP xj j j `PͫXP PͫXP xj j j6KQJHIVY\_behk8Z p;\ h        A<;\(;\       Ap;\ \;\ H;\;\  4;\'         A;\ ;\L8;\C;\`I;\S;\tX;\Z jj tB-@v w5B-@vj6u j Untestedj j `B-@v B-@vjDu j `B-@v B-@v  mm.jjjGMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 450 to 2000 mm.CMaximum diameter of tyres on the untested vehicle must not exceed  MIWKJHVY\_behk@UZ p;\ h        A28;\       A|;\ h;\ T;\;\  @;\'    A;\ ;\;\;\;\d;\C;\`I<;\S;\tX(;\Z jj tlrv w5lrvju j Untestedj j `lrv lrvju j `lrv lrv  mm.jjjDDiameter of tyres is expected to be within the range 450 to 2000 mm.CMaximum diameter of tyres on the untested vehicle must not exceed 0QHVKJI VY\_behk@P ,T, <ja @;\   ;\ D;\       A;\ ;\ (;\       A;\ t;\ `;\;\p L;\+       A;\$;\8;\L;\;\F;\K t;\T;\[ `;\_;\aJ j jjxv j tlrv w5lrvjv j Untestedj j j `lrv lrvjv j `lrv lrv  mm.j j jYou must enter a tyre diameter.7Tyre diameter is expected to be within 450 and 2000 mm.CMaximum diameter of tyres on the untested vehicle must not exceed $UJB vF ;\ ;\  ;\>8;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ 0;\ ;\X ;\  ;\l ;\   ;\       A;\4 H       A;\ ;\;\;\ $'L   A@;\,;\ ;\   A;\;\;\;\ ;\+;\.;\W;\\;\o;\,~;\;\@ j j j %j tPͫXP w5PͫXP j tPͫXP w5PͫXP xj Untestedj j `PͫXP PͫXP xj j j `PͫXP PͫXP xj j j>LJUKHIVY\_behkP ,@4;\, <ja ;\@;\ ;\  ;\ @;\       A;\  <;\       A;\ ;\ ;\;\p ;\+       A;\$;\8;\L ;\;\F;\K;\T[;\_aJ j jj$ j tB-@v w5B-@vj2 j Untestedj j j `B-@v B-@vj@ j `B-@v B-@v  mm.j j jYou must enter a tyre diameter.7Tyre diameter is expected to be within 450 and 2000 mm.CMaximum diameter of tyres on the untested vehicle must not exceed "WJB rF ;\ ;\ (;\ ;\h ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\;\  ;\X ;\  ;\l x;\   P;\       A;\4 ;\H       A;\ ;\;\;\ ;\$';\L    A ;\ ;\    A;\;\;\ ;\+;\.W;\\;\o;\,~;\;\@ j j j %j tPͫXP w5PͫXP j tPͫXP w5PͫXP xj Untestedj j `PͫXP PͫXP xj j j `PͫXP PͫXP xj j j<MIWKJHVY\_behkP ,@0;\, <ja @X;\   ;\ 0;\       A;\ ;\ ;\       A@2 ( 0;\;\p ;\+       A;\$;\8;\L;\;\;\F;\K;\T;\[p;\_;\aJ j jj j tlrv w5lrvj j Untestedj j j `lrv lrvj j `lrv lrv  mm.j j jYou must enter a tyre diameter.7Tyre diameter is expected to be within 450 and 2000 mm.CMaximum diameter of tyres on the untested vehicle must not exceed "VJB rF ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\h;\   ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ h;\ ;\X T;\  ;\l @;\   D;\       A;\4 ;\H       A;\ ;\;\ ;\$';\L    A8;\$;\ ;\    A;\;\;\H;\ ;\+ ;\.;\W;\\;\o;\,~;\;\@ j j j %j t T<X w5 T<X j t T<X w5 T<X xj Untestedj j ` T<X T<X xj j j ` T<X T<X xj j j<QHVKJIVY\_behk ;\ ;\ C      C;\;\ ;\;\N MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC  MA MB MC NA KEquipped to tow a trailer over 4.5 tonnes using compressed air for braking?!Rated to tow an unbraked trailer?);N  ;\<  h L;\ $;\       A;\ ;\D  A;\ ;\4;\;\ ';\4, ;\4;\H; % Untested x x  6QGIKMHJLN=b ;\ ;\ L;\;\  t ;\|        A;\D ;\  A;\ 8;\ ;\';\,;\H4|;\6;\\= %j Untestedj xj xj j j8UGIKMHJLN=b ;\ ;\ <;\;\ h ,;\ |        A;\D <;\  A;\ ;\;\ ;\';\,;\H4;\6\= % Untested x x  8VGIKMHJLN=b  ;\ \;\;\ ;\h P;\ | ;\       A;\D |;\  A;\ ;\;\ ;\';\,;\H4;\6;\\= % Untested x x  8WGIKMHJLNw" ;\       A;\ ;\;\;\ UntestedBtM*TRP8 BtM0TRBtM62TR+The tested vehicle must be fitted with ABS.QHJLN@=        A X;\;\ UntestedB6uM*TR8 B6uM0(TR/The tested vehicle must not be fitted with ABS.QGIKM@6        A8;\ ;\;\;\0 UntestedB},TRk B}2=TRB}8\TR+The tested vehicle must be fitted with ABS. UHJLN@U" N       A;\ ;\;\0;\;\ UntestedB},TR*l B}2LTR/The tested vehicle must not be fitted with ABS. UGIKM@6 8T       A ;\ ;\;\0 UntestedB},TRl B}2=TRB}8\TR+The tested vehicle must be fitted with ABS. VHJLN@U" 4       A ;\ ;\;\;\ UntestedB },TRm B }2LTR/The tested vehicle must not be fitted with ABS. VGIKM@6        A;\ ;\;\;\;\0 UntestedB },TRm B }2=TRB }8\TR+The tested vehicle must be fitted with ABS. WHJLN@U"        At;\ ;\;\L;\;\ UntestedB},TR"n B}2LTR/The tested vehicle must not be fitted with ABS. WGIKM@  ;\ x;\ ;\      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~     C;\ ;\;\  xj xj jlnmlkfedc^]\[:98764310.-$\[ZY E@?>=52/,NOPRX[^adgjmvwxy    5678=>?@EFGH=>?@ABCD~MNOP}|kgfedWXVUTSRQ7654/.-,'&%$mnopyz{|QRSTYZ[\defg  ;\ 4;\ ;\      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~     C  ;\;\  %j %j jlnmlkfedc^]\[:98764310.-$\[ZY E@?>=52/,NOPRX[^adgjmvwxy    5678=>?@EFGH=>?@ABCD~MNOP}|kgfedWXVUTSRQ7654/.-,'&%$mnopyz{|QRSTYZ[\defg8  ;\ $;\ ;\      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~C hp;\;\  j j jlnmlkfedc^]\[:98764310.-$\[ZY E@?>=52/,NOPRX[^adgjmvwxy    5678=>?@EFGH=>?@ABCD~MNOP}|kgfedWXVUTSRQ7654/.-,'&%$QRSTYZ[\defgzWf ;\ ;\ `;\T CM ;\M ;\    C;\ ;\l ;\ ;\;\;\"t;\ ;\C$;\CH x;\ C ;\;\ ;\ C;\ H;\ ;\ ;\;\8! ;\&;\L*;\P;\`W z T0 j %j MAj 35j xj 31j j MAj MBj MCj NAj xj j LK@ T0 j %j MAj 35/02j 35/03j xj 31/01j 31/02j j MAj MBj MCj NAj xj j)x ;\ ;\ $;\;\  t ;\|;\ ;\;\ %j xj j ;\ ;\ <;\T t | ;\H;\ ;\4;\;\ %j xj j  ;\ ;\ ;\T |;\ ;\| h;\d;\ ,;\;\ %j xj j  ;\ \;\ ;\T t | ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\ %j xj j ] , L;\ @;\;\;\jjPɛ jjVehicles of category MA, MB and MC must be equipped with ESC when certifying to any of ADR 31/02, 31/03, 35/03, 35/04 or 35/05. Vehicles of category NA must be equipped with ESC when certifying to ADR 31/03 or 35/05.@u;\ l;\ ;\@ X;\;\T;\;\@;\jjɛ jjVehicles of category MA, MB and MC must be equipped with ESC when certifying to any of ADR 31/02, 31/03, 35/03, 35/04 or 35/05. Vehicles of category NA must be equipped with ESC when certifying to ADR 31/03 or 35/05.@w;\ l;\ ;\@ X;\;\ ;\;\ ;\jjLʛ jjVehicles of categories MA, MB and MC must be equipped with ESC when certifying to any of ADR 31/02, 31/03, 35/03, 35/04 or 35/05. Vehicles of category NA must be equipped with ESC when certifying to ADR 31/03 or 35/05.@w;\ ;\ ;\@ p;\;\h;\;\T;\jjʛ jjVehicles of categories MA, MB and MC must be equipped with ESC when certifying to any of ADR 31/02, 31/03, 35/03, 35/04 or 35/05. Vehicles of category NA must be equipped with ESC when certifying to ADR 31/03 or 35/05.@9: ;\  4;\C;\|;\C;\ ;\ ;\ ;\>;\ ;\CX ;\l   C;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\   ;\ ;\;\ 0;\2;\49$  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj %j Testedj ECE-Tj xj Untestedj ECE-Aj xj jr!,7& ;\ 8;\ ;\C;\;\C;\ x;\ ;\ d;\>;\ (;\  t;\  `;\ @;\ ;\ ,;\   ;\ ;\;\,;\ .;\0 7  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj %j Testedj xj Untestedj xj jt",7& ;\ $;\ $;\CL;\;\C;\ ;\ ;\ ;\>;\ ;\ h;\ T;\  ;\ 0;\ ;\ ;\    ;\`;\,;\ .L;\0 7  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj %j Testedj xj Untestedj xj jv#,7& ;\ ;\ C ;\;\C;\ ;\ ;\ ;\>;\ ;\ h;\ T;\  ;\ (;\ ;\ ;\   ;\ 0;\;\, .;\0;\ 7  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj %j Testedj xj Untestedj xj jx$)C;\@$;\C;\| ;\ ;\ ;\>;\ ;\C\;\ H;\    ;\';\)  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Untestedj ECE-Ajj jj`If the vehicle variants's test status is Untested ot ECE-A, you cannot choose the selection 'T'. r!@)C@@;\C;\| ;\ ;\ > C H;\    ;\,;\';\)  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Untestedj ECE-Ajj jj`If the vehicle variants's test status is Untested or ECE-A, you cannot choose the selection 'S'. r!@+C;\TC;\  ;\ <>;\ ;\C D   ;\D;\;\'0;\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Untestedj ECE-Ajjf jj`If the vehicle variants's test status is Untested ot ECE-A, you cannot choose the selection 'T'.t"@+C;\TCP;\ ;\ ;\ ;\>;\ ;\C;\0 D   ;\;\;\';\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Untestedj ECE-Ajj jj`If the vehicle variants's test status is Untested or ECE-A, you cannot choose the selection 'S'.t"@+C(;\;\TC`;\ d;\ `;\>;\ ;\C;\0    ;\;\;\';\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Untestedj ECE-Ajj jj`If the vehicle variants's test status is Untested ot ECE-A, you cannot choose the selection 'T'.v#@+C;\TC ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\>;\ ;\C;\0 D    ;\' ;\)\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Untestedj ECE-AjjF jj`If the vehicle variants's test status is Untested or ECE-A, you cannot choose the selection 'S'.v#@+C;\TCd;\ ;\ ;\ D> ;\C;\0 D    ;\'<;\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Untestedj ECE-Ajj0G jj`If the vehicle variants's test status is Untested ot ECE-A, you cannot choose the selection 'T'.x$@+C;\TCh;\ T;\ > ;\C;\0 ;\D   ;\P;\;\'<;\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Untestedj ECE-AjjG jj`If the vehicle variants's test status is Untested or ECE-A, you cannot choose the selection 'S'.x$@)C@@;\C;\| ;\ 4;\ > ;\C$;\ ;\   @;\;\,;\';\)  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Testedj ECE-TjjH jj_If the vehicle variant's test status is 'Tested' or 'ECE-T', then the selection cannot be 'NT'. r!@+CL;\TC;\ ;\ ;\ |;\>;\ @;\C0 ;\D   ;\;\;\';\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Testedj ECE-TjjdH jj_If the vehicle variant's test status is 'Tested' or 'ECE-T', then the selection cannot be 'NT'.t"@+CD;\;\TC 8 ;\ ;\>;\ ;\C0 D   h;\;\'T;\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Testedj ECE-TjjH jj_If the vehicle variant's test status is 'Tested' or 'ECE-T', then the selection cannot be 'NT'.v#@+CT;\;\TCp;\ ;\ ;\ ;\> ;\C ;\D   ;\;\;\';\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Testedj ECE-Tjj I jj_If the vehicle variant's test status is 'Tested' or 'ECE-T', then the selection cannot be 'NT'.x$@ ^  $       C @;\       C;\X ;\       C;\ (;\/;\   ;\ ;\\ ;\p ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ t;\ `;\  ;\$ ;\8   ;\ ;\   ;\ ;\   ;\ ;\   ;\ ;\  H;\ 4;\ ;\P ;\d > >;\x? ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ X;\ ;\,  ;\  2_ca  P;\  ;\  ;\ ;\ % >;\& ;\f ;\ ;\h;\0k;\D;\;\X Untestedj Testedj T-Pj Testedj Testedj Testedj Testedj Testedj Testedj Testedj Testedj Testedj Testedj Testedj Testedj ECE-Tj ECE-Tj ECE-Tj ECE-Tj ECE-Tj ECE-Tj ECE-Tj ECE-Tj ECE-Tj ECE-Tj ECE-Tj ECE-TjI j j jCAt least one vehicle must have had an ESC practical test performed.4 -[C;\@;\ ;\h;\ ;\ h;\  ;\ ;\Dt;\`;\;\D;\0;\D  ;\l  ;\ #_         A;\ ;\       A;\ @;\# Dc);\`-\;\A;\tFH;\Y;\[ ECE-Tj Testedj Untestedj T-Pj jj -@u` -@u` <jjJ j jj jjjOUnique ESC system ID must have more than 2 characters, or you must enter a '<'.HAn untested variant must have the same ESC system as the tested variant.$M!1LKJ]^_hijkl@I]C;\T 0 ,;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ 2T ;\D-(;\T;\D@;\,;\ ;\l ;\  ;\ ;\         A;\H ;\\       A;\;\ ;\# ;\L);\-;\tA;\F;\Y;\[;\] ECE-Tj Testedj Untestedj T-Pj jj -@u` -@u` <jjH j jjV jjjOUnique ESC system ID must have more than 2 characters, or you must enter a '<'.HAn untested variant must have the same ESC system as the tested variant.(NL"2MKJ]^_hijkl@I]C;\T BH X;\ ;\ D;\  ;\ ;\D;\;\;\D;\;\ ;\l X;\  ;\ D;\         A;\H ;\\       A;\;\ ;\# ;\L)<;\-;\tA(;\F;\Y;\[;\] ECE-Tj Testedj Untestedj T-Pj jj -@u` -@u` <jj j jj jjjOUnique ESC system ID must have more than 2 characters, or you must enter a '<'.HAn untested variant must have the same ESC system as the tested variant.(OK#3MLJ]^_hijkl@I]C;\T K X;\ ;\ D;\  @;\ ;\D;\;\;\D;\;\ l D;\  ;\ ;\         A;\H ;\\       A(;\;\ ;\# ;\L);\-;\tA;\F;\Y;\[;\] ECE-Tj Testedj Untestedj T-Pj jj -@u` -@u` <jj j jj jjjOUnique ESC system ID must have more than 2 characters, or you must enter a '<'.HAn untested variant must have the same ESC system as the tested variant.(PJ$4MLK]^_hijkl@>[ ;\ ;\ ;\C|x;\  ;\  ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\D;\0;\D;\D;\;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\        A;\\ p       A8;\$;\ ;\$#  ;\&;\);\`:;\?;\tR;\T;\[N ECE-Tj Testedj Untestedj T-Pj j %j -PͫXP -PͫXP <j xj j xj j j&M!1LKJ]^_hijkln_ ;\ ;\ H;\C;\;\ ;\;\ \;\ ;\ H;\  ;\ 4;\ ;\D;\;\;\XD;\l ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\   ;\     A;\p ;\ ;\     A;\$;\8 ;\%  ;\`(;\t+;\<;\A;\T;\V;\X;\_N ECE-Tj Testedj Untestedj T-Pj j %j -PͫXP -PͫXP <j xj j xj j j*NL"2MKJ]^_hijklZ] ;\ ;\ ;\CT;\ ;\ ;\ ;\    ,;\ ;\DH;\;\XD;\l;\    ;\        A|;\ h;\      A;\;\$ ;\#  ;\L&;\`)x;\:;\t?d;\R;\TP;\V;\]N ECE-Tj Testedj Untestedj T-Pj j %j -PͫXP -PͫXP <j xj j xj j j*OK#3MLJ]^_hijklZ] ;\ ;\ 4;\C;\;\ p;\;\ H;\ ;\ 4;\  ;\  ;\ ;\D;\;\;\XD;\l  ;\  ;\ ;\        AH;\ 4;\      A;\;\$ ;\#  ;\L&;\`)D;\:;\t?0;\R;\T;\V;\]N ECE-Tj Testedj Untestedj T-Pj j %j -PͫXP -PͫXP <j xj j xj j j*PJ$4MLK]^_hijkl ;\ ;\ ;\C;\| ;\;\ ;\  ;\ @;\;\,;\ ECE-Aj ECE-Tj %j j qr ;\ ;\ ;\Cd;\ <;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\j ECE-Aj ECE-Tj %j jst ;\ ;\ ;\Cd;\ <;\ ;\ ;\ X;\ ;\;\;\ ECE-Aj ECE-Tj %j juv ;\ d;\ ;\C;\ ;\  ;\;\ ;\;\;\;\ ECE-Aj ECE-Tj %j jwxz7&  C;\|C;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  t;\       A;\ ;\  ;\ ;\;\ !;\0;\ 7  MAj MBj MCj NAj Testedj Untestedj ECE-Tj %j Untestedj xj j j")Q9: ;\ T;\ ;\C;\|C;\ x;\d;\ ;\ <;\ ;\  i       A;\ p;\  ;\ ;\ ;\!;\ #|;\2;\49  MAj MBj MCj NAj Testedj Untestedj ECE-Tj %j Untestedj xj j j$)U9: ;\ X;\ ;\C;\|C 0;\;\ l ;\ ;\  ;\0       Al   ;\ ;\ ;\! # 0;\249  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T % Untested x  $)V9: ;\ h;\  ;\C;\|C;\ `;\L;\ ;\ $;\ ;\  ;\0       A;\ 0;\  ;\  \;\!;\ #H;\2;\49  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T % Untested x  $)W,C@C;\| <;\        A;\D ;\   ;\ ;\|;\,  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T UntestedBBFVTRf BBLTRBBRTRyThe tested vehicle has a braking cycle time over 45 seconds, the untested vehicle cannot have a braking cycle time under. )Q@4*C@C| ;\ t       A;\D ;\   ,;\;\;\*  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T UntestedBBFUTR BBLTRjThe untested vehicle must have a braking cycle time in the Type 1 test no shorter than the tested vehicle.)Q@.C@C         AL;\ ;\X   ;\ ;\d;\.  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T UntestedBVBHxTR* BVBNTRBVBTCTRyThe tested vehicle has a braking cycle time over 45 seconds, the untested vehicle cannot have a braking cycle time under.")U@L,C;\C;\  X;\       A0;\ ;\X   ;\;\;\*;\,  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T UntestedBBHwTR~ BBNTRjThe untested vehicle must have a braking cycle time in the Type 1 test no shorter than the tested vehicle. )U@.C@C;\| T;\ ;\       A;\ I,   ;\ ;\;\;\.  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T UntestedBBHxTR BBNTRBBTCTRyThe tested vehicle has a braking cycle time over 45 seconds, the untested vehicle cannot have a braking cycle time under.")V@L,C;\C;\  ;\       A ;\X   ;\0;\;\*;\,  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T UntestedBh]AHwTR4 Bh]ANTRjThe untested vehicle must have a braking cycle time in the Type 1 test no shorter than the tested vehicle. )V@.C@C;\| T;\        A0;\ ;\X   ;\ ;\;\l;\.  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T UntestedB]AHxTR B]ANTRB]ATCTRyThe tested vehicle has a braking cycle time over 45 seconds, the untested vehicle cannot have a braking cycle time under.")W@L,CgIC;\ ;\ h;\       At;\ X   ;\D;\;\*0;\,  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T UntestedB^AHwTR B^ANTRjThe untested vehicle must have a braking cycle time in the Type 1 test no shorter than the tested vehicle. )W@  @;\ @ ;\T | h;\ ;\ T;\C;\ $;\ ;\  ;\  ;\ ;\ DD;\l ;\ ;\ ;\     ;\        A;\CT;\ ;\       A;\C;\d;\  A;\d !"#$%&'(  A8;\ ;\  $;\ ;\" ;\6h;\<;\hUT;\\;\|k@;\p;\,;\ Untestedj Testedj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj jj @u` B@@u` @u`jb j B@@u`j Vehicle number cannot be 1. Testedj ECE-Tj T-Pjjp j Testedj T-Pjj~ jj*Vehicle reference must be within 1 and 12.-The vehicle referenced must have been tested.LThe vehicle referenced must have had either a practical or a simulated test.(P!r1  @ ;\ @ ;\ ;\T |;\  ;\ T;\ ;\@;\CP;\ ;\ ;\  ;\  ;\ 0 P;\D4`;\ 8;\ ;\ $;\     ;\        A\;\C;\ @;\       A;\Cd;\;\  A;\ !"#$%&'()  A;\ $;\  ;\ ;\" R?6;\h<;\U;\|\;\k;\p;\;\;\ Untestedj Testedj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj jj @u` B@@u` @u`j j @u`j Vehicle number cannot be 2. Testedj ECE-Tj T-Pjj j Testedj T-Pjj  jj*Vehicle reference must be within 1 and 12.-The vehicle referenced must have been tested.LThe vehicle referenced must have had either a practical or a simulated test.)R"t2  @ ;\ @ ;\ T`  ;\ 4;\ ;\ ;\Cl;\ ;\     ;\ ;\0 D ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\     x;\        A;\C;\ ;\       A;\C;\;\  A ;\ !"#$%&'()  A;\ l;\  ;\ X;\" ;\,6;\h<WlDU\P;\kpH;\;\4;\ Untestedj Testedj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj jj @u` B@@u` @u`jz j -@u`j Vehicle number cannot be 3. Testedj ECE-Tj T-Pjj j Testedj T-Pjj jj*Vehicle reference must be within 1 and 12.-The vehicle referenced must have been tested.LThe vehicle referenced must have had either a practical or a simulated test.)R#v3  @  @ ;\ ;\T |;\  ;\ ;\ ;\;\C ;\   ;\  ;\ 0 D;\;\ ;\  ;\     D;\        A;\C H;\       A2CL;\;\  A;\ !"#$%&'()  A;\  ;\  ;\ ;\" ;\,6;\h<;\U;\|\;\k;\p;\;\l;\ Untestedj Testedj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj jj @u` B@@u` @u`j j = @u`j Vehicle number cannot be 4. Testedj ECE-Tj T-Pjj j Testedj T-Pjj" jj*Vehicle reference must be within 1 and 12.-The vehicle referenced must have been tested.LThe vehicle referenced must have had either a practical or a simulated test.)R$x4  @ rn ;\ P;\;\  ;\h ;\;\|  ;\ ;\ ;\C;\ @;\ ,;\  ;\  ;\D ` ;\lD;\;\ `;\ ;\ L;\    $;\        A;\ C;\ H;\       Al;\CD;\;\  A;\ !"#$%&'()  A;\ 4Q   t;\" ;\6L;\9,P;\U;\@a;\f;\T;\;\hJ Untestedj Testedj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj j %j PͫXP B@PͫXP PͫXP xj B@PͫXP xj Testedj ECE-Tj T-Pj xj Testedj T-Pj xj j)R!r1    ;\ ;\@ h x;\ ;\|d;\  ;\ ;\ ;\;\C;\ ;\ 0  D  p;\ ;\X H;\D;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\    ;\         A;\ C;\ ;\       A;\C;\Lt  A;\P !"#$%&'()*  A ;\  p;\ ;\" \;\6;\,94;\P;\@U ;\a;\Tf ;\;\h;\;\|J Untestedj Testedj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj j %j PͫXP B@PͫXP PͫXP xj PͫXP xj Testedj ECE-Tj T-Pj xj Testedj T-Pj xj j*T"t2    ;\ ;\@ h x;\ ;\|d;\  ;\ ;\ ;\;\C;\ ;\ 0  D  p;\ ;\X H;\D;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\    ;\         A;\ C;\ ;\       A;\C;\;\  A;\P !"#$%&'()*  A;\ ;\  ;\ ;\" ;\6,9;\PSULa;\Tf;\;\hl;\;\|J Untestedj Testedj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj j %j PͫXP B@PͫXP PͫXP xj -PͫXP xj Testedj ECE-Tj T-Pj xj Testedj T-Pj xj j*T#v3   rn ;\ P;\;\  ;\h ;\;\|  ;\ ;\ ;\C;\ @;\ ,;\  ;\  ;\D g ;\lD;\8;\ ;\ ;\ ;\    X;\        AX;\ C;\ d;\       A;\C;\;\  AHQ !"#$%&'()  A;\ ;\  ;\ ;\" ;\6;\9;\,P;\U;\@a;\f;\T;\;\hJ Untestedj Testedj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj j %j PͫXP B@PͫXP PͫXP xj = PͫXP xj Testedj ECE-Tj T-Pj xj Testedj T-Pj xj j)R$x4  R?v ;\ 4;\;\hT;\   h;\  ;\;\D<;\   ;\ ;\46>;\H7 h;\:;\p?N j j j j j j j j j j j jjj<HG<;_Wxwg%PO#o )9}~U@R?v ;\ @;\;\h`;\   t;\  x;\;\D(;\  t;\ $;\ ;\46>;\H7 ;\:;\p?N j j j j j j j j j j j jjj<JIBA`Xzyh&RQ'p*:V@R?v ;\ ;\h    ;\   ;\;\D ;\ P;\ ; ;\46>;\H7  ;\:;\p?N j j j j j j j j j j j jjj<LKDCaY|{i(TS)q+;W@R?v ;\ 4;\;\hT;\   h;\  \;\;\D ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\46>;\H7 ;\:;\p?N j j j j j j j j j j j jjj<NMFEbZ~}j*VU+r,<X@< ;\~, <jUJ< P;\, <jV]< ;\Ü, <jWV< P;\, <jX_P ,@ ;\, <jP ,@0;\, <jP ,4;\, <jP ;\;\,@;\, <jP ;\;\,@, <jP ,nsL, <jP @D;\, <jP ,@0;\, <jP ;\,;\@;\, <~(W*d3h#oP ;\7h;\@L;\, <~(W!d3h#rP ;\;\,;\@;\, <~(WW.d3h#qP ;\;\,;\@H;\, <~(WV:d3h#p<  l;\, </~('0&_Td3h/%< ;\, </~('0JBd3h/*< ;\;\, </~('0Td3h/( < ;\8;\, </~('0zTd3h/&P ,@ ;\, </~('0^d3h/WP ;\,;\@8;\, </~('0:W_d3h/ZP ;\,;\@$;\, </~('0__d3h/YP ;\,@, </~('0'_d3h/XP ,@ ;\, </~('0Zo[d3h/_P ;\,;\@;\, </~('0V[d3h/bP ;\,;\@$;\, </~('0[d3h/aP ;\;\@D;\, </~('0[d3h/`P ;\,@<;\, </~('0:w`d3h/gP ;\>g;\@5G, </~('07Qd3h/jP >gDL, </~('0Z`d3h/iP ;\,@, </~('0z`d3h/hP ,@;\, </~('0Rd3h/#P ;\,;\@5G, </~('07Sd3h/+P ,@;\, </~('0Rd3h/)P ,=L, </~('0bRd3h/'P ,@;\, </~('0\d3h/P ;\,;\@ ;\, </~('0v]d3h/P ;\,=\, </~('06\d3h/"P ,@L, </~('0\d3h/        Ch;\,;\;\;\ BR CTRBR*TR޸ BR0TRZVariant descriptions would normally be unique. Please enter a unique variant description. abc@@ ;\ ;\ P;\ T;\ | ;\ ;\        A;\X @;\  A;\  ;\;\4d;\'P;\,;\\4<;\7;\p9(;\@ % Untested x x  :GOPQSURTV@ ;\ ;\ P;\ T;\ | ;\ ;\        A;\X ;\  A;\  4;\;\4 ;\' ;\,;\\4 ;\7;\p9 ;\@ % Untested x x  :IQROSUPTV@ ;\ ;\ P;\ T;\ | ;\ ;\        A;\X ;\  A;\  ;\4x;\'d;\,;\\4P;\7;\p9<;\@ % Untested x x  :KSTOQUPRV@ ;\ l;\ ;\ T;\ | ;\ ;\        A;\X ;\  A;\  ;\;\4|;\'h;\,;\\4T;\7;\p9@;\@ % Untested x x  :MUVOQSPRT   ;\[  UntestedB P ETRһ B PTRB P TRIf there are differences from a tested vehicle which affect test vehicle selection an explanation must be entered in the comments section.;@ ;\ 4;\ ;\ ;\h ;\ ;\ =;\ ;\ ;\(;\ Untested % %   ;< ;\ P1 ;\ ;\h ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\P;\ Untested % %   AB ;\  ;\ ;\h ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\P;\ Untested % %   CD ;\ H ;\ ;\h ,;\ ;\ ;\;\ C;\ Untested % %   EF   ;\c  UntestedB.O ETR B.OTRB.O TRIf there are differences from a tested vehicle which affect test vehicle selection an explanation must be entered in the comments section.A@  ;\D;\;\|  UntestedBO ETR| BOTRBO TRIf there are differences from a tested vehicle which affect test vehicle selection an explanation must be entered in the comments section.C@  ;\;\;\|  UntestedBO ETR" BOTRBO TRIf there are differences from a tested vehicle which affect test vehicle selection an explanation must be entered in the comments section.E@"T ;\        A;\ ;\;\;\;\D ;\" UntestedBH05TR BH6TRBH<TRJThe untested vehicle must not have a variable proportioning system fitted."GOPRTV@"T ;\        A;\ ;\;\;\;\D ;\" UntestedBH0FTRH BH6TRBH<TRHThe tested vehicle not must have a variable proportioning system fitted."GPOQSU@"T ;\        A;\ ;\;\;\;\D |;\" UntestedBI05TR BI6TRBI<TRJThe untested vehicle must not have a variable proportioning system fitted."IQPRTV@"T ;\        A;\ ;\;\;\D ;\" UntestedBI0FTRR BI6TRBI<TRHThe tested vehicle not must have a variable proportioning system fitted."IROQSU@"T ;\        A;\ ;\;\;\;\D |;\" UntestedBJ05TR BJ6TRBJ<TRJThe untested vehicle must not have a variable proportioning system fitted."KSPRTV@"T ;\        A;\ ;\;\4;\;\D  ;\" UntestedBK0FTR BK6TRBK<TRHThe tested vehicle not must have a variable proportioning system fitted."KTOQSU@"T ;\        A;\ ;\;\;\;\D ;\" UntestedBBH05TR&-BBH6TRBBH<TRJThe untested vehicle must not have a variable proportioning system fitted."MUPRTV@"T ;\        A;\ ;\;\p;\;\D \;\" UntestedBH0@TR-BH6TRBH<TRHThe tested vehicle not must have a variable proportioning system fitted."MVOQSU@ S| 0;\ , ;\ t;\  ;\       A;\;\ ;\    C;\       A;\p ;\;\;\;\;\ CH;\        A;\;\;\(;\P;\d;\;\);\NҾ8dn<;\su\;\| B pTR ;yZ T yZB $TRL. Untested  MA MB MC NA yZB TR When category is Z.B TR MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC 0yZB 7TR When category is h.B TREThe wheelbase is expected to be within the range of 1000 to 10000 mm.m, the wheelbase of the tested vehicle must not exceed the wheelbase of the untested vehicle by more than 10%.m, the wheelbase of the tested vehicle must not exceed the wheelbase of the untested vehicle by more than 15%.&OGo)@ S| p;\ ,   ;\ ;\       A@;\     C       A;\p ;\;\;\;\;\ C;\        A;\;\;\(;\P;\d;\;\);\N;\d;\np;\s;\u\;\| BfpTR ;yZ T yZBf$TR. Untested  MA MB MC NA yZBfTR When category is .BfTR MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC 0yZBf7TR When category is .BfTREThe wheelbase is expected to be within the range of 1000 to 10000 mm.m, the wheelbase of the untested vehicle must not exceed the wheelbase of the tested vehicle by more than 10%.m, the wheelbase of the untested vehicle must not exceed the wheelbase of the tested vehicle by more than 15%.&QIp)@ S| ;\ , ;\ d;\  ;\       A;\l;\ ;\    CD;\       A;\p ;\;\;\;\;\ C;\        A;\;\;\(;\P;\d;\;\);\Nx;\d;\nd;\s;\uP;\| BpTR ;yZ T yZB$TR,/ Untested  MA MB MC NA yZBTR When category is :/BTR MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC 0yZB7TR When category is H/BTREThe wheelbase is expected to be within the range of 1000 to 10000 mm.m, the wheelbase of the tested vehicle must not exceed the wheelbase of the untested vehicle by more than 10%.m, the wheelbase of the tested vehicle must not exceed the wheelbase of the untested vehicle by more than 15%.&SKq)@ S| p;\ , ;\ ;\  ;\       A|;\h;\ ;\    C;\       A;\p $;\;\;\;\;\ CL;\        A;\;\;\(;\P;\d;\ ;\);\N ;\d;\n;\s;\u;\| BpTR ;yZ T yZB$TR/ Untested  MA MB MC NA yZBTR When category is /BTR MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC 0yZB7TR When category is /BTREThe wheelbase is expected to be within the range of 1000 to 10000 mm.m, the wheelbase of the tested vehicle must not exceed the wheelbase of the untested vehicle by more than 10%.m, the wheelbase of the tested vehicle must not exceed the wheelbase of the untested vehicle by more than 15%.&UMr)@+7&  <@       A0;\       A;\ ;\ ;\#;\);\ 04;\5;\ 7R B`; =TR Untested B`;ZTR 0B`;`TRB`;f>TRYUnique Braking System Identification should be identical to tested vehicle, please check. % @+7&  T       A;\       A;\ * #;\);\ 0;\5;\ 7R B" =TR Untested B"ZTRl0B"`TRB"f>TRYUnique Braking System Identification should be identical to tested vehicle, please check. & @+7&  T       A |;\       A;\ ;\  ;\#;\);\ 0;\5;\ 7R B| =TR Untested B|ZTR0B|`TRB|f>TRYUnique Braking System Identification should be identical to tested vehicle, please check. ( @+7&  T       A<;\       At ;\ ;\#;\);\ 0;\5;\ 7R BMs =TR Untested BMsZTR1BMs`TRBMsf>TRYUnique Braking System Identification should be identical to tested vehicle, please check. * @:D ;\ $;\ ;\ C;\       A;\       A;\;\ <;\#&;\ ,;\1;\43;\:(  % Untested  x    :D ;\ D;\ ;\ C;\       A;\;\       A;\;\ ;\#;\ &;\ ,;\1;\43;\:(  % Untested  x    :D ;\ x;\ ;\ C       A(;\;\       A;\;\ `;\#;\ & ,;\1;\43;\:(  % Untested  x    :D ;\ T;\ ;\ C;\       AP;\<;\       A;\;\ ;\#;\ & ,;\1a$3@:(  % Untested  x    /\ C;\       H;\         A;\       A;\;\ ;\p#       A;\ 5;\`;;\?;\tI;\N;\Z;\\J MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj jj lrv lrvj3j Untestedj j lrvj3jjXThe maximum laden vehicle speed is usually within the range 50 to 220 km/h. Please checkIf the maximum laden vehicle speed for vehicle for the tested vehicle must be higher than the maximum laden vehicle speed for the untested vehicle.")-"@/\ C8;\       ;\  L;\       A;\       A;\;\ ;\p#       A;\;\ ;\$5;\`;T;\?;\tI@;\N;\Z,;\\J MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj jj lrv lrvjGj Untestedj j lrvjGjjXThe maximum laden vehicle speed is usually within the range 50 to 220 km/h. Please checkIf the maximum laden vehicle speed for vehicle for the tested vehicle must be higher than the maximum laden vehicle speed for the untested vehicle.")"-@/\ C;\   ;\   ;\ 0;\  ;\       A;\       A;\;\ ;\p#       A4;\ ;\ ;\$5;\`;;\?;\tI;\N;\Z;\\J MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj jj lrv lrvjGj Untestedj j lrvj HjjXThe maximum laden vehicle speed is usually within the range 50 to 220 km/h. Please checkIf the maximum laden vehicle speed for vehicle for the tested vehicle must be higher than the maximum laden vehicle speed for the untested vehicle.")-"@/\ C;\       ;\         A;\       A X;\ D;\ ;\p#       A;\ ;\$5;\`;H;\?;\tI4;\N;\Z ;\\J MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj jj lrv lrvj^Hj Untestedj j lrvjlHjjXThe maximum laden vehicle speed is usually within the range 50 to 220 km/h. Please checkIf the maximum laden vehicle speed for vehicle for the tested vehicle must be higher than the maximum laden vehicle speed for the untested vehicle.")-"@&^ ;\  ;\ ;\ C;\   ;\   ;\   ;\0       A0;\;\       A;\p;\ ;\#       A;\$;\8  ;\5;\`8;\t=;\D;\I;\K;\W;\^  MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC  % 4A~hP 4A~hP % Untested  4A~hP x  ")-"&^ ;\ ;\ 4;\ C;\   ;\   8;\   0       A ;\ ;\       A;\p;\ ;\#       A;\$8 ;\5;\`8;\t=;\D;\I;\K;\W;\^  MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC  % 4A~P 4A~P % Untested  4A~P x  ")"-&^ ;\  ;\ ;\ C;\   ;\   ;\   ;\0       A;\x;\       A;\p;\ ;\#       A;\$;\8 ;\5;\`8;\t=;\D;\I;\K;\W;\^  MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC  % 4A~ QP 4A~ QP % Untested  4A~ QP x  ")-"&^ ;\ ;\ ;\ C;\   ;\   ;\   ;\0       A;\;\       A;\p;\ 8;\#       A;\$;\8 ;\5;\`8;\t=D;\D;\I0;\K;\W;\^  MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC  % 4A~<DP 4A~<DP % Untested  4A~<DP x  ")-"        C ;\t;\;\`;\ B>X CTRB>X*TRJB>X0TRZVariant descriptions would normally be unique. Please enter a unique variant description. abc@        C;\;\ ;\ B CTRB*TR5 B0TRZVariant descriptions would normally be unique. Please enter a unique variant description. abc@        C;\H;\;\4;\ B4 CTRB4*TR&6 B40TRZVariant descriptions would normally be unique. Please enter a unique variant description. abc@#^ ;\ h;\  ;\  ;\      C@;\ ;\D;\;\X#  % < x abc#^ ;\ ;\ d;\  ;\      C;\ ;\;\;\D;\;\X#  % < x abc#^ ;\ ;\ d;\  ;\      C;\ ;\;\;\D;\;\X#  % < x abc#^ ;\ ;\ <;\  ;\      C;\ ;\\;\;\DH;\;\X#  % < x abc4T  TDh;\|\;\  ;\   4;\         A;\  C;\ ;\p;\;\4"\;\1C;\D;\l;\ C;\L;\;\ ;\D;\;\;\h;\ ;\        A;\ C;\ ;\ ;\!"D;\#;\, C;\ ;\$%&t;\;\<'L;\B;\0e8;\;\D$;\h' B.- @TR Untested yZ B@yZ yZB.-*TR9  LK@yZB.-6NTR(9  ECE-T Tested T-PB.-fTR69 B.-lTR Tested ECE-T T-P yZB.-qTR^6 B.-TR6 B.-TR ECE-A -yZ B@yZ yZ ECE-A ECE-TB.-XTR>7  yZB.-*sTR7 B.-0TRB.-8TRDVehicle number of the test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.NThe representive test vehicle for Vehicle Number 5 can not be Vehicle Number 5+Representative test vehicle must be tested.XDocument reference would normally be greater than 2 characters in length. Please check.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.?Representative test vehicle must be ECE Approved or ECE Tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.2QVWUxyz{@4T  ;\TDh;\|;\ ;\ ;\   P;\         A;\  C;\ ;\p;\;\4"\;\1C;\D;\;\ C;\L;\;\ ;\D;\;\;\;\ ;\        A;\ C;\ ;\ ;\!"D;\#;\, C;\ ;\$%&;\;\<'p;\B;\0e\;\;\DH;\h' BG @TR Untested yZ B@yZ yZBG*TRz9  [yZBG6NTR9  ECE-T Tested T-PBGfTR9 BGlTR Tested ECE-T T-P yZBGqTR9 BGTR9 BGTR ECE-A -yZ B@yZ yZ ECE-A ECE-TBGXTR9  yZBG*sTR9 BG0TRBG8TRDVehicle number of the test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.NThe representive test vehicle for Vehicle Number 6 can not be Vehicle Number 6+Representative test vehicle must be tested.XDocument reference would normally be greater than 2 characters in length. Please check.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.?Representative test vehicle must be ECE Approved or ECE Tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.2QVWUxyz{@4T  ;\TDI2;\|I2;\ ;\ ;\   T;\         A;\  C;\ ;\;\;\4"t;\1C;\D(;\;\ C;\L;\|;\ ;\D;\;\;\;\ ;\        Ad;\ C<;\ ;\ (;\!"D;\#;\, C;\ L;\$%&;\;\<' P;\B;\0e <;\;\D (;\h' BLG @TR Untested yZ B@yZ yZBLG*TR":  jyZBLG6NTR0:  ECE-T Tested T-PBLGfTR>: BLGlTR Tested ECE-T T-P yZBLGqTRL: BLGTRZ: BLGTR ECE-A -yZ B@yZ yZ ECE-A ECE-TBLGXTRh:  yZBLG*sTRv: BLG0TRBLG8TRDVehicle number of the test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.NThe representive test vehicle for Vehicle Number 7 can not be Vehicle Number 7+Representative test vehicle must be tested.XDocument reference would normally be greater than 2 characters in length. Please check.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.?Representative test vehicle must be ECE Approved or ECE Tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.2QVWUxyz{@5T  ;\TD;\h|;\;\ ;\ ;\   T;\         A ;\  C  ;\|;\;\4"h;\1C;\Dx;\;\ C;\L;\ ;\ D;\;\;\t;\ ;\        A;\ C;\ ;\ ;\!"D;\#;\, C;\ ;\$%&;\;\<'X;\B;\0eD;\;\D0;\h' BG @TR Untested yZ B@yZ yZBG*TR:  zyZBG6LTR:  ECE-T Tested T-PBGfTR: BGlTR Tested ECE-T T-P yZBGpTR: BGTR; BGTR ECE-A -yZ B@yZ yZ ECE-A ECE-TBGWTR;  yZBG*rTR; BG0TRBG8TRDVehicle number of the test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.OThe representive test vehicle for Vehicle Number 8 can not be Vehicle Number 8.+Representative test vehicle must be tested.XDocument reference would normally be greater than 2 characters in length. Please check.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.?Representative test vehicle must be ECE Approved or ECE Tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.2QVWUxyz{@  ;\ ;\ t;\ ;\ DX(IP;\<;\;\ ;\ IR  ;\        A;\   C ;\ ;\;\ |;\*C@;\D,;\;\ C;\$d;\L D;\;\@;\;\ ;\        A;\dC;\ P;\ ;\D(;\;\ C;\ ;\h`;\;\7 ;\<8;\Z;\$;\;\;\B   % Untested 4A~\AP B@4A~\AP 4A~\AP x LK@4A~\AP x ECE-T Tested T-P x  Tested ECE-T T-P 4A~\AP x x  ECE-A -4A~\AP B@4A~\AP 4A~\AP ECE-A ECE-T x 4A~\AP x  4QUVWxyz{  ;\ ;\ \;\  D8;\$;\Ig I ;\  ;\        A;\   C\;\ ;\ 4;\;\  ;\*C;\D;\;\ C;\$;\L D;\t;\`;\;\ 8;\        A;\dC 8;\ ;\D;\;\ Cp;\ ;\hH;\;\7 ;\< ;\Z;\ ;\XB   % Untested 4A~'P B@4A~'P 4A~'P x [4A~'P x ECE-T Tested T-P x  Tested ECE-T T-P 4A~'P x x  ECE-A -4A~'P B@4A~'P 4A~'P ECE-A ECE-T x 4A~'P x  4QVWUxyz{  ;\ 8;\ ,;\ I DP;\;\;\ ;\ ;\  ;\        A1    C;\  ;\ 8;\*C;\D8;\$;\ C;\$;\;\L ;\D|;\h;\T;\;\ ,;\        A;\dC;\ d;\ ;\D<;\(;\ C;\ ;\ht;\;\7 ;\<L;\Z;\8;\;\$;\B   % Untested 4A~!P B@4A~!P 4A~!P x j4A~!P x ECE-T Tested T-P x  Tested ECE-T T-P 4A~!P x x  ECE-A -4A~!P B@4A~!P 4A~!P ECE-A ECE-T x 4A~!P x  4QVWUxyz{  ;\ 4;\ ,;\ |4I D;\;\;\ ;\ ;\  ;\        A(   Cd;\ ;\ <;\;\ (;\*C;\D| ;\ C;\$;\;\L l;\DX;\D;\0;\;\ ;\        A;\dC;\ @;\ ;\D;\5 Cx;\ ;\hP;\;\7 ;\<(;\Z;\;\5B   % Untested 4A~1P B@4A~1P 4A~1P x z4A~1P x ECE-T Tested T-P x  Tested ECE-T T-P 4A~1P x x  ECE-A -4A~1P B@4A~1P 4A~1P ECE-A ECE-T x 4A~1P x  4QVWUxyz{@ p;\ h        A;\;\       AD;\;\   ;\4 ;\+;\\/x;\9;\p>d;\@  BM <TR yZ EdyZBMxTRR  Untested BMh)TR` BMnTRBMtTRQSmallest wheel vent area must be within the range 0 to 300000 square millimetres.hThe wheel vent area of vehicle of the untested vehicle must be equal or greater than the tested vehicle. #~ @DG ;\ p;\ ;\C;\ (;\ ;\ ;\       A0;\ ;\       A|;\;\H   ' ,;\,;\3;\8;\>;\@;\G$  Testedj Untestedj j %j PͫXP EdPͫXP xj Untestedj j xj j j j"#~ @ p;\ h        Ah;\T;\       A   ;\4 l;\+;\\/X;\9;\p>D;\@  BnM <TR yZ EdyZBnMxTR@  Untested BnMh)TRN BnMnTRBnMtTRQSmallest wheel vent area must be within the range 0 to 300000 square millimetres.hThe wheel vent area of vehicle of the untested vehicle must be equal or greater than the tested vehicle. '~ @@ p;\ h        A;\;\       A,;\;\   ;\4 ;\+;\\/;\9;\p>x;\@  B‚M <TR yZ EdyZB‚MxTR  Untested B‚Mh)TR B‚MnTRB‚MtTRQSmallest wheel vent area must be within the range 0 to 300000 square millimetres.hThe wheel vent area of vehicle of the untested vehicle must be equal or greater than the tested vehicle. )~ @@ d;\ h ;\       Ah;\T;\       AD;\;\   ;\4 ;\+;\\/;\9;\p>;\@  BNM <TR yZ EdyZBNMxTR  Untested BNMh)TR BNMnTRBNMtTRQSmallest wheel vent area must be within the range 0 to 300000 square millimetres.hThe wheel vent area of vehicle of the untested vehicle must be equal or greater than the tested vehicle. + ~@DG ;\ <;\ ;\C;\ ;\ ;\        A;\        A;\;\H  ;\ t;\' `;\,;\3L;\8;\>8;\@;\G$  Testedj Untestedj j %j PͫXP EdPͫXP xj Untestedj j xj j j j"'~ DG ;\ \;\ ;\C;\ \;\         A;\ ;\       A@;\H  ;\ ;\' ;\,;\3;\8;\>t;\@;\G$  Testedj Untestedj j %j PͫXP EdPͫXP xj Untestedj j xj j j j")~ DG ;\ T;\ ;\C;\  ;\ 7        A ;\        A;\;\H  ;\ ' ;\,;\3;\8;\>;\@;\G$  Testedj Untestedj j %j PͫXP EdPͫXP xj Untestedj j xj j j j"+ ~ P C;\;\D;\  ;\   ;\ ;\ ;\X;\  X;\ C;\ ;\;\\;\ ;\p  x;\;\<;\(;\;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\! ;\       A;\";\       A;\H;\ ;\##$;\%x<&;\-;\1;\,Z;\~;\@;\>& BX}TR  MA MB MC B@yZ B@yZBX}2TR  B@yZ  to  B@yZ  kg when vehicle category is  .  MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC B@yZ B@yZBX}TR  B@yZ  to  B@yZ  kg when vehicle category is  .  Untested BX} TR$ 2 BX}TR@Maximum Loaded Test Mass is expected to be with in the range of 2Maximum loaded test mass must be within the range hMaximum loaded test mass of vehicle 5 must be less than or equal to maximum loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 5 must be tested.")ij @ P C;\;\;\<;\  @;\   ;\0;\  ;\X;\ ;\ ;\p;\ C;\ ;\;\\;\ ;\p  ;\;\X;\D;\;\;\  ;\ !        A;\";\       A;\H;\ ;\##$;\%x<&;\-;\1;\,Z;\~;\@t;\>& B~TR  MA MB MC B@yZ B@yZB~2TR  B@yZ  to  B@yZ  kg when vehicle category is  .  MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC B@yZ B@yZB~TR  B@yZ  to  B@yZ  kg when vehicle category is  .  Untested B~ TR  B~TR@Maximum Loaded Test Mass is expected to be with in the range of 2Maximum loaded test mass must be within the range hMaximum loaded test mass of vehicle 6 must be less than or equal to maximum loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 6 must be tested.")ij @ P Ch;\@;\;\L;\  L;\   ;\ ;\ ;\X;\  |;\ C<;\ ;\;\\;\ ;\p  ;\;\;\|;\;\T;\ @;\ ,;\ ;\! ;\       A;\";\       A;\H;\ ;\##$;\%x<&;\-;\1;\,Z|;\~;\@h;\>& Bb~TR  MA MB MC B@yZ B@yZBb~2TR  B@yZ  to  B@yZ  kg when vehicle category is  .  MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC B@yZ B@yZBb~TR  B@yZ  to  B@yZ  kg when vehicle category is  .  Untested Bb~ TR . Bb~TR@Maximum Loaded Test Mass is expected to be with in the range of 2Maximum loaded test mass must be within the range hMaximum loaded test mass of vehicle 7 must be less than or equal to maximum loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 7 must be tested.")ij @ P C;\;\;\ ;\  t;\   ;\  ;\X;\ 8;\ $;\ C$;\ @;\\;\ ;\p  ;\;\;\;\;\;\ p;\ \;\ H;\! ;\       A;\";\       A;\ ;\##$;\%;\&;\-X;\1;\,ZD;\~;\@0;\>& B~TR  MA MB MC B@yZ B@yZB~2TR  B@yZ  to  B@yZ  kg when vehicle category is  .  MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC B@yZ B@yZB~TR  B@yZ  to  B@yZ  kg when vehicle category is  .  Untested B~ TR  B~TR@Maximum Loaded Test Mass is expected to be with in the range of 2Maximum loaded test mass must be within the range hMaximum loaded test mass of vehicle 8 must be less than or equal to maximum loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 8 must be tested." )ij@Je ;\ x;\ ;\ C ;\d;\$;\ ;\  ;\      C;\ ;\;\;\ ;\  ;\ h;\       A;\;\       A;\t;\ ˀ #T;\&;\*@;\A;\S,;\W;\\;\^;\e  %  MA MB MC B@4A~LP B@4A~LP % MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC B@4A~LP B@4A~LP x Untested  x (W)ij Je ;\ x;\ ;\ C ;\d;\$;\ ;\  ;\      C ;\X;\ ;\  D;\ ;\       A;\;\       A;\t;\ ;\#;\&;\*;\A;\Sx;\W;\\d;\^;\e  %  MA MB MC B@4A~]P B@4A~]P % MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC B@4A~]P B@4A~]P x Untested  x (X)ij Je ;\ ;\ @;\ ;\C;\h;\;\w8A u  ;\      C;\ ;\;\ ;\  ;\ ;\       A;\;\       A;\tH;\ ;\# ;\&;\* ;\A;\S;\W;\\;\^;\e  %  MA MB MC B@4A~P B@4A~P % MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC B@4A~P B@4A~P x Untested  x (Y)ij Je ;\ P;\ ;\ C ;\d;\$;\ ;\  ;\      CT;\ ,;\;\    ;\       A;\;\       A;\tt;\ ;\#L;\&;\*8;\A;\S$;\W;\\;\^e  %  MA MB MC B@4A~sP B@4A~sP % MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC B@4A~sP B@4A~sP x Untested  x (Z) ijN  Ch     H;\   l;\       A;\;\       A;\H;\ #;\;\;\-;\3;\;;\@;\B;\NJ MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj jj ;lrvjȞ j Untestedj jjɞ jɞ jjjlLightly Loaded Test Mass for vehicles of categories MD,ME, NB and NC is expected to be greater than 1000 kg.kLightly loaded test mass of vehicle 5 must be greater than or equal to lightly loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 5 must be tested.")_ @N  Ch     ;\          A;\;\       A;\H;\ ;\\#;\;\;\-H;\3;\;4;\@;\B ;\NJ MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj jj ;lrvjfɞ j Untestedj jjtɞ jɞ jjjlLightly Loaded Test Mass for vehicles of categories MD,ME, NB and NC is expected to be greater than 1000 kg.kLightly loaded test mass of vehicle 6 must be greater than or equal to lightly loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 6 must be tested.")` @N  C;\h   ;\  ;\          A;\       A;\H;\ ;\\#;\;\;\-;\3;\;;\@;\B;\NJ MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj jj ;lrvjɞ j Untestedj jjɞ jʞ jjjlLightly Loaded Test Mass for vehicles of categories MD,ME, NB and NC is expected to be greater than 1000 kg.kLightly loaded test mass of vehicle 7 must be greater than or equal to lightly loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 7 must be tested.")a @N  Ch     ;\   l;\       A;\;\       AH;\ ;\\#;\;\;\-3;`;\@;\BL;\NJ MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj jj ;lrvjTʞ j Untestedj jjbʞ jpʞ jjjlLightly Loaded Test Mass for vehicles of categories MD,ME, NB and NC is expected to be greater than 1000 kg.kLightly loaded test mass of vehicle 8 must be greater than or equal to lightly loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 8 must be tested.")b @J ;\ ;\ ;\ C;\   ;\  ;\          AT;\@;\       A ;\;\p ;\#;\&;\+ p;\0;\5 \;\7;\C H;\J MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj j %j ; T<X %j Untestedj j xj j j$)_ J ;\ ;\ x;\ C;\   ;\  ;\   ;\       A ;\ ;\       A;\;\p ;\#;\&;\+L;\0;\58;\7;\C$;\J MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj j %j ; T<X %j Untestedj j xj j j$)` J ;\ ;\ x;\ C;\   ;\  ;\   ;\       A;\;\       A;\;\p ;\#;\&;\+l;\0;\5X;\7;\CD;\J MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj j %j ; T<X %j Untestedj j xj j j$)a J ;\ ;\ ;\ C;\   ;\  ;\   ;\       A;\;\       A;\;\p ;\#;\&;\+p;\0;\5\;\7;\CH;\J MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj j %j ; T<X %j Untestedj j xj j j$)b D p;\ h        A2;\       AT;\;\ @;\#  ;\ ,;\ ;\- ;\3;\=;\B;\D$  BzK ATR ,yZ #FyZBzKTR̞  Untested BzKjTR̞ ͞ BzKxxTRBzK~TREMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.Minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 5 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 5 must be tested. g @D p;\ h        A2;\       A;\;\ ;\#  ;\  ;\  ;\- ;\3 ;\=;\B;\D$  BwK ATR ,yZ #FyZBwKTRT͞  Untested BwKjTRb͞ p͞ BwKxxTRBwK~TREMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.Minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 6 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 6 must be tested. h @D ;\ h        A2       A|;\;\ h;\#  @;\ ,;\ ;\- ;\3;\=;\B;\D$  B,xK ATR ,yZ #FyZB,xKTR͞  Untested B,xKjTR͞ ͞ B,xKxxTRB,xK~TREMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.Minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 7 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 7 must be tested. i @D p;\ h        A2T;\       A;\;\ ;\#  x;\  ;\- ;\3t;\=;\B`;\D$  BxK ATR ,yZ #FyZBxKTR4Ξ  Untested BxKjTRBΞ PΞ BxKxxTRBxK~TREMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.Minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 8 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 8 must be tested. j @D ;\ ;\h        A`;\       A;\;\ ;\#  ;\   ;\- gP3=BT;\D$  jj ,nxo@v #Fnxo@vjΞ j Untestedj jjΞ jΞ jjjEMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.Minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 5 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 5 must be tested. @u ;\ ;\ ,;\  ;\d;\  (;\  ;\ ;\         A;\ ;\       A;\,;\ ;\#  ;\  Ad;\ P;\ ;\t  A;\;\ ;\(';\*;\PO;\dT;\g;\xl;\n;\u j %j PͫXP ׄPͫXP j PͫXP ePͫXP xj Untestedj j xj j j xj j j<g D ;\KX  ;\       A;\;\       AH;\;\ 4;\#   ;\  ;\- ;\3\;\=;\BH;\D$  jj ,nxo@v #Fnxo@vj| j Untestedj jj j jjjEMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.Minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 6 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 6 must be tested. @u ;\ ;\ 8;\ ;\;\ ;\;\;\;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\         A        A;\;\ ;\#    Al;\ X;\ ;\t  A;\;\ ;\('|;\*;\PO;\dTT;\g;\xl@;\n;\u j %j PͫXP ׄPͫXP j PͫXP ePͫXP xj Untestedj j xj j j xj j j<h D ;\ ;\ #, ;\       A;\;\       A;\;\ ;\#  ;\ ;\ ;\- ;\3;\=;\B;\D$  jj ,nxo@v #Fnxo@vj j Untestedj jj j jjjEMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.Minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 7 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 7 must be tested. @u ;\ ;\ 8;\ ;\ l;\;\D;\;\ ;\ lF  p  ;\  ;\       A;\ ;\       A;\t;\ ;\#  ;\  A;\ ;\ ;\t  A;\;\ ;\('x;\*;\POdT;\gxlH;\n;\u j %j PͫXP ePͫXP j PͫXP ePͫXP xj Untestedj j xj j j xj j j<i D p;\ h ;\       A;\x;\       A;\;\ ;\#  ;\ ;\ ;\- ;\3h;\=;\BT;\D$  jj ,nxo@v #Fnxo@vj j Untestedj jj j jjjEMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.Minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 8 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 8 must be tested. @u ;\ ;\ P;\ ;\G4 ET;\L;\ ;\ 8;\  ;\ $;\  ;\       A;\        A;\;\ D#    A;\ ;\ ;\t  A;\L;\ ;\('$;\*;\PO;\dT;\g;\xl;\n;\u j %j PͫXP ePͫXP j PͫXP ePͫXP xj Untestedj j xj j j xj j j<j * ;\ D;\ ;\t;\  t ;\| ;\       A;\D ` ;\l;\;\!;\#;\* % Untested x  "X;N , P;\ @ ;\       A;\ ;\C0;\    C;\ (;\ ;\;\*;\41;\9;\H;B{NTTR Untested MA MB MC NAB{NJTR  MD ME NB NCB{N^vTR B{Nh:TRB{NnYTRuThe untested vehicle must be equipped to tow an unbraked trailer of the same or lower capacity as the tested vehicle.The tested vehicle must be equipped to tow an air-braked trailer of capacity greater than 4.5 tonnes if the untested vehicle is equipped as such.")@* ;\ ;\ 4;\;\  t ;\|        A;\D ;\;\l8;\!;\#$;\* % Untested x  "X;N , ;\ @ ;\       A;\ ;\C<;\    C;\ x;\ ;\P;\*;\41(;\9;\H;B{NTTR Untested MA MB MC NAB{NJTR  MD ME NB NCB{N^uTR B{Nh9TRB{NnXTRuThe untested vehicle must be equipped to tow an unbraked trailer of the same or lower capacity as the tested vehicle.The tested vehicle must be equipped to tow an air-braked trailer of capacity greater than 4.5 tonnes if the untested vehicle is equipped as such.")@* ;\ ;\ ,;\x;\ ;\h P;\ ;\| ;\       A;\D ;\;\l;\;\!;\#;\* % Untested x  "X;N , 8         A;\ ;\CD;\    C  ;\ ;\ ;\*;\41 \;\9H;B\TTR Untested MA MB MC NAB\JTR2 MD ME NB NCB\^uTR@B\h9TRB\nXTRuThe untested vehicle must be equipped to tow an unbraked trailer of the same or lower capacity as the tested vehicle.The tested vehicle must be equipped to tow an air-braked trailer of capacity greater than 4.5 tonnes if the untested vehicle is equipped as such.")@* ;\ ;\ 4;\;\  t ;\|        A;\D ;\;\l;\ ;\!cZ#* % Untested x  "X;N , ;\ ;\@ ;\       A ;\ ;\C;\    C ;\ ;\ ;\*;\41;\9;\H;BNTTR Untested MA MB MC NABNJTR MD ME NB NCBN^tTRBNh8TRBNnWTRuThe untested vehicle must be equipped to tow an unbraked trailer of the same or lower capacity as the tested vehicle.The tested vehicle must be equipped to tow an air-braked trailer of capacity greater than 4.5 tonnes if the untested vehicle is equipped as such.")@pP ;\ 0;\ L;\8;\e d Th;\  jjj@ d Th;\  jjj@ d Th;\  jjj@ d ;\T;\  jjj@$  ;\ ;\ ;\h l;\;\|  j %j j$  ;\ ;\ ;\h;\;\|  j %j j$  ;\ ;\ ;\h;\;\|  j %j j$  ;\ 0;\ `;\h;\;\|  j %j jP ,@|;\, <WH88Z ;\ ;\h ;\       A4;\;\       A;\ ;\ <;\;\  ;\'         A;\ ;\;\X;\;\C`I <;\S;\tX (;\Z jj tB-@v w5B-@vjM j Untestedj j `B-@v B-@vjM j `B-@v B-@v  mm.jjjGMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 450 to 2000 mm.CMaximum diameter of tyres on the untested vehicle must not exceed  WVKJHIY\_behk@a;\ @;\ ;\  ;\ @;\       A;\  ;\       A ;\  p ;\+       A;\$;\8;\L;\;\F;\K;\T;\[;\_;\aJ j jjbM j tB-@v w5B-@vjpM j Untestedj j j `B-@v B-@vj~M j `B-@v B-@v  mm.j j jYou must enter a tyre diameter.7Tyre diameter is expected to be within 450 and 2000 mm.CMaximum diameter of tyres on the untested vehicle must not exceed "JB rF ;\ `;\  ;\H ,;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\;\ ;\ ;\X ;\  ;\l ;\   h;\       A4 ;\H       A d;\ ;\$';\L    A;\;\ ;\    A;\;\;\;\ ;\+;\.;\W\D;\o;\,~0;\;\@ j j j %j tPͫXP w5PͫXP j tPͫXP w5PͫXP xj Untestedj j `PͫXP PͫXP xj j j `PͫXP PͫXP xj j j<WVKJHIY\_behkP ,;\@;\, <ZH88Z p;\ h        A<0;\       Ap;\ \;\ H;\;\  4;\'         A;\ ;\;\;\;\C;\`I;\S;\tX;\Z jj tB-@v w5B-@vjN j Untestedj j `B-@v B-@vjN j `B-@v B-@v  mm.jjjGMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 450 to 2000 mm.CMaximum diameter of tyres on the untested vehicle must not exceed  ZYKJHIV\_behk@a @X;\   ;\ 0;\       A;\ ;\ ;\       A@2  4;\;\p ;\+       A;\$8;\L;\;\;\FKL;\T;\[8;\_;\aJ j jj.O j tB-@v w5B-@vjk. ;\ ;\ ,;\C;\;\ h;\;\ @;\ ;\ ,;\  ;\ ;\;\C;\D ;\ ;\  ;\   ;\   ;\ D;\ \;\;\ D;\ ;\    ;\ @  ;\H       A;\ ;\      A;\ ;\ $;\#;\&;\);\:;\?;\`;\b;\d;\(k ECE-Tj Testedj Untestedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj j %j -PͫXP -PͫXP <j xj j xj j j, ~)U]9MLKJ^_hijkl>k. ;\ ;\ ;\C;\;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\;\CD ;\ ;\  0;\  ;\ ;\    D;\ ;\;\ D;\ ;\   D;\ ;\4  0;\ ;\H       A|;\ h;\      A;\ ;\ ;\#;\&;\);\:;\?;\`;\b;\d;\(k ECE-Tj Testedj Untestedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj j %j -PͫXP -PͫXP <j xj j xj j j,*V^:MLKJ]_hijkl>k. ;\ ;\ ;\C;\;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\;\CD ;\ ;\  ;\   ;\    D ;\  ;\h D;\ ;\   ;\ ;\4  ;\ ;\H       A4;\  ;\      A;\ ;\ l;\#;\&;\)0;\:;\?;\`;\b;\d;\(k ECE-Tj Testedj Untestedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj j %j -PͫXP -PͫXP <j xj j xj j j,+W_;MLKJ]^hijkl>k. ;\ h;\  ;\C;\;\ H;\;\  ;\ ;\  ;\  ;\ ;\;\CD ;\ ;\  ;\  ;\ ;\   ;\ D;\ ;\;\ D;\ ;\    ;\4  (;\ ;\H       A|;\ h;\      A;\ ;\ ;\#;\&;\)x;\:;\?d;\`;\bP;\d;\(k ECE-Tj Testedj Untestedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj j %j -PͫXP -PͫXP <j xj j xj j j,,Xh<MLKJ]^_ijkl ;\ ;\ ;\C;\| ;\;\ ;\  L ;\ T;\;\@;\ ECE-Aj ECE-Tj %j j }~ ;\ ;\ \;\C(;\ ;\;\ ;\ L ;\;\ ;\;\;\;\ ECE-Aj ECE-Tj %j j ;\ ;\ ;\C;\ ;\#$ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\;\;\ ECE-Aj ECE-Tj %j j ;\ 4;\ ;\C;\ <;\ ;\ ;\ d ;\;\8;\ ECE-Aj ECE-Tj %j j,7& ;\ T;\ ;\C;\;\C ;\  ;\>;\ 4;\  D;\  ;\;\ p;\ ;\ \;\   ;\ 4;\;\ ;\,;\ . ;\07  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj %j Testedj xj Untestedj xj j~ ),7& ;\ T;\ ;\C;\;\C ;\  ;\>;\ ;\  ;\  ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\   ;\ `;\;\L;\,;\ .8;\0;\ 7  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj %j Testedj xj Untestedj xj j*,7& ;\ T;\ ;\C;\;\C ;\  ;\>;\ ;\  l;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ p;\   ;\ H;\;\4;\,;\ . ;\0;\ 7  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj %j Testedj xj Untestedj xj j+,7& $ C;\C;\ ;\ \;\>;\ ;\  ;\  ;\ |;\ ;\ h;\   ;\  H;\;\ 4;\,;\ . ;\0;\ 7  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj %j Testedj xj Untestedj xj j,+C;\TC<;\ @;\ `;\>;\ ;\C;\0 ;\D   ;\;\;\';\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Untestedj ECE-Ajj. jj`If the vehicle variants's test status is Untested ot ECE-A, you cannot choose the selection 'T'.~ )@+CP;\;\TC;\ ;\ ;\> ;\C;\0 ;\D   ;\Ӵ'<;\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Untestedj ECE-Ajj jj`If the vehicle variants's test status is Untested or ECE-A, you cannot choose the selection 'S'.~ )@+C(;\;\TCT;\ X;\ `;\>;\ ;\C0    ;\ӵ'$;\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Untestedj ECE-Ajj jj`If the vehicle variants's test status is Untested ot ECE-A, you cannot choose the selection 'T'.*@+C;\;\TCp;\ \;\ ;\> ;\C;\0 ;\D   ;\Ӷ';\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Untestedj ECE-Ajj8R jj`If the vehicle variants's test status is Untested or ECE-A, you cannot choose the selection 'S'.*@+C;\TC4;\ 8;\ `;\> ;\C;\0 ;\D   oX;\';\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Untestedj ECE-AjjR jj`If the vehicle variants's test status is Untested ot ECE-A, you cannot choose the selection 'T'.+@+C8;\;\TCP;\ <;\ P;\>;\ ;\C;\0 ;\D   ;\;\;\';\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Untestedj ECE-AjjR jj`If the vehicle variants's test status is Untested or ECE-A, you cannot choose the selection 'S'.+@+C;\TC;\  >;\ ;\C;\0 ;\D   ;\,;\;\';\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Untestedj ECE-AjjPS jj`If the vehicle variants's test status is Untested ot ECE-A, you cannot choose the selection 'T'.,@+C;\TC;\ ;\ 4;\>;\ ;\C;\0 ;\D   t;\;\'`;\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Untestedj ECE-AjjS jj`If the vehicle variants's test status is Untested or ECE-A, you cannot choose the selection 'S'.,@+C;\TC ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\>;\ ;\C;\0 ;\D   D;\';\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Testedj ECE-TjjT jj_If the vehicle variant's test status is 'Tested' or 'ECE-T', then the selection cannot be 'NT'.~ )@+C;\TCp;\ ;\ ;\ >  ;\C;\0 ;\D   ;\X;\;\'D;\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Testedj ECE-TjjZT jj_If the vehicle variant's test status is 'Tested' or 'ECE-T', then the selection cannot be 'NT'.*@+C;\TC;\  ;\>;\  ;\C;\0 ;\D   ;\P;\;\'<;\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Testedj ECE-TjjT jj_If the vehicle variant's test status is 'Tested' or 'ECE-T', then the selection cannot be 'NT'.+@+CL;\TC `;\ > C;\0 ;\D   ;\`;\;\'L;\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Testedj ECE-TjjU jj_If the vehicle variant's test status is 'Tested' or 'ECE-T', then the selection cannot be 'NT'.,@  ;\ ;\;\;\ UntestedjjW jjW jj`On an ESC equipped vehicle, the suspension configuration must be the same as the tested vehicle.}If the suspension differs from the tested vehicle, you must provide a description of the differences in the comments section.x@   ,;\\;\;\ UntestedjjrX jjX jj`On an ESC equipped vehicle, the suspension configuration must be the same as the tested vehicle.}If the suspension differs from the tested vehicle, you must provide a description of the differences in the comments section.z@  ;\ ;\;\@;\;\ UntestedjjhW jjX jj`On an ESC equipped vehicle, the suspension configuration must be the same as the tested vehicle.}If the suspension differs from the tested vehicle, you must provide a description of the differences in the comments section.|@  ;\ 0;\D;\;\ Untestedjj| jj } jj`On an ESC equipped vehicle, the suspension configuration must be the same as the tested vehicle.}If the suspension differs from the tested vehicle, you must provide a description of the differences in the comments section.~@z!J ;\ ;\ l;\ ;\h  ;\ 8;\ ;\ ;\;\l;\ ;\0;\;\D! Untestedj %j xj %j j jwxz!J ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\h ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ >;\8;\ ;\;\0;\G D! Untestedj %j xj %j j jyzz!J ;\ ;\ l;\ ;\h  ;\ X;\ 0;\ >}Z ;\0x;\;\D! Untestedj %j xj %j j j{|z!J ;\ ;\ d;\ ;\h ;\ ;\ t;\ 0;\ >;\;\ ;\;\0\;\;\D! Untestedj %j xj %j j j}~9: ;\ X;\ ;\C;\|Cn (;\ n (txe ;\  ;\0       A;\ |;\  ;\ ;\ @;\!;\ #,;\2;\49  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T % Untested x  $)9: ;\ d;\ ;\C;\|C;\ p;\\;\ ;\ 4;\ ;\  Q0       A;\ ;\   ;\ ;\!;\ #;\249  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T % Untested x  $)9: ;\ X;\ ;\C;\|C;\ 0;\;\ nRp T;\ ;\  ;\0       A;\ x;\  ;\ ;\ <;\!;\ #(;\2;\49  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T % Untested x  $)9: ;\ X;\ ;\C;\|C;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  0       A;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\!;\ #;\2;\49  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T % Untested x  $).C@C;\| T;\        A ;\ ;\X   ;\ ;\;\;\.  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T UntestedBOHxTR BONTRBOTCTRyThe tested vehicle has a braking cycle time over 45 seconds, the untested vehicle cannot have a braking cycle time under.")@L,C;\C;\  (;\       A;\ ;\X   ;\;\;\*l;\,  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T UntestedB>OHwTR B>ONTRjThe untested vehicle must have a braking cycle time in the Type 1 test no shorter than the tested vehicle. )@.C@C;\| T;\        A;\ ;\X   ;\ (;\;\;\.  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T UntestedBOHxTRt BONTRBOTCTRyThe tested vehicle has a braking cycle time over 45 seconds, the untested vehicle cannot have a braking cycle time under.")@L,C;\C;\  ;\       A X;\ ;\X   ;\ ;\;\*;\,  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T UntestedBOHwTRȂ BONTRjThe untested vehicle must have a braking cycle time in the Type 1 test no shorter than the tested vehicle. )@.C@C;\| T;\ x;\       A ;\ QP   ;\ ;\;\;\.  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T UntestedB:OHxTR* B:ONTRB:OTCTRyThe tested vehicle has a braking cycle time over 45 seconds, the untested vehicle cannot have a braking cycle time under.")@L,C;\C;\  ;\       A8;\ ;\X   ;\;\;\*p;\,  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T UntestedBdOHwTR~ BdONTRjThe untested vehicle must have a braking cycle time in the Type 1 test no shorter than the tested vehicle. )@.C@C;\| t;\        Ap;\ ;\X   ;\ ;\;\;\.  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T UntestedBHOHxTR&Ǡ BHONTRBHOTCTRyThe tested vehicle has a braking cycle time over 45 seconds, the untested vehicle cannot have a braking cycle time under.")@L,C;\C;\         A;\ ;\X   ;\<;\;\*(;\,  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T UntestedBOHwTRzǠ BONTRjThe untested vehicle must have a braking cycle time in the Type 1 test no shorter than the tested vehicle. )@ ;\ @  ;\ T(;\   ;\ ;\C;\ ;\ ;\  ;\  ;\ ;\0 Dl;\X;\ 0;\ ;\ ;\             A ;\C;\ ;\       A`;\C8;\;\  At;\ !"#$%&'()  A;\ ;\  ;\ ;\" ;\,6;\h<p;\U;\|\\;\k;\pH;\;\4;\ Untestedj Testedj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj jj @u` B@@u` @u`jɠ j LK@@u`j Vehicle number cannot be 5. Testedj ECE-Tj T-Pjjɠ j Testedj T-Pjjɠ jj*Vehicle reference must be within 1 and 12.-The vehicle referenced must have been tested.LThe vehicle referenced must have had either a practical or a simulated test.)R)~9  @ ;\ @ ;\ T`  ;\ 4;\ ;\ ;\Cl;\ ;\     ;\ ;\0 D ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\     L;\        A;\C;\ x;\       A;\C;\;\  A;\ !"#$%&'()  A;\ \;\  ;\ H;\" ;\,6r1<U;\|\;\k;\p;\;\;\ Untestedj Testedj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj jj @u` B@@u` @u`jɠ j [@u`j Vehicle number cannot be 6. Testedj ECE-Tj T-Pjjɠ j Testedj T-Pjjɠ jj*Vehicle reference must be within 1 and 12.-The vehicle referenced must have been tested.LThe vehicle referenced must have had either a practical or a simulated test.)R*:  @ ;\ @ ;\ T`  ;\ 4;\ ;\ ;\Cl;\ ;\   ;\    @;\D;\X;\ 0;\ ;\ ;\     H;\        A;\C;\ X;\       Ad;\C<;\;\  A<;\ !"#$%&'()  A;\ ;\  ;\ ;\" ;\,6;\h<;\U;\|\x;\k;\pd;\;\P;\ Untestedj Testedj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj jj @u` B@@u` @u`jʠ j j@u`j Vehicle number cannot be 7. Testedj ECE-Tj T-Pjj(ʠ j Testedj T-Pjj6ʠ jj*Vehicle reference must be within 1 and 12.-The vehicle referenced must have been tested.LThe vehicle referenced must have had either a practical or a simulated test.)R+;  @ ;\ @ ;\ T`  ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\CX;\ ;\     ;\ ;\0 D ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\      ;\        Al;\C;\ ;\       A<;\C;\;\  At;\ !"#$%&'()  A;\ ;\  ;\ ;\" ;\,6;\h<p;\U;\|\\;\k;\pH;\;\4;\ Untestedj Testedj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj jj @u` B@@u` @u`jʠ j z@u`j Vehicle number cannot be 8. Testedj ECE-Tj T-Pjjʠ j Testedj T-Pjjʠ jj*Vehicle reference must be within 1 and 12.-The vehicle referenced must have been tested.LThe vehicle referenced must have had either a practical or a simulated test.)R,<  @ ;\ ;\@ h ;\ |;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ D;\;\;\D ;\ ;\X   ;\        A    CP;\ ;\\       A;\C;\$p;\  A;\ !"#$%&'()  AD;\ ;\d  0;\ ;\x" ;\69;\P;\U;\a;\f;\v;\x;\z;\ Untestedj Testedj j %j PͫXP B@PͫXP PͫXP xj LK@PͫXP xj Testedj ECE-Tj T-Pj xj Testedj T-Pj xj j)R)9   ;\ 8;\@ h x;\ ;\|d;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ D;\;\D l;\ ;\X   ;\        A;\    C;\ ;\\       A;\C;\$;\  A;\ !"#$%&'()  A0;\ ;\d  ;\ ;\x" ;\6;\9;\P;\U;\a;\f;\v;\x;\z;\ Untestedj Testedj j %j PͫXP B@PͫXP PͫXP xj [PͫXP xj Testedj ECE-Tj T-Pj xj Testedj T-Pj xj j)R*:   ;\ ;\@ h x;\ ;\|d;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ D;\;\;\D $;\ ;\X   ;\        A;\    C$;\ ;\\       A;\C;\$;\  A;\ !"#$%&'()  A;\ ;\d  |;\ ;\x" h;\6;\9@;\P;\U,;\a;\f;\v;\x;\z;\ Untestedj Testedj j %j PͫXP B@PͫXP PͫXP xj jPͫXP xj Testedj ECE-Tj T-Pj xj Testedj T-Pj xj j)R+;   ;\ <;\;\@ h ;\ |(;\  ;\ (;\  0;\D;\;\;\D ;\ ;\X   ;\        A;\    C;\ ;\\       A;\C$;\  A;\ !"#$%&'()  A;\ ;\d  ;\ ;\x" l;\6;\9D;\P;\U0;\a;\f;\v;\x;\z;\ Untestedj Testedj j %j PͫXP B@PͫXP PͫXP xj zPͫXP xj Testedj ECE-Tj T-Pj xj Testedj T-Pj xj j)R,<  R?v ;\ 4;\;\hT;\   h;\  T;\;\D ;\   ;\46>;\H7 ;\:;\p?N j j j j j j j j j j j jjj<(I A@0x8-A`@R?v ;\ @;\;\h`;\   t;\  x;\;\D(;\  T;\ ;\ ;\46>;\H7 ;\:;\p?N j j j j j j j j j j j jjj<  )J!CB1ya9.Ba@R?v ;\ ;\h    ;\   ;\;\D ;\ P;\ C ;\46>;\H7 `;\:;\p?N j j j j j j j j j j j jjj<  *K"ED2zb:/Cb@R?v ;\ 4;\;\hT;\   h;\  4;\;\D;\ ;\ ;\ |;\ ;\46>;\H7 ;\:;\p?N j j j j j j j j j j j jjj<+L#GF3{c; 0Dc@< ;\, <j`h< ;\H;\, <ja`< ;\, <jck< ;\;\, <jbaP ,@4;\, <jP ,@4;\, <jP ,@4;\, <jP ,@ ;\, <jP ,@;\, <jP ,@;\, <jP ;\;\@q, <jP ,@;\, <j  ;\ ;\ 8 ;\T<;\;\| , <ȕ_|~pD7ȕ_ȕ  ;\ 4;\ ;\ y;\| , <|~pD8  ;\ ;\ 8 ;\T;\;\| , <>|~pDL8>>  ;\ ;\ 8 ;\T;\| , <|~pD8 ;\ $;\ ;\ T;\h;\|X;\;\, <<_|~pD@?<_<8 ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\T;\h;\|`;\;\, <R_|~pD@R_R9 ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\T;\h;\|`;\;\, <z_|~pD4@z_z: ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\T;\h;\| ;\;\, <h_|~pDE@h_h; ;\ $;\ ;\ T;\h;\| ;\;\, <_|~pD6_   ;\ l;\ ;\ ;\T;\hj;\, <! ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\T;\h;\| 8;\;\, <_|~pDL7_" ;\ |;\ ;\ ;\T;\h;\, <# ;\ ;\ 8;\ T;\h;\| ;\;\, <n_|~pD6n_n(  ;\ $;\  ;\T;\h;\|;\;\, <L|~pD7LL) ;\ H;\ ;\ ;\T;\h;\|;\;\, <"_|~pDl9"_"* ;\ $;\ L;\ ;\Th;\|<;\;\, <o|~pDo7oo+ ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\Th;\|8;\;\, <_|~pDJ?_0  ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\Th;\|x;\;\, <L|~pD@LL1 ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\Th;\| ;\;\, <l|~pDl@ll2 ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\Th;\|;\;\, <l|~pDl@ll3P 67 ,;\@;\, <_~( ?Ad3hW ;\ $;\ P;\ T;\h;\| ;\;\, <||~pD?||P ,@\;\, <_~( Ad3hWP ,@;\, <_~( fAd3hW ;\ $;\  ;\T;\h;\|;\;\, <._|~pD\=._.I ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\T;\h;\| ;\;\, <|~pDȤ>J ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\T;\h;\| $;\;\, <P|~pD >PPK ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\T;\h;\|8;\;\, <>|~pD>>>L< ;\2 B~(Z1d3h) Docume_Reference1d33h) Docume_Reference1d3Mh)pP ;\ ;\ 8e        C$;\;\;\;\ B? CTRB?*TRЮB?0TRZVariant descriptions would normally be unique. Please enter a unique variant description. abc@   ;\.  UntestedBDH ETR\gBDHTRBDH TRIf there are differences from a tested vehicle which affect test vehicle selection an explanation must be entered in the comments section.@ ;\ ;\ ;\ ?h ;\ ;\ ;\;\4;\  ;\;\ ;\ Untested % %    ;\ t;\ ;\ ;\h 4;\ ;\ ;\;\4;\  ;\;\ ;\ Untested % %      ;\ t;\ ;\ ;\h 4;\ ;\ ;\;\;\ ;\;\ Untested % %      ;\ 4;\ ;\ ;\h 8;\ ;\ $;\;\4;\  ;\;\ ;\ Untested % %     ;\;\|  UntestedB  GTRgB TRB TRIf there are differences from a tested vehicle which affect test vehicle selection an explanation must be entered in the comments section. @  (;\;\|  UntestedBBH GTRRM BBHTRBBHTRIf there are differences from a tested vehicle which affect test vehicle selection an explanation must be entered in the comments section. @  (;\;\|  UntestedBL@H GTRN BL@HTRBL@HTRIf there are differences from a tested vehicle which affect test vehicle selection an explanation must be entered in the comments section.@ S| @;\ , ;\ ;\  ;\       A;\p;\     C;\       A;\p  ;\;\;\;\;\ C;\        A;\P;\;\(;\Pd;\;\);\N;\d;\n;\s;\u|;\| BNpTR ;yZ T yZBN$TRN  Untested  MA MB MC NA yZBNTR When category is O BNTR MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC 0yZBN7TR When category is O BNTREThe wheelbase is expected to be within the range of 1000 to 10000 mm.m, the wheelbase of the tested vehicle must not exceed the wheelbase of the untested vehicle by more than 10%.m, the wheelbase of the tested vehicle must not exceed the wheelbase of the untested vehicle by more than 15%.&8x)@ S| ;|N @;\ ;\;\ ;\        Ax;\d;\ ;\    C;\       A;\p P;\;\;\;\;\ C;\        A;\|;\;\(;\P;\d;\;\);\N;\d;\n;\s;\u;\| BtTR ;yZ T yZB$TRtO  Untested  MA MB MC NA yZB#TR When category is O BTR MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC 0yZBBTR When category is O B TREThe wheelbase is expected to be within the range of 1000 to 10000 mm.m, the wheelbase of the tested vehicle must not exceed the wheelbase of the untested vehicle by more than 10%.m, the wheelbase of the tested vehicle must not exceed the wheelbase of the untested vehicle by more than 15%.&9y)@ S| =N x;\ P;\;\ ;\        A ;\ ;\ NQp    C0;\       A;\p  ;\NT`;\;\;\ C;\        A;\;\;\(;\P;\d;\|;\);\Nh;\d;\nT;\s;\u@;\| B.tTR ;yZ T yZB.$TRO  Untested  MA MB MC NA yZB.#TR When category is P B.TR MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC 0yZB.BTR When category is P B. TREThe wheelbase is expected to be within the range of 1000 to 10000 mm.m, the wheelbase of the tested vehicle must not exceed the wheelbase of the untested vehicle by more than 10%.m, the wheelbase of the tested vehicle must not exceed the wheelbase of the untested vehicle by more than 15%.&:z)@ S|  ;\ , ;\ d;\         A`;\ ;\    C;\       A;\p ;\;\;\;\ Cp;\        A;\;\;\(;\P;\d;\;\);\N;\d;\n;\s;\u;\| BtTR ;yZ T yZB$TR|P  Untested  MA MB MC NA yZB#TR When category is P BTR MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC 0yZBBTR When category is P B TREThe wheelbase is expected to be within the range of 1000 to 10000 mm.m, the wheelbase of the tested vehicle must not exceed the wheelbase of the untested vehicle by more than 10%.m, the wheelbase of the tested vehicle must not exceed the wheelbase of the untested vehicle by more than 15%.&;{)@  ;\ ;\;\;\ UntestedjjQ jjQ jj`On an ESC equipped vehicle, the suspension configuration must be the same as the tested vehicle.}If the suspension differs from the tested vehicle, you must provide a description of the differences in the comments section.A@  ;\ ;\;\;\ UntestedjjR jjR jj`On an ESC equipped vehicle, the suspension configuration must be the same as the tested vehicle.}If the suspension differs from the tested vehicle, you must provide a description of the differences in the comments section.C@  ;\ 0;\;\ UntestedjjS jjS jj`On an ESC equipped vehicle, the suspension configuration must be the same as the tested vehicle.}If the suspension differs from the tested vehicle, you must provide a description of the differences in the comments section.E@  ;\ 0;\;\ Untestedjj@T jjNT jj`On an ESC equipped vehicle, the suspension configuration must be the same as the tested vehicle.}If the suspension differs from the tested vehicle, you must provide a description of the differences in the comments section.G@rt ;\ ;\ ;\@ ;\ ;\h |;\ ,;\ ;\ 4;\       A;\N     C;\       AT;\ ;\,;\ ;\ C;\        A;\;\;\;\;\(";\@;\<V;\];\Pb;\d;\dk;\r  % ;4A~|P T 4A~|P % Untested  MA MB MC NA 4A~|P x  MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC 04A~|P x &x)rt ;\ ;\ ;\@ ;\ ;\h |;\ ,;\ ;\ 4;\       A;\N     C;\       A;\ ;\x;\  C;\        A;\8;\;\;\;\(";\@;\<V;\];\Pb;\d;\dk;\r  % ;4A~P T 4A~P % Untested  MA MB MC NA 4A~P x  MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC 04A~P x &y)rt ;\ T;\ ;\@ ;\ ;\h ;\ ;\ ;\        A;\;\ ;\   C;\       A;\ ;\;\  C;\        A;\;\;\;\;\(";\@;\<V;\];\Pb;\d;\dk;\r  % ;4A~ {P T 4A~ {P % Untested  MA MB MC NA 4A~ {P x  MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC 04A~ {P x &z)rt ;\ ;\ ;\@ ;\ ;\h |;\ ,;\ ;\ 4;\       A;\ND    C;\       Al;\ ;\D;\  C;\        A;\ ;\;\;\;\(";\@;\<V;\];\Pb;\d;\dk;\r  % ;4A~4P T 4A~4P % Untested  MA MB MC NA 4A~4P x  MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC 04A~4P x &{)z!J ;\ ;\ l;\ ;\h  ;\ 8;\ 4;\ ;\;\\;\ ;\0;\;\D! Untestedj %j xj %j j j@Az!J ;\ ;\ l;\ ;\h t;\ ;\ `;\ t;\ \;\D;\ ;\0;\;\D! Untestedj %j xj %j j jBCz!J ;\ ;\ l;\ ;\h ;\ ;\ t;\ 8;\ $;\ ;\;\0 ;\;\D! Untestedj %j xj %j j jDEz!J ;\ ;\ d;\ ;\h ;\ ;\ ;\ L;\ ;\;\;\ ;\;\0\;\;\D! Untestedj %j xj %j j jFG+7& ;\ T       A;\       A;\ ;\ h;\#;\);\ 0;\5;\ 7R Bs =TR Untested BsZTRjBs`TRBsf>TRYUnique Braking System Identification should be identical to tested vehicle, please check. x @+7&  T       A;\;\       A;\;\ ;\# ;\);\ 0 ;\5;\ 7R Bt4 ?TR Untested Bt4ZTRBt4`%TRBt4fDTRYUnique Braking System Identification should be identical to tested vehicle, please check. y @+7&  T       A;\;\       A;\;\ ;\#;\);\ 0;\5;\ 7R Bbs ?TR Untested BbsZTRBbs`%TRBbsfDTRYUnique Braking System Identification should be identical to tested vehicle, please check. z @+7&  T       A x;\       A;\;\ ;\#;\);\ 0;\5;\ 7R B4 ?TR Untested B4ZTRfB4`%TRB4fDTRYUnique Braking System Identification should be identical to tested vehicle, please check. { @:D ;\ ;\  ;\C;\       A;\H;\       A;\;\ h;\#;\ &;\ ,,;\1;\43;\:(  % Untested  x   x :D ;\ D;\ ;\ C;\       A(;\;\       A;\;\ ;\#;\ &;\ ,;\1;\43;\:(  % Untested  x   y :D ;\ x;\ ;\ C       A;\       A;\ ;\#;\ &;\ ,h;\1;\43T;\:(  % Untested  x   z :D ;\ T;\ ;\ C;\       A;\;\       A;\;\ ;\#;\ & ,;\1;\43;\:(  % Untested  x   { /\ CT;\   ;\   ;\ ;\         A       A;\;\ ;\p#       A;\ ;\$5;\`;;\?;\tI;\N;\Zp;\\J MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj jj lrv lrvj5j Untestedj j lrvj$5jjXThe maximum laden vehicle speed is usually within the range 50 to 220 km/h. Please checkIf the maximum laden vehicle speed for vehicle for the tested vehicle must be higher than the maximum laden vehicle speed for the untested vehicle.")Ix-"@/\ C;\       L;\         A;\       AT;\ ;\p#       A ;\ ;\ 5;\`;$;\?;\tI;\N;\Z;\\J MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj jj lrv lrvjx5j Untestedj j lrvj5jjXThe maximum laden vehicle speed is usually within the range 50 to 220 km/h. Please checkIf the maximum laden vehicle speed for vehicle for the tested vehicle must be higher than the maximum laden vehicle speed for the untested vehicle.")Jy-"@/\ Cp;\       p;\         A;\;\       A;\;\ ;\p#       A;\ ;\$5;\`;<;\?;\tI(;\N;\Z;\\J MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj jj lrv lrvj5j Untestedj j lrvj5jjXThe maximum laden vehicle speed is usually within the range 50 to 220 km/h. Please checkIf the maximum laden vehicle speed for vehicle for the tested vehicle must be higher than the maximum laden vehicle speed for the untested vehicle.")Kz-"@/\ C;\       ;\         A;\       A;\;\ ;\p#       Ad;\P;\ ;\$5;\`;;\?;\tI;\N;\Z;\\J MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj jj lrv lrvj<6j Untestedj j lrvjJ6jjXThe maximum laden vehicle speed is usually within the range 50 to 220 km/h. Please checkIf the maximum laden vehicle speed for vehicle for the tested vehicle must be higher than the maximum laden vehicle speed for the untested vehicle.")L{-"@&^ ;\ ;\ ;\ C;\   ;\   ;\   0       AD;\0;\       A;\p;\ ;\#       A;\$;\8  ;\5;\`8;\t=d;\D;\IP;\K;\W<;\^  MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj j %j  T<X  T<X %j Untestedj j  T<X xj j j")x-"&^ ;\ ;\ 4;\ C;\   ;\   h;\   0       A;\       A;\p;\ ;\#       A;\$;\8  ;\5;\`8;\t=;\D;\I;\K;\W;\^  MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj j %j  T<X  T<X %j Untestedj j  T<X xj j j")y-"&^ ;\  ;\ ;\ C;\   ;\   ;\   ;\0       A;\;\       A;\p;\ $;\#       A;\$;\8 x;\5;\`8;\t=<;\D;\I(;\K;\W;\^  MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC  % 4A~0P 4A~0P % Untested  4A~0P x  ")z-"&^ ;\ ;\ ;\ C;\   ;\   ;\   0       A;\;\       A;\p 0 esla#       A;\$;\8 ;\5;\`8;\t=|;\D;\Ih;\K;\WT;\^  MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj j %j  T<X  T<X %j Untestedj j  T<X xj j j"){-"        C;\x;\;\d;\ B. ETRB.*TRlB.0TRZVariant descriptions would normally be unique. Please enter a unique variant description. abc@        C@;\;\;\n B:. ETRB:.*TRB:.0TRZVariant descriptions would normally be unique. Please enter a unique variant description. bac@        CX;\ ;\;\;\ Br. ETRBr.*TR"Br.0TRZVariant descriptions would normally be unique. Please enter a unique variant description. cab@#^ ;\ <;\ ;\  0;\      C\;\ ;\4;\;\D ;\;\X#  % < x abc#^ ;\ ;\ d;\  ;\      C;\ ;\;\;\Dx;\;\X#  % < x abc#^ ;\ ;\ d;\  ;\      C;\ ;\;\;\D;\;\X#  % < x bac#^ ;\ ;\ <;\  ;\      C;\ ;\;\;\D;\;\X#  % < x cab5T  TD;\h|  H;\   ;\         A;\  C;\ ;\\;\;\4"H;\1C ;\D@;\ C;\L;\P;\ ;\D;\;\;\ ;\        A0;\ C;\ ;\ ;\!"D#, C;\ ;\$%&X;\;\<'0;\B;\0e;\D;\h' BN @TR Untested R7@| 5R B@R7@| 5R R7@| 5RBN*TR/ T@R7@| 5RBN6NTR/ ECE-T Tested T-PBNfTR/BNlTR Tested ECE-T T-P R7@| 5RBNrTR/BNTR/BNTR ECE-A -R7@| 5R B@R7@| 5R R7@| 5R ECE-A ECE-TBNYTR/ R7@| 5RBN*tTR/BN0TRBN8TRDVehicle number of the test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.OThe representive test vehicle for Vehicle Number 9 can not be Vehicle Number 9.+Representative test vehicle must be tested.XDocument reference would normally be greater than 2 characters in length. Please check.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.?Representative test vehicle must be ECE Approved or ECE Tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.2xQVWUyz{@6T  TD;\h| ;\ ;\   0;\         AX;\  C;\ ;\p;\;\4"\;\1C ;\D ;\;\ C;\L;\0;\ ;\D;\T;\ ;\        A ;\ C;\ ;\ ;\!"D;\#;\, C;\ ;\$%&`;\<'$;\B;\0e;\R54Ph' B6hN BTR Untested R7@|XUR B@R7@|XUR R7@|XURB6hN*TR*0 R7@|XURB6hN6UTR80 ECE-T Tested T-PB6hNfTRF0B6hNlTR Tested ECE-T T-P R7@|XURB6hN}TRT0B6hNTRb0B6hNTR ECE-A -R7@|XUR B@R7@|XUR R7@|XUR ECE-A ECE-TB6hNhTRp0 R7@|XURB6hN*TR~0B6hN0TRB6hN8TRDVehicle number of the test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.PThe representive test vehicle for Vehicle Number 10 can not be Vehicle Number 10+Representative test vehicle must be tested.XDocument reference would normally be greater than 2 characters in length. Please check.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.?Representative test vehicle must be ECE Approved or ECE Tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.2yQVWxUz{@7T żP TDh;\ ;\ ;\   hP         A;\  C;\ ;\h;\;\4"T;\1C;\D;\;\ C;\L;\\;\ ;\D;\;\O ;\ D        A;\ Cx;\ ;\ d;\!"D;\#;\, C;\ ;\$%&L;\;\<'$;\B;\0e;\;\D;\h' BNiN BTR Untested yZ B@yZ yZBNiN*TR0 yZBNiN6UTR0 ECE-T Tested T-PBNiNfTR0BNiNlTR Tested ECE-T T-P yZBNiN~TR0BNiNTR 1BNiNTR ECE-A -yZ B@yZ yZ ECE-A ECE-TBNiNiTR1 yZBNiN*TR&1BNiN0TRBNiN8TRDVehicle number of the test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.QThe representive test vehicle for Vehicle Number 11 can not be Vehicle Number 11.+Representative test vehicle must be tested.XDocument reference would normally be greater than 2 characters in length. Please check.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.?Representative test vehicle must be ECE Approved or ECE Tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.2zQVWxyU{@7T $ UD;\h;\|;\             A;\  C;\ ;\;\4"H;\1C;\D;\x;\ CdD ;\D;\;\D,;\ ;\        A;\ Cd;\ ;\ P;\!"D;\#;\, C;\ t;\$%&8;\;\<';\B;\0e;\;\D;\h' BIO BTR Untested yZ B@yZ yZBIO*TRz1 yZBIO6STR1 ECE-T Tested T-PBIOfTR1BIOlTR Tested ECE-T T-P yZBIO|TR1BIOTR1BIOTR ECE-A -yZ B@yZ yZ ECE-A ECE-TBIOfTR1 yZBIO*TR1BIO0TRBIO8TRDVehicle number of the test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.QThe representive test vehicle for Vehicle Number 12 can not be Vehicle Number 12.+Representative test vehicle must be tested.XDocument reference would normally be greater than 2 characters in length. Please check.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.?Representative test vehicle must be ECE Approved or ECE Tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.2{QVWxyzU@  ;\ `;\ ;\  D;\;\ ;\          A;\   CP;\ ;\ (;\;\ ;\*C;\D|;\h;\ C;\$;\;\L ;\Dx;\d;\P;\;\ (;\        A;\dC 0;\ ;\D;\;\ Ch;\ ;\h@;\;\7 ;\<;\Z;\Ӑ ;\B  j %j Untestedj PͫXP B@PͫXP PͫXP xj T@PͫXP xj ECE-Tj Testedj T-Pj xj j Testedj ECE-Tj T-Pj PͫXP xj xj j ECE-Aj -PͫXP B@PͫXP PͫXP ECE-Aj ECE-Tj xj PͫXP xj j j4xQVWUyz{  ;\ |;\  ;\  D@;\,;\;\ #Q          A;\   Cl;\ ;\ D;\;\ 0;\*C;\D;\;\ C;\$;\;\L ;\D;\;\;\;\ ;\        A;\dC;\ ;\ ;\D;\0;\ Ct;\ ;\h@;\;\7 ;\<;\Z;\^B;\B   % Untested 4A~#P B@4A~#P 4A~#P x 4A~#P x ECE-T Tested T-P x  Tested ECE-T T-P 4A~#P x x  ECE-A -4A~#P B@4A~#P 4A~#P ECE-A ECE-T x 4A~#P x  4yQVWxUz{  ;\ ;\ ;\  D ;\ ;\  ;\  ;\        A;\   C;\ ;\ 8;\;\ $;\*C;\D;\;\ C;\$ ;\;\L ;\D;\;\;\;\ ;\        AdC;\  ;\ ;\D;\;\ CX;\ ;\h0;\;\7 ;\<;\Z;\;\;\;\B   % Untested 4A~\GP B@4A~\GP 4A~\GP x 4A~\GP x ECE-T Tested T-P x  Tested ECE-T T-P 4A~\GP x x  ECE-A -4A~\GP B@4A~\GP 4A~\GP ECE-A ECE-T x 4A~\GP x  4zQVWxyU{  ;\ ;\ D;\  ;\Dl;\X;\D;\;\ ;\ ;\  ;\        A;\   C;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\*C`;\DL;\8;\ C;\$(;\;\L D;\;\;\;\ \;\        A;\dC;\ ;\ ;\D;\;\ C8;\ ;\h;\;\7 ;\<;\Z;\;\;\;\B   % Untested 4A~-P B@4A~-P 4A~-P x 4A~-P x ECE-T Tested T-P x  Tested ECE-T T-P 4A~-P x x  ECE-A -4A~-P B@4A~-P 4A~-P ECE-A ECE-T x 4A~-P x  4{QVWxyzU@ p;\ h ;\       A;\P       A;\^   ;\4 8;\+;\\/$;\9;\p>;\@  BZ <TR yZ EdyZBZxTR셑 Untested BZh)TRBZnTRBZtTRQSmallest wheel vent area must be within the range 0 to 300000 square millimetres.hThe wheel vent area of vehicle of the untested vehicle must be equal or greater than the tested vehicle. x~ @DG ;\ p;\ ;\C;\ (;\ ;\ ;\       A ;\ ;\       AX;\;\H   ;\' ;\,;\3;\8;\>;\@;\G$  Testedj Untestedj j %j PͫXP EdPͫXP xj Untestedj j xj j j j"x~ @ p;\ h        A ;\ ;\       Al;\;\   ;\4 ;\+;\\/;\9;\p>;\@  BH  >TR yZ EdyZBH {TRچ Untested BH h0TR膑BH nTRBH tTRQSmallest wheel vent area must be within the range 0 to 300000 square millimetres.hThe wheel vent area of vehicle of the untested vehicle must be equal or greater than the tested vehicle. y~ @@ p;\ h        A;\;\       A;\;\   ;\4 D;\+;\\/0;\9;\p>;\@  B  >TR yZ EdyZB {TR: Untested B h0TRƄB nTRB tTRQSmallest wheel vent area must be within the range 0 to 300000 square millimetres.hThe wheel vent area of vehicle of the untested vehicle must be equal or greater than the tested vehicle. z~ @@  ;\h        A;\       A;\;\   ;\4 4;\+;\\/ ;\9;\p> ;\@  B(  >TR yZ EdyZB( {TRN  Untested B( h0TR\ B( nTRB( tTRQSmallest wheel vent area must be within the range 0 to 300000 square millimetres.hThe wheel vent area of vehicle of the untested vehicle must be equal or greater than the tested vehicle. {~ @DG ;\ x;\ ;\C;\ 0;\ ;\        A0;\ t;\       AX;\;\H  ;\ 7' ,;\34;\8;\> ;\@;\G$  Testedj Untestedj j %j PͫXP EdPͫXP xj Untestedj j xj j j j"y~ DG ;\ x;\ ;\C;\ 0;\ ;\        A0;\ t;\       A;\;\H  ;\ ;\' ,;\3;\8;\>;\@;\G$  Testedj Untestedj j %j PͫXP EdPͫXP xj Untestedj j xj j j j"z~ DG ;\ Cx C;\ L;\  ;\       A ;\        A;\;\H  D;\ 0;\' ;\,;\3;\8;\>;\@;\G$  Testedj Untestedj j %j PͫXP EdPͫXP xj Untestedj j xj j j j"{~  P C;\;\D;\  ;\   ;\ ;\ ;\X;\  X;\ C;\ ;\;\\;\ ;\p  l;\;\0;\;\x;\ d;\ P;\ <;\! ;\       A;\";\       A;\8;\ ;\##$;\%;\&;\-;\1;\,Z;\~;\@;\>& BJTR  MA MB MC B@yZ B@yZBJ2TRb  B@yZ  to  B@yZ  kg when vehicle category is  .  MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC B@yZ B@yZBJTRp  B@yZ  to  B@yZ  kg when vehicle category is  .  Untested BJ TR~  BJTR@Maximum Loaded Test Mass is expected to be with in the range of 2Maximum loaded test mass must be within the range hMaximum loaded test mass of vehicle 9 must be less than or equal to maximum loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 9 must be tested.")ijx @ P C;\;\;\<;\  @;\   ;\0;\  ;\X;\ ;\ ;\p;\ C;\ ;\;\\;\ ;\p  ;\;\X;\D;\;\;\ U ;\ ;\! ;\       A;\";\       A;\H;\ ;\##$;\%;\&;\-;\1;\,Z;\~;\@;\>& B8 TR  MA MB MC B@yZ B@yZB82TR  B@yZ  to  B@yZ  kg when vehicle category is  .  MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC B@yZ B@yZB8TR  B@yZ  to  B@yZ  kg when vehicle category is  .  Untested B8TR  B8TR@Maximum Loaded Test Mass is expected to be with in the range of 2Maximum loaded test mass must be within the range iMaximum loaded test mass of vehicle 10 must be less than or equal to maximum loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 10 must be tested.$)ijy Q@ P 0;\Ch;\@;\;\;\ ;\  U   `;\ ;\ X;\  4;\ C ;\;\\;\ ;\p  ;\;\\;\H;\;\ ;\  ;\  ;\! ;\       A;\";\       A;\<;\ ;\##$;\%;\&;\-;\1;\,Z;\~;\@;\>& B5 TR  MA MB MC B@yZ B@yZB52TR^  B@yZ  to  B@yZ  kg when vehicle category is  .  MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC B@yZ B@yZB5TRl  B@yZ  to  B@yZ  kg when vehicle category is  .  Untested B5TRz  B5TR@Maximum Loaded Test Mass is expected to be with in the range of 2Maximum loaded test mass must be within the range iMaximum loaded test mass of vehicle 11 must be less than or equal to maximum loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 11 must be tested.")ijz @ P C;\;\;\;\  @;\   ;\  X;\ ;\ ;\;\ C@;\ ;\;\\;\ ;\p  ;\;\;\;\h;\   ;\ !        A;\";\       A;\;\ ;\##$;\%;\&-;\1;\,Z|;\~;\@h;\>& B^6 TR  MA MB MC B@yZ B@yZB^62TRj B@yZ  to  B@yZ  kg when vehicle category is  .  MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC B@yZ B@yZB^6TRx B@yZ  to  B@yZ  kg when vehicle category is  .  Untested B^6TRB^6TR@Maximum Loaded Test Mass is expected to be with in the range of 2Maximum loaded test mass must be within the range iMaximum loaded test mass of vehicle 12 must be less than or equal to maximum loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 12 must be tested.")ij{ @Je ;\ x;\ ;\ C ;\d;\$;\ ;\  ;\      C;\ ;\;\;\ ;\  ;\ p;\       A;\;\       A;\t;\ ;\#;\&;\*t;\A;\S`;\W;\\L;\^;\e  %  MA MB MC B@4A~ CP B@4A~ CP % MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC B@4A~ CP B@4A~ CP x Untested  x ( )ijx Je ;\ x;\ ;\ C ;\d;\$;\ ;\  ;\      C,;\ ;\;\;\ ;\  ;\ ;\       A;\;\       A;\tL;\ ;\#$;\&;\*;\A;\S;\W;\\;\^;\e  %  MA MB MC B@4A~<6P B@4A~<6P % MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC B@4A~<6P B@4A~<6P x Untested  x (!)ijy Je ;\ x;\ ;\ C ;\d;\$;\ ;\  ;\      C;\ x;\;\P;\ ;\  <;\ ;\       A;\;\       A;\t;\ ;\#;\&;\*;\A;\Sp;\W;\\\;\^;\e  %  MA MB MC B@4A~BP B@4A~BP % MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC B@4A~BP B@4A~BP x Untested  x (")ijz Je ;\ P;\ ;\ C ;\d;\$;\ ;\  ;\      C;\ ;\;\;\ ;\  ;\ h;\       A;\;\       Aα ;\#4;\&;\*;\A;\S;\W;\\;\^;\e  %  MA MB MC B@4A~*FP B@4A~*FP % MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC B@4A~*FP B@4A~*FP x Untested  x (#)ij{ N  Ch     ;\          A;\;\       A;\H0;\ ;\\#;\;\-;\3;\;;\@;\B;\NJ MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj jj ;lrvjj Untestedj jj&j4jjjlLightly Loaded Test Mass for vehicles of categories MD,ME, NB and NC is expected to be greater than 1000 kg.kLightly loaded test mass of vehicle 9 must be greater than or equal to lightly loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 9 must be tested.")(x @N  Ch     ;\          A;\       A;\H;\ ;\\#;\;\;\- ;\3 R$;@;\B;\NJ MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj jj ;lrvjj Untestedj jjjjjjlLightly Loaded Test Mass for vehicles of categories MD,ME, NB and NC is expected to be greater than 1000 kg.lLightly loaded test mass of vehicle 10 must be greater than or equal to lightly loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 10 must be tested."))y @N  C;\h   ;\            A;\       A;\H`;\ ;\\#;\;\;\-|;\3;\;h;\@;\BT;\NJ MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj jj ;lrvjj Untestedj jjjdjjjlLightly Loaded Test Mass for vehicles of categories MD,ME, NB and NC is expected to be greater than 1000 kg.lLightly loaded test mass of vehicle 11 must be greater than or equal to lightly loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 11 must be tested.")*z @N  Ch     ;\   l;\       A;\;\       AHt;\ ;\\#;\;\T-X;\3;x;\@;\B;\NJ MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj jj ;lrvjj Untestedj jjƻjԻjjjlLightly Loaded Test Mass for vehicles of categories MD,ME, NB and NC is expected to be greater than 1000 kg.lLightly loaded test mass of vehicle 12 must be greater than or equal to lightly loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 12 must be tested.")+{ @J ;\ ;\ x;\ C;\   ;\  ;\   ;\       A;\       A;\;\p t;\#;\&;\+8;\0;\5$;\7;\C;\J MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj j %j ; T<X %j Untestedj j xj j j$)(x J ;\ \;\  C;\     ;\   ;\       A;\;\       A8;\p h;\#;\&;\+ ,;\0;\5 ;\7;\C ;\J MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj j %j ; T<X %j Untestedj j xj j j$))y J ;\ ;\ x;\ C;\   ;\  ;\   ;\       A;\;\       A\;\;\p H;\#;\&+x;\0;\5d;\7;\CP;\J MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj j %j ; T<X %j Untestedj j xj j j$)*z J ;\ ;\ ;\ C;\   ;\  ;\   ;\       A;\;\       A;\;\p ;\#&;\+;\0;\5;\7;\C;\J MD1j MD2j MD3j MD4j MEj NB1j NB2j NCj j %j ; T<X %j Untestedj j xj j j$)+{ D p;\ h        A2;\       A;\;\ ;\#  X;\ ;\ ;\- ;\3;\=;\B;\D$  B  ATR ,yZ #FyZB TRf Untested B jTRtB xxTRB ~TREMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.Minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 9 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 9 must be tested. 0x @D p;\ h        A2;\       A;\;\ ;\#  t;\ t;\ L;\- ;\3$;\=;\B;\D$  B CTR ,yZ #FyZBTR־ Untested BjTRDмBxTRB~TREMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.Minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 10 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 10 must be tested. 1y @D p;\ h ;\       A;\;\       AH;\;\ 4;\#   ;\  ;\- ;\3;\=;\B;\D$  B CTR ,yZ #FyZBTR6 Untested BjTRDRBxTRB~TREMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.Minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 11 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 11 must be tested. 2z @D p;\ h        A2D;\       A;\;\ ;\#  h;\ ;\ p;\- ;\3H;\=;\B4;\D$  B CTR ,yZ #FyZBTR Untested BjTRBxTRB~TREMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.Minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 12 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 12 must be tested. 3{ @D ;\         Al;\X;\       A;\;\ ;\#  X;\ D;\ ;\- 3;\=;\B;\D$  jj ,nxo@v #Fnxo@vjj Untestedj jj$j2jjjEMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.Minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 9 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 9 must be tested. x@u ;\ ;\ `;\  ;\`;\8;\ ;\ $;\  ;\ ;\         A;\ ;\       A ;\#  ;\  A;\ ;\ ;\t  A;\;\ ;\(';\*;\PO;\dT;\g;\xlp;\nu j %j PͫXP ePͫXP j PͫXP ePͫXP xj Untestedj j xj j j xj j j<0x D   ;\       AX;\D;\       A4;\;\ ;\#   0;\ ;\- ;\34;\=;\B ;\D$  jj ,nxo@v #Fnxo@vjj Untestedj jj j.jjjEMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.Minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 10 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 10 must be tested. y@u ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ S!  ;\ ;\         A;\ ;\       A;\4;\ ;\#  ;\  Al;\ X;\ ;\t  A;\;\ ;\('|;\*;\PO;\dTT;\g;\xl@;\n;\u j %j PͫXP ePͫXP j PͫXP ePͫXP xj Untestedj j xj j j xj j j<1y D ;\ ;\h hd       A;\;\       A4;\;\ ;\#   @;\ ;\- ;\3;\=;\B;\D$  jj ,nxo@v #Fnxo@vjj Untestedj jj*j8jjjEMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.Minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 11 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 11 must be tested. z@u ;\ ;\ 8;\ ;\ ;\;\;\;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\  h;\       A;\        A;\4;\ ;\#    A21 0;\ ;\t  A;\|;\ ;\('T;\*;\PO;\dT,;\g;\xl;\n;\u j %j PͫXP ePͫXP j PͫXP ePͫXP xj Untestedj j xj j j xj j j<2z D p;\ h ;\       A;\P;\       A;\;\ ;\#  ;\ ;\ ;\- ;\3`;\=;\BL;\D$  jj ,nxo@v #Fnxo@vj5j Untestedj jj5j5jjjEMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.Minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 12 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 12 must be tested. {@u ;\ ;\ 8;\ ;\ ;\;\;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\  ;\       A;\        A;\ #  ;\  A;\  t  A;\;\ ;\('t;\*PO;\dT;\g;\xl;\n;\u j %j PͫXP ePͫXP j PͫXP ePͫXP xj Untestedj j xj j j xj j j<3{ * ;\ L;\ ;\|;\  t ;\| ;\       A;\D X;\;\l;\;\!;\#Ұ* % Untested x  "xX;N , 8         At;\ ;\C;\    C;\ $;\ ;\;\*;\41;\9;\H;B UTTR Untested MA MB MC NAB UJTR7 MD ME NB NCB U^uTR7B Uh9TRB UnXTRuThe untested vehicle must be equipped to tow an unbraked trailer of the same or lower capacity as the tested vehicle.The tested vehicle must be equipped to tow an air-braked trailer of capacity greater than 4.5 tonnes if the untested vehicle is equipped as such."x)@* ;\ ;\ 4;\;\  t ;\|        A;\D ;\;\l;\D;\!;\#0;\* % Untested x  "yX;N , ;\ @ ;\       A;\ [0CX;\    CD;\ ;\ ;\*;\41;\9;\H;BL{WTR Untested MA MB MC NABL{JTR˔ MD ME NB NCBL{^{TR˔BL{h?TRBL{n^TRuThe untested vehicle must be equipped to tow an unbraked trailer of the same or lower capacity as the tested vehicle.The tested vehicle must be equipped to tow an air-braked trailer of capacity greater than 4.5 tonnes if the untested vehicle is equipped as such."y)@* ;\ ;\ X;\L;\ ;\h $;\ ;\| ;\       AD p;\;\l;\;\!;\#;\* % Untested x  "zX;N , ;\ @ ;\       A;\ ;\C;\    C4;\  ;\ H;\*;\41 ;\9;\H;BWTR Untested MA MB MC NABJTR ͔ MD ME NB NCB^vTR͔Bh:TRBnYTRuThe untested vehicle must be equipped to tow an unbraked trailer of the same or lower capacity as the tested vehicle.The tested vehicle must be equipped to tow an air-braked trailer of capacity greater than 4.5 tonnes if the untested vehicle is equipped as such."z)@* ;\ ;\ 4;\;\  t ;\|        A;\D ;\;\l;\;\!;\#;\* % Untested x  "{X;N , 8         AP;\ ;\C(;\    C;\ ;\ ;\t;\*;\41L;\9;\H;BrQZWTR Untested MA MB MC NABrQZJTRjΔ MD ME NB NCBrQZ^yTRxΔBrQZh=TRBrQZn\TRuThe untested vehicle must be equipped to tow an unbraked trailer of the same or lower capacity as the tested vehicle.The tested vehicle must be equipped to tow an air-braked trailer of capacity greater than 4.5 tonnes if the untested vehicle is equipped as such."{)@ d Th;\  jjj@ d Th;\  jjj@ d Th;\  jjj@ d Th;\  jjj@$  ;\ ;\ ;\ht;\|  j %j j$  ;\ ;\ ;\h;\;\|  j %j j$  ;\ ;\ ;\h$;\;\|  j %j j$   ,;\ ;\h(;\;\|  j %j jP ,@$;\, <cH88Z p;\ h        A<;\       A\;\ H;\ 4;\;\   ;\'         A;\ ;\h;\T;\,;\C;\`I;\S;\tX;\Z jj tB-@v w5B-@vjj Untestedj j `B-@v B-@vjj `B-@v B-@v  mm.jjjGMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 450 to 2000 mm.CMaximum diameter of tyres on the untested vehicle must not exceed  cbxKJHIVY\_ehk@a ;\@ ;\  ;\ (;\       A ;\ ;\       A;\ ;\ ;\;\p ;\+       A;\$8;\L\;\H;\;\F;\K ;\T;\[;\_;\aJ j jjRj tB-@v w5B-@vj`j Untestedj j j `B-@v B-@vjnj `B-@v B-@v  mm.j j jYou must enter a tyre diameter.7Tyre diameter is expected to be within 450 and 2000 mm.CMaximum diameter of tyres on the untested vehicle must not exceed "xJB vF ;\ ;\ ,;\ ;\h  ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\;\;\  ;\X ;\  ;\l ;\   ;\       A;\4 ;\H       A;\ ;\;\D;\ ;\$';\L   A|;\h;\ ;\    A;\;\;\;\ ;\+;\.;\W;\\;\o,~;\;\@ j j j %j tPͫXP w5PͫXP j tPͫXP w5PͫXP xj Untestedj j `PͫXP PͫXP xj j j `PͫXP PͫXP xj j j>cbxKJHIVY\_ehkQP ,;\@H;\, <fH88Z p;\ h ;\       A;\       A4;\  ;\;\  ;\'         A;\ ;\;\;\;\;\C;\`I;\S;\tX;\Z jj tB-@v w5B-@vj̧j Untestedj j `B-@v B-@vjڧj `B-@v B-@v  mm.jjjGMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 450 to 2000 mm.CMaximum diameter of tyres on the untested vehicle must not exceed  feyKJHIVY\_bhk@a;\ @;\ ;\  ;\ @;\       A;\  ;\       A0;\  ;\;\p l;\+       A;\$;\8;\L@;\;\F;\K;\T;\[;\_;\aJ j jj.j tB-@v w5B-@vj<j Untestedj j j `B-@v B-@vjJj `B-@v B-@v  mm.j j jYou must enter a tyre diameter.7Tyre diameter is expected to be within 450 and 2000 mm.CMaximum diameter of tyres on the untested vehicle must not exceed "yJB rF ;\ T 8;\ x;\;\h  ;\ ;\ ;\  8;\;\;\ P ;\X 4;\  l ;\          A;\4 ;\H       A;\ ;\;\D;\ ;\$';\L    A|;\h;\ ;\    A;\;\;\;\ ;\+d;\.W;\\;\o;\,~XL@ j j j %j tPͫXP w5PͫXP j tPͫXP w5PͫXP xj Untestedj j `PͫXP PͫXP xj j j `PͫXP PͫXP xj j j<feyKJHIVY\_bhkP ,;\@<;\, <iH88Z p;\ h        A<0;\       Ap;\ \;\ H;\;\  4;\'         A;\ ;\;\;\;\;\C;\`Ix;\S;\tXd;\Z jj tB-@v w5B-@vjj Untestedj j `B-@v B-@vjj `B-@v B-@v  mm.jjjGMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 450 to 2000 mm.CMaximum diameter of tyres on the untested vehicle must not exceed  ihzKJHIVY\_bek@a @X;\   ;\ 0;\       A;\ ;\ ;\       A@2 ;\ ;\;\p ;\+       A;\$;\8;\L ;\ ;\;\F;\K ;\T;\[ |;\_;\aJ j jjj tB-@v w5B-@vjj Untestedj j j `B-@v B-@vj*j `B-@v B-@v  mm.j j jYou must enter a tyre diameter.7Tyre diameter is expected to be within 450 and 2000 mm.CMaximum diameter of tyres on the untested vehicle must not exceed "zJB rF ;\ ;\ L;\ `h ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\;\ ;\ ;\X ;\  ;\l ;\   h;\       A;\4         A;\ ;\;\;\ ;\$';\L    A ;\ ;\    A;\;\;\;\ ;\+;\.;\W;\\l;\o;\,~X;\;\@ j j j %j tPͫXP w5PͫXP j tPͫXP w5PͫXP xj Untestedj j `PͫXP PͫXP xj j j `PͫXP PͫXP xj j j<ihzKJHIVY\_bekP ,;\@;\, <lH88Z p;\ h        A<0;\       Ap;\ \;\ H;\;\  4;\'         A;\ ;\;\;\;\;\C;\`I;\S;\tX;\Z jj tB-@v w5B-@vjj Untestedj j `B-@v B-@vjj `B-@v B-@v  mm.jjjGMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 450 to 2000 mm.CMaximum diameter of tyres on the untested vehicle must not exceed  lk{KJHIVY\_beh@a @X;\   ;\ 0;\       A;\ ;\ ;\       A@2 x;\ d;\;\p P;\+       A$;\8;\L ;\;\F;\K ;\T;\[ ;\_;\aJ j jjj tB-@v w5B-@vjj Untestedj j j `B-@v B-@vjj `B-@v B-@v  mm.j j jYou must enter a tyre diameter.7Tyre diameter is expected to be within 450 and 2000 mm.CMaximum diameter of tyres on the untested vehicle must not exceed "{JB rF ;\ D;\ (;\ ;\h;\   ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\;\;\ ;\ ;\X ;\  ;\l ;\   h;\       AH ;\H      A;\ ;\;\L;\ ;\$';\L    A4;\ ;\ ;\    A;\;\;\D;\ ;\+;\.;\W;\\;\o;\,~;\;\@ j j j %j tPͫXP w5PͫXP j tPͫXP w5PͫXP xj Untestedj j `PͫXP PͫXP xj j j `PͫXP PͫXP xj j j<lk{KJHIVY\_beh ;\ ;\ C      C;\;\ ;\;\N MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NB1 NB2 NC MA MB MC NAvKEquipped to tow a trailer over 4.5 tonnes using compressed air for braking?!Rated to tow an unbraked trailer?)=b ;\ h;\  ;\;\  t ;\|        AD `;\  A;\ ;\|;\'h;\,;\H4T;\6;\\= % Untested x x  8xGIKMHJLN=b ;\ h;\  ;\;\  t ;\|        AD ;\  A;\ ;\;\  (;\' ;\,;\H4 ;\6;\\= % Untested x x  8yGIKMHJLN=b ;\ ;\ ;\L;\  t ;\|        AD ;\  A;\ (;\|;\'h;\,;\H4T;\6;\\= % Untested x x  8zGIKMHJLN=b ;\ p;\ ;\ h ;\ | ;\       A;\D ;\  A;\ ;\;\ |;\'h;\,;\H4T;\6;\\= % Untested x x  8{GIKMHJLN6        A;\ ;\;\;\0 UntestedBAH,TR8BAH2=TRBAH8\TR+The tested vehicle must be fitted with ABS. xHJLN@U"        A,;\ ;\;\;\;\ UntestedBAH,TR8BAH2LTR/The tested vehicle must not be fitted with ABS. xGIKM@6        A;\ E `;\;\0 UntestedBG,TRBG2ATRBG8`TR+The tested vehicle must be fitted with ABS. yHJLN@U"        A;\ E ;\ UntestedB{G,TRB{G2PTR/The tested vehicle must not be fitted with ABS. yGIKM@6        A;\ ;\;\0 UntestedB0~G,TRB0~G2ATRB0~G8`TR+The tested vehicle must be fitted with ABS. zHJLN@U"        A;\ ;\ UntestedB {G,TR"B {G2PTR/The tested vehicle must not be fitted with ABS. zGIKM@6 ?       A;\ ;\;\;\;\0 UntestedB{G,TRʍB{G2ATRB{G8`TR+The tested vehicle must be fitted with ABS. {HJLN@U"        A;\ ;\ UntestedB{G,TR,B{G2PTR/The tested vehicle must not be fitted with ABS. {GIKM@@ ;\ ;\ P;\ T;\ | ;\ ;\        A;\X ;\  A;\  ,;\4;\',;\\4;\7;\p9;\@ % Untested x x  :xOQSUPRTV@ ;\ ;\ P;\ T;\ | ;\ ;\        A;\X ;\  A;\  ;\;\4;\'x;\,;\\4d;\7;\p9P;\@ % Untested x x  :yOQSUPRTV@ ;\ L;\ ;\ T;\ | ;\ ;\        A;\X ;\  A;\  ;\4 ;\' ;\,%47;\p9P;\@ % Untested x x  :zOQSUPRTV@ ;\ l;\ ;\ T;\ | ;\ ;\        A;\X ;\  A;\  ;\;\4;\';\,;\\4;\7;\p9t;\@ % Untested x x  :{OQSUPRTV"T ;\        A;\ ;\;\;\;\D |;\" UntestedB"Q05TR& B"Q6TRB"Q<TRJThe untested vehicle must not have a variable proportioning system fitted."xPRTV@"T ;\        A;\ ;\;\;\;\D ;\" UntestedB"Q0FTR B"Q6TRB"Q<TRHThe tested vehicle not must have a variable proportioning system fitted."xOQSU@"T ;\        A;\ ;\;\;\;\D ;\" UntestedB Q0@TR. B Q6TRB Q<TRJThe untested vehicle must not have a variable proportioning system fitted."yPRTV@"T ;\        A;\ ;\;\;\D d;\" UntestedB"Q0ETR B"Q6TRB"Q<TRHThe tested vehicle not must have a variable proportioning system fitted."yOQSU@"T ;\        A;\ ;\;\;\;\D x;\" UntestedBO0:TR8 BO6TRBO<TRJThe untested vehicle must not have a variable proportioning system fitted."zPRTV@"T ;\        A;\ ;\;\x;\;\D d;\" UntestedB:O0ETR B:O6TRB:O<TRHThe tested vehicle not must have a variable proportioning system fitted."zOQSU@"T ;\        A;\ ;\;\;\;\D &" UntestedBO0:TR^ BO6TRBO<TRJThe untested vehicle must not have a variable proportioning system fitted."{PRTV@"T ;\        A;\ ;\;\l;\;\D X;\" UntestedBDO0ETRΡ BDO6TRBDO<TRHThe tested vehicle not must have a variable proportioning system fitted."{OQSU@ ;\ ;\ <;\T t | ;\d;\ ;\P;\;\ %j xj j  ;\ L;\ ;\T t | ;\;\ ;\;\;\ %j xj j  ;\ ;\ <;\T t | ;\H;\ ;\4;\;\ %j xj j  ;\ \;\ ;\T t |  ;\ ;\ ;\< %j xj j w;\ l;\ ;\@ X;\;\;\;\;\jjRjjVehicles of categories MA, MB and MC must be equipped with ESC when certifying to any of ADR 31/02, 31/03, 35/03, 35/04 or 35/05. Vehicles of category NA must be equipped with ESC when certifying to ADR 31/03 or 35/05.@w;\ l;\ ;\@ X;\;\;\;\;\jjjjVehicles of categories MA, MB and MC must be equipped with ESC when certifying to any of ADR 31/02, 31/03, 35/03, 35/04 or 35/05. Vehicles of category NA must be equipped with ESC when certifying to ADR 31/03 or 35/05.@w;\ D;\ ;\@ 0;\;\;\;\;\jjjjVehicles of categories MA, MB and MC must be equipped with ESC when certifying to any of ADR 31/02, 31/03, 35/03, 35/04 or 35/05. Vehicles of category NA must be equipped with ESC when certifying to ADR 31/03 or 35/05.@w;\ ;\ ;\@ p;\;\;\;\;\jjVjjVehicles of categories MA, MB and MC must be equipped with ESC when certifying to any of ADR 31/02, 31/03, 35/03, 35/04 or 35/05. Vehicles of category NA must be equipped with ESC when certifying to ADR 31/03 or 35/05.@,7&  ;\ CH;\;\C;\ ;\ (;\>   d;\   ;\ ;\ ;\   ;\ ;\;\;\,;\ .;\0;\ 7  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj %j Testedj xj Untestedj xj j-,7& ;\ (;\ ,;\C;\;\C;\ ;\ ;\ ;\>;\ ;\ x;\ d;\  ;\ `;\ ;\ L;\   ;\ x;\;\d;\,;\ .P;\0;\ 7  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj %j Testedj xj Untestedj xj j.,7& ;\ ;\ ;\C;\C;\ ;\ ;\ ;\>;\ ;\ X;\ D;\  ;\;\ H;\ ;\ 4;\   ;\  ;\s\,;\ .;\0;\ 7  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj %j Testedj xj Untestedj xj j/,7& ;\ : ;\C;\;\CD;\ 0;\ ;\ ;\>;\ H;\  ;\  ;\  ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\    ;\;\;\,;\ .;\0;\ 7  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj %j Testedj xj Untestedj xj j 0+Cl;\TCp;\  ;\ ;\>;\ `;\C;\0 ;\D   ;\x;\;\'d;\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Untestedj ECE-Ajjjj`If the vehicle variants's test status is Untested ot ECE-A, you cannot choose the selection 'T'.-@+C0;\TCl;\ X;\ ;\ D;\>;\ |C;\0 ;\D   ;\;\;\';\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Untestedj ECE-Ajjjj`If the vehicle variants's test status is Untested or ECE-A, you cannot choose the selection 'S'.-@+C0;\TC|;\ h;\ ;\ T;\>;\ ;\C;\0 ;\D   ;\x;\;\'d;\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Untestedj ECE-Ajjrjj`If the vehicle variants's test status is Untested ot ECE-A, you cannot choose the selection 'T'..@+C;\TC ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\>;\ ;\C;\0 ;\D   ;\;\;\'K,)+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Untestedj ECE-Ajjjj`If the vehicle variants's test status is Untested or ECE-A, you cannot choose the selection 'S'..@+C;\TC8;\ ;\ ;\ ;\> d;\C;\0 ;\D   |;\' ;\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Untestedj ECE-Ajj(jj`If the vehicle variants's test status is Untested ot ECE-A, you cannot choose the selection 'T'./@+CP;\TCx;\ d;\ ;\>;\  ;\C;\0 ;\D   ;\;\;\';\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Untestedj ECE-Ajj|jj`If the vehicle variants's test status is Untested or ECE-A, you cannot choose the selection 'S'./@+CP;\TCH;\ 4;\ ;\ ;\>;\ ;\C;\0 ;\D   ;\ ;\;\' ;\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Untestedj ECE-Ajjjj`If the vehicle variants's test status is Untested ot ECE-A, you cannot choose the selection 'T'. 0@+C;\TCx;\ ;\ l;\> ;\C;\0 ;\D   ;\;\;\'p;\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Untestedj ECE-Ajj2jj`If the vehicle variants's test status is Untested or ECE-A, you cannot choose the selection 'S'. 0@+Ct;\TC;\ ;\ ;\> ;\C;\0 |   |;\';\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Testedj ECE-Tjjjj_If the vehicle variant's test status is 'Tested' or 'ECE-T', then the selection cannot be 'NT'.-@+C;\TC;\ ;\ ;\>;\ ;\C;\0 D   *';\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Testedj ECE-Tjjjj_If the vehicle variant's test status is 'Tested' or 'ECE-T', then the selection cannot be 'NT'..@+C`;\;\TCP;\ <;\ 8;\>1 C;\0 ;\D   ;\;\;\';\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Testedj ECE-TjjlFjj_If the vehicle variant's test status is 'Tested' or 'ECE-T', then the selection cannot be 'NT'./@+C;\TC;\ ;\ ;\>;\ ;\C;\0 ;\D   ;\;\;\';\);\+  Untestedj Testedj T-Pj ECE-Tj ECE-Ajj Testedj ECE-TjjFjj_If the vehicle variant's test status is 'Tested' or 'ECE-T', then the selection cannot be 'NT'. 0@I]C;\T h X;\ ;\ D;\  ;\ ;\D;\;\@;\D,;\;\ l ;\  ;\ ;\         A;\H \       AP;\<;\ ;\# ;\L);\-;\tA;\F;\Y;\[;\] ECE-Tj Testedj Untestedj T-Pj jj -@u` -@u` <jj0Gj jj>GjjjOUnique ESC system ID must have more than 2 characters, or you must enter a '<'.HAn untested variant must have the same ESC system as the tested variant.(`i-AMLKJ]^_hjkl@I]C;\T H X;\ ;\ D;\  x;\ ;\D;\;\;\D;\;\ l D;\  ;\ ;\         A;\H ;\\       AT;\@;\ ;\# ;\L);\-;\tA;\F;\Y;\[;\] ECE-Tj Testedj Untestedj T-Pj jj -@u` -@u` <jjGj jjGjjjOUnique ESC system ID must have more than 2 characters, or you must enter a '<'.HAn untested variant must have the same ESC system as the tested variant.(aj.BMLKJ]^_hikl@I]C;\T 8  X;\ ;\ D;\  ;\ D;\;\@;\D,;\;\ l t;\   l;\         A;\H ;\\       A ;\ ;\ ;\# ;\L) ;\-;\tA ;\F;\Y x;\[;\] ECE-Tj Testedj Untestedj T-Pj jj -@u` -@u` <jjGj jjHjjjOUnique ESC system ID must have more than 2 characters, or you must enter a '<'.HAn untested variant must have the same ESC system as the tested variant.(bk/CMLKJ]^_hijl@I]C;\T A X;\ ;\ D;\  @;\ ;\D;\;\;\D;\;\ l D;\  ;\ ;\         A;\H \       A@;\,;\ ;\# ;\L);\-;\tAt;\F;\Y`;\[;\] ECE-Tj Testedj Untestedj T-Pj jj -@u` -@u` <jjVHj jjdHjjjOUnique ESC system ID must have more than 2 characters, or you must enter a '<'.HAn untested variant must have the same ESC system as the tested variant.( cl0DMLKJ]^_hijk@Z] ;\ ;\ P;\C;\;\ ;\;\ d;\ ;\ P;\  ;\ <;\ ;\D;\;\;\XD;\l j   ;\ ;\        A<;\ (;\      A;\;\$ t;\#  ;\L&`)x;\:;\t?d;\R;\TP;\V;\]N ECE-Tj Testedj Untestedj T-Pj j %j -PͫXP -PͫXP <j xj j xj j j*`i-AMLKJ]^_hjklZ] ;\ ;\ ;\C;\;\ 0;\;\  d;\  ;\ P;\ D;\;\XD;\l;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\        A;\ l      Ab6D$  ;\#  ;\L&;\`);\:;\t?;\R;\T;\V;\]N ECE-Tj Testedj Untestedj T-Pj j %j -PͫXP -PͫXP <j xj j xj j j*aj.BMLKJ]^_hiklZ] ;\ ;\ P;\C;\;\ ;\;\ d;\ ;\ P;\  ;\ <;\ ;\D;\;\;\XD;\l  ;\  ;\ ;\        A;\ ;\      A;\;\$ ;\#  L&;\`)H;\:;\t?4;\R;\T ;\V;\]N ECE-Tj Testedj Untestedj T-Pj j %j -PͫXP -PͫXP <j xj j xj j j*bk/CMLKJ]^_hijlZ] ;\ ;\ ,;\C;\;\ h;\;\ @;\ ;\ ,;\  ;\ ;\ ;\D;\;\;\XD;\l  ;\           A;\ ;\      A;\;\$ ;\#  ;\L&;\`);\:;\t?;\R;\T;\V;\]N ECE-Tj Testedj Untestedj T-Pj j %j -PͫXP -PͫXP <j xj j xj j j* cl0DMLKJ]^_hijk ;\ ;\ ;\CL;\ <;\ ;\ 4;\ ;\ ;\ ʹ;\;\ ECE-Aj ECE-Tj %j j ;\ ;\ x;\CD;\ <;\ ;\ H;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\>L ECE-Aj ECE-Tj %j j ;\ ;\ |;\CH;\ <;\ ;\ H;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\>L ECE-Aj ECE-Tj %j j ;\ P;\ ;\C;\ p;\  H;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\>L ECE-Aj ECE-Tj %j j9: ;\ X;\ ;\C;\|C;\ L;\8;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\0       A;\ 4;\  ;\ ;\ 4;\!;\ # ;\2;\49  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T % Untested x  $)x9: ;\ X;\ ;\C;\|C;\ t;\`;\ ;\ 8;\ ;\  ;\0       A;\ $;\  ;\ ;\ ;\!;\ #;\2;\49  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T % Untested x  $)y9:  <;\ C;\|C;\ ;\;\ ;\ h;\ ;\  ;\0       A;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ d;\!;\ #P;\2;\49  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T % Untested x  $)z9: ;\ X;\ ;\C;\|C;\ $;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\0       A;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\!;\ #;\2;\49  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T % Untested x  $){.C@C;\| T;\        A;\ ;\X   ;\ (;\;\;\.  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T UntestedB;YHxTR,B;YNTRB;YTCTRyThe tested vehicle has a braking cycle time over 45 seconds, the untested vehicle cannot have a braking cycle time under.")x@L,C0;\Cd;\ ;\ X;\       A ;\ ;\X   ;\ ;\;\* ;\,  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T UntestedB.YH}TRʢB4>YN#TRB4>YTHTRyThe tested vehicle has a braking cycle time over 45 seconds, the untested vehicle cannot have a braking cycle time under."){@L,C;\C;\  ;\       AD;\ ;\X   Y;\*;\,  MA MB MC NA Tested Untested ECE-T UntestedB>YH|TR,B>YNTRjThe untested vehicle must have a braking cycle time in the Type 1 test no shorter than the tested vehicle. ){@  @ ;\ ;\T l;\  ;\ D;\ ;\ 0;\C;\  ;\    ;\ ;\0 ;\D;\;\ D;\ ;\ ;\     P;\        AX;\C;\ ;\       A\;\C4;\;\  A;\ !"#$%&'()  A;\ p;\  ;\ \;\" ;\,6;\h< ;\U;\|\;\k;\p;\;\;\ Untestedj Testedj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj jj @u` B@@u` @u`jj T@@u`j Vehicle number cannot be 9. Testedj ECE-Tj T-Pjj¤j Testedj T-PjjФjj*Vehicle reference must be within 1 and 12.-The vehicle referenced must have been tested.LThe vehicle referenced must have had either a practical or a simulated test.)R-A  @ ;\ @ ;\ ;\T |;\  ;\ T;\ ;\@;\CP;\ ;\ ;\  ;\  ;\ 0 P;\D5`;\ 8;\ ;\ $;\     ;\        A;\C;\ P;\       A;\Ct;\;\  A;\ !"#$%&'()  A;\ 4;\  ;\ ;\" ;\,6;\h<;\U;\|\;\k;\pp;\;\\;\ Untestedj Testedj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj jj @u` B@@u` @u`j@j @u`j Vehicle number cannot be 10. Testedj ECE-Tj T-PjjNj Testedj T-Pjj\jj*Vehicle reference must be within 1 and 12.-The vehicle referenced must have been tested.LThe vehicle referenced must have had either a practical or a simulated test.)R.B  @ ;\ @ ;\ T`  ;\ ;\ ;\;\C8;\ ;\ ;\  O  (  `;\D8;\$;\  ;\ ;\             A;\C;\ d;\       A;\C;\;\  AL;\ !"#$%&'()  A;\ ;\  ;\ ;\" ;\,6;\h<H;\U;\|\4;\k;\p ;\;\ ;\ Untestedj Testedj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj jj @u` B@@u` @u`jpj @u`j Vehicle number cannot be 11. Testedj ECE-Tj T-Pjj~j Testedj T-Pjjjj*Vehicle reference must be within 1 and 12.-The vehicle referenced must have been tested.LThe vehicle referenced must have had either a practical or a simulated test.)R/C  @ ;\ @ ;\ T`  ;\ ;\ ;\;\C@;\ ;\     ;\ ;\0 D;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\     \;\        A;\C;\ ;\       AC;\;\  A;\ !"#$%&'()  A;\ T;\  ;\ @;\" ;\,6;\h<;\U;\|\;\k;\p;\;\;\ Untestedj Testedj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj jj @u` B@@u` @u`jj @u`j Vehicle number cannot be 12. Testedj ECE-Tj T-Pjj j Testedj T-Pjjjj*Vehicle reference must be within 1 and 12.-The vehicle referenced must have been tested.LThe vehicle referenced must have had either a practical or a simulated test.)R0 D @  ;\ h;\@ h x;\ ;\|d;\  ;\ (;\ ;\;\C8;\  0  ;\D  ;\ ;\X D;\ ;\ 4;\ ;\    ;\         A;\ C(;\ ;\       A;\C;\$;\  A;\P !"#$%&'()*  A ;\  T;\ ;\" @;\6;\,9;\P;\@UaTf`;\;\hL;\;\|J Untestedj Testedj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj j %j PͫXP B@PͫXP PͫXP xj T@PͫXP xj Testedj ECE-Tj T-Pj xj Testedj T-Pj xj j*T-A    ;\ h;\@ h x;\ ;\|d;\  ;\ (;\ ;\;\C8;\  0  ;\D  ;\ ;\X D;\ ;\ @;\ ;\    ;\         A;\ C;\ ;\       A;\C;\;\  A;\P !"#$%&'()*  A;\ ;\  ;\ ;\" t;\6;\,9L;\P@UaTf;\;\hҭTn)J Untestedj Testedj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj j %j PͫXP B@PͫXP PͫXP xj PͫXP xj Testedj ECE-Tj T-Pj xj Testedj T-Pj xj j*T.B    ;\ h;\@ h x;\ ;\|d;\  ;\ (;\ ;\;\C8;\  0  ;\D  ;\ ;\X D;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\             A;\ C ;\ ;\       A;\C;\l;\  A;\P !"#$%&'()*  A@;\ ;\  ,;\ ;\" ;\6;\,9;\P;\@U;\a;\Tf;\;\h;\;\|J Untestedj Testedj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj j %j PͫXP B@PͫXP PͫXP xj PͫXP xj Testedj ECE-Tj T-Pj xj Testedj T-Pj xj j*T/C    ;\  ;\@ ;\h ;\ |@;\  ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\C0;\ ;\ 0  D  ;\ ;\X ;\D;\  ;\ ;\ ;\             A;\ C;\ ;\       A;\C;\X;\  A;\P !"#$%&'()*  A,;\ ;\  ;\ ;\" ;\6;\,9;\P;\@U;\a;\Tf;\;\h;\;\|J Untestedj Testedj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj j %j PͫXP B@PͫXP PͫXP xj PͫXP xj Testedj ECE-Tj T-Pj xj Testedj T-Pj xj j*T0 D Arial Wingdings   A;\C;\X;\  A;\P !"#$%&'()*  A,;\ ;\  ;\ ;\" ;\6;\,9;\P;\@U;\a;\Tf;\;\h;\;\|J Untestedj Testedj ECE-Tj ECE-Aj j %j PͫXP B@PͫXP PͫXP xj PͫXP xj Testedj ECE-Tj T-Pj xj Testedj T-Pj xj j*T0 D Arial Wingdings 1Ap @" 2 Hide_WakeColumn_1   @" 2 Hide_WakeColumn_1   @" 2 Hide_WakeColumn_1  "@#0 @" 2 Hide_WakeColumn_1  #$` @0  (]ESCID_h4  #$P @1  (^ESCID_h3  #$P @2  (_ESCID_h2  # 0$P!P @7  (hESCID_h4  0P @  ( TyreDiamR_h2  `p @  ( TyreDiamR_h2   @  ( TyreDiamR_h2  !"( @  ( TyreDiamR_h2    `@ @  ( SectWidthR_h2   ` @  ( SectWidthR_h3   ` @  ( SectWidthR_h3   P" @  ( SectWidthR_h3  0 P @=  ( WheelBase_h5   00!P @  ( WheelBase_h8  0 @  ( WheelBase_h7  0 @  ( WheelBase_h6   `  @  (0 Model:  *    @  (UBSID_h8     @  (UBSID_h7     @  ( UBSID_h6    @@ @:  (MLTM_h5   0 0!P @  ( MLTM_h8    0 @  (MLTM_h7    @ @  (MLTM_h6   0 P @8  (LLTM_h5    !0 @  ( LLTM_h8     @  (LLTM_h7     @  (LLTM_h6   ` @;  ( SectWidth_h5   P!  @  (  SectWidth_h8   ` @  ( SectWidth_h7   ` @  ( SectWidth_h6  0 @<  (Vent_h5   p!  @  ( Vent_h8   @  (Vent_h7   @  (Vent_h6  00P @9  ( MaxSpeed_h5  0  @  ( MaxSpeed_h8  0 @  ( MaxSpeed_h7  0 @  (" MaxSpeed_h6   '$'@ @''   0 Model:  * xp' /Braking System and Test Vehicle Details (cont.)   q p#'p'h@  Title dh @  @ 33- Check148 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@  Title g @  @ 330 Check146 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@ Title j @  @ 333 Check144 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 " #H@ Title m " #H @  @ 336 Check142 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1%@p& Yes  q & & No  q  %&@'''/' ''  ;/@/  Affect_Yes_5  *; &'@'''/' ''  </@/  Affect_No_5  *7 %& @ Title r%&  @   33= Check175 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1%@&p@ Title s%@&p @   33> Check174 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1%`&@ Title t%`& @   33? Check173 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1%&@ Title u%& @   33@ Check172 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1%@&0 Yes  q & & No  q  %&@@'''/' ''  A/@/  Affect_Yes_6  *; &'@@'''/' ''  B/@/  Affect_No_6  *7 %@&P Yes  q &  &@ No  q  % &`@'''/' ''  C/@/  Affect_Yes_7  *; & '`@'''/' ''  D/@/  Affect_No_7  *7 %@ @&! Yes  q & p&! No  q  %!p&"@'''/' ''   E/@/  Affect_Yes_8  *; &!p'"@'''/' ''   F/@/  Affect_No_8  *7 P Yes  q 8PX No  q  x@'''/' ''"  O/@/  VarProp_Yes_5  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n VarProp_Yes_(5@@'''/' ''"  P/@/  VarProp_No_5  d  d  d ,Arial (p VarProp_No_(5P8 Yes  q ` No  q  @'''/' ''"  Q/@/  VarProp_Yes_6  d  d  d ,Arial (n VarProp_Yes_(6P@'''/' ''"  R/@/  VarProp_No_6  d  d  d ,Arial (p VarProp_No_(6PH Yes  q ` No  q  (@'''/' ''"  S/@/  VarProp_Yes_7  d  d  d ,Arial (n VarProp_Yes_(7p@'''/' ''"  T/@/  VarProp_No_7  d  d  d ,Arial (p VarProp_No_(78p Yes  q  " No  q  0(0 h@'''/' ''"  U/@/  VarProp_Yes_8  d  d  d ,Arial (n VarProp_Yes_(80 0!@'''/' ''"  V/@/  VarProp_No_8  d  d  d ,Arial (p VarProp_No_(80p'0''  5   q ` 6   q P 7   q  ! 8   q Pp@'' |  o0 Model:  * Pp0@'' |  p0 Model:  * P0pp@'' |  q0 Model:  * Ppp#@' ' |  r0 Model:  *   @@'' 7  %0 Model:  *   @0@'' 7  &0 Model:  *  0 @p@'' 7  (0 Model:  *  p @#@'' 7  *0 Model:  * p' P P@  Title c P P @  : 33, Check179 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 @ @ @  Title f @ @  @  : 33/ Check178 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 @0 @`@ Title i @0 @` @  : 332 Check177 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 @"p @#@ Title l @"p @# @  : 335 Check176 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 p @'0 "Maximum laden vehicle speed (km/h)  q @'' \  0 Model:  * 0@'' \  0 Model:  * 0p@'' \  0 Model:  * p#@'' \  0 Model:  * @( Title  @Q  ^ 33 Check121 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (nc({k(1@) Title  @R  ^ 33 Check120 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 P@* Title  P @S  ^ 33 Check117 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1"p#@+ Title "p# @T  ^ 33 Check119 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@ 0@''   0 Model:  * @0 p@'''' ''  0 Model:  * @p #@''   0 Model:  * @p 'P ?Variant description (include manufacturer's code if applicable)  { { h6 {,Arial (Variant description (+(include manufacturer's code if applicable) @0 Title   @a  # 33 Check118 h6 h6 { h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 @1 Title   @b  # 33 Check116 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 0@2 Title  0 @c  # 33 Check115 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1"` #@3 Title "` # @d  # 33 Check114 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1#'##'#p@' ` If selected for test enter the SE 31/.. or 35/.. reference number, otherwise enter the vehicle number from this form for the test vehicle  @@X X h6 X,Arial (j2If selected for test enter the SE 31/.. or 35/.. (v.reference number, otherwise enter the vehicle (*number from this form for the test vehicle@@''    0 Model:  * @0@''    0 Model:  * 0@p@''    0 Model:  * p@#@''    0 Model:  *   @4 Title    @y  33 Check109 h6 h6 A h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1  @5 Title    @z  33 Check108 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1  @@6 Title   @ @{  33 Check107 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 "` #@7 Title  "` # @|  33 Check106 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(13  3$  Sheet 2 of 3   q8  @p `' `p '@'' @  #0 Model:  * @ Title b @  A 33$ Check149 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(10@'' @  '0 Model:  * 0p@'' @  )0 Model:  * p#@'' @  +0 Model:  * @ Title o @  A 338 Check140 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@@ Title p@ @  A 339 Check139 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1"`#@ Title q"`# @  A 33: Check138 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 p' ` @''   W0 Model:  *  ` 0@''   X0 Model:  *  `0 p@''   Y0 Model:  *  `p #@''   Z0 Model:  *  p p@ Title v p p @  e 33[ Check137 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 p p@ Title w p p @   e 33\ Check136 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 p p0@ Title x p p0 @!  e 33] Check135 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 p"` p#@ Title y p"` p# @"  e 33^ Check134 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 @ `@'' N  _0 Model:  *  @ `0@'' N  `0 Model:  *  @0 `p@'' N  a0 Model:  *  @p `#@'' N  b0 Model:  *  P P@  Title z P P @'  J 33c Check133 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 P P@! Title { P P @(  J 33d Check132 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 P P0@" Title | P P0 @)  J 33e Check131 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (nc({k(1 P"` P#@# Title } P"` P# @*  J 33f Check130 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 @'' D  g0 Model:  *  @'' D  h0 Model:  *  0P@'' D  i0 Model:  *  p @'' D  j0 Model:  *  @'' B  0 Model:  *  @$ Title ~  @/  @ 33k Check129 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 0@'' D  0 Model:  *  @% Title   @0  @ 33l Check128 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 Pp@'' D  0 Model:  *  0@& Title  0 @1  @ 33m Check127 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 #@'' D  0 Model:  *  "`#@' Title  "`# @2  @ 33n Check126 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1p' $Smallest vent area per wheel (mm )  q  `p @ 2 qp' @ Title   @1  * 33 Check39 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k0p Yes  q  No  q  @'''/' ''; 5 /@/  Trailer_Yes_5  *> @'''/' ''; 5 /@/  Trailer_No_5  *: P@ Title P @4  * 33 Check38 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k00 Yes  q  No  q  @@'''/' ''; 6 /@/  Trailer_Yes_6  *> @@'''/' ''; 6 /@/  Trailer_No_6  *: P@ Title P @7  * 33 Check35 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k00 Yes  q  No  q  @@'''/' ''; 7 /@/  Trailer_Yes_7  *> @@'''/' ''; 7 /@/  Trailer_No_7  *: @ Title  @:  * 33 Check34 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k0 !p Yes  q  @!` No  q  !@"@'''/' ''; 8 /@/  Trailer_Yes_8  *> !@"@'''/' ''; 8 /@/  Trailer_No_8  *: @0$ @' @'     A! Manufacturer's Name  *V h @ Licensee's Ref  qA @''  0 Model:  * p'   Vehicle variant test status  qq 0@''  0 Model:  * 0p@''  0 Model:  * p#@''  0 Model:  * @ Title  @Q  33 Check193 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(10@ Title 0 @R  33 Check194 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@p@ Title @p @S  33 Check195 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1!"@ Title !" @T  33 Check196 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1$'0 v*Are there other differences from the tested vehicle that would affect test vehicle selection? (If yes, please comment)  ]  '0'0p'p#'p'p @  (V TyreDiam_h4  @'' Z  W0 Model:  * @'' X  0 Model:  * @ Title " @q  D 33X Check36 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kp @  (Y TyreDiam_h4  @'' Z  Z0 Model:  * 0@'' X  0 Model:  * @ Title # @t  D 33[ Check36 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kp  @  (\ TyreDiam_h4  0P@'' Z  ]0 Model:  * Pp@'' X  0 Model:  *  P@ Title $ P @w  D 33^ Check36 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@p ` @  (_ TyreDiam_h4  p @'' Z  `0 Model:  *  #@'' X  0 Model:  * "p#@ Title %"p# @z  D 33a Check36 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k``@ Title *`` @  r 33v Check125 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1``0@ Title +``0 @  r 33w Check124 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1`@`p@ Title ,`@`p @  r 33x Check123 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1`"`#@ Title -`"`# @  r 33y Check122 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1Ppp'` Wheelbase (mm)   qP @ @   Trailer_Label  px'hPh@  Title ehPh @  = 33. Check147 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1xx@ Title hxx @  = 331 Check145 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1xx@ Title kxx @  = 334 Check143 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1x"x#@@ Title nx"x#@ @  = 337 Check141 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (nc({k(1` Yes  q  @ No  q  x`x@'''/' ''  G/@/  ABS_Yes_5  *5 xx@@'''/' ''  H/@/ ABS_No_5  *1  Yes  q  No  q  xx@'''/' ''  I/@/  ABS_Yes_6  *5 x`x@'''/' ''  J/@/ ABS_No_6  *1 0 Yes  q  No  q  xx@'''/' ''  K/@/  ABS_Yes_7  *5 xpx@'''/' ''  L/@/ ABS_No_7  *1 0 Yes  q  " No  q  x x `@'''/' ''  M/@/  ABS_Yes_8  *5 x x"@'''/' ''  N/@/ ABS_No_8  *1 x0  ABS Equipped?  qF  2Load sensing variable proportioning system fitted?  P| P| h6 P|,Arial (b$Load sensing variable proportioning (nsystem fitted? @ -Vehicle Number (for use on SE 31/.. or 35/..)  q   x &>Maximum loaded test mass (Note 3) (kg)    !    ` h &>Lightly loaded test mass (Note 2) (kg)    !    )>Section width of tyres (F/R, Note 4) (mm)    #   ` $>Diameter of tyres (F/R, Note 4) (mm)      ** fNote1: This is a mandatory field. Form saving is disabled unless mandatory fields have been completed.  q )P*#0 x** Vehicle categories requiring compliance to ADRs 31/01, 31/02, 31/03, 35/02, 35/03, 35/04 & 35/05 (not including LEG)  q +, eNote 3: Maximum Laden Test Mass (ADR) and Laden Mass (ECE) shall be considered equivilent definitions  q *+ iNote 2: Lightly Laden Test Mass (ADR) and Unladen Mass (ECE) shall be considered equivilent definitions.   q ,. @ Note 4: If front and rear tyres are equal dimensions, enter only front dimension. If dimensions are unequal, enter the dimension front and rear of tested and untested vehicles.  ``  A ,Arial (nNote 4: If front and rear tyres are equal dimensions, enter only front dimension. If dimensions are unequal, (P enter the dimension front and rear of tested and untested vehicles.(P)`  Notes   q% (@02$'  ` 8Unique Braking/ESC system (if applicable) identification     ,Arial (*Unique Braking/ESC system (if applicable) (identificationpH'@ @P@ Title ?@ @P @  7 33 Check7 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k@@@ Title @@@ @  9 33 Check10 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@@@ Title A@@ @  9 33 Check11 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@!@# @ Title B@!@#  @  9 33 Check15 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k0 p !Is the variant equipped with ESC?  q @0@p@'''/' '', P /@/  ESC_Yes_1  *6 @@@'''/' ''* P /@/ ESC_No_1  *2 @@@'''/' ''. O /@/  ESC_Yes_2  *6 @ @`@'''/' '', O /@/ ESC_No_2  *2 @@@'''/' ''. N /@/  ESC_Yes_3  *6 @0@p@'''/' '', N /@/ ESC_No_3  *2 @@ 0@'''/' ''. M /@/  ESC_Yes_4  *6 @ @!@'''/' '', M /@/ ESC_No_4  *2 H'H0'0Hp'pH#'0 Yes  q  No  q   Yes  q @` No  q   Yes  q ` No  q   ` Yes  q  ! No  q  . 1# 3Note 5: Unless all vehicle variants are ECE-tested, or ECE-approved, each vehicle type must have at least one practical test to validate the simulation method/program (if applicable). By selecting "NT" (Not Tested), the manufacturer has given an assurance that an assessment of all applicable variations in the specification (see applicable Circular) of this vehicle variant (that may affect the dynamic stability of the vehicle during the required ESC tests) has been performed and found that a simulation (or practical test) is not required.  (E E( h6 (E,Arial (xNote 5: Unless all vehicle variants are ECE-tested, or ECE-approved, each vehicle type must have at least one practical (7s test to validate the simulation method/program (if applicable). By selecting "NT" (Not Tested), the manufacturer (7x has given an assurance that an assessment of all applicable variations in the specification (see applicable Circular) (7x of this vehicle variant (that may affect the dynamic stability of the vehicle during the required ESC tests) has been (7L performed and found that a simulation (or practical test) is not required.x'x0'0xp'px#'x'x0'x0p'xp#'#0$@'' 6  U0 Model:  * #0$0@'' 7  V0 Model:  * #00$p@'' 7  W0 Model:  * #0p$#@'' 7  X0 Model:  * #$@, Title h#$ @  8 33Y Check89 h6 h6 (E h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k#$ @- Title i#$  @  : 33Z Check18 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k# $P@. Title j# $P @  : 33[ Check171 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (nc({k(1#"`$#@/ Title k#"`$# @  : 33\ Check183 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1#0p$'#$p  Unique ESCsystem identification  q $''$'0'$p'#'$p''$0'p'@p'@@ Title t @3  7 33y Check7 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k0@A Title u0 @4  9 33z Check10 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@p@B Title v@p @5  9 33{ Check11 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1"p#@C Title w"p# @6  9 33| Check15 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k  3Does the ECE approval for this variant include ESC?      h6  ,Arial (/Does the ECE approval for this variant include (ESC? `@'''/' '', i }/@/  ECE_ESC_Yes_1  d  d    d ,Arial (n ECE_ESC_Ye(s_1@'''/' ''* i ~/@/  ECE_ESC_No_1  d  d  d ,Arial (p ECE_ESC_N(o_1@'''/' ''.  /@/  ECE_ESC_Yes_2  d  d  d ,Arial (n ECE_ESC_Ye(s_2P@'''/' '',  /@/  ECE_ESC_No_2  d  d  d ,Arial (p ECE_ESC_N(o_2@'''/' ''.  /@/  ECE_ESC_Yes_3  d  d  d ,Arial (n ECE_ESC_Ye(s_3 `@'''/' '',  /@/  ECE_ESC_No_3  d  d  d ,Arial (p ECE_ESC_N(o_3 @'''/' ''.  /@/  ECE_ESC_Yes_4  d  d  d ,Arial (n ECE_ESC_Ye(s_4 p!@'''/' '',  /@/  ECE_ESC_No_4  d  d  d ,Arial (p ECE_ESC_N(o_4@'@0'@0p'@p#'`@  Yes  q `  No  q  P Yes  q `0 P No  q  `  Yes  q `P p No  q  ` p Yes  q `  ! No  q  p!' !@ Title K ! @  7 33  Check7 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k ! @ Title L !  @  9 33  Check10 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k 0!`@ Title M 0!` @  9 33  Check11 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 "`!#@ Title N "`!# @  9 33  Check15 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k ! @'''/' '', Y  /@/  ESC_Prac_1  *9   !`@'''/' ''* Y /@/  ESC_Sim_1  *6  @!@'''/' ''. Z /@/  ESC_Prac_2  *9  !@'''/' '', Z /@/  ESC_Sim_2  *6  `!@'''/' ''. [ /@/  ESC_Prac_3  *9  !@'''/' '', [ /@/  ESC_Sim_3  *6  !@'''/' ''. \ /@/  ESC_Prac_4  *9  !!0@'''/' '', \ /@/  ESC_Sim_4  *6 !'!0'0!p'p!#' `!@'''/' ''* Y )/@/ ESC_NR_5  *3  !@'''/' '', Z */@/ ESC_NR_6  *3  !@'''/' '', [ +/@/ ESC_NR_7  *3  ! !"`@'''/' '', \ ,/@/ ESC_NR_8  *3  ! @ L*How is compliance of this variant's ESC system being demonstrated (Note 5):  B    @ S  q  @  T  q     NT  q    S  q   0 T  q     NT  q    S  q   ` T  q   P  NT  q  0 S  q    T  q  !@ "  NT  q  IIs the suspension and axle configuration the same as the tested vehicle?    h6 ,Arial (Is the suspension and axle (&configuration the same as the tested (vehicle?p Yes  q p No  q  @'''/' ''  w/@/ SameSusp_Yes_5  d  d   d ,Arial (o SameSusp_Y(es_5@'''/' ''  x/@/  SameSusp_No_5  d  d  d ,Arial (o SameSusp_N(o_50 Yes  q  No  q  @@'''/' ''  y/@/ SameSusp_Yes_6  d  d  d ,Arial (o SameSusp_Y(es_6@@'''/' ''  z/@/  SameSusp_No_6  d  d  d ,Arial (o SameSusp_N(o_6P Yes  q  @ No  q   `@'''/' ''  {/@/ SameSusp_Yes_7  d  d  d ,Arial (o SameSusp_Y(es_7 `@'''/' ''  |/@/  SameSusp_No_7  d  d  d ,Arial (o SameSusp_N(o_7 @! Yes  q  p! No  q  !p"@' ''/' ''  }/@/ SameSusp_Yes_8  d  d  d ,Arial (o SameSusp_Y(es_8!p"@' ''/' ''  ~/@/  SameSusp_No_8  d  d  d ,Arial (o SameSusp_N(o_8@@ @, Title @@  @U   33 Check170 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1`@`p@- Title `@`p @V   33 Check169 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1PPP@. Title PPP @W   33 Check168 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1PP@/ Title PP @X   33 Check167 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1` (If no, please Comment)   qk p0'p0p'pp#'pp'p'@ Title 2 @N  9 33 Check147 h6 h6 A h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@@ Title 3@ @O  9 33 Check145 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(10`@ Title 40` @P  9 33 Check143 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@ Title 5 @Q  9 33 Check141 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (nc({k(1@@@'''/' ''. A /@/  BCT_Under_5  *@ 00@'''/' '', A /@/  BCT_Over_5  *: @@@@'''/' ''. B /@/  BCT_Under_6  *@ 00@@'''/' '', B /@/  BCT_Over_6  *: @ @`@'''/' ''. C /@/  BCT_Under_7  *@ 0 0`@'''/' '', C /@/  BCT_Over_7  *: @!p@"@' ''/' ''. D /@/  BCT_Under_8  *@ 0!p0"@' ''/' '', D /@/  BCT_Over_8  *: @ Under  q `  Over  q @@@ Under  q `@  Over  q `@` Under  q ``  Over  q @! Under  q ` !p Over  q 0p >Braking Cycle time under or over the braking cycle time specified for this category, specifiation and testing method (fade test)?  v   #'#0Xp'pX#'pX'X'X0'!#0@''   90 Model:  * !#00@''   :0 Model:  * !0#0p@'''' ''  ;0 Model:  * !p#0#@''   <0 Model:  * !p#0'" # @ Title [" #  @   33= Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k" # @ Title \" #  @  # 33> Check16 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"  # P@ Title ]"  # P @  # 33? Check24 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k" "`# #@ Title ^" "`# # @  # 33@ Check32 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k!#@ -Vehicle number demonstrating ESC compliance.  > > h6 >,Arial ($"Vehicle number demonstrating ESC (0 compliance.P002P002 h6 >,Arial ($"Vehicle number demonstrating ESC (0 compliance.P002P002P002T  q- !@@"  NT  q- P0020021>  @" 2 Hide_WakeColumn_1    @" 2 Hide_WakeColumn_1     @" 2 Hide_WakeColumn_1   "#p @" 2 Hide_WakeColumn_1  $0$ @8  (iESCID_h3  $$ @9  (jESCID_h2  $@ p$! @;  (lESCID_h4  $0P$p @:  (kESCID_h2  @@` @  ( TyreDiamR_h2  @ @  ( TyreDiamR_h2  P @  ( TyreDiamR_h2  @!"8 @  ( TyreDiamR_h2  08X @  ( SectWidthR_h2    @  ( SectWidthR_h3    @  ( SectWidthR_h3   !"0 @  ( SectWidthR_h3   @ P @D  (0 Model:  *   @ @J  ( UBSID_h10    @ @Q  ( UBSID_h11   0 @!P @X  ( UBSID_h12  @` @>  ( WheelBase_h9   @E  ( WheelBase_h10   @L  ( WheelBase_h11   !  @S  ( WheelBase_h12   0 P @A  (MLTM_h9     @F  (MLTM_h10     @M  (MLTM_h11   0 !P @T  (MLTM_h12   0 `P @C  (LLTM_h9   p!@ @G  (LLTM_h10    ` @N  (LLTM_h11    ` @U  (LLTM_h12    @@  ( SectWidth_h9   @H  ( SectWidth_h10    @O  ( SectWidth_h11   !@ @V  ( SectWidth_h12  ` @?  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Comments   q> (@-0$'-@2#'` @''   0 Model:  * #''%& Yes  q &'p No  q  %&@'9''/' '' $ /@/  Affect_Yes_9  *; &'@':''/' '' $ /@/  Affect_No_9  *7 &'0@j Title &'0 @   33 Check160 h6 h6 > h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1&P'@k Title &P' @   33 Check159 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1&p'@l Title &p' @   33 Check158 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1&'@m Title &' @   33  Check157 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1%&@ Yes  q &'p0 No  q  %&P@'[''/' '' (  /@/  Affect_Yes_10  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (p Affect_Yes_1(0&'P@'\''/' '' (  /@/  Affect_No_10  *< %&` Yes  q &0'pP No  q  %0&p@'}''/' '' ,  /@/  Affect_Yes_11  d  d  d ,Arial (p Affect_Yes_1(1&0'p@'~''/' '' ,  /@/  Affect_No_11  *< % P&! Yes  q & 'p! No  q  %!&"@'''/' '' 0 /@/  Affect_Yes_12  d  d  d ,Arial (p Affect_Yes_1(2&!'"@'''/' '' 0 /@/  Affect_No_12  *< @'@'' 0 9   q   10   q   11   q  !" 12   q @'+' |  80 Model:  * @@'M' |  90 Model:  * @@'o' |  :0 Model:  * #@'' |  ;0 Model:  * `  Yes  q 0 No  q    @',''/' '' # @/@/ SameSusp_Yes_9  d  d  d ,Arial (o SameSusp_Y(es_9@'-''/' '' # A/@/  SameSusp_No_9  d  d  d ,Arial (o SameSusp_N(o_9P@ Yes  q P0 No  q    P@'N''/' '' ' B/@/ SameSusp_Yes_10  d  d  d ,Arial (o SameSusp_Y(es_10P@'O''/' '' ' C/@/ SameSusp_No_10  d  d  d ,Arial (o SameSusp_N(o_10` ` Yes  q P0P No  q   0 p@'p''/' '' + D/@/ SameSusp_Yes_11  d  d  d ,Arial (o SameSusp_Y(es_110p@'q''/' '' + E/@/ SameSusp_No_11  d  d  d ,Arial (o SameSusp_N(o_11` P ! Yes  q P ! No  q   ! "@'''/' '' / F/@/ SameSusp_Yes_12  d  d  d ,Arial (o SameSusp_Y(es_12!"@'''/' '' / G/@/ SameSusp_No_12  d  d  d ,Arial (o SameSusp_N(o_12@z Title  @  r 33Q Check80 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k @{ Title   @  r 33R Check79 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@@| Title @ @  r 33S Check78 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"p#@} Title "p# @  r 33T Check77 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k0@ Title 0 @   33Y Check156 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kP@ Title P @   33Z Check155 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k`@ Title ` @   33[ Check154 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@ Title  @   33\ Check153 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1  @'' 7  0 Model:  *   @@'>' 7  0 Model:  *  @ @'`' 7  0 Model:  *   #@'' 7  0 Model:  * 0P'  @[ Title    @  : 33 Check165 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k   @^ Title     @  : 33 Check164 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 @ p@a Title  @ p @  : 33 Check163 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 "p #@d Title  "p # @  : 33 Check161 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (nc({k(1  '@ "Maximum laden vehicle speed (km/h)  q 0P@'$' \  I0 Model:  * 0P@@'F' \  J0 Model:  * 0@P@'h' \  K0 Model:  * 0P#@'' \  L0 Model:  * @@@~ Title @@ @  ^ 33U Check76 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@@ @ Title @@  @  ^ 33V Check75 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@@@@ Title @@@ @  ^ 33W Check73 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@"P@#@ Title @"P@# @  ^ 33X Check74 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k` @@'='   a0 Model:  * `@ @'_''' ''  b0 Model:  * ` #@''   c0 Model:  * ` '  ?Variant description (include manufacturer's code if applicable)    h6 ,Arial (Variant description (+(include manufacturer's code if applicable)  @ Title    @'  # 33d Check72 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k   @ Title     @(  # 33e Check71 h6 h6 A h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(7  @@ Title   @ @)  # 33f Check70 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k "p #@ Title  "p # @*  # 33g Check69 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k#'# p!p' p!p`'@ If selected for test enter the SE 31/.. or 35/.. reference number, otherwise enter the vehicle number from this form for the test vehicle  @@Z Z h6 Z,Arial (l2If selected for test enter the SE 31/.. or 35/.. (x.reference number, otherwise enter the vehicle (*number from this form for the test vehicle`@''    x0 Model:  * `@@'<'    y0 Model:  * @`@'^'    z0 Model:  * `#@''    {0 Model:  * @@@ Title @@ @?  33| Check63 h6 h6 Z h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@@ @ Title @@  @@  33} Check62 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@ @P@ Title @ @P @A  33~ Check53 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@"p@#@ Title @"p@# @B  33 Check52 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k'0 Wheelbase (mm)   qP   '  '0@'#' @  0 Model:  * 00@Z Title 00 @  A 33 Check105 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(10@@'E' @  0 Model:  * @0@'g' @  0 Model:  * 0#@'' @  0 Model:  * 00@g Title 00 @  A 33 Check96 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k00@@h Title 00@ @  A 33 Check95 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k0"`0#@i Title 0"`0# @  A 33 Check94 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k '  @''    0 Model:  *   @@'?'   !0 Model:  *  @ @'a'   "0 Model:  *   #@''   #0 Model:  *   @n Title    @  e 33$ Check93 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k   @o Title     @  e 33% Check92 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k  @@p Title   @ @  e 33& Check91 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(9 "p #@q Title  "p # @  e 33' Check90 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k  @'' N  (0 Model:  *   @@'@' N  )0 Model:  *  @ @'b' N  *0 Model:  *   #@'' N  +0 Model:  *   @r Title    @  J 33, Check88 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k   @s Title     @  J 33- Check87 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k  @@t Title   @ @  J 33. Check86 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k "p #@u Title  "p # @  J 33/ Check85 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k @'' D  00 Model:  *  0@'A' D  10 Model:  *  @p@'c' D  20 Model:  *   @'' D  30 Model:  *  @' ' B  0 Model:  *  @v Title   @  @ 334 Check84 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k 0@@'B' D  0 Model:  *   @w Title    @  @ 335 Check83 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k p@'d' D  0 Model:  *  @@x Title  @ @  @ 336 Check82 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k #@'' D  0 Model:  *  "p#@y Title  "p# @  @ 337 Check81 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(80'P $Smallest vent area per wheel (mm )  q 0 p P 2 qP`'0@ Title 0 @=  * 33 Check31 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!3P Yes  q p0 No  q  ``@'%''/' ''; 9 /@/  Trailer_Yes_9  *> PP@'&''/' ''; 9 /@/  Trailer_No_9  *: `@ Title ` @@  * 33 Check27 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kP@ Yes  q p00 No  q  ``P@'G''/' ''; : /@/ Trailer_Yes_10  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (o Trailer_Yes_1(0PPP@'H''/' ''; : /@/  Trailer_No_10  *? `@ Title ` @C  * 33 Check26 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kP@ Yes  q p00 No  q  ``P@'i''/' ''; ; /@/ Trailer_Yes_11  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (o Trailer_Yes_1(1PPP@'j''/' ''; ; /@/  Trailer_No_11  *? @ Title  @F  * 33 Check23 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k P! Yes  q p P0!p No  q  `!P`"@'''/' ''; < /@/ Trailer_Yes_12  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (o Trailer_Yes_1(2P!PP"@'''/' ''; < /@/  Trailer_No_12  *? @'' ; 0 Model:  * '@ Vehicle variant test status  qq @@';'  0 Model:  * @@']'  0 Model:  * #@''  0 Model:  * @ Title  @Y  33 Check197 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@@ Title @ @Z  33 Check198 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1P@ Title P @[  33 Check199 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1!"@ Title !" @\  33 Check200 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!2%' v*Are there other differences from the tested vehicle that would affect test vehicle selection? (If yes, please comment)  ^  P`'P`@'P@`'P`#''@ ` $>Diameter of tyres (F/R, Note 4) (mm)      0Pp @  (b TyreDiam_h4  @'!' Z  c0 Model:  * @'"' X  0 Model:  * @ Title & @}  D 33d Check36 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k0 @  (e TyreDiam_h4  0@'C' Z  f0 Model:  * 0@@'D' X  0 Model:  *  @ Title '  @  D 33g Check36 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k0 @  (h TyreDiam_h4  @p@'e' Z  i0 Model:  * p@'f' X  0 Model:  *  P@ Title ( P @  D 33j Check36 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k0 0 @  (k TyreDiam_h4   @'' Z  l0 Model:  *  #@'' X  0 Model:  * "p#@ Title )"p# @  D 33m Check36 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k0 @   Trailer_Label  `'0`@] Title 0` @  = 33 Check103 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@` Title  @  = 33 Check101 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (nc({k(1@c Title  @  = 33 Check99 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k!# @f Title !#  @  = 33 Check97 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@@ Yes  q P No  q  @@'0''/' '' " /@/  ABS_Yes_9  *5 @'1''/' '' " /@/ ABS_No_9  *1 @ Yes  q 0PP No  q  @'R''/' '' & /@/  ABS_Yes_10  *; H@'S''/' '' & /@/  ABS_No_10  *7 @ Yes  q P@p No  q  @'v''/' '' * /@/  ABS_Yes_11  *; X@'w''/' '' * /@/  ABS_No_11  *7 @ p Yes  q  @! No  q   @@'''/' '' . /@/  ABS_Yes_12  *;  !@'''/' '' . /@/  ABS_No_12  *7   ABS Equipped?  qF @ IIs the suspension and axle configuration the same as the tested vehicle?    h6 ,Arial (Is the suspension and axle (&configuration the same as the tested (vehicle?p@ (If no, please Comment)   qk '`8`h@\ Title `8`h @  @ 33 Check104 h6 h6 A h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1pp@_ Title pp @  @ 33 Check102 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1``@b Title `` @  @ 33 Check100 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1P!P#@e Title P!P# @  @ 33 Check98 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@ Yes  q  No  q  8x@''''/' ''" ! /@/  VarProp_Yes_9  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (n VarProp_Yes_(9@'(''/' ''" ! /@/  VarProp_No_9  d  d  d ,Arial (p VarProp_No_(9 Yes  q 0P No  q  @'I''/' ''" % /@/ VarProp_Yes_10  d  d  d ,Arial (n VarProp_Yes_(10P@'J''/' ''" % /@/  VarProp_No_10  d  d  d ,Arial (p VarProp_No_(10 Yes  q 0P No  q  @'k''/' ''" ) /@/ VarProp_Yes_11  d  d  d ,Arial (n VarProp_Yes_(110p@'l''/' ''" ) /@/  VarProp_No_11  d  d  d ,Arial (p VarProp_No_(11 p Yes  q  ! No  q   H@'''/' ''" - /@/ VarProp_Yes_12  d  d  d ,Arial (n VarProp_Yes_(12 p!@'''/' ''" - /@/  VarProp_No_12  d  d  d ,Arial (p VarProp_No_(12#'# 2Load sensing variable proportioning system fitted?  W W d  W,Arial (i$Load sensing variable proportioning (usystem fitted?0P -Vehicle Number (for use on SE 31/.. or 35/..)  q   &>Maximum loaded test mass (Note 3) (kg)    !    x &>Lightly loaded test mass (Note 2) (kg)    !  0 )>Section width of tyres (F/R, Note 4) (mm)    #   0 8Unique Braking/ESC system (if applicable) identification    W ,Arial (*Unique Braking/ESC system (if applicable) (identification '(X@  Title C(X @  7 33 Check7 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(kx@  Title Dx @  9 33 Check10 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@  Title E @  9 33 Check11 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1!#@  Title F!# @  9 33 Check15 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kp !Is the variant equipped with ESC?  q @@'.''/' '', L /@/  ESC_Yes_1  *6 @'/''/' ''* L /@/ ESC_No_1  *2 @'P''/' ''. K /@/  ESC_Yes_2  *6 P@'Q''/' '', K /@/ ESC_No_2  *2 @'r''/' ''. J /@/  ESC_Yes_3  *6  `@'s''/' '', J /@/ ESC_No_3  *2  @@'''/' ''. I /@/  ESC_Yes_4  *6  p!@'''/' '', I /@/ ESC_No_4  *2  ' @' @' #'@H Yes  q @ No  q  0 Yes  q 0@` No  q  @( Yes  q @` No  q  @ x Yes  q @ ! No  q   `"('!0"0@ Title O!0"0 @  7 33 Check7 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k!0"00@ Title P!0"00 @  9 33 Check10 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k! @" p@ Title Q! @" p @  9 33 Check11 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1! "" #@ Title R! "" # @  9 33 Check15 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k! " @@'4''/' '', ] /@/  ESC_Prac_1  *9 ! P" @'5''/' ''* ] /@/  ESC_Sim_1  *6 ! `" @'V''/' ''. ^ /@/  ESC_Prac_2  *9 ! " @'W''/' '', ^ /@/  ESC_Sim_2  *6 ! p" @'x''/' ''. _ /@/  ESC_Prac_3  *9 ! " @'y''/' '', _ /@/  ESC_Sim_3  *6 ! " @'''/' ''. ` /@/  ESC_Prac_4  *9 ! " !P@'''/' '', `  /@/  ESC_Sim_4  *6  `"(' `"(@' `@"(' `"(#'! " @'6''/' ''* ] -/@/ ESC_NR_9  *3 ! "80@'X''/' '', ^ ./@/  ESC_NR_10  *9 ! 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