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SaveCheck(); function SaveCheck() { Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Issue_NumExt").value =Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Issue_NumExt").value; var theDoc = Informed.currentDocument.currentRecord; var theValue = theDoc.Cell("DataAlert").value; var RevExt = "Revision 2.8" if (theValue == 0) { //The following code updates the Revision number when the form is saved. This code should be commented out on all but the External version. Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Issue_NumExt").value = RevExt; BuiltinCommand("Save").execute(); } else switch(theValue){ case 1: Util.message("You cannot save this form until you have completed the Document Reference field.",null,STOP,false); Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value = Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Docume_Reference").value; break; } } nullJScr JavaScriptLang//This script is used to prevent saving the document without mandatory data. 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It is possible to edit this information if desired. This information can be submitted to the discussion list by clicking the 'Submit' button. You can only submit this information to the discussion list once, at which time the form status will be changed to 'Examined'. All subsequent attempts will be refused.     AEXHBe electronic form. It is possible to edit this information if desired.(3~This information can be submitted to the discussion list by clicking the 'Submit' button. You can only submit this information(?yto the discussion list once, at which time the form status will be changed to 'Examined'. All subsequent attempts will be(Krefused. (Brakin_SelectFullTest2 OR Brakin_SelectPartTest2,Brakin_WheelBaseMini2_h,''),IFTE (Brakin_SelectFullTest3 OR Brakin_SelectPartTest3,Brakin_WheelBaseMini3_h,''),IFTE (Brakin_SelectFullTest4 OR Brakin_SelectPartTest4,Brakin_WheelBaseMini4_h,'')) Then If Choose (Brakin_IfSelectTest1,Brakin_WheelBaseMini1,Brakin_WheelBaseMini2_h,Brakin_WheelBaseMini3_h,Brakin_WheelBaseMini4_h) > 115% * Brakin_WheelBaseMini1  4d 4d <.RG 4d,Arial (F Choose(R t(Brakin_IfSelectTest1,Brakin_WheelBaseMini1,Brakin_WheelBaseMini2_h,Brakin_WheelBaseMini3_h,Brakin_WheelBaseMini4_h)(^ w= Min (IFTE (Brakin_SelectFullTest1 OR Brakin_SelectPartTest1,Brakin_WheelBaseMini1,''),IFTE (Brakin_SelectFullTest2 OR(j RBrakin_SelectPartTest2,Brakin_WheelBaseMini2_h,''),IFTE (Brakin_SelectFullTest3 OR(v RBrakin_SelectPartTest3,Brakin_WheelBaseMini3_h,''),IFTE (Brakin_SelectFullTest4 OR( 8Brakin_SelectPartTest4,Brakin_WheelBaseMini4_h,'')) Then(  If Choose( 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ElseIf Brakin_SecondTestVeh1 AND (Brakin_SmallWhlVent1 <> Min (Brakin_SmallWhlVent1,Brakin_SmallWhlVent2,Brakin_SmallWhlVent3,Brakin_SmallWhlVent4)) Then Return True With Alert 'Second Test Vehicle must equal the minimum of smallest wheel vent areas.' ElseIf Brakin_SmallWhlVent1 < 0 OR Brakin_SmallWhlVent1 > 300000 Then Return True With Alert 'Smallest wheel vent area must be a practical value.' 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Hide_LoLLTM Issue_NumExt Issue_Num Check_new_docAttached Attached_YesNoteHere DataAlert LengthMessageDoc_RevisionDateDoc_RevisionDate1Doc_RevisionDate2Hide_ReferenceorList ErrorList1 ErrorList2 ErrorList3Docume_Reference1Docume_Reference2 Hide_LoLLTM Issue_NumExt Issue_Num Check_new_docAttached Attached_YesAttachedMessageNoteHere DataAlert LengthMessageDoc_RevisionDateDoc_RevisionDate1Doc_RevisionDate2Hide_ReferenceDate1Doc_RevisionDate2Hide_ReferenceDoc_RevisionDate1Doc_RevisionDate2Hide_Referenceoe(|c(kpp@ Title pp @  33 Warning3 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hr(u n( i( n`0``@ Title `0`` @f3501sf1900`#6w,2.8`#",Federal Office of Road SafetyDoTRDtment of Transport7SF 35/01 Commercial Vehicle Br Commercial Vehicle Brake Systemsce../T`0 p@'N''@' '' ANoteHere  S S ! 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Variant of UBS identification  qb| /@p2#@']''*p' '' )*q#@Brakin_VarDetail1  PP ."/#@$ Title *."/# @K  33 Check185 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1./Pp 0Details if any suspension configurations differ:    ! ,Arial (0Details if any suspension configurations differ:-.p ODetails of variations(s) which may affect braking performance or brake cooling:  qbZ p @' '   0 Model:  P p 0@''   0 Model:  P p0 p@'5''' ''  0 Model:  P pp #@'K'   0 Model:  P pp '0 ?Variant description (include manufacturer's code if applicable)  a a  a,Arial (sVariant description (+(include manufacturer's code if applicable)@5 Title 7 @~  33A Check8 h6 h6 a h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k@6 Title 8 @  33B Check16 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k0@7 Title 90 @  33C Check24 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"`#@8 Title :"`# @  33D Check32 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kPpp@J Title ^Ppp @  33 MainLengthCheck h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (fn(tg(t(h00@ Title 00 @2  33 Check6 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k 0'0 0P@ Title 0 0P @7  33 Check14 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k0 p'0P0@ Title 0P0 @<  33 Check22 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kp #'00@ Title "00 @A  33 Check30 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k#'#  @'''/' ''  /@/ Brakin_SelectFullTest1  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(y FullTest1@'''/' ''   /@/ Brakin_SelectTestNA1  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(zTestNA1  @'''/' ''   /@/ Brakin_SelectPartTest1  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(x PartTest1@  Not Tested  qb1 000@'''/' ''   /@/ Brakin_SelectFullTest2  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(y FullTest2  0@'''/' ''   /@/ Brakin_SelectTestNA2  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(zTestNA2000@'''/' ''   /@/ Brakin_SelectPartTest2  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(x PartTest2000p@'1''/' ''  /@/ Brakin_SelectFullTest3  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(y FullTest3 0 p@'3''/' ''  /@/ Brakin_SelectTestNA3  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(zTestNA3000p@'2''/' ''  /@/ Brakin_SelectPartTest3  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(x PartTest30"p0#@'G''/' ''  /@/ Brakin_SelectFullTest4  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(y FullTest4 "p #@'I''/' ''  /@/ Brakin_SelectTestNA4  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(zTestNA40"p0#@'H''/' ''  /@/ Brakin_SelectPartTest4  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(x PartTest4# #'# #"#'  #p '0 Selected for test ?  qbP  pp'P If selected for test enter the SE 35/01 reference number, otherwise enter the vehicle number from this form for the test vehicle  66;s ;s d  ;s,Arial (M)If selected for test enter the SE 35/01 (Y.reference number, otherwise enter the vehicle (e*number from this form for the test vehicle p@''    Q0 Model:  P  p0@''    U0 Model:  P  0pp@'4'    V0 Model:  P  pp#@'J'    W0 Model:  P @> Title G @  33M Check12 h6 h6 ;s h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@? Title H @  33N Check20 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k @@ Title I @  33O Check28 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"@#p@A Title J"@#p @  33P Check36 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k`P 0  Full Test   qb) `   Partial Test  qb2 ` `  Full Test   qb) `   Partial Test  qb2 `   Full Test   qb) ` P  Partial Test  qb2 ` "  Full Test   qb) ` "  Partial Test  qb2 @@  Not Tested  qb1 @`  Not Tested  qb1 @@"  Not Tested  qb1 -n-r#'-p-p#`# Type a "<" symbol to mirror the value in the cell to the left If a cross is displayed in a cell, place the cursor in that cell and type Control-? to see the error message.  LLH H h6 H,Arial (>Type a "<" symbol to mirror the value in the cell to the left (mIf a cross is displayed in a cell, place the cursor in that cell and type Control-? to see the error message. @0 @    *0 Model:  P  0@p @6   +0 Model:  P  p@# @L   ,0 Model:  P  00!P @P   Brakin_MLTM_h4   `!0 @S   Brakin_LLTM_h4   p!  @V   Brakin_SmallSectWdth_h4   !  @Y   Brakin_SmallWhlVent_h4  0 @O   Brakin_MLTM_h3  P @R   Brakin_LLTM_h3   @U   Brakin_SmallSectWdth_h3   @X   Brakin_SmallWhlVent_h3  @ @N   Brakin_MLTM_h2  P @Q   Brakin_LLTM_h2   @T   Brakin_SmallSectWdth_h2   @W   Brakin_SmallWhlVent_h2  p'p'`p'@''   ~0 Model:  P 0@  Title 0 @  33 Check13 h6 h6 H h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k0@'%'   0 Model:  P 0p@';'   0 Model:  P p#@'Q'   0 Model:  P 0`@ Title #0` @B  33 Check21 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!2`@ Title $` @C  33 Check29 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@ Title % @D  33 Check37 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kp'`@' '   0 Model:  P `0@'"'   0 Model:  P `0p@'8'   0 Model:  P `p#@'N'   0 Model:  P p P $Maximum loaded test mass (MLTM) (kg)  qb pp @% Title 7pp @~  33 Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(kp0p`@& Title 8p0p` @  33 Check16 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kpPp@' Title 9pPp @  33 Check24 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kpp@( Title :pp @  33 Check32 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@' '   0 Model:  P 0@'#'   0 Model:  P 0p@'9'   0 Model:  P p#@'O'   0 Model:  P  @ $Lightly loaded test mass (LLTM) (kg)  qb  @) Title ; @  33 Check9 h6 h6 ! h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k0`@* Title <0` @  33 Check17 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kP@+ Title =P @  33 Check25 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@, Title > @  33 Check33 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@''   0 Model:  P 0@'$'   0 Model:  P 0p@':'   0 Model:  P p#@'P'   0 Model:  P  +Minimum section width of tyres offered (mm)  qb  @- Title G @  33 Check12 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k0`@. Title H0` @  33 Check20 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kP@/ Title IP @  33 Check28 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@0 Title J @  33 Check36 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k $Smallest vent area per wheel (mm )  qb  p ` 2 qb p p@' '      Vehicle Make  P<    *Vehicle Make (Optional)     @e Title `   @  33 Check151 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (nc({k(1 p  @' '    "}  Vehicle Model  P>    *Vehicle Model (Optional)     @ p@f Title a @ p @  33 Check150 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1"@p$'#0# Equipped to tow a trailer?  qbp #$ @" Title #$ @%  33 Check51 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!5"p#p Yes  qb #$P No  qb  "#@'#''/' '' 5 /@/ Brakin_TrailerY1  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (oBrakin_Trailer(Y1#p$p@'$''/' '' 5 /@/ Brakin_TrailerN1  d  d  d ,Arial (oBrakin_Trailer(N1#P$@% Title #P$ @(  33 Check50 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"#p0 Yes  qb #$P No  qb  "#@@'&''/' '' 6 /@/ Brakin_TrailerY2  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (oBrakin_Trailer(Y2#p$p@@''''/' '' 6 /@/ Brakin_TrailerN2  d  d  d ,Arial (oBrakin_Trailer(N2#P$@( Title #P$ @+  33 Check41 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(4"#p0 Yes  qb #$P No  qb  "#@@')''/' '' 7 /@/ Brakin_TrailerY3  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (oBrakin_Trailer(Y3#p$p@@'*''/' '' 7 /@/ Brakin_TrailerN3  d  d  d ,Arial (oBrakin_Trailer(N3#$@+ Title #$ @.  33 Check40 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k" #p!p Yes  qb # @$P!` No  qb  "!@#"@',''/' '' 8 /@/ Brakin_TrailerY4  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (oBrakin_Trailer(Y4#p!@$p"@'-''/' '' 8 /@/ Brakin_TrailerN4  d  d  d ,Arial (oBrakin_Trailer(N4$$#'$$#@$0 @K @     A! Manufacturer's Name  PV @% @P@ Title  @% @a  33  LengthMessage  h6 h6 d  h6,Arial (fgt(t!h( M(es ` p H*Licensee's reference for this document (Use only 12 characters, Note 1):  '  @p  Created in:  qb1 0 $  @Q @     A! Manufacturer's Name  PV ` @T0  p01    P 3P3p gNote 1: This is a mandatory field. Form saving is disabled unless mandatory fields have been completed.  qb P `BP001have been completed.    @ PAEH(XB   @ PAEH(XB  33  LengthMessage  h6 h6 S h6, Helvetica (fgt(t!h( M(es<_:/Ad3'0<E/ x/~('0_:d3h/ /~('0_:d3h/f4\_:/Ad3'0\E/f4j_:/Ad3'0jE/ x/~('0_:d3h/ /~('0_:d3h/ /~('0_:d3h/ /~('0_:d3h/UVOQSPRTB @;\ ;\ @ h $;\ ;\|  A;\   A0;\ ;\D ;\ H;\;\ A;\   A;\  X;\ ;\4 @;\ ,;\;\p1;\: ;\B  %/~('0r_:d3h/f4._:/Ad3'0.E/f4<_:/Ad3'0<E/ x/~('0_:d3h/ /~('0_:d3h/f4\_:/Ad3'0\E/f4j_:/Ad3'0jE/ x/~('0_:d3h/ /~('0*_:d3h/ /~('0Z_:d3h/ /~('0f_:d3"h/MNHJLGIK. ;\ ;\ @ ;\;\ ;\ A;\;\  t;\  AH;\;\l    ;\   ;\;\ ;\& ;\.  /~('0_:d3qh/ %/~('0_:d3~h/ .PS;/ O: Ed.PS;/ O: x/~('0_:d3h/ /~('0J_:d3h/ /~('0_:d3Mh/ /~('0"_:d3h/ x/~('0R_:d3h/ /~('0v_:d3h/ /~('0_:d3 h/ /~('0_:d3h/ '# . ;\ d;\ @ ;\=W   A;\:  z0s[>00P @   Brakin_WheelBaseMini_h5  @ 0!P @h   Brakin_WheelBaseMini_h8  @ @p   Brakin_WheelBaseMini_h7  @ @x   Brakin_WheelBaseMini_h6  p 2$' @'b'   0 Model:  P^  '@p@'` 0Braking System and Test Vehicle Details (contd.)   qb p#'p'p'@p@'@p!' $Vehicle Number (for use on SE 35/01)  qb  @ Title d @  33- Check148 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 @ Title e @  33. Check147 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@p@ Title g@p @  330 Check146 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@p@ Title h@p @  331 Check145 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1P@ Title jP @  333 Check144 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1P@ Title kP @  334 Check143 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@ Title m @  336 Check142 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@ Title n @  337 Check141 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (nc({k(1 ` %Variable proportioning system fitted?  qb  Anti-lock fitted?  qbD " p" Yes  qb ## No  qb  !"@'q''/' ''  ;/@/ Brakin_OtherAffectsYes1  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (p Brakin_Other(s AffectsYes1"#@'r''/' ''  </@/ Brakin_OtherAffectsNo1  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_Other(u AffectsNo1!p$ '"`#` @ Title r"`#` @  33= Check175 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1"`@#`p@ Title s"`@#`p @  33> Check174 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1"``#`@ Title t"``#` @  33? Check173 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1"`#`@ Title u"`#` @  33@ Check172 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1" "0 Yes  qb ## No  qb  !"@@'''/' ''  A/@/ Brakin_OtherAffectsYes2  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (p Brakin_Other(s AffectsYes2"#@@'''/' ''  B/@/ Brakin_OtherAffectsNo2  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_Other(u AffectsNo2" "P Yes  qb # #@ No  qb  ! "`@'''/' ''   C/@/ Brakin_OtherAffectsYes3  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_Other(s AffectsYes3" #`@'''/' ''   D/@/ Brakin_OtherAffectsNo3  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_Other(u AffectsNo3" @"! Yes  qb # p#! No  qb  !!p""@'''/' '' $ E/@/ Brakin_OtherAffectsYes4  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_Other(s AffectsYes4"!p#"@'''/' '' $ F/@/ Brakin_OtherAffectsNo4  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_Other(u AffectsNo4pP Yes  qb `  No  qb  PP@'m''/' ''  G/@/ Brakin_AntiLockYes1  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_AntiLo(}ckYes1@@@'n''/' ''  H/@/ Brakin_AntiLockNo1  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_AntiLo(ckNo1@0 Yes  qb `  No  qb  PP@@'''/' ''  I/@/ Brakin_AntiLockYes2  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_AntiLo(}ckYes2@@@@'''/' ''  J/@/ Brakin_AntiLockNo2  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_AntiLo(ckNo2p0P Yes  qb P @ No  qb  PPP@'''/' ''  K/@/ Brakin_AntiLockYes3  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_AntiLo(}ckYes3@@P@'''/' ''  L/@/ Brakin_AntiLockNo3  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_AntiLo(ckNo3 @@! Yes  qb P `! No  qb  P!`P"@'''/' '' " M/@/ Brakin_AntiLockYes4  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_AntiLo(}ckYes4@!`@"@'''/' '' " N/@/ Brakin_AntiLockNo4  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_AntiLo(ckNo4p@ Yes  qb `  No  qb  PP@'k''/' ''  O/@/ Brakin_VarPropYes1  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_VarPr(}opYes1@@@'l''/' ''  P/@/ Brakin_VarPropNo1  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_VarPr(opNo1@0 Yes  qb p 0@ No  qb  PP0@'''/' ''  Q/@/ Brakin_VarPropYes2  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_VarPr(}opYes2@@0@'''/' ''  R/@/ Brakin_VarPropNo2  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_VarPr(opNo2@P Yes  qb p 0@ No  qb  PPP@'''/' ''  S/@/ Brakin_VarPropYes3  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_VarPr(}opYes3@@P@'''/' ''  T/@/ Brakin_VarPropNo3  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_VarPr(opNo3 @@! Yes  qb p 0! No  qb  P!PP"@'''/' '' ! U/@/ Brakin_VarPropYes4  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_VarPr(}opYes4@!P@"@'''/' '' ! V/@/ Brakin_VarPropNo4  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_VarPr(opNo40p'0''  5   qb ` 6   qb P 7   qb  ! 8   qb >B#'@@#!#$0#'!#$0#  Vehicle Category  qbK @'c'   o0 Model:  P^ 0@'x'   p0 Model:  P^ 0p@''   q0 Model:  P^ p#@''   r0 Model:  P^ ! ?Is the suspension configuration the same as a tested vehicle?   & & d  &,Arial ($Is the suspension configuration the ( same as a tested vehicle?  !p #(If no, provide explanation below.)   qb p  Yes  qb  !P No  qb   @'o''/' ''  w/@/ Brakin_SameSuspYes1  d  d  ! d ,Arial (p Brakin_Same(wSuspYes1 p!p@'p''/' ''  x/@/ Brakin_SameSuspNo1  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_Same(ySuspNo1 p0 Yes  qb  !p No  qb   @@'''/' ''  y/@/ Brakin_SameSuspYes2  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_Same(wSuspYes2 p!p@@'''/' ''  z/@/ Brakin_SameSuspNo2  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_Same(ySuspNo2 P Yes  qb   !p@ No  qb   `@'''/' ''  {/@/ Brakin_SameSuspYes3  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_Same(wSuspYes3 p !p`@'''/' ''  |/@/ Brakin_SameSuspNo3  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_Same(ySuspNo3 @ ! Yes  qb  p!p! No  qb  !p "@'''/' '' # }/@/ Brakin_SameSuspYes4  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_Same(wSuspYes4 p!p!p"@'''/' '' # ~/@/ Brakin_SameSuspNo4  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_Same(ySuspNo4!!#'!!# @$$$$ $$  0 Model:  P^ >pB#'@p@#n$ r'p$ pP.$ 2'P0$ 0$ '$ P#"#'P#"## p#'# p# @ Title  @L  33 Check125 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(10`@ Title 0` @M  33 Check124 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1P@ Title P @N  33 Check123 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@ Title  @O  33 Check122 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1!#p SAre there other differences from a tested vehicle affecting test vehicle selection?  A A h6 A,Arial ('*Are there other differences from a tested (3)vehicle affecting test vehicle selection? !  @ Title  !  @U  33 Check170 h6 h6 A h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 @@!@p@ Title  @@!@p @V  33 Check169 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 0P!0@ Title  0P!0 @W  33 Check168 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 0!0@ Title  0!0 @X  33 Check167 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1#p$0 $(If yes, provide explanation below.)   qb p @   Brakin_VarUBSID_h5   0P @   Brakin_MaxVehSpeed_h5  @ @'g'   0 Model:  P^ `  @m   Brakin_UBSID_h8    @n   Brakin_VarUBSID_h8     @o   Brakin_MaxVehSpeed_h8  ` @u   Brakin_UBSID_h3   @v   Brakin_VarUBSID_h7    @w   Brakin_MaxVehSpeed_h7  ` @}    Brakin_UBSID_h6   @~   !Brakin_VarUBSID_h6    @   "Brakin_MaxVehSpeed_h6  @'h'   %0 Model:  P^ 0@'}'   &0 Model:  P^ 0p@''   (0 Model:  P^ p#@''   *0 Model:  P^ p'@ Title c @  33, Check179 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@ Title f @  33/ Check178 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(10@ Title i0 @  332 Check177 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1"`#@ Title l"`# @  335 Check176 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1p'  "Maximum laden vehicle speed (km/h)  qb @'j'   0 Model:  P^ 0@''   0 Model:  P^ 0p@''   0 Model:  P^ p#@''   0 Model:  P^  *Unique braking system (UBS) identification  qb  @ Title  @Q  33 Check121 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (nc({k(1 P@ Title  P @R  33 Check120 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@p@ Title @p @S  33 Check117 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@ Title  @T  33 Check119 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@'i'   0 Model:  P^ 0@'~'   0 Model:  P^ 0p@''   0 Model:  P^ p#@''   0 Model:  P^ p' Variant of UBS identification  qb|  0@'w'   0 Model:  P^  0p@'''' ''  0 Model:  P^  p#@''   0 Model:  P^  p' ` ?Variant description (include manufacturer's code if applicable)    h6 ,Arial (Variant description (+(include manufacturer's code if applicable) @ Title   @a  33 Check118 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 @ Title   @b  33 Check116 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 0@ Title  0 @c  33 Check115 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 "`#@ Title  "`# @d  33 Check114 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@ Title  @e  33 Check113 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 0' P@ Title  P @f  33 Check112 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(10 p'P@ Title P @g  33 Check111 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (nc({k(1p #'@ Title  @h  33 Check110 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1#'#@'^''/' '' A /@/ Brakin_SelectFullTest1  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(y FullTest1  @'`''/' '' A /@/ Brakin_SelectTestNA1  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(zTestNA1 @'_''/' '' A /@/ Brakin_SelectPartTest1  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(x PartTest1    Not Tested  qb1 0@'s''/' '' B /@/ Brakin_SelectFullTest2  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(y FullTest2  0@'u''/' '' B /@/ Brakin_SelectTestNA2  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(zTestNA2 0@'t''/' '' B /@/ Brakin_SelectPartTest2  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(x PartTest20p@'''/' '' C /@/ Brakin_SelectFullTest3  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(y FullTest3 0 p@'''/' '' C /@/ Brakin_SelectTestNA3  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(zTestNA30 p@'''/' '' C /@/ Brakin_SelectPartTest3  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(x PartTest3"p#@'''/' '' D /@/ Brakin_SelectFullTest4  d  d  ! d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(y FullTest4 "p #@'''/' '' D /@/ Brakin_SelectTestNA4  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(zTestNA4"p #@'''/' '' D /@/ Brakin_SelectPartTest4  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(x PartTest4# #'# #  #'  #p ' 0 Selected for test ?  qbP  p '  @ If selected for test enter the SE 35/01 reference number, otherwise enter the vehicle number from this form for the test vehicle  66  d  ,Arial ()If selected for test enter the SE 35/01 (.reference number, otherwise enter the vehicle (*number from this form for the test vehicle  @'a'    0 Model:  P^   0@'v'    0 Model:  P^  0 p@''    0 Model:  P^  p #@''    0 Model:  P^  p p@ Title  p p @y  33 Check109 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 p p@ Title  p p @z  33 Check108 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 p p @ Title  p p @{  33 Check107 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 p"@ p#p@ Title  p"@ p#p @|  33 Check106 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1P@  Full Test   qb)     Partial Test  qb2 p  Full Test   qb)   0  Partial Test  qb2   Full Test   qb)   `  Partial Test  qb2 "  Full Test   qb)   "  Partial Test  qb2   @  Not Tested  qb1   `  Not Tested  qb1  @ "  Not Tested  qb1 $$"#'$ $ #p`# Type a "<" symbol to mirror the value in the cell to the left If a cross is displayed in a cell, place the cursor in that cell and type Control-? to see the error message.  LL4 `G 4G` h6 4 `G,Arial (F>Type a "<" symbol to mirror the value in the cell to the left (RmIf a cross is displayed in a cell, place the cursor in that cell and type Control-? to see the error message.0 @   0 Model:  P^ 0p @   0 Model:  P^ p# @   0 Model:  P^ &p1#@'''*p' '' )*q#@Brakin_VarDetail1  P^P %P"0&P#`@ Title %P"0&P#` @  33 Check166 h6 h6 4 `G h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k%& 0Details if any suspension configurations differ:  qb %@& ODetails of variations(s) which may affect braking performance or brake cooling:  qbZ 3 3$  Sheet 2 of 3   qb; p'@ Minimum Wheelbase (mm)   qb{ ` @   Brakin_SmallWhlVent_h5  0 @   Brakin_SmallSectWdth_h5  p @ @   Brakin_MLTM_h5  pp @   Brakin_LLTM_h5  ` 0!P @i    Brakin_MLTM_h8   !0 @j    Brakin_LLTM_h8    !  @k    Brakin_SmallSectWdth_h8    !  @l    Brakin_SmallWhlVent_h8  ` @q   Brakin_MLTM_h7  p @r   Brakin_LLTM_h7  0 @s   Brakin_SmallSectWdth_h7  0 @t   Brakin_SmallWhlVent_h7  ` @y   Brakin_MLTM_h6  p @z   Brakin_LLTM_h6  0 @{   Brakin_SmallSectWdth_h6  0 @|   Brakin_SmallWhlVent_h6  0pP'p0'p@'g'   #0 Model:  P^ 0@ Title b0 @  33$ Check149 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1p0@'|'   '0 Model:  P^ p0p@''   )0 Model:  P^ pp#@''   +0 Model:  P^ 0`@ Title o0` @  338 Check140 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1`@ Title p` @  339 Check139 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@ Title q @  33: Check138 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1Ppp'0@'d'   W0 Model:  P^ 00@'y'   X0 Model:  P^ 00p@''   Y0 Model:  P^ p0#@''   Z0 Model:  P^ ` p $Maximum loaded test mass (MLTM) (kg)  qb    @ Title v   @  33[ Check137 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 0 `@ Title w 0 ` @   33\ Check136 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 P @ Title x P  @!  33] Check135 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1  @ Title y   @"  33^ Check134 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(10P@'e'   _0 Model:  P^ 0P0@'z'   `0 Model:  P^ 00Pp@''   a0 Model:  P^ 0pP#@''   b0 Model:  P^ @ P $Lightly loaded test mass (LLTM) (kg)  qb @@ @ Title z@@ @'  33c Check133 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@0@`@ Title {@0@` @(  33d Check132 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@P@@ Title |@P@ @)  33e Check131 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (nc({k(1@@@ Title }@@ @*  33f Check130 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1Pp@'f'   g0 Model:  P^ Pp0@'{'   h0 Model:  P^ P0pp@''   i0 Model:  P^ Ppp#@''   j0 Model:  P^ ` +Minimum section width of tyres offered (mm)  qb `` @ Title ~`` @/  33k Check129 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1`0``@ Title `0`` @0  33l Check128 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1`P`@ Title `P` @1  33m Check127 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1``@ Title `` @2  33n Check126 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1pp'p $Smallest vent area per wheel (mm )  qb   p 2 qbp@' Equipped to tow a trailer?  qbp  @. Title  @1  33 Check39 h6 h6 ! h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k`p  Yes  qb @ No  qb  00@'/''/' '' 9 /@/ Brakin_TrailerY1  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (oBrakin_Trailer(Y1  @'0''/' '' 9 /@/ Brakin_TrailerN1  d  d  d ,Arial (oBrakin_Trailer(N1P@1 Title P @4  33 Check38 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k` 0 Yes  qb @ No  qb  00@@'2''/' '' : /@/ Brakin_TrailerY2  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (oBrakin_Trailer(Y2  @@'3''/' '' : /@/ Brakin_TrailerN2  d  d  d ,Arial (oBrakin_Trailer(N2P@4 Title P @7  33 Check35 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k` 0 Yes  qb @ No  qb  00@@'5''/' '' ; /@/ Brakin_TrailerY3  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (oBrakin_Trailer(Y3  @@'6''/' '' ; /@/ Brakin_TrailerN3  d  d  d ,Arial (oBrakin_Trailer(N3@7 Title  @:  33 Check34 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k`  !p Yes  qb @ @!` No  qb  0!@0"@'8''/' '' < /@/ Brakin_TrailerY4  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (oBrakin_Trailer(Y4 !@ "@'9''/' '' < /@/ Brakin_TrailerN4  d  d  d ,Arial (oBrakin_Trailer(N4>B#'@@#0@P$ @'H @'     A! Manufacturer's Name  P^V @` Licensee's Ref  qbA 23  @R @     A! Manufacturer's Name  P^V P002,Arial (o Brakin_AntiLo(ckNo3 ! Yes     @!` No     !@"@'''/' '' " M/@/ Brakin_AntiLockYes4  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_AntiLo(}ckYes4!@"@'''/' '' " N/@/ Brakin_AntiLockNo4  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_AntiLo(ckNo4P Yes     No     @'k''/' ''  O/@/ Brakin_VarPropYes1  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_VarPr(}opYes1@'l''/' ''  P/@/ Brakin_VarPropNo1  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_VarPr(opNo1 Yes     No     @'''/' ''  Q/@/ Brakin_VarPropYes2  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_VarPr(}opYes2@'''/' ''  R/@/ Brakin_VarPropNo2  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_VarPr(opNo20 Yes     No     0@'''/' ''  S/@/ Brakin_VarPropYes3  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_VarPr(}opYes30@'''/' ''  T/@/ Brakin_VarPropNo3  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_VarPr(opNo3 ! Yes     `! No     !0"p@'''/' '' ! U/@/ Brakin_VarPropYes4  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_VarPr(}opYes4!0"p@'''/' '' ! V/@/ Brakin_VarPropNo4  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_VarPr(opNo40P'0'0'P0 5    P0@ 6    Pp00 7    P 0! 8    #'#" #$#'" #$#P Vehicle Category   K `@'c'   o0 Model:  ` `@'x'   p0 Model:  ` `P@''   q0 Model:  ` `P#@''   r0 Model:  ` "0 ?Is the suspension configuration the same as a tested vehicle?   - - d  -,Arial ($Is the suspension configuration the (same as a tested vehicle? !P"P #(If no, provide explanation below.)     0P  Yes    !! No      @'o''/' ''  w/@/ Brakin_SameSuspYes1  d  d  - d ,Arial (p Brakin_Same(wSuspYes1 !@'p''/' ''  x/@/ Brakin_SameSuspNo1  d  d  *wx  4  " defghijklmneffijkl  !""#$$=>?@E-./0IJKLABCD       QUVWMNOP**++,,~-.013467;;<=>?@AABCCDEEFGGHHIIJJKKLLMMNNOOPPQQRRSSTTUUVVopqrwxxyzz{||}~~  !",/25    #$')+89:WXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmn       89:;@AABCCDEEFGGHQRSTYZ[\IJKLUVWX_`abcdefghijklmmnoppqrsstuvvwxyz{|}~ !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234567 4²wz¹G±f±f porpsilaZ porpsila` porpsilal porpsilar/9Datahe fiCjKkClC~  D C C C              !"#$)*+,-./0= > ? @ AJB C D ECI J K L MJNCOCPCQUVWdefgWhWijklmWn     CC       !"#$ %&'()*+, - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ;<= > ? @ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[ \ ] ^ _`abc d e f ghijk l m n opqrwxyz{|}~            C   CCCCCC C                          !"#$ % & ' ()*+, - . / 01234 5 6 7 89:;@ABCDEFGHIJKLQ R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ]^_`abcdCe f g hCiCjCkClmnopqrstuvwxyz{|C}C~ C             l ;       !!! jkljljklj%%%%%%%%%LEG%%%%%%%%%%%%%% LEGMBMCMD1MD2MD3MD4MENANB1NB2NC )';;^^^^*)'ННAx w5Нk(eeee#k(Bw Bw GX   )' w5 LEGMBMCMD1MD2MD3MD4MENANB1NB2NC ׄ#F#FYh/Yh/Yh/Yh/^eYh/Yh/* @This form has a number of tricks and traps, so read on and be warned... 1) Full, partial, and non tested vehicles Each vehicle checks to see which group it is in for the purposes of comparing the values MLTM, LLTM, tyre section width, wheelbase, and vent area. Either a vehicle is tested OR the SF reference cell points to the vehicle number corresponding to the correct group. If a vehicle is not tested, then we must check the above values of the other column (e.g. if the reference value is 1, then we check the current column against column 1). In order to do this, we use a "Choose ( Column_number, column_1, Column_2, ... , Column_n)" statement. In order to ensure we don't check against ourselves, we insert a blank space for our own column name, and check the result of the Choose function against the empty string. Thus we can easily pick the right value for the comparison without resorting to hidden tables. This Choose statement is in a big long string of logic, ANDed together. This is so it can fall through to the next check if any of the conditions are not met. 2) The magic '<' operator. Each of the data entry cells from column 2 onward has the capacity to mirror the cell value immediately to its left. This is done by having a hidden cell which stores the actual value, based on whether the data entry cell is a '<' or a number. If it's '<', then it holds the value of the *hidden* cell next to it, so that the row can be a long string of '<' characters, and each cell will have the correct value. 3) The Lookup facility In order to have a maintainable facility to lookup the limits for MLTM and LLTM, these values have been put into column cells, with a corresponding vehicle category column cell for the lookup. To find the right value, we simply use Choose (WhichMember (Vehicle_Category, Vehicle_Cat_Lookup Cell), Appropriate_Bound_Lookup_Cell), and the correct limit is returned every time. Note that the row entries are dependant on order, so changing the order of a column cell without changing the other cells to correspond will cause incorrect values to be returned.FalseiDiscussion list items for this form already submitted. Furthur discussion items must be raised manually.35/01SF'jkljljkljjkljljkljׄRevision 2.8Revision 2.8SF 35/01 July 2007 Revision 2.8SF 35/01 July 2007 Revision 2.8SF 35/01 July 2007 Revision 2.8jkljljklj 01L1:3H33 3D3R333333$323@33303>3Z3h33333V{&d{&{&{&{&{&{&{&{& |&(|&6|&R|&`|&||&|&|&|&|&|&|&}&y&y&y&y&33z&"z&z&z&FileZ1N h1O v1W 1S'1' 1M 3$3 3/30 33P Q,3XNew Document...Open...CloseSave Save As...Send... Import... Export... Attach... Extract...Print Set&up...Print...E&xitEditV3?d3Z( r3X)3C*3V+3,3A- 3-13' 3/30Help&UndoCu&t&Copy&PasteClear Select All Insert Date Place NotePreferences...Show ClipboardCellHN3Lz&{& (3L763=FontsSizes Type StylesMemorize Set Value...View``3-n3 |333 3 Show Choices Fit To Sides Actual Size Enlarged Size Reduced SizeTemplate Information...Window<3031 3.TileCascadeShow AttachmentsSpellingXEJCheck Current RecordCheck SelectionFont ASize A Type Style AFonts "3 Item TitleSizes L3 Item Title Type Styles v3 Item TitleFonts 3 Item TitleSizes 3 Item Title Type Styles r{& Item TitleFonts {& Item TitleSizes {& Item Title Type Styles {& Item TitleFonts |& Item TitleSizes D|& Item Title Type Styles n|& Item TitleFonts |&_ Item TitleSizes |&_ Item Title Type Styles |&_ Item TitleFonts }& Item TitleSizes y& Item Title Type Styles y& Item TitleFonts x3 Item TitleSizes j3 Item Title Type Styles hz& Item TitleWx,,O 6 p Q,,O 6 d'Bjzw O 6 d<EL , False8* \;\ , SL p;\|0;\  B@4A~lP 4A~lPe" 8^  (;\;\Th ;\ B@TD@R  x 8."      ;\   A;\ LEG MB MC MD1 MD2 MD3 MD4 ME NA NB1 NB2 NC ׄTwP #FTwP #FTwP Yh/TwP Yh/TwP Yh/TwP Yh/TwP ^TwP eTwP Yh/TwP Yh/TwP ^TwP)L , Revision 2.8a ZT  v h~pD v v ~8H P~zD(%V/ P~pD ?u?  ~8H P~zD?***Please be aware that there are TWO pages in this document***L ,B0R@     ;\  LEGBߋ~pDdBߋB MB4ߋ~pDd 4ߋ4 MC|ۋ~pDd|ۋ| MD1nۋ~pDdnۋn MD27~pDd77 MD3lĞ~pDd"lĞl MD4Fl~pDd(FlFl METl~pDd-TlTl NAbl~pDd2blbl NB1pl~pDd8plpl NB2~l~pDd>~l~l NCl~pDdCll     <;\  )'yf. ;yf. ;yf. ^yf. ^yf. ^yf. ^yf. *yf. )'yf. Нyf. Нyf. Axyf.     <;\  w5yf. Нyf. k(yf. eyf. eyf. eyf. eyf. #yf. k(yf. Bw yf. Bw yf. GXyf. d;\(;\ ,;\@<;\(;\ , ~(Wo*d3Uh#)de d;\(;\ ,/PL` , ~(W6-d3Uh#)df=b  ;\@ ;\h ;\  ;\   ;\   G ;\0 G ;\ ;\ ;\P;\;\ <;\;\ (;\;\ ;\$;\4);\.;\H3;\8;\\= LEG:~pDd:: )'~8~<; MB,~pDd>,, ;~8~<; MCa_~pDd`a_a ;~8~<; MD1]_~pDd]_] ^~8~<; MD2]_(~pDd]_] ^~8~<; MD3]_<~pDd]_] ^~8~<; MD4^_P~pDd^_^ ^~8~<; ME8^_d~pDd8^_8^ *~8~<; NAp^_x~pDd0p^_p^ )'~8~<; NB1^_~pDdR^_^ Н~8~<; NB2^_~pDdu^_^ Н~8~<; NC^_~pDd^_^ G~8~<; ~8~<;)=b  T ;@ ;\  ;\   ;\   ;\ 0 X ;\ ;\ ;\X;\;\ D;\;\ 0;\;\ ;\$;\4)q`.1taC3t;\8;\\= LEG`_~pDc `_` w51~d MB>`_~pDcE>`_>` Н1~d MCh`_~pDcjh`_h` k(1~d MD1`_~pDc`_` e1~d MD2<]_(~pDc<]_<] e1~d MD3f]_<~pDcf]_f] e1~d MD4]_P~pDc]_] e1~d ME]_d~pDc']_] #1~d NA]_x~pDcM]_] k(1~d NB1^_~pDcs^_^ Bw 1~d NB28^_~pDc8^_8^ Bw 1~d NCp^_~pDcp^_p^ GX1~d 1~d)      ;\  LEG?" ~("Hd3h" MB?" ~("Hd3 h" MC?" ~(" Hd3h" MD1?" ~("Hd3h" MD2?" ~(":Hd3h" MD3?" ~("RHd3"h" MD4?" ~("Hd3(h" ME?" ~("Hd3-h" NA?" ~("Hd32h" NB1?" ~("*Hd38h" NB2?" ~("6Hd3>h" NC?" ~("rHd3Ch"     H;\  ׄy&.?" #Fy&.?" #Fy&.?" Yh/y&.?" Yh/y&.?" Yh/y&.?" Yh/y&.?" ^y&.?" ey&.?" Yh/y&.?" Yh/y&.?" *y&.?" d;\<;\ ,;\@ ;\ ;\ , ~(W9d3Wh#)kl:;\m|     >t;\0 loru  nqtw@ , .G~(4@?RdnRTh3@This form has a number of tricks and traps, so read on and be warned... 1) Full, partial, and non tested vehicles Each vehicle checks to see which group it is in for the purposes of comparing the values MLTM, LLTM, tyre section width, wheelbase, and vent area. Either a vehicle is tested OR the SF reference cell points to the vehicle number corresponding to the correct group. If a vehicle is not tested, then we must check the above values of the other column (e.g. if the reference value is 1, then we check the current column against column 1). In order to do this, we use a "Choose ( Column_number, column_1, Column_2, ... , Column_n)" statement. In order to ensure we don't check against ourselves, we insert a blank space for our own column name, and check the result of the Choose function against the empty string. Thus we can easily pick the right value for the comparison without resorting to hidden tables. This Choose statement is in a big long string of logic, ANDed together. This is so it can fall through to the next check if any of the conditions are not met. 2) The magic '<' operator. Each of the data entry cells from column 2 onward has the capacity to mirror the cell value immediately to its left. This is done by having a hidden cell which stores the actual value, based on whether the data entry cell is a '<' or a number. If it's '<', then it holds the value of the *hidden* cell next to it, so that the row can be a long string of '<' characters, and each cell will have the correct value. 3) The Lookup facility In order to have a maintainable facility to lookup the limits for MLTM and LLTM, these values have been put into column cells, with a corresponding vehicle category column cell for the lookup. To find the right value, we simply use Choose (WhichMember (Vehicle_Category, Vehicle_Cat_Lookup Cell), Appropriate_Bound_Lookup_Cell), and the correct limit is returned every time. Note that the row entries are dependant on order, so changing the order of a column cell without changing the other cells to correspond will cause incorrect values to be returned.P ;\;\,;\@;\, <~(W2d3h#P ;\-XL, <~(W?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~C;\;\;\ x x zl=>?@ABCDIJKLMNOPk$-.01346789:[\]^cdefklmn$%&',-./4567QRSTUVWXdefghijk|}~E,/25=>?@ YZ[\ d ;\ ,;\ ;\      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~C;\ L;\ % % zl=>?@ABCDIJKLMNOPk$-.01346789:[\]^cdefklmn$%&',-./4567QRSTUVWXdefghijk|}~E,/25=>?@ YZ[\ ;\ 0;\ ;\ TDH;\4;\;\ ;\  % TwDP  e| ;\ ;\ ;\ TH;\|;\ (;\  % x fi ;\  ;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ ||;\  ;\ $H ;\;\       A;\  A;\ ;\  ;\;\H$ ;\;\p !"#$%&'(  A;\  A;\ p;\  ;\ $ );\Q@;\Z ,;\b;\i  %Bde"4LRBde"RLR x Bde"LRBde"LR x   (P  QOQSU loruPRTVi ;\ D;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |;\  ;\ $ ;\;\       A;\  Ax;\ ;\  d;\;\H$ (;\;\p !"#$%&'(  A;\  A;\ ;\  ;\ ;\$ ;\);\Q;\Z ;\b;\i  %B4LRBRLR x BLRBLR x   (P  QHJLN loruGIKMi ;\  ;\ ;\@ ;\ 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0;\f4@5d3EGf4@5d3EG.5~(@d3hGf4@5d3EGIf there are other differences from a tested vehicle which affect test vehicle selection an explanation must be entered at the bottom of this page.@L , False~(1n"d3h ;\ (;\ ;\X;\  t  | t;\ % %    ;\ ;\ ;\H;\  t ;\ 0;\ % %    ;\ (;\ ;\X;\  t ;\ 0;\ % %   ;\ ;\ ;\;\ h t ;\|4se;\  % %  L ,f4G>d3g?E?@P ;\f4*85d3EGf4*85d3EG.5~(8d3hGf4*85d3EGIf there are other differences from a tested vehicle which affect test vehicle selection an explanation must be entered at the bottom of this page.@L ,f4/H>d3g?E?@L , False~('>z?d3hMP 4;\f455d3EGf455d3EGx-5~(5d3hGf455d3EGIf there are other differences from a tested vehicle which affect test vehicle selection an explanation must be entered at the bottom of this page.@L , False~('>d3hML , False~('>fwLd3hMP ;\f4:w*5d3EGf4:w*5d3EG-5~(^w*d3hGf4:w*5d3EGIf there are other differences from a tested vehicle which affect test vehicle selection an explanation must be entered at the bottom of this page.@L , False~('>Dd3hML , False~(1"d3h1 ;\\;\       A;\  A4;\ ;\X   ;\;\;\+;\1(f4 ND/$Ad3$ E$f4*ND/$Ad3$*E$f4JND/$d3$JE$./$~($RzDd3Rh$./$~($Vd3 h$f4XND/$d3$XE$f4^ND/$d3$^E$RAnti-lock must not be fitted to vehicle 1 when anti-lock is not fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 1 must be tested.2 QHJLN loru@L , False~(1"d3h1 ;\;\       A  A ;\X  4;\ ;\;\+;\1(f4 gE/$Ad3$ E$f4*gE/$Ad3$*E$f4JgE/$d3$JE$$-/$~($JgEd3Jh$-/$~($&gEd3 h$f4XgE/$d3$XE$f4^gE/$d3$^E$JAnti-lock must be fitted to vehicle 1 when anti-lock is fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 1 must be tested.2 QGIKM loru@L , false~($d3h$1 ;\       A2O  A<;\ ;\X  (;\;\;\;\+;\1(f46/$Ad3$E$f4,6/$Ad3$,E$f4J6/$d3$JE$-/$~($R.d3Rh$-/$~($rd3h$f4X6/$d3$XE$f4^6/$d3$^E$RAnti-lock must not be fitted to vehicle 2 when anti-lock is not fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 2 must be tested.2 UHJLNloru@L , false~(R7)d3hG1 ;\T;\       A  A 4_  T;\|;\t;\+;\1(f4+/$Ad3$E$f4,+/$Ad3$,E$f4J+/$d3$JE$j-/$~($JEd3Jh$x-/$~($Ed3h$f4X+/$d3$XE$f4^+/$d3$^E$JAnti-lock must be fitted to vehicle 2 when anti-lock is fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 2 must be tested.2 UGIKMloru@L , False~('>d3hM1 ;\;\       A;\  A;\ ;\X  ;\x;\L;\+;\1(f4*/$Ad3$E$f4.*/$Ad3$.E$f4J*/$d3$JE$J-/$~($R*d3Rh$X-/$~($*d3h$f4X*/$d3$XE$f4^*/$d3$^E$RAnti-lock must not be fitted to vehicle 3 when anti-lock is not fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 3 must be tested.2VHJLN loru@L , False~('>Vg@d3hM1 ;\;\       A;\  A\;\ ;\X  H;\ ;\ ;\ ;\+;\1(f4J*/$Ad3$E$f4.J*/$Ad3$.E$f4JJ*/$d3$JE$-/$~($J*d3Jh$-/$~($*d3h$f4XJ*/$d3$XE$f4^J*/$d3$^E$JAnti-lock must be fitted to vehicle 3 when anti-lock is fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 3 must be tested.2VGIKM loru@L , False~('>*Dd3hM1 ;\;\       A;\  A;\ X  <;\ ;\X;\;\+;\1(f4*/$Ad3$E$f40*/$Ad3$0E$f4J*/$d3$JE$|-/$~($R*d3Rh$-/$~($*d3h$f4X*/$d3$XE$f4^*/$d3$^E$RAnti-lock must not be fitted to vehicle 4 when anti-lock is not fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 4 must be tested.2WHJLN loru@L , False~('>WAd3hM1 ;\;\       A;\  AD;\ ;\X  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proportioning system must not be fitted to vehicle 2 when variable proportioning system is not fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 2 must be tested.2 UPRTVloru@L ,f4NG>d3g?E?@$1 ;\;\       A  A ;\X  ;\l;\X;\0;\+;\1(f4/$Ad3$E$f4,/$Ad3$,E$f4J/$d3$JE$-/$~($rd3rh$-/$~($d3(h$f4X/$d3$XE$f4^/$d3$^E$rVariable proportioning system must be fitted to vehicle 2 when variable proportioning system is fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 2 must be tested.2 UOQSUloru@L , False~('>"d3hM,1 ;\;\       A  A ;\ ;\X   ;\(;\;\L;\+;\1(f4'CAd3-Eg.f4.'CAd3-.Eg.f4J'Cd3-JEg.d-~(-zBd3zhg.r-~(-Bd3&hg.f4X'Cd3-XEg.f4^'Cd3-^Eg.zVariable proportioning system must not be fitted to vehicle 3 when variable proportioning system is not fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 3 must be tested.2VPRTV loru@L , False~('>/@d3hM$1 ;\;\       A;\  A;\ ;\X  ;\,;\;\;\+;\1(f4D/$Ad3$E$f4.D/$Ad3$.E$f4JD/$d3$JE$-/$~($rDd3rh$ -/$~($Dd3(h$f4XD/$d3$XE$f4^D/$d3$^E$rVariable proportioning system must be fitted to vehicle 3 when variable proportioning system is fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 3 must be tested.2VOQSU loru@L , False~('>*d3hM,1 ;\<;\       A;\  AT;\ ;\X  @;\l;\Q+;\1(f47Ad3-Eg.f407Ad3-0Eg.f4J7d3-JEg.-~(-zn7d3zhg.-~(-7d3+hg.f4X7d3-XEg.f4^7d3-^Eg.zVariable proportioning system must not be fitted to vehicle 4 when variable proportioning system is not fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 4 must be tested.2WPRTV loru@L , False~('>g@d3hM$1 ;\d;\       A;\  A8;\ ;\X  $;\;\;\ ;\+;\1(f4:/$Ad3$E$f40:/$Ad3$0E$f4J:/$d3$JE$x-/$~($rd3rh$-/$~($6d3(h$f4X:/$d3$XE$f4^:/$d3$^E$rVariable proportioning system must be fitted to vehicle 4 when variable proportioning system is fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 4 must be tested.2WOQSU loru@C@ p;\       A;\;\ P;\       A;\;\;\  ;\ |;\ T;\ ;\p4,;\=;\CN ~(-^3d3hg. ;w%f@*L T w%f@*Lf4:3d3-Eg.L-~(-U3d3Uhg. ~(-3d3hg. ~(-r3d3"hg. w%f@*Lf4f:3cd3-fEg.Z-e~(-J3d3hg.h-e~(-cb3d3cNhg.f4t:3cd3-tEg.f4z:3d3-zEg.f4:3d3-Eg.UThe minimum wheelbase for vehicle number 1 must be within the range 1000 to 10000 mm.Minimum wheelbase for vehicle c must not exceed the minimum wheelbase for vehicle 1 by more than 15%, or vehicle 1 must be tested. Q@C@ p;\       A;\ 0;\       A);\;\;\  ;\ ;\ P;\ ;\p48;\=;\CN ~(-d3hg. ;w%N.@*L T w%N.@*Lf4vd3-Eg.-~(-Qd3Qhg. ~(-d3%hg. ~(-Jd3hg. w%N.@*Lf4fvcd3-fEg.-e~(-d3hg.-e~(-cd3cKhg.f4tvcd3-tEg.f4zvd3-zEg.f4vd3-Eg.QThe minimum wheelbase for vehicle number 2 must be within range 1000 to 10000 mm.Minimum wheelbase for vehicle c must not exceed the minimum wheelbase for vehicle 2 by more than 15%, or vehicle 2 must be tested. U@ C@ p;\       A;\ ,;\       A;\ ;\)   ;\ ;\ X;\ ;\p40;\=;\CN ~(-3d3hg. ;w%" Z @*L T w%" Z @*Lf43d3-Eg.,-~(-U:3d3Uhg. ~(-3d3@hg. ~(-r3d3"hg. w%" Z @*Lf4f3cd3-fEg.:-e~(-^3d3hg.H-e~(-c3d3cNhg.f4t3cd3-tEg.f4z3d3-zEg.f43d3-Eg.UThe minimum wheelbase for vehicle number 3 must be within the range 1000 to 10000 mm.Minimum wheelbase for vehicle c must not exceed the minimum wheelbase for vehicle 3 by more than 15%, or vehicle 3 must be tested.V@C@ p;\       A ;\       A;\;\;\)  H;\  ;\ ;\p4;\=;\CN ~(-d3hg. ;w%@*L T w%@*Lf4d3-Eg.-~(-Q d3Qhg. ~(-jd3Vhg. ~(-*d3 hg. w%@*Lf4fcd3-fEg.-e~(-d3hg.-e~(-c2d3cOhg.f4tcd3-tEg.f4zd3-zEg.f4d3-Eg.QThe minimum wheelbase for vehicle number 4 must be within range 1000 to 10000 mm.Minimum wheelbase for vehicle c must not exceed the minimum wheelbase for vehicle 4 by more than 15%, or vehicle 4 must be tested.W@L , False~(1J9d3hL , False~(1V9d3hP 0;\f4?5d3EGf4?5d3EG2-5~(|^?d3|hGf4?5d3EG|If suspension configuration is not the same as the tested vehicle an explanation must be entered at the bottom of this page.@L , false~(?5d3hGL , false~(O4d3hGP 0;\f45d3EGf45d3EG-5~(|d3|hGf45d3EG|If suspension configuration is not the same as the tested vehicle an explanation must be entered at the bottom of this page. @L , False~('>WAd3hML , False~('>g@d3hMP 0;\f4*'15d3EGf4*'15d3EG-5~(|N'1d3|hGf4*'15d3EG|If suspension configuration is not the same as the tested vehicle an explanation must be entered at the bottom of this page."@L , False~('>>Gd3hML , False~('>g@d3hMP 0;\f4_65d3EGf4_65d3EGD-5~(|>_6d3|hGf4_65d3EG|If suspension configuration is not the same as the tested vehicle an explanation must be entered at the bottom of this page.$@$H ;\ ;\ D;\@ ;\ |;\ |  \;\       A;\;\ ;\       A;\4 ;\;\\ ;\  ;\ ;\,|;\3;\9 ;\AT;\H   % ;TwP T TwP x   TwP x   "  Q(H ;\ ;\ H;\@ ;\ |;\ |  `;\       A;\;\ l;\       A;\4 ;\;\\ ;\  ;\ {\,\{3;\9 ;\A;\H   % ;TwJ:P T TwJ:P x   TwJ:P x   $   U(H ;\ ;\ H;\@ ;\ |;\ |  `;\       A;\ ;\       A;\4;\;\\;\  ;\ ;\,;\3;\9 ;\A\;\H   % ;Tw:=P T Tw:=P x   Tw:=P x   $V(H ;\ ;\ H;\@ ;\ |;\ |  `;\       A;\;\ ;\       A;\4;\\;\  ;\ ;\,;\3;\9 ;\A;\H   % ;Tw@P T Tw@P x   Tw@P x   $W ;\ ;\ (;\@ ;\ |;\ | ;\;\ ;\  %     ) ;\ (;\ ;\X;\  t ;\|1 ;\ ;\ % %    ;\ (;\ ;\X;\  t ;\| | ;\D;\ % %     ;\ @;\ ;\ ;\ ;\h D;\ ;\|v ;\4;\ % %  !" ;\ ;\ ;\H;\  t ;\;\ ;\ % %  #$ ,;\ T;\ ;\| ;\8;\ _~(Qd3h _~(fQd3Shf4Q_d3Ep-_~(YQd3Yhf4"Q_d3"EYThe unique braking system identification must be the same system as fully tested vehicle.@< ;\, </~('0Sd3h/6@ ;\;\ ;\;\ ;\;\ ;\0( _~(Md3hf4RM_d3E-_~(XMd3Xhf4"RM_d3"E-_~(X&Md3Xhf42RM_d32E -_~(XbMd3X[hXThe unique braking system identification must be the same system as full test vehicle 1.XThe unique braking system identification must be the same system as full test vehicle 2.XThe unique braking system identification must be the same system as full test vehicle 3. @< ;\, </~('0bWLd3h/P ;\,2L, </~('0*o\d3h/0< , </~('0Sd3h/@ ;\;\ $R;\ 8;\ _~(f?-_~(X? ;\ ;\l;\$;\+  %     "$"T;\$;\ ;\@ ;\T ;\ ;\h       C;\;\0H;\" $~(7%Gd3h$f44G$d37%4E$-$~(7%ZGd3Zh$f4:G$d37%:E$f4@G$d37%@E$ZVariant descriptions would normally be unique. Please enter a unique variant description.  abc@*&|(;\ @ T ;\ ;\h        Cp;\ ;\;\X;\& $~(7%Cd3h$ <$~(7%BCd3h$f4<:C$d37%<E$T-$~(7%ZCd3Zh$f4B:C$d37%BE$f4H:C$d37%HE$ZVariant descriptions would normally be unique. Please enter a unique variant description.   abc@*&|(;\ @ T ;\ ;\h        C\;\ ;\;\X& $~(7%&Gd3h$ <$~(7%Gd3h$f4<G$d37%<E$-$~(7%ZGd3Zh$f4BG$d37%BE$f4HG$d37%HE$ZVariant descriptions would normally be unique. Please enter a unique variant*&|;\ @ T ;\ ;\h        C\;\ ;\;\X& $~(7%FCd3h$ <$~(7%6Cd3h$f4< C$d37%<E$-$~(7%ZCd3Zh$f4B C$d37%BE$f4H C$d37%HE$ZVariant descriptions would normally be unique. Please enter a unique variant| ;\ <;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |       C;\0;\Xl;\&  % %     abc*  H;\;\@ ;\  ;\| (;\       C ;\ ;\X;\;\#;\*  % < %      abc* ;\ t;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |        Cx;\ ;\XP;\;\;\#(;\*  % < %   abc* ;\ t;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |        C`;\ ;\X8;\;\;\#;\*  % < %   abc d ;\ ;\ ;\      !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~C;\;\;\   zl=>?@ABCDIJKLMNOPk$-.01346789:[\]^cdefklmn$%&',-./4567QRSTUVWXdefghijk|}~E,/25=>?@ YZ[\, ;\ ;\ ;\ T  ;\|    ;\ ;\;\ T;\@;\RB!@LRB!cLRB!LR %B!(LR x     |* ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\h |;\  $;\ ;\   ;\,;\;\D ;\  ;\X ;\ ;\" ;\* BH!>LR xBH! LRBH!&LRBH!.LR   %     U|* ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\h ;\;\ ;\  ;\   ;\;\;\D ;\  ;\X ;\ ;\X;\" D;\* B'>LR xB' LRB'&LRB'.LR   %  V|* ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\h x;\  (;\ ;\  ;\  x;\;\P;\;\D (;\  ;\X ;\ ;\;\" ;\* Bc>LR xBc LRBc&LRBc.LR   %  WL , False~('0^d3h/L , False~('0?_d3h/{ x  ;\, ;\t f4W_/d3'0E/f4W_/d3'0E/R-/~('07FW_d37h/f4W_/d3'0E/7At least one vehicle must be fully or partially tested. @L , False~('0'_d3h/L , False~(1d3hL , False~(1d3h{ x  , ;\ f4"_/d3'0E/f4"_/d3'0E/̡-/~('07R_d37h/f4"_/d3'0E/7At least one vehicle must be fully or partially tested. @L , False~(1d3hL , False~(1d3hL , False~(1d3h{ x  , ;\ f4g`/d3'0E/f4g`/d3'0E/-/~('07Bg`d37h/f4g`/d3'0E/7At least one vehicle must be fully or partially tested.@L , False~(1 d3hL , False~(1d3hL , False~(1"d3h{ x  , ;\;\ f4r`/d3'0E/f4r`/d3'0E/l0-/~('07`d37h/f4r`/d3'0E/7At least one vehicle must be fully or partially tested.@L , False~(1d3hN (;\;\h P;\ ;\  0;\ ;\;\ #  ;\{?  l;\ ;\lX;\   ;\ 0;\;\   ;\ ;\;\  ;\ ;\;\  ;\ ;\4;\ ;\\ h;\;\p @;\ ;\,;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\$ ;\ > A;\?   d;\E;\LP;\V;\ (;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\(;\   ;\d`;\   ;\$;\  ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\T!p;\ ;\"4;\ ;\#;\ ;\$;\ ;\D%;\ E Cl;\FD;\;\;\ ;\T;\ [X;\;\H K~(J/d3hKf4 Kwd3J EK B@4N:WL 4N:WLf4K?d3JEKKA~(JD^Gd3DhK B@4N:WLf4&K?d3J&EK KA~(JN6Od3NhKf4K?d3JEKf4K?d3JEKKA~(J+Od3+hK K~(JOd3;hK K~(JWd3hK K~(JWd3hK K~(JbWd3+hK K~(J*Wd3{hK K~(JzWd3hK K~(JWd3hK K~(JWd3khK K~(Jwd3hK K~(Jwd3hK K~(Jd3dhKf4NK?d3JNEK&KA~(JG6d3GhK 4N:WLf4\K?d3J\EK4KA~(JXd3X} hKf4bK?d3JbEKf4jKed3JjEKf4rKd3JrEKDVehicle number of the test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.NThe representive test vehicle for Vehicle Number 1 can not be Vehicle Number 1+Representative test vehicle must be tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.XDocument reference would normally be greater than 2 characters in length. Please check.%JQ    lnoqrtuwUVWxyz{@N @;\;\h h;\ 2 r  ;\ ;\ ;\0 ;\;\D p;\ ;\l\;\   ;\ 4;\;\   ;\ {?  ;\ x;\;\  P;\ ;\4<;\ ;\\ ;\;\p ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\t;\ ;\$ L;\ > A8;\?   ;\E;\L;\V;\ \;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\(;\   ;\d;\   ;\X;\  ;\;\ ;\K ;\ ;\T!;\ ;\"h;\ ;\#,;\ ;\$;\ ;\D%;\ E C;\FD;\;\ x;\T;\ [P;\;\H K~(JAd3hKf4 AKwd3J EK B@4R :WL 4R :WLf4AK?d3JEKKA~(JD@d3DhK 4R :WLf4&AK?d3J&EKKA~(JNAd3NhKf4AK?d3JEKf4AK?d3JEKKA~(J+Ad3+hK K~(JGd3;hK K~(JHd3hK K~(Jjw A;\?   ;\E;\Lt;\V;\ L;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\(;\   ;\d;\   ;\H;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\T!;\ ;\"X;\ ;\#;\ ;\$;\ ;\D%;\ E C;\FD;\;\;\ H;\T;\ [ ;\G K~(J7?d3hKf4 ?Kwd3J EK B@4N:WL 4N:WLf4?K?d3JEK"KA~(JD7?d3DhK -4N:WLf4&?K?d3J&EK0KA~(JNd3NhKf4?K?d3JEKf4?K?d3JEK>KA~(J+d3+hK K~(Jd3;hK K~(Jd3hK K~(J&d3hK K~(Jd3+hK K~(J/d3{hK K~(JOd3hK K~(J*Wd3hK K~(JWd3khK K~(JzWd3hK K~(JbWd3hK K~(JWd3dhKf4N?K?d3JNEKLKA~(JGWd3GhK 4N:WLf4\?K?d3J\EKZKA~(JXwd3X} hKf4b?K?d3JbEKf4j?Ked3JjEKf4r?Kd3JrEKDVehicle number of the test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.NThe representive test vehicle for Vehicle Number 3 can not be Vehicle Number 3+Representative test vehicle must be tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.XDocument reference would normally be greater than 2 characters in length. Please check.%JV   lnoqrtuwUQWxyz{@N <;\;\h d;\ ;\  ;\ {g ;\0 ;\{g ;\ ;\l;\   ;\ ;\;\   ;\ ;\p;\  ;\ H;\;\   ;\ ;\4 ;\ ;\\ ;\;\p ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\;\ X;\ ;\D;\ ;\$ ;\ > A;\?   ;\E;\L;\V;\   ;\ ;\ ;\ <;\ ;\(;\ ;\d;\   ;\;\  ;\L;\ ;\ ;\ ;\T!;\ ;\";\ ;\#\;\ ;\$ ;\ ;\D%;\ E C;\FD;\;\;\ ;\T;\ [;\;\H K~(JVd3hKf4 wBKwd3J EK B@4N:WL 4N:WLf4wBK?d3JEKKA~(JDGd3DhK = 4N:WLf4&wBK?d3J&EKKA~(JNjw2d3hK K~(Jbg@d3khK K~(Jzg@d3hK K~(J/ d3hK K~(Jv;d3dhKf4NwBK?d3JNEKKA~(JG 5d3GhK 4N:WLf4\wBK?d3J\EKKA~(JX?d3X} hKf4bwBK?d3JbEKf4jwBKed3JjEKf4rwBKd3JrEKDVehicle number of the test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.NThe representive test vehicle for Vehicle Number 4 can not be Vehicle Number 4+Representative test vehicle must be tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.XDocument reference would normally be greater than 2 characters in length. Please check.%JW   lnoqrtuwUVQxyz{@ BN ;\ ;\ |;\@ ;\ |;\ | T;\ ;\ ;\0 ;\ ;\X;\ ;\ ;\;\  ;\ ;\;\   ;\ h;\;\   @;\ ;\ ,;\ ;\H ,\ X;\ ;\D;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\;\$ ;\ ;\L|;\ ;\t T;\ > A@;\? ;\B;\G;\O;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\<  x;\ ;\x   <;\ ;\   c4 ;\ ;\ ;\, d;\!;\h (;\";\ ;\#;\ ;\$;\ t;\%;\X 8;\&;\ E CwFD0;\;\;\;\O;\U;\ ;\;\;\HF  % B@TwVP TwVP x B@TwVP x  x            x TwVP %   &L  Q  lnoqrtuwUVWxyz{ BN ;\ ;\ ;\@ ;\ ;\ ;\| ;\ d;\;\ ;\ ;\0 ;\ ;\X;\ ;\ h;\;\  @;\ ;\,;\    ;\;\   8;\ ;\ $;\ H< T3;\\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ d;\;\ <;\ ;\(;\ L  f;\$ @;\ L$;\ ;\t @;\ > A,;\? 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U~ @@@ p;\       A;\;\ ;\       AX;\;\  ;\ ;\  ;\4 ;\1;\\:|;\@N ~(-/1d3hg. w%@<L Edw%@<Lf4gFd3-Eg.b3~(-Q/1d3Qhg. ~(-/1d38hg. ~(-/1d3hg. ~(-"/1d3hg.f4`gFcd3-`Eg.p3e~(-k/1d3khg.~3e~(-G)d3"hg.f4ngFcd3-nEg.f4tgFd3-tEg.f4|gFd3-|Eg.QSmallest wheel vent area must be within the range 0 to 300000 square millimetres.kSmallest wheel vent area of vehicle 3 must be greater than or equal to smallest wheel vent area of vehicle , or vehicle 3 must be tested.V~ @@@ p;\       A ;\       A;\;\  ;\ ;\  ;\4 x;\1;\\:P;\@N ~(-gFd3hg. w%r@<L Edw%r@<Lf4.7)d3-Eg.TM~~(-Q/1d3Qhg. ~(-/1d3Ohg. ~(-/1d3hg. ~(-"/1d3hg.f4`.7)cd3-`Eg.bM~e~(-kG)d3khg.pM~e~(-G)d3"hg.f4n.7)cd3-nEg.f4t.7)d3-tEg.f4|.7)d3-|Eg.QSmallest wheel vent area must be within the range 0 to 300000 square millimetres.kSmallest wheel vent area of vehicle 4 must be greater than or equal to smallest wheel vent area of vehicle , or vehicle 4 must be tested.W~ @ E ;\ ;\ ,;\@ ;\ |;\ |  D;\       A;\;\ ;\       A;\;\H  ;\ D;\);\00;\6 ;\>;\E   % Tw`P EdTw`P x    x   $   U~  E ;\ ;\ ,;\@ ;\ |;\ |  D;\       A;\;\ 0;\       A;\;\H  \;\ );\0;\6 ;\>;\E   % TwP EdTwP x    x   $V~  E ;\ d;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |  ;\       A;\;\ `;\       A(;\;\H  ;\ $;\);\0;\6 ;\>;\E   % Tw@P EdTw@P x    x   $W~ HR4       A;\  ;\       A\;\;\ H;\%;\;\;\ t;\;\  `;\    ;\\$;\ ;\;\;\ ;\ ;\;\;\;\L\;\R ~(-d3hg. ~(-d3Xhg. ~(-fd3hg. ~(-d3:hg.f4R^d3-REg.vO~~(-hVd3hnhg.O~~(-nd3hg. B@w%* b @H3L B@w%* b @H3Lf4r^d3-rEg.O~~(-2d32Mhg. B@w%* b @H3L  to ~(-d3nhg. B@w%* b @H3L  kg when vehicle category is  . ~(-d3hg.f4^d3-Eg.f4^d3-Eg.hMaximum loaded test mass of vehicle 1 must be less than or equal to maximum loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 1 must be tested.2Maximum loaded test mass must be within the range " Q ij)@LR4       A;\ l;\       A;\;\ ;\%;\x;\;\ (;\;\  ;\    ;\\;\ ;\;\;\ ;\ t;\`;\8;\;\L;\R ~(-VOd3hg. ~(-Od3ehg. ~(-FOd3hg. ~(-vOd3Ghg.f4R2Od3-REg.O~~(-hZOd3hlhg.O~~(-Od3hg. B@w%@H3L B@w%@H3Lf4r2Od3-rEg.P~~(-2Od32Mhg. B@w%@H3L  to ~(->Od3nhg. B@w%@H3L  kg when vehicle category is  . ~(-Od3hg.f42Od3-Eg.f42Od3-Eg.hMaximum loaded test mass of vehicle 2 must be less than or equal to maximum loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 2 must be tested.2Maximum loaded test mass must be within the range $ U ij*@LR4       A;\ ;\       A,;\;\ ;\%;\ ;\;\  ;\    ;\\P;\ <;\;\;\ ;\ ;\;\;\;\L;\R ~(-d3hg. ~(-Rd3vhg. ~(-d3hg. ~(-*d3Xhg.f4Rd3-REg.VP~~(-h&d3hphg.dP~~(-Jd3hg. B@w%*@H3L B@w%*@H3Lf4rd3-rEg.rP~~(-2"d32Qhg. B@w%*@H3L  to ~(-Fd3rhg. B@w%*@H3L  kg when vehicle category is  . ~(-d3hg.f4d3-Eg.f4d3-Eg.hMaximum loaded test mass of vehicle 3 must be less than or equal to maximum loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 3 must be tested.2Maximum loaded test mass must be within the range $V ij+@LR4       A;\        A;\;\ ;\%;\;\ H;\;\  4;\    ;\\;\ ;\;\;\ |;\ h;\T;\,;\;\L@R ~(-od3hg. ~(-:od3hg. ~(-od3hg. ~(-od3ghg.f4Rod3-REg. ~(-hod3hphg.~(-.od3hg. B@w%&@H3L B@w%&@H3Lf4rod3-rEg.(~(-2od32Qhg. B@w%&@H3L  to ~(-*od3rhg. B@w%&@H3L  kg when vehicle category is  . ~(-od3hg.f4od3-Eg.f4od3-Eg.hMaximum loaded test mass of vehicle 4 must be less than or equal to maximum loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 4 must be tested.2Maximum loaded test mass must be within the range $W ij,@H ;\ ;\ $;\@ ;\ |;\ |        A;\X l;\       A;\;\  ;\%;\Hh;\;\p T;\   ;\ ,;\3;\9 ;\AhH   %    x B@TwP B@TwP x  &  Q ijH ;\ D;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |        AD;\X ;\       A;\;\  ;\%;\Hh;\;\p T;\   ;\ ,;\3;\9 ;\A|H   %    x B@Tw:/P B@Tw:/P x  (   U ijH ;\ ;\ (;\@ ;\ |;\ |        A;\D;\X l;\       A;\;\  ;\%;\Hh;\;\p T;\   ;\ ,;\3;\9 ;\AH   %    x B@TwyP B@TwyP x  (V ijH ;\ \;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |        A;\X p;\       A;\;\  ;\%;\H;\;\p |;\   ;\ T;\3;\9 ;\A,;\H   %    x B@TwP B@TwP x  (W ijTH       A;\ $;\       A;\P;\ ;\ <;\';\;\;\;\  l;\ ;\HX;\ ;\\  D;\   ;\ ;\ 4;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\;\$N;\T    B!VTR  @yZB!~ TR  to  @yZ  kg. Please checkB!TRB!TR_Lightly loaded test mass of vehicle 1 must be greater than lightly loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 1 must be tested.5Lightly loaded test mass is usually within the range   Q @b\       A;\;\  ;\       A;\;\ ;\ ;\'d;\;\;\ ;\;\4 ;\;\H;\\ ;\ ;\;\  ;\ t;\ ;\ `;\  8;\ $;\;\  ;\$;\ p;\ H;\';\tV ;\\    B"VTRFT  @yZB"*TRb  to  @yZ  kg. Please checkB"TRB"TRkLightly loaded test mass of vehicle 2 must be greater than or equal to lightly loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 2 must be tested.5Lightly loaded test mass is usually within the range $ U @^\       A;\ ;\       A;\;\ ;\ ;\'7|,;\/, ;\;\4 l;\;\H;\\ 0;\ ;\;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\;\  ;\$;\ t;\ L;\';\tV;\\    B!VTR 싉  @yZB!,TR  to  @yZ  kg. Please checkB!TRB!TRkLightly loaded test mass of vehicle 3 must be greater than or equal to lightly loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 3 must be tested.5Lightly loaded test mass is usually within the range "V @^\       A;\;\ ;\       A;\;\ ;\ <(';\|;\;\ h;\;\4 @;\;\H;\\ .  t;\  ;\ `;\ ;\ L;\  $;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\$;\ ;\ ;\';\tVp;\\    Bn"VTRN\  @yZBn",TRj  to  @yZ  kg. Please checkBn"TRBn"TRkLightly loaded test mass of vehicle 4 must be greater than or equal to lightly loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 4 must be tested.5Lightly loaded test mass is usually within the range "W @>N  $ X;\;\@ ;\ ;\ ;\|        A;\DX |;\;\l       A;\ 8;\ ;\ $;\'T;\p;\ ;\;\ ;\  ;\   ;\;\9;\? ;\Gd;\N   %    x  @TwJ,P %  &  Q V\ ;\ ;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |        A;\D;\X <;\;\l       A;\ 8;\ ;\ $;\';\;\\;\;\ l;\;\;\0;\ ;\;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\$;\A;\8G ;\LO;\V   %    x  @TwkP %  *   U V\ ;\ ;\ $;\@ ;\ ;\ | Z       A;\D;\X ;\;\l       A;\  ;\ H 'h;\;\\T;\;\ ,;\;\;\;\ ;\;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\$;\A;\8G ;\LOd;\V   %    x  @TwP %  (V lN  ;\ 8;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |        AH;\X ;\l       A;\ ;\ ;\ ;\'p;\H;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\   ;\9;\? ;\G;\N   %    x  B@Tw@P Tw@P %  (W n@       A;\ ;\       A0;\;\ ;\%$;\;\L;\ ;\  $;\   T : ;\@$     B'RTR  ,yZ #FyZB'nTRB't`TRB'|yTRMinimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 1 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 1 must be tested.EMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm. Q @@       A;\ ,;\       A;\;\ ;\% ;\ ;\;\ ;\  ;\   \;\ ;\\: 4;\@$     B*'RTR茉f ,yZ #FyZB*'nTR䍉B*'tbTRB*'|{TRMinimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 2 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 2 must be tested.EMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm. U @@       A;\ D;\       A,;\;\ ;\% ;\ ;\(;\ ;\  ;\   ;\ ;\\: ;\@$     B'RTR\!j! ,yZ #FyZB'nTRx!B'tbTRB'|{TRMinimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 3 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 3 must be tested.EMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.V @@       A;\;\ \;\       A,;\;\ ;\%|;\h;\@;\ ;\  ;\   8;\ ;\\: ;\@$     B 'RTR!! ,yZ #FyZB 'nTR!B 'tbTRB '|{TRMinimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 4 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 4 must be tested.EMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.W @F ;\ ;\ ;\@ ;\  ;\| ;\       A;\D;\X |;\       Ax;\;\  d;\%<;\;\\ ;\  ;\ <;\1;\7 ;\?;\F   %    x ,Tw:!P #FTw:!P x  "  Q F ;\ (;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |        AD;\X @;\       A;\;\  ;\%d;\;\\ <;\  ;\ ;\1{\7 ;\?;\F   %    x ,TwP #FTwP x  $   U F ;\ D;\ ;\!L ;\ l;\ ;\|        A;\D;\X ;\       Ap;\;\  \;\%4;\;\\ ;\  ;\ X;\1;\7 ;\?0;\F   %    x ,TwnP #FTwnP x  $V F ;\ ;\ <;\@ ;\ |;\ | ;\       A;\D;\X T;\       A;\;\  ;\%p;\;\\ H;\  ;\  ;\1;\7 bD?F   %    x ,TwP #FTwP x  $W * ;\ ;\ <;\D ;\ ÀTwP  *  <;\D(;\;\;\|;\ ÀTwP  / ;\ H;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |;\  ;\ .5`        A;\;\;\\;\ ;\(/ % x   $  QL , False~(6O_d3h4. 0;\ \;\ @;\ h ;\ ;\| ;\       A;\D;\<;\%;\.f4/Ked3JEKf4D/K?d3JDEKJ}KA~(Jc/d3cKhKf4J/K?d3JJEKf4P/Ked3JPEKf4X/Kd3JXEKcEither a tested vehicle equipped to tow a trailer must be selected, or this vehicle must be tested."  Q@L , False~(6O_d3h4/ ;\ H;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |;\  ;\ .H        A;\;\;\;\ ;\(;\/ % x   $   UL , False~(6:O_d3h4. T;\  ;\@ ? M ;\ | @;\       A;\D;\;\;\%T;\.f4uKed3JEKf4DuK?d3JDEKRKA~(Jcud3cKhKf4JuK?d3JJEKf4PuKed3JPEKf4XuKd3JXEKcEither a tested vehicle equipped to tow a trailer must be selected, or this vehicle must be tested."   U@L , False~(6O_d3h4/ ;\ H;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |;\  ;\ .\8        AP;\;\;\;\ (;\/ % x   $VL , False~(6O_d3h4. t;\ ;\ @ h X;\ ;\| ;\       A;\DP;\%;\.f4Ked3JEKf4DK?d3JDEKKA~(Jcd3cKhKf4JK?d3JJEKf4PKed3JPEKf4XKd3JXEKcEither a tested vehicle equipped to tow a trailer must be selected, or this vehicle must be tested."V@L , False~(6O_d3h4/ ;\ ,;\ ;\;\@ X;\ D;\ ;\|0;\ ;\ al.  ;\       A;\;\(;\ ;\(;\/ % x   $WL , False~(6O_d3h4. (;\ ;\ @ h ;\ q ;\       A;\D;\@;\;\%t;\.f4/Ked3JEKf4D/K?d3JDEKKA~(Jc?d3cKhKf4J/K?d3JJEKf4P/Ked3JPEKf4X/Kd3JXEKcEither a tested vehicle equipped to tow a trailer must be selected, or this vehicle must be tested."W@L , False~(6&o"d3h4 ;\ ;\ $;\ T;\|;\ ;\ j Revision 2.9j j Revison 2.4 or earliera Z;\T  h~pD~8HP~zD%"8<P~pD?r?~8HP~zD?***Please be aware that there are TWO pages in this document***/ $ 8;\T t ;\;\ ;\D;\L;\;\ ;\H;\ ;\0 ;\D  H;\ 4;\  ;\  ;\ ;\(;\/$  Pͫ\P B@Pͫ\P<j Pͫ\P<j j .j T@Pͫ\P<j<j j One or more fields too long. j4The Document Reference field has not been completed.6The Test Facility Number field has not been completed.'Data file was last saved with template :. Saving data file will update the Revision number to 2.9.o ,ԵjSF 35/01 July 2012 Revision 2.9a ZT  B )R=B R?***Please be aware that there are TWO pages in this document***8z Z l;\ , ;\ST;\;\T e8P ;\,;\@;\, <~(W*d3h#oP ;\7h;\@L;\, <~(W!d3h#rP ;\;\,;\@;\, <~(WW.d3h#qP ;\;\,;\@H;\, <~(WV:d3h#p*&|X;\ @ T ;\ ;\h        C;\ ;\;\X;\& $~(7%Cd3h$ <$~(7%Cd3h$f4<C$d37%<E$$~(7%ZCd3Zh$f4BC$d37%BE$f4HC$d37%HE$ZVariant descriptions would normally be unique. Please enter a unique variant ;\  ;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ ||;\  ;\ #$ ;\;\       A;\  A ;\ ;\  ;\;\H$ ;\;\p !"#$%&'(  A;\  A;\ $;\  ;\ H$ t;\);\Q`;\Z L;\b;\i  %Bҟ<_LRBҟZkLR x BҟLRBҟLR x   (POPQSU loruRTVi ;\ ;\ T;\@ ;\ l;\ ;\|X;\ ;\ ;\  ;\;\       A;\  AX;\ ;\  D;\;\H$ ;\;\p !"#$%&'(  Ah;\  A;\ ;\  ;\ ;\$ ;\);\Q;\Z ;\b;\i  %Bv<cLRBvZoLR x BvLRBvLR x   (PGHJLN loruIKMi ;\  ;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ ||;\  ;\ #< ;\;\       A;\  A;\ ;\  ;\;\H$ ;\ !"#$%&'(  A;\  A;\ 0;\  ;\ ;\$ ;\);\Q;\Z ;\b;\i  %Bzt>rLRBzt\LR x BztLRBztLR x   (PQROSU loruPTVi ;\  ;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ ||;\  ;\ #H$ ;\;\       A;\  A;\ ;\  ;\;\H$ ;\ !"#$%&'(  A;\  A;\ T;\  ;\ ,;\$ ;\);\Q;\Z ;\b;\i  %Bt>vLRBt\LR x BtLRBtLR x   (PIJHLN loruGKMi ;\  ;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ ||;\  ;\ # ;\;\       A;\  A;\ ;\  ;\;\H$ ;\;\p !"#$%&'(  A;\  A;\ `;\  ;\ ;\$ ;\);\Q;\Z ;\b;\i  %B &@LRB &^LR x B & LRB &LR x   (PSTOQU loruPRVi ;\  ;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ ||;\  ;\ #< ;\;\       A;\  A;\ ;\  ;\;\H$ ;\;\p !"#$%&'(  A;\  A;\ (;\  ;\ ;\$ ;\);\Q;\Z ;\b;\i  %B"&@LRB"&^LR x B"&LRB"&4LR x   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;\;\f4=/d3'0E/f4=/d3'0E/}/~('0=d3h/f4=/d3'0E/If there are other differences from a tested vehicle which affect test vehicle selection an explanation must be entered at the bottom of this page.CL , False~('0o:d3h/1 ;\;\       A;\  A;\ ;\X  ;\;\ X;\+;\1(f4/A/$Ad3$E$f42/A/$Ad3$2E$f4J/A/$d3$JE$/$~($JgAd3Jh$/$~($gAd3h$f4X/A/$d3$XE$f4^/A/$d3$^E$JAnti-lock must be fitted to vehicle 5 when anti-lock is fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 5 must be tested.2HIKM loru@L , false~($?Ld3h$1 ;\;\       A  A(;\ ;\X  ;\;\D;\+;\1(f4*/$Ad3$E$f44*/$Ad3$4E$f4J*/$d3$JE$/$~($Rb*d3Rh$/$~($*d3h$f4X*/$d3$XE$f4^*/$d3$^E$RAnti-lock must not be fitted to vehicle 6 when anti-lock is not fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 6 must be tested.2IHLN loru@L , false~('0o:d3h/1 ;\4;\       A  A ;\ ;\X  ;\P;\(;\+;\1(f4RoE/$Ad3$E$f44RoE/$Ad3$4E$f4JRoE/$d3$JE$0/$~($JoEd3Jh$>/$~($NoEd3h$f4XRoE/$d3$XE$f4^RoE/$d3$^E$JAnti-lock must be fitted to vehicle 6 when anti-lock is fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 6 must be tested.2JGKM loru@L , False~('0o:d3h/1 ;\P;\       A;\  AH;\ ;\X  4;\ ;\ ;\+;\1(f4*/$Ad3$E$f46*/$Ad3$6E$f4J*/$d3$JE$J/$~($R*d3Rh$X/$~($*d3h$f4X*/$d3$XE$f4^*/$d3$^E$RAnti-lock must not be fitted to vehicle 7 when anti-lock is not fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 7 must be tested.2KHJN loru@L , False~('0vo:d3h/1 ;\;\       A;\  AH;\ ;\X  4;\ ;\;\+;\1(f4=/$Ad3$E$f46=/$Ad3$6E$f4J=/$d3$JE$䢌/$~($JN=d3Jh$/$~($"=d3h$f4X=/$d3$XE$f4^=/$d3$^E$JAnti-lock must be fitted to vehicle 7 when anti-lock is fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 7 must be tested.2LGIM loru@L , False~('0>o:d3h/1 ;\P;\       A  A\;\ ;\X  H;\ ;\;\;\+1(f4=/$Ad3$E$f48=/$Ad3$8E$f4J=/$d3$JE$ģ/$~($R2=d3Rh$ң/$~($=d3h$f4X=/$d3$XE$f4^=/$d3$^E$RAnti-lock must not be fitted to vehicle 8 when anti-lock is not fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 8 must be tested.2MHJL loru@L , False~('0*o:d3h/1 ;\;\       A;\  At;\ ;\X  `;\8;\$;\>+;\1(f4z=/$Ad3$E$f48z=/$Ad3$8E$f4Jz=/$d3$JE$^/$~($J:=d3Jh$l/$~($=d3h$f4Xz=/$d3$XE$f4^z=/$d3$^E$JAnti-lock must be fitted to vehicle 8 when anti-lock is fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 8 must be tested.2NGIK loru@L , False~('0o:d3h/,1 ;\x;\       A;\  Ax;\ ;\X  d;\<;\;\+;\1(f4BAd3-Eg.f42BAd3-2Eg.f4JBd3-JEg.>~(-zQd3zhg.~(-Qd3+hg.f4XBd3-XEg.f4^Bd3-^Eg.zVariable proportioning system must not be fitted to vehicle 5 when variable proportioning system is not fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 5 must be tested.2ORTV loru@L , False~('0nQd3zhg.|~(-VQd3+hg.f4XR/Qd3-XEg.f4^R/Qd3-^Eg.zVariable proportioning system must not be fitted to vehicle 7 when variable proportioning system is not fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 7 must be tested.2SPRV loru@L , False~('0:d3h/$1 ;\;\       A;\  A;\ =   ;\D;\+;\1(f4"*/$Ad3$E$f46"*/$Ad3$6E$f4J"*/$d3$JE$ |/$~($rd3rh$|/$~($d3-h$f4X"*/$d3$XE$f4^"*/$d3$^E$rVariable proportioning system must be fitted to vehicle 7 when variable proportioning system is fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 7 must be tested.2TOQU loru@L , False~('0:d3h/,1 ;\;\       A;\  A;\ X  p;\;\ ;\+;\1(f4/QAd3-Eg.f48/QAd3-8Eg.f4J/Qd3-JEg.~(-z/Qd3zhg."~(-R/Qd3+hg.f4X/Qd3-XEg.f4^/Qd3-^Eg.zVariable proportioning system must not be fitted to vehicle 8 when variable proportioning system is not fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 8 must be tested.2UPRT loru@L , False~('02:d3h/$1 ;\d;\       A  A;\ ;\X  l;\D;\x;\+;\1(f4/$Ad3$E$f48/$Ad3$8E$f4J/$d3$JE$/$~($rd3rh$/$~($d3-h$f4X/$d3$XE$f4^/$d3$^E$rVariable proportioning system must be fitted to vehicle 8 when variable proportioning system is fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 8 must be tested.2VOQS loru@ C;\@ ;\       A;\;\ ;\       A;\;\;\  ;\ (;\  Co4=;\CN ~(-d3hg. ;w%b@*L T w%b@*Lf4jd3-Eg.~(-Ud3Uhg. ~(-vd3phg. ~(-d3"hg. w%b@*Lf4fjcd3-fEg.e~(-d3hg.e~(-cd3cNhg.f4tjcd3-tEg.f4zjd3-zEg.f4jd3-Eg.UThe minimum wheelbase for vehicle number 5 must be within the range 1000 to 10000 mm.Minimum wheelbase for vehicle c must not exceed the minimum wheelbase for vehicle 5 by more than 15%, or vehicle 5 must be tested.o@C@ p;\       A;\;\ ;\       A;\ ;\;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\p4;\=;\CN ~(-;d3hg. ;w%N@*L T w%N@*Lf4n?@d3-Eg.R~(-Q2:d3Qhg. ~(-V:d3hg. ~(-n'?d3 hg. w%N@*Lf4fn?@cd3-fEg.`e~('.d3cOhg.f4tn?@cd3-tEg.f4zn?@d3-zEg.f4n?@d3-Eg.QThe minimum wheelbase for vehicle number 6 must be within range 1000 to 10000 mm.Minimum wheelbase for vehicle c must not exceed the minimum wheelbase for vehicle 6 by more than 15%, or vehicle 6 must be tested.p@ C@ p;\       A;\;\ ;\       A;\,;\;\;\  ;\ x;\ P;\ ;\p4(;\=;\CN ~(-n'?d3hg. ;w%R @*L T w%R @*Lf4;d3-Eg.~(-U*d3Uhg. ~(-j.d3hg. ~(-^.d3$hg. w%R @*Lf4f;cd3-fEg.e~(-.d3hg.e~(-cw$d3cShg.f4t;cd3-tEg.f4z;d3-zEg.f4;d3-Eg.UThe minimum wheelbase for vehicle number 7 must be within the range 1000 to 10000 mm.Minimum wheelbase for vehicle c must not exceed the minimum wheelbase for vehicle 7 by more than 15%, or vehicle 7 must be tested.q@C@ p;\       A;\;\ P;\       A;\,;\;\;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\p4;\=;\CN ~(-j.d3hg. ;w%@*L T w%@*Lf4n'?d3-Eg.Z~(-QjG>d3Qhg. ~(-/d3hg. ~(-&/d3 hg. w%@*Lf4fn'?cd3-fEg.He~(-;d3hg.Ve~(-c2?d3cOhg.f4tn'?cd3-tEg.f4zn'?d3-zEg.f4n'?d3-Eg.QThe minimum wheelbase for vehicle number 8 must be within range 1000 to 10000 mm.Minimum wheelbase for vehicle c must not exceed the minimum wheelbase for vehicle 8 by more than 15%, or vehicle 8 must be tested.r@L , False~('0:d3h/L , False~('0::d3h/P (;\f4JJ_d3 EWf4JJ_d3 EWN_~( |nJd3|hWf4JJ_d3 EW|If suspension configuration is not the same as the tested vehicle an explanation must be entered at the bottom of this page.x@L , false~('0 :d3h/L , false~('0&LR xB" LRB"&LRB".LR   %  |* ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\h |;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\;\\;\;\D 4;\  ;\X ;\ -" * BL>LR xBL LRBL&LRBL.LR   %  |* ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\h |;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\;\\;\;\D 4;\  ;\X ;\ -4" * B>LR xB LRB&LRB.LR   %  |* ;\ ;\ \;\ T + ;\>' +  ;\  ;\  `;\;\;\D ;\  ;\X ;\ ;\;\" ;\* BH>LR xBH LRBH&LRBH.LR   %  L , False~('0w;d3h/L , False~('0.o;d3h/{ x  , ;\H;\ f4za/d3'0E/f4za/d3'0E/܎/~('07ad37h/f4za/d3'0E/7At least one vehicle must be fully or partially tested.@L , False~('0;d3h/L , False~('0;d3h/L , False~('0;d3h/{ x  , x;\;\ f4Q/d3'0E/f4Q/d3'0E/ގ/~('076Qd37h/f4Q/d3'0E/7At least one vehicle must be fully or partially tested.@L , False~('0;d3h/L , False~('0;d3h/L , False~('0R;d3h/{ x  , ;\ f4^Q/d3'0E/f4^Q/d3'0E/1/~('07Qd37h/f4^Q/d3'0E/7At least one vehicle must be fully or partially tested.@L , False~('0n;d3h/L , False~('0&;d3h/L , False~('0v;d3h/{ x  , (;\@; f4WR/d3'0E/f4WR/d3'0E/>3/~('07WRd37h/f4WR/d3'0E/7At least one vehicle must be fully or partially tested.@L , False~('0;d3h/N ;\;\h ,;\ ;\  `;\  0 ;\zWd L;\ ;\l 8;\   ;\ ;\;\   ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\;\  ;\ ;\4 p;\ ;\\ H;\;\p ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\$ ;\ > A l;\?   ;\E;\L;\V;\   t;\ ;\ ;\  ;\(<;\   ;\d;\ ;\;\  ;\;\ ;\ L;\ ;\T!;\ ;\" ;\#P;\ ;\$;\ ;\D%;\ E C;\FD;\;\ ;\T;\ [;\;\H K~(J6d3hKf4 *OKwd3J EK B@4N:WL 4N:WLf4*OK?d3JEKH4KA~(JDd3DhK LK@4N:WLf4&*OK?d3J&EKV4KA~(JN6d3NhKf4*OK?d3JEKf4*OK?d3JEKd4KA~(J+^vd3+hK K~(Jvd3;hK K~(J^vd3hK K~(Jvd3hK K~(J2vd3+hK K~(Jvd3{hK K~(JZwd3hK K~(Jwd3hK K~(J/wd3khK 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Please check.%J   lnoqrtuwUVWQxyz{@N ;\h;\;\h P;\ $;\ ;\ z  ;\0 zD ;\ ;\l;\   ;\ ;\;\   l;\ ;\X;\   ;\;\  d;\ ;\4P;\ ;\\ (;\;\p  ;\;\   ;\;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\$ ;\ > A;\?   l;\E;\LX;\V;\  0;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\(;\   ;\dh;\   ;\ ;\0;\ ;\ ;\ ;\T!;\ ;\"|;\ ;\#@;\ ;\$;\ ;\D%;\ E C;\FD;\;\;\ (;\T;\ [;\;\H K~(JwBd3hKf4 Fo:Kwd3J EK B@4*b:WL 4*b:WLf4Fo:K?d3JEK4KA~(JDv3d3DhK [4*b:WLf4&Fo:K?d3J&EK4KA~(JN65d3NhKf4Fo:K?d3JEKf4Fo:K?d3JEK4KA~(J+5d3+hK K~(J5d3;hK K~(J>2d3hK K~(Jg@d3hK K~(Jzg@d3+hK K~(Jbg@d3{hK K~(J/ d3hK K~(Jv;d3hK K~(J?d3khK K~(J7?d3hK K~(JnCd3hK K~(Jd3dhKf4NFo:K?d3JNEK4KA~(JGd3GhK 4*b:WLf4\Fo:K?d3J\EK1KA~(JXd3X} hKf4bFo:K?d3JbEKf4jFo:Ked3JjEKf4rFo:Kd3JrEKDVehicle number of the test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.NThe representive test vehicle for Vehicle Number 6 can not be Vehicle Number 6+Representative test vehicle must be tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.XDocument reference would normally be greater than 2 characters in length. Please check.%J   lnoqrtuwUVWQxyz{@N l;\;\h ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ zD;\ zD 8;\;\D ;\ zx   ;\ <;\;\   ;\ ;\;\  ;\ ;\;\  ;\ ;\4;\ ;\\ ;\;\p X;\ ;\D;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\$ ;\ > A;\?   h;\E;\LT;\V;\ ,;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\(;\   ;\d   ;\;\  ;\;\ ;\ t;\ ;\T!8;\ ;\";\ ;\#;\ ;\$;\ ;\D%H;\ E C4;\FD;\;\ ;\T;\ [;\;\H K~(J5d3hKf4 G@Kwd3J EK B@4*b:WL 4*b:WLf4G@K?d3JEK3KA~(JDg@d3DhK j4*b:WLf4&G@K?d3J&EK4KA~(JN/ d3NhKf4G@K?d3JEKf4G@K?d3JEKKA~(J+v;d3+hK K~(J?d3;hK K~(J7?d3hK K~(JnCd3hK K~(Jd3+hK K~(J/d3{hK K~(JOd3hK K~(JWd3hK K~(JWd3khK K~(JWd3hK K~(JWd3hK K~(J*Wd3dhKf4NG@K?d3JNEKKA~(JGbWd3GhK 4*b:WLf4\G@K?d3J\EKKA~(JXwd3X} hKf4bG@K?d3JbEKf4jG@Ked3JjEKf4rG@Kd3JrEKDVehicle number of the test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.NThe representive test vehicle for Vehicle Number 7 can not be Vehicle Number 7+Representative test vehicle must be tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.XDocument reference would normally be greater than 2 characters in length. Please check.%J   lnoqrtuwUVWQxyz{@N ;\T;\;\h P;\ $;\ ;\ t ;\H;\ ;\0 ;\;\D  ;\l ;\   ;\ ;\;\   ;\ ;\;\  ;\ ;\;\  X;\ ;\4D;\ ;\\ ;\;\p ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\;\ \;\ ;\H;\ ;\$  ;\ > A ;\?   ;\E;\L;\V;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ D;\ ;\(;\   ;\d;\   ;\  ;\0;\ ;\ ;\ ;\T!;\ ;\"|;\ ;\#@;\ ;\$;\ ;\D%;\ E C;\FD;\;\;\ (;\T;\ [;\;\H K~(J'd3hKf4 Kwd3J EK B@4N:WL 4N:WLf4K?d3JEKKA~(JDd3DhK z4N:WLf4&K?d3J&EK KA~(JN*Od3NhKf4K?d3JEKf4K?d3JEKKA~(J+zOd3+hK K~(JOd3;hK K~(J6d3hK K~(J"d3hK K~(JGd3+hK K~(J^vd3{hK K~(JZwd3hK K~(JOwd3hK K~(Jwd3khK K~(Jwd3hK K~(J7d3hK K~(JzG@d3dhKf4NK?d3JNEK&KA~(JGG@d3GhK 4N:WLf4\K?d3J\EK4KA~(JX?d3X} hKf4bK?d3JbEKf4jKed3JjEKf4rKd3JrEKDVehicle number of the test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.NThe representive test vehicle for Vehicle Number 8 can not be Vehicle Number 8+Representative test vehicle must be tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.XDocument reference would normally be greater than 2 characters in length. Please check.%J   lnoqrtuwUVWQxyz{@ BN ;\ -0 ;\@ ;\ ;\ ;\| ;\ P;\ ;\ L;\;\0  ;\X;\  ;\ ;\;\   X;\ ;\D;\   ;\ ;\;\ ;\  |;\ ;\H T;\\ D;\ ;\0;\ ;\ W0 ;\ ;\ ;\ ,;\;\$ \$0 L;\ ;\t ;\ > A;\? ;\B`;\G;\OL;\ ;\ $;\  ;\ ;\<   ;\ ;\x   ;\ ;\ H;\ ;\  ;\ ;\, ;\!;\h ;\";\ X;\#;\ ;\$;\ ;\%;\X ;\&;\ E C;\FDT;\@;\;\l;\OX;\U;\ D;\0;\;\HF  % B@TwP TwP x LK@TwP x  x            x TwP %   &L   lnoqrtuwUVWQxyz{ BN ;\ ;\ |;\@ ;\ |;\ | T;\ ;\ ;\0 ;\ ;\X;\  ;\ ;\;\   ;\ ;\;\   ;\ h;\;\ @;\ ;\ ,;\ ;\H a@0\ 8;\ ;\$;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\;\$ p;\ ;\L\;\ ;\t 4;\ > A ;\? ;\B;\G;\O;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\<   X;\ ;\x   ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\, h;\!;\h ,;\";\ ;\#;\ ;\$;\ x;\%;\X <;\&;\ E C;\FD;\;\;\;\O;\U;\ ;\t;\;\HF  % B@TwP TwP x [TwP x  x            x TwP %   &L   lnoqrtuwUVWQxyz{ BN ;\ p0 ;\@ ;\ ;\ ;\| ;\ ;\ 0 ;\ X;\  ;\ ;\;\   ;\ ;\;\   ;\ p;\;\ H;\  8;\ ;\H ;\;\\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\p;\ ;\ H;\;\$  ;\ ;\L ;\ ;\t ;\ > A;\? ;\B;\G;\O;\ ;\ ;\  h;\ ;\<   ,;\ ;\x   ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ x;\ ;\, <;\!;\h ;\";\ ;\#;\ ;\$ (;\%X ;\&;\ E C;\FD;\;\;\t;\O`;\U;\ L;\8;\;\HF  % B@Tw)P Tw)P x jTw)P x  x            x Tw)P %   &L   lnoqrtuwUVWQxyz{ BN ;\ ;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ | T;\ ;\ ;\0 ;\ ;\X;\   ;\ ;\;\   ;\ ;\;\  ;\ h;\;\ @;\ ;\ ,;\ ;\H T0\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ x;\;\ P;\ ;\<;\ ;\ ;\;\$ ;\ ;\L;\ ;\t ;\ > A;\? ;\Bt;\GO;\ ;\ X;\   0;\ ;\<   ;\ ;\x  ;\ ;\ |;\  ;\ @;\!;\, ;\;\h ;\";\ ;\#;\ P;\$;\ ;\%;\X 0;\&;\ E C;\FD;\;\;\;\O;\U;\ |;\h;\;\HF  % B@TwaP TwaP x jTwaP x  x            x TwaP %   &L   lnoqrtuwUVWQxyz{;\, d;\ ;\h <;\ ;\ ;\  ;W =E ;\;\ ;\;\ / ~('02Nd3h/f4N/kd3'0E/f4N/kd3'0E/f4N/kd3'0E/ /~('0Nd3h/ );\ ;\@X;\;\ ;\ /~('0;d3h/ /~('0B;d38h/f4;/d3'0E/|/~('06r;d36h/f4;/d3'0E/f4";/d3'0"E/6Vehicle category must be the same as vehicle number 1.;\, ;\ h x;\ ;\ P;\  ;\ ;\h;\ ;\;\ / ~('0Od3h/f4O/kd3'0E/f4O/kd3'0E/f4O/kd3'0E/ /~('0Od3h/ )8;W ;\@(;\p;\ ;\ /~('0;d3h/ /~('0;d38h/f4z;/d3'0E//~('06;d36h/f4z;/d3'0E/f4"z;/d3'0"E/6Vehicle category must be the same as other vehicle(s).;\, @;\ h x;\ ;\ `;\  ;\ L;\ ;\$;\ ;\;\ / ~('06_Od3h/f4_O/kd3'0E/f4_O/kd3'0E/f4_O/kd3'0E/ /~('0r_Od3h/ ) ;\@aCel;\  /~('0r;d3h/ /~('0;d38h/f4N;/d3'0E/x/~('06;d36h/f4N;/d3'0E/f4"N;/d3'0"E/6Vehicle category must be the same as other vehicle(s).+ ;\ P;\ ;\ T t ;\  |;\ h;\  ;\  <;\  ;\   ;\>;\ ;\l;\;\$;\+  %  ;ACExz|~P ,@;\, </~('0Rd3h/#P ;\,@<;\, </~('0:w`d3h/gP ,@ ;\, </~('0^d3h/WP ,@ ;\, </~('0Zo[d3h/_P ;\,;\@8;\, </~('0:W_d3h/ZP ;\,;\@;\, </~('0V[d3h/bP ;\>g;\@5G, </~('07Qd3h/jP ;\,;\@5G, </~('07Sd3h/+P ;\,;\@$;\, </~('0__d3h/YP ;\,;\@$;\, </~('0[d3h/aP >gDL, </~('0Z`d3h/iP ,@;\, </~('0Rd3h/)P ;\,@, </~('0'_d3h/XP ;\;\@D;\, </~('0[d3h/`P ;\,@, </~('0z`d3h/hP ,=L, </~('0bRd3h/'@@ p;\       A;\;\ ;\       A;\;\  ;\ ;\  ;\4 `;\1;\\:8;\@N ~(-7)d3hg. w% n@<L Edw% n@<Lf47)d3-Eg.I~(-Q7)d3Qhg. ~(-7)d3fhg. ~(-7)d3hg. ~(-RgFd3hg.f4`7)cd3-`Eg.Ie~(-kgFd3khg.Ie~(-^gFd3"hg.f4n7)cd3-nEg.f4t7)d3-tEg.f4|7)d3-|Eg.QSmallest wheel vent area must be within the range 0 to 300000 square millimetres.kSmallest wheel vent area of vehicle 5 must be greater than or equal to smallest wheel vent area of vehicle , or vehicle 5 must be tested.#~ @ E ;\ ;\ $;\@ ;\ |;\ |  <;\       A;\;\  ;\       AH;\;\H   ;\  ;\)e|06  ;\>;\E   % Tw@P EdTw@P x    x   $#~ @@ p;\       A;\ x;\       A;\;\  ;\ ;\  ;\4 H;\1;\\: ;\@N ~(-Wd3hg. w%&@<L Edw%&@<Lf4Wd3-Eg.}~(-Q.Wd3Qhg. ~(-vWd3}hg. ~(-zWd3hg. ~(-d3hg.f4`Wcd3-`Eg.}e~(-kG2d3khg.,}e~(-G2d3"hg.f4nWcd3-nEg.f4tWd3-tEg.f4|Wd3-|Eg.QSmallest wheel vent area must be within the range 0 to 300000 square millimetres.kSmallest wheel vent area of vehicle 6 must be greater than or equal to smallest wheel vent area of vehicle , or vehicle 6 must be tested.'~ @@@ p;\       AM ;\       A$;\;\  ;\ M ;\4 ;\1;\\:;\@N ~(-G2d3hg. w%~F@<L Edw%~F@<Lf4Qd3-Eg.}~(-QnG2d3Qhg. ~(-G2d3hg. ~(-G2d3hg. ~(-zG2d3hg.f4`Qcd3-`Eg.}e~(-kG2d3khg.}e~(-G2d3"hg.f4nQcd3-nEg.f4tQd3-tEg.f4|Qd3-|Eg.QSmallest wheel vent area must be within the range 0 to 300000 square millimetres.kSmallest wheel vent area of vehicle 7 must be greater than or equal to smallest wheel vent area of vehicle , or vehicle 7 must be tested.)~ @@@ p;\       A;\ ;\       A;\  ;\ ;\  ;\4 ;\1;\\:;\@N ~(-Jd3hg. w%@<L Edw%@<Lf4O!d3-Eg.}~(-QOWd3Qhg. ~(-&_Wd3hg. ~(-Wd3hg. ~(-Wd3hg.f4`O!cd3-`Eg.}e~(-kWd3khg. }e~(-vWd3"hg.f4nO!cd3-nEg.f4tO!d3-tEg.f4|O!d3-|Eg.QSmallest wheel vent area must be within the range 0 to 300000 square millimetres.kSmallest wheel vent area of vehicle 8 must be greater than or equal to smallest wheel vent area of vehicle , or vehicle 8 must be tested.+ ~@ E ;\ ;\ ,;\@ ;\ |;\ |  D;\       A;\;\ ;\       A,;\;\H  ;\ ;\);\0;\6 ;\>;\E   % TwP EdTwP x    x   $'~  E ;\ H;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |         A;\;\ h;\       A;\;\H  ;\ ;\);\0x;\6 d;\>;\E   % Tw/P EdTw/P x    x   $)~  E ;\  0;\@  t ;\| <;\;\ ;\       A;\;\ ;\       A<;\;\H  ;\ );\0,;\6 ;\>;\E   % TwgP EdTwgP x    x   $+ ~LR4       A;\ ;\       A@;\;\ ,;\%Q_;\ \;\;\  H;\    ;\\\;\ H;\;\ ;\  ;\ ;\;\;\L;\R ~(-RPd3hg. ~(-Pd3hg. ~(-vPd3hg. ~(-Pd3vhg.f4R6Pd3-REg.z~(-hBPd3hphg.~(-Pd3hg. B@w%~@H3L B@w%~@H3Lf4r6Pd3-rEg.~(-2-d32Qhg. B@w%~@H3L  to ~(-"-d3rhg. B@w%~@H3L  kg when vehicle category is  . ~(-?0d3hg.f46Pd3-Eg.f46Pd3-Eg.hMaximum loaded test mass of vehicle 5 must be less than or equal to maximum loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 5 must be tested.2Maximum loaded test mass must be within the range $W ij@LR4       A;\;\ ,;\       A\;\;\ H;\%;\;\;\ 8;\;\  $;\    ;\\h;\ T;\;\,;\ ;\ ;\;\;\;\L;\R ~(-%d3hg. ~(-%d3hg. ~(-B%d3hg. ~(-*%d3hg.f4R%d3-REg.~(-h%d3hphg.~(-6%d3hg. B@w%~@H3L B@w%~@H3Lf4r%d3-rEg.~(-2%d32Qhg. B@w%~@H3L  to ~(-%d3rhg. B@w%~@H3L  kg when vehicle category is  . ~(-o%d3hg.f4%d3-Eg.f4%d3-Eg.hMaximum loaded test mass of vehicle 6 must be less than or equal to maximum loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 6 must be tested.2Maximum loaded test mass must be within the range $X ij@LR4       A D;\       At;\;\ `;\%;\Q_;\  ;\Q_T    ;\\;\ ;\;\\;\ H;\ 4;\ ;\;\LT;\R ~(-BWd3hg. ~(-Wd3hg. ~(-Wd3hg. ~(-Wd3hg.f4RWd3-REg.Z~(-hWd3hphg.h~(-Wd3hg. B@w%~@H3L B@w%~@H3Lf4rWd3-rEg.v~(-2ZWd32Qhg. B@w%~@H3L  to ~(-Wd3rhg. B@w%~@H3L  kg when vehicle category is  . ~(-Wd3hg.f4Wd3-Eg.f4Wd3-Eg.hMaximum loaded test mass of vehicle 7 must be less than or equal to maximum loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 7 must be tested.2Maximum loaded test mass must be within the range $Y ij@LR4       A ;\       A;\;\ ;\%;\;\ ;\;\  t;\    ;\\8;\ $;\;\;\ ;\ ;\;\|;\;\LT;\R ~(-Wd3hg. ~(-Wd3hg. ~(-BWd3hg. ~(-fWd3hg.f4RWd3-REg.~(-hWd3hphg.~(-*Wd3hg. B@w%~@H3L B@w%~@H3Lf4rWd3-rEg.~(-2Wd32Qhg. B@w%~@H3L  to ~(-Wd3rhg. B@w%~@H3L  kg when vehicle category is  . ~(-Wd3hg.f4Wd3-Eg.f4Wd3-Eg.hMaximum loaded test mass of vehicle 8 must be less than or equal to maximum loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 8 must be tested.2Maximum loaded test mass must be within the range $Z ij@H ;\ ;\ (;\@ ;\ |;\ |        ARD;\X ;\       A0;\;\  ;\%;\H<;\;\p (;\   e| t3;\9 A ;\H   %    x B@TwP B@TwP x  (W ijH ;\ t;\ ;\@ ;\ ;\ ;\| ;\       A;\D;\X p;\       A;\;\  ;\%;\H;\v$    ;\ ;\3;\9 ;\A;\H   %    x B@Tw@P B@Tw@P x  (X ijH ;\ ;\ (;\@ ;\ |;\ |        Ar|;\X ;\       A ;\;\  ;\%;\H;\    ;\ ;\3;\9 ;\Ad;\H   %    x B@TwUP B@TwUP x  (Y ijH ;\ \;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |        Ar|;\X $;\       A ;\;\  ;\%;\H<;\;\p (;\   ;\ ;\3;\9 ;\A;\H   %    x B@Tw;P B@Tw;P x  (Z ijTH       A;\ ;\       A;\;\ ;\ ;\';\;\;\;\  d;\ ;\HP;\ ;\\  <;\   ;\  $;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\;\$N|;\T    BVTRFF  @yZB~TR,F  to  @yZ  kg. Please checkBTRBTR_Lightly loaded test mass of vehicle 5 must be greater than lightly loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 5 must be tested.5Lightly loaded test mass is usually within the range $_ W@b\       A;\;\ ;\       A;\H;\ ;\ 4;\';\;\x;\;\ d;\;\4 <;\;\H;\\ ;\ ;\;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\$;\ ;\ ;\';\tV;\\    BR#VTRFF  @yZBR#*TRF  to  @yZ  kg. Please checkBR#TRBR#TRkLightly loaded test mass of vehicle 6 must be greater than or equal to lightly loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 6 must be tested.5Lightly loaded test mass is usually within the range $` X@^\       A ;\       A;\;\ ;\ ' ;\;\;\ x;\;\4 P;\;\H;\\ ;\ ;\;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\;\ t;\ ;\$`;\ L;\ $;\';\tV;\\    B#VTRFF  @yZB#,TR G  to  @yZ  kg. Please checkB#TRB#TRkLightly loaded test mass of vehicle 7 must be greater than or equal to lightly loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 7 must be tested.5Lightly loaded test mass is usually within the range "a @^\       A ;\;\       A;\;\ ;\ ;\';\$;\;\ ;\;\4 \;\;\H;\\  ;\ ;\ ;\    ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\;\ `;\ ;\$L;\ 8;\ ;\';\tV;\\    B$VTRnG|G  @yZB$,TRG  to  @yZ  kg. Please checkB$TRB$TRkLightly loaded test mass of vehicle 8 must be greater than or equal to lightly loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 8 must be tested.5Lightly loaded test mass is usually within the range "b  @FN  ;\ 4;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |        A;\D;\X D;\;\l       A;\ ;\ ;\ x;\'P;\;\p;\ ;\;\ ;\  ;\   ;\;\9;\? G;\N   %    x  @Tw@P %  *_ WV\ ;\ ;\ ,;\@ ;\ |;\ |        A;\X ;\l       A;\ ;\ ;\ t;\'l;\;\\X;\;\ 0;\;\;\H;\ ;\4;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\$D;\A;\8G ;\LO;\V   %    x  @TwP %  *` XV\ ;\ ;\ |;\@  ;\ ;\|        A;\D;\X ;\;\l       A;\ h;\ ;\ T;\';\;\\;\;\ ;\;\;\L;\ ;\8;\  ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\  ;\$;\A;\8G ;\LO;\V   %    x  @Tw-P %  (a .L ;\ ;\ (;\@ ;\ |;\ |        A;\X ;\;\l       A;\ ;\ ;\ ;\';\h;\ ;\ T;\   (;\7;\= ;\E;\L   %    x  @TweP %  (b  @       A;\ ;\       A;\;\ ;\%x;\d;\<;\ ;\  ;\   ;\ ;\\: ;\@$     B0RTRmm ,yZ #FyZB0nTRmB0tbTRB0|{TRMinimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 5 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 5 must be tested.EMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.g @@       A;\;\ X;\       A;\ H;\% ;\ ;\;\ ;\  X;\   H;\ ;\\:  ;\@$     BRTRmn ,yZ #FyZBnTRnBtbTRB|{TRMinimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 6 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 6 must be tested.EMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.h @@       A;\ H;\       A;\;\ ;\%;\;\ ;\  ;\   ;\ ;\\: ;\@$     BRTRjnxn ,yZ #FyZBnTRnBtbTRB|{TRMinimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 7 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 7 must be tested.EMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.i @@       A ;\       At;\;\ `;\%;\;\ ;\  d;\   (;\ ;\\: X;\@$     BRTRnn ,yZ #FyZBnTRnBtbTRB|{TRMinimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 8 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 8 must be tested.EMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.j @F ;\ h;\ ;\P    8;\       A;\X l;\       A;\  d;\%<;\;\\ ;\  ;\ e|17 ;\?p;\F   %    x ,TwP #FTwP x  $g >l ;\ P;\ ;\;\@ p;\ \;\ ;\|       A;\ ;\0  T;\      A;\ ;\  ;\;\;\  x;\  ;\4 P;\);\H/ ;\\7(;\>   %    x ,Tw@P #FTw@P x  h F ;\ h;\ ;\ (;\ ;\ ;\|        A;\D;\X ;\        Ap;\;\  \;\% 4;\ ;\\ ;\  ;\ ;\1;\7 ;\?;\F   %    x ,TwWP #FTwWP x  "i F ;\ ;\ 8;\;\@ ;\  ;\| ;\       A;\DX l;\       A;\;\  ;\%;\;\\ \;\  ;\ 4;\1;\7 ;\? ;\F   %    x ,Tw=P #FTw=P x  $j / ;\ ;\ l;\@ ;\ |;\ |$;\  ;\ 0t ;\       A$;\;\;\ p;\(;\/ % x   $L , False~( d3hN. ;\ $;\ @ h d;\ ;\| x;\       A;\D;\%;\.f4NqKed3JEKf4DNqK?d3JDEK.KA~(Jcjqd3cKhKf4JNqK?d3JJEKf4PNqKed3JPEKf4XNqKd3JXEKcEither a tested vehicle equipped to tow a trailer must be selected, or this vehicle must be tested."@L , False~( Bd3hN/ ;\ H;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |;\  ;\ A        Ah;\;\;\,;\ H;\(;\/ % x   $L , False~( d3hN. T;\  ;\@,q M ;\ | ;\       A;\Dqp;\;\%H;\.f4JGKed3JEKf4DJGK?d3JDEKKA~(Jc~ud3cKhKf4JJGK?d3JJEKf4PJGKed3JPEKf4XJGKd3JXEKcEither a tested vehicle equipped to tow a trailer must be selected, or this vehicle must be tested."@L , False~( d3hN/ ;\ ;\ 8;\@ $;\ ;\ 4 ;\ (;\ ;\ ;\       Ah;\;\;\;\ l;\(;\/ % x   $L , False~( d3hN. ;\ @;\ @ h ;\ ;\| ,;\       A;\D;\;\;\%;\.f4?Ked3JEKf4D?K?d3JDEKVKA~(Jc?d3cKhKf4J?K?d3JJEKf4P?Ked3JPEKf4X?Kd3JXEKcEither a tested vehicle equipped to tow a trailer must be selected, or this vehicle must be tested."@L , False~( ^d3hN/ ;\ H;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |;\  ;\ i         A;\;\;\D;\ 0;\(;\/ % x   $L , False~( d3hN. ;\ ;\ @ h ;\ ;\|        A;\D;\,;\;\%qW.f4.qKed3JEKf4D.qK?d3JDEKKA~(Jcqd3cKhKf4J.qK?d3JJEKf4P.qKed3JPEKf4X.qKd3JXEKcEither a tested vehicle equipped to tow a trailer must be selected, or this vehicle must be tested."@L , False~( d3hNpP ;\ 0;\ L;\8;\ec ZT  /~(%WTd3h0f4ZWT/d3%E0J/~(%AWTd3A|h0f4ZWT/d3%E0A***Please be aware that there are THREE pages in this document***& a Z!  BT#)R䝒BT#R?***Please be aware that there are TWO pages in this document***8 ;\ $;\ ;\ T;\h;\|X;\;\, <<_|~pD@?<_<8 ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\T;\h;\|`;\;\, <R_|~pD@R_R9 ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\T;\h;\|`;\;\, <z_|~pD4@z_z: ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\T;\h;\| ;\;\, <h_|~pDE@h_h;*&|(;\ @ T ;\ ;\h        C;\ ;\;\X<;\& $~(7%b?=d3h$ <$~(7%?=d3h$f4<>?=$d37%<E$0$~(7%Z?=d3Zh$f4B>?=$d37%BE$f4H>?=$d37%HE$ZVariant descriptions would normally be unique. Please enter a unique variant description.lnmabc@i ;\  ;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ ||;\  ;\ H ;\;\       A;\  A@;\ ;\  ,;\;\H$ ;\;\p !"#$%&'(  AP;\  A;\ ;\  ;\ ;\$ t;\);\Q`;\Z L;\b;\i  %BVDLRBVbLR x BV/LRBVHLR x   (PlnmxOQSU oruPRTVi ;\  ;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ ||;\  ;\ !p ;\;\       A;\  A;\ ;\  ;\;\H$ P;\;\p !"#$%&'(  A;\  A;\ ;\  ;\ ;\$ ;\);\Q;\Z ;\b;\i  %BDLRBbLR x BCLRBbLR x   (PlnmxHJLN oruGIKMi ;\ ;\ h;\@ ;\ |;\ | ;\  ;\ ,X ;\;\       A;\  A;\ ;\  ;\;\H$ (;\;\p !"#$%&'(  A`;\  A;\ ;\  ;\ ;\$ ;\);\Qp;\Z \;\b;\i  %BFLRBdLR x BKLRBiLR x   (PoqpyOQSU lruPRTVi ;\  ;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ ||;\  ;\ 0 ;\;\       A;\  Ax;\ ;\  d;\H$ h;\p !"#$%&'(  A;\  A;\ L;\  ;\ $;\$ ;\);\Q;\Z ;\b;\i  %B\FLRB\dLR x B\aLRB\LR x   (PoqpyHJLN lruGIKMi ;\  ;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ ||;\  ;\ X ;\;\       A  A;\ ;\  ;\;\H$ ;\;\p !"#$%&'(  A ;\  A;\ l;\  ;\ D;\$ 0;\);\Q;\Z bi  %B^HLRB^fLR x B^^LRB^LR x   (PrtszOQSU louPRTVi ;\ ;\ l;\@ ;\ 8;\ ;\|$;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\       A  AX;\ ;\  D;\;\H$ ;\;\p !"#$%&'(  Ah;\  A;\ ;\  ;\ ;\$ ;\);\Qx;\Z d;\b;\i  %BfHLRBffLR x BfvLRBfLR x   (PrtszHJLN louGIKMvi ;\ ;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |P;\  ;\   ;\;\       A;\  A4;\ ;\  ;\;\H$ ;\;\p !"#$%&'(  AH;\  A;\ ;\  ;\;\$ l;\);\QX;\Z D;\b;\i  %BXJLRBXhLR x BXqLR x   (Puwv{OQSU lorPRTVi ;\ ;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |<;\  ;\ \ ;\;\       A;\  A;\ Ӝ  x;\H$ h;\;\p !"#$%&'(  A;\  A;\ (;\  ;\ ;\$ ;\);\Q;\Z ;\b;\i  %BbJLRBbhLR x BbLRBbLR x   (Puwv{HJLN lorGIKML , False~( &Jd3hWP 4;\f4&J_d3 EWf4&J_d3 EW)_~( Jd3hWf4&J_d3 EWIf there are other differences from a tested vehicle which affect test vehicle selection an explanation must be entered at the bottom of this page.L , False~( bBd3hW ;\ (;\ ;\X;\  t (;\;\  % %  m ;\ (;\ ;\X;\  t (;\;\  % %  p   ;\ (;\ ;\X;\  t ;\|4;\;\ ;\ ;\ % %  s   ;\ 4;\ ;\d;\  t ;\|;\ 0;\ % %  vL ,f4bB_d3 EWP f4B_d3 EWf4B_d3 EW_~( NBd3hWf4B_d3 EWIf there are other differences from a tested vehicle which affect test vehicle selection an explanation must be entered at the bottom of this page. L ,f4rB_d3 EWL , False~( Bd3hWP $;\f4jB_d3 EWf4jB_d3 EWD_~( Bd3hWf4jB_d3 EWIf there are other differences from a tested vehicle which affect test vehicle selection an explanation must be entered at the bottom of this page. L , False~( bBd3hWL , False~( Bd3hWP ;\f4rB_d3 EWf4rB_d3 EWj_~( Bd3hWf4rB_d3 EWIf there are other differences from a tested vehicle which affect test vehicle selection an explanation must be entered at the bottom of this page.L , False~( Bd3hWL , False~( Bd3hW1 ;\P;\       A  A ;\ ;\X  ;\ p;\t;\+;\1(f4n/$Ad3$E$f4:n/$Ad3$:E$f4Jn/$d3$JE$ʀ/$~($R d3Rh$d/$~($ d3h$f4Xn/$d3$XE$f4^n/$d3$^E$RAnti-lock must not be fitted to vehicle 9 when anti-lock is not fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 9 must be tested.2mxHJLN oru@L , False~( Bd3hW1 ;\ ;\       A  Ad;\ ;\X  P;\(;\;\;\+;\1(f4E/$Ad3$E$f4:E/$Ad3$:E$f4JE/$d3$JE$/$~($J&Ed3Jh$/$~($bEd3h$f4XE/$d3$XE$f4^E/$d3$^E$JAnti-lock must be fitted to vehicle 9 when anti-lock is fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 9 must be tested.2mxGIKM oru@L , false~($Rod3h$1 ;\;\       A;\  Ad;\ ;\X  P;\(;\;\;\+;\1(f4oE/$Ad3$E$f4<oE/$Ad3$<E$f4JoE/$d3$JE$ޅ/$~($SoEd3Sh$셓/$~($boEd3h$f4XoE/$d3$XE$f4^oE/$d3$^E$SAnti-lock must not be fitted to vehicle 10 when anti-lock is not fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 10 must be tested.2pyHJLN lru@L , false~( Bd3hW1 ;\;\       A;\  AP;\ ;\X  <;\;\;\+;\1(f4ZW/$Ad3$E$f4<ZW/$Ad3$<E$f4JZW/$d3$JE$x/$~($KAd3Kh$/$~($Ad3h$f4XZW/$d3$XE$f4^ZW/$d3$^E$KAnti-lock must be fitted to vehicle 10 when anti-lock is fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 10 must be tested.2pyGIKM lru@L , False~( FBd3hW1 ;\P;\       A;\  A ;\ ;\X  ;\`;\L;\$;\+;\1(f4 roE/$Ad3$ E$f4>roE/$Ad3$>E$f4JroE/$d3$JE$X/$~($SDd3Sh$f/$~($Zd3h$f4XroE/$d3$XE$f4^roE/$d3$^E$SAnti-lock must not be fitted to vehicle 11 when anti-lock is not fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 11 must be tested.2szHJLN lou@L , False~( Id3hW1 ;\;\       A;\  A  d;\;\;\+;\1(f4  /$Ad3$ E$f4> /$Ad3$>E$f4J /$d3$JE$|/$~($K d3Kh$$/$~($ d3h$f4X /$d3$XE$f4^ /$d3$^E$KAnti-lock must be fitted to vehicle 11 when anti-lock is fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 11 must be tested.2szGIKM lou@L , False~( >d3hW1 ;\P;\       A;\  A`;\ ;\X  L;\$;\;\;\+;\1(f4"O/$Ad3$"E$f4@O/$Ad3$@E$f4JO/$d3$JE$</$~($S_d3Sh$J/$~($_d3h$f4XO/$d3$XE$f4^O/$d3$^E$SAnti-lock must not be fitted to vehicle 12 when anti-lock is not fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 12 must be tested.2v{HJLN lor@L , False~( oJd3hW1 ;\;\       A;\  A ;\ ;G  ;\;\;\+;\1(f4"E/$Ad3$"E$f4@E/$Ad3$@E$f4JE/$d3$JE$ֹ/$~($KZEd3Kh$乓/$~($Ed3h$f4XE/$d3$XE$f4^E/$d3$^E$KAnti-lock must be fitted to vehicle 12 when anti-lock is fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 12 must be tested.2v{GIKM lor@L , False~( Ad3hW,1 ;\0;\       A;\  A;\ ;\X  ;\;\;\;\+;\1(f4>oAd3-Eg.f4:>oAd3-:Eg.f4J>od3-JEg.~(-z^od3zhg.ĺ~(-od3&hg.f4X>od3-XEg.f4^>od3-^Eg.zVariable proportioning system must not be fitted to vehicle 9 when variable proportioning system is not fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 9 must be tested.2mxPRTV oru@L , False~( d3hW$1 ;\;\       A  A;\ ;\X  ;\;\;\;\+;\1(f4J=/$Ad3$E$f4:J=/$Ad3$:E$f4JJ=/$d3$JE$P/$~($r=d3rh$^/$~($=d3(h$f4XJ=/$d3$XE$f4^J=/$d3$^E$rVariable proportioning system must be fitted to vehicle 9 when variable proportioning system is fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 9 must be tested.2mxOQSU oru@L , false~( d3hW.1 ;\x;\       A;\  A,;\ ;\X  ;\;\x;\P;\+;\1(f47Ad3-Eg.f4<7Ad3-<Eg.f4J7d3-JEg.b~(-{od3{hg.~(-&od30hg.f4X7d3-XEg.f4^7d3-^Eg.{Variable proportioning system must not be fitted to vehicle 10 when variable proportioning system is not fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 10 must be tested.2pyPRTV lru@L ,f4_d3 EW&1 ;\;\       A;\  A;\ ;\X  ;\`;\L;\X;\+;\1(f4/$Ad3$E$f4</$Ad3$<E$f4J/$d3$JE$/$~($s"d3sh$/$~($7d32h$f4X/$d3$XE$f4^/$d3$^E$sVariable proportioning system must be fitted to vehicle 10 when variable proportioning system is fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 10 must be tested.2pyOQSU lru@L , False~( d3hW.1 ;\x;\       A;\  A;\ ;\X  ;\|;\h;\@;\+;\1(f4 nO1Ad3- Eg.f4>nO1Ad3->Eg.f4JnO1d3-JEg.~(-{O1d3{hg.~(-O1d30hg.f4XnO1d3-XEg.f4^nO1d3-^Eg.{Variable proportioning system must not be fitted to vehicle 11 when variable proportioning system is not fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 11 must be tested.2szPRTV lou@L , False~( *d3hW&1 ;\;\       A;\  A D;' X  $;\;\;\+;\1(f4 /$Ad3$ E$f4>/$Ad3$>E$f4J/$d3$JE$4/$~($sd3sh$B/$~($d32h$f4X/$d3$XE$f4^/$d3$^E$sVariable proportioning system must be fitted to vehicle 11 when variable proportioning system is fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 11 must be tested.2szOQSU lou@L , False~( d3hW,1 ;\x;\       A;\  A;\ ;\X  l;\D;\0;\+?+;\1(f4"Nw^Ad3-"Eg.f4@Nw^Ad3-@Eg.f4JNw^d3-JEg.~(-zw^d3zhg."~(-w^d3.hg.f4XNw^d3-XEg.f4^Nw^d3-^Eg.zVariable proportioning system must not be fitted to vehicle 8 when variable proportioning system is not fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 8 must be tested.2v{PRTV lor@L , False~( d3hW&1 ;\d;\       A;\  A;\ X  \;\4;\ ;\+;\1(f4">D/$Ad3$"E$f4@>D/$Ad3$@E$f4J>D/$d3$JE$/$~($snDd3sh$X/$~($Dd32h$f4X>D/$d3$XE$f4^>D/$d3$^E$sVariable proportioning system must be fitted to vehicle 12 when variable proportioning system is fitted to vehicle , or vehicle 12 must be tested.2v{OQSU lor@ C@ p;\       A;\;\ ;\       A;\h;\;\T;\  ,;\ ;\  ;\p4;\=;\CN ~(-G @TxL T w% > @TxLf4G<d3-Eg.1~(-U @TxLf4fG<cd3-fEg. 2e~(-~;d3hg.2e~(-cV;d3cNhg.f4tG<cd3-tEg.f4zG<d3-zEg.f4G<d3-Eg.UThe minimum wheelbase for vehicle number 9 must be within the range 1000 to 10000 mm.Minimum wheelbase for vehicle c must not exceed the minimum wheelbase for vehicle 9 by more than 15%, or vehicle 9 must be tested.8mx@C@ ;\       A;\ h       A;\l;\;\X;\  0;\ ;\ ;\ ;\p4x;\=;\CN X~pDXXX ;X~~D0 T X~~D0~8HX8~zD oll2y8~pDXRRyy vzL~pDXvzvz zP~pDX"zz X~~D0~8HfX~zD3z2{~pDX{{2{~pDXeSe{{~8HtX~zD:nk~8HzX8~zD=~8HXh~zDARThe minimum wheelbase for vehicle number 10 must be within range 1000 to 10000 mm.Minimum wheelbase for vehicle e must not exceed the minimum wheelbase for vehicle 10 by more than 15%, or vehicle 10 must be tested.9py@#C;\@ ;\       A;\*        A*;\;\p*  ;\ p;\ H;\ ;\p4 ;\=5GCN ~(-%d3hg. ;w%F ~ @TxL T w%F ~ @TxLf4> d3-Eg.2~(-VZ$d3Vhg. ~(-Jo%d3hg. ~(-bo%d3&hg. w%F ~ @TxLf4f> cd3-fEg.2e~(-no%d3hg.2e~(-eo%d3eWhg.f4t> cd3-tEg.f4z> d3-zEg.f4> d3-Eg.VThe minimum wheelbase for vehicle number 11 must be within the range 1000 to 10000 mm.Minimum wheelbase for vehicle e must not exceed the minimum wheelbase for vehicle 11 by more than 15%, or vehicle 11 must be tested.:sz@C@ ;\       A;\ p;\       A;\h;\;\T;\  ,;\ ;\ ;\ ;\p4;\=;\CN Y~pDYYY ;~Y~~D0 T ~Y~~D0~8HY8~zD olL3ޢ8~pDYRRޢ ޢL~pDYޢ rޢP~pDY"rޢr ~Y~~D0~8HfY~zD3Z3ߢ~pDYߢh3ݢ~pDYeSeݢ~8HtY~zD:nk~8HzY8~zD=~8HYh~zDARThe minimum wheelbase for vehicle number 12 must be within range 1000 to 10000 mm.Minimum wheelbase for vehicle e must not exceed the minimum wheelbase for vehicle 12 by more than 15%, or vehicle 12 must be tested.;v{@L , False~( Ad3hWL , False~( Ad3hWP ;\;\f4A_d3 EWf4A_d3 EW4_~( |Ad3|hWf4A_d3 EW|If suspension configuration is not the same as the tested vehicle an explanation must be entered at the bottom of this page.AL , false~( Id3hWL , false~( ngBd3hWP ;\X1f4I_d3 EWf4I_d3 EW5_~( |RId3|hWf4I_d3 EW|If suspension configuration is not the same as the tested vehicle an explanation must be entered at the bottom of this page.CL , False~( ngBd3hWL , False~( Bd3hWP ;\H;\f4B_d3 EWf4B_d3 EW7_~( |Bd3|hWf4B_d3 EW|If suspension configuration is not the same as the tested vehicle an explanation must be entered at the bottom of this page.EL , False~( Bd3hWL , False~( ^Bd3hWP |;\f4B_d3 EWf4B_d3 EW68_~( |NBd3|hWf4B_d3 EW|If suspension configuration is not the same as the tested vehicle an explanation must be entered at the bottom of this page.G;\, ;\ h x;\  ;\  ;\ ;\ T;\ ;\ _K~( BBd3hWf4B_d3 EWf4B_d3 EWf4B_d3 EW _~( Bd3hW lnm)(H ;\ ;\ H;\@ ;\ |;\ |  `;\       A;\ ;\       A ;\;\\ ;\  ;\ ;\, ;\3;\9 ;\A ;\H   % ;TwMP T TwMP x   TwMP x   $lnm8x(H ;\ d;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ | .` ;\       A;\;\ ;\       A;\4 ;\s  ;\ ;\,;\3;\9 ;\Ap;\H  ۢ~pDBۢ %ۢ~pDBۢ ;$S1~ T $S1~ xۢ~pDBۢ ٢~pDB٢ @٢~pDB>@٢@ $S1~ x ڢ~pDB ڢ  .ڢ~pDB.ڢ. <ڢ~pDB<ڢ< Jڢ~pDBJڢJ$oqp9y(H ;\ ;\ H;\@ ;\ |;\ |  `;\       A 0;\       A;\4|;\;\\h;\  ;\ ;\,,;\3;\9 ;\Ak H   % ;TwbGP T TwbGP x   TwbGP x   $rts:z(H ;\ d;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ | T ;\      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;\ ;\T;\h;\| ;\;\, <|~pDȤ>J  ;\ ;\ 8 ;\T;\;\| , <>|~pDL8>>;\;\@ 1;\ $;\ī  _~( vAd3hWf4A_d3 EWX_~( XAd3XhWf4"A_d3 "EWf_~( XBAd3XhWXThe unique braking system identification must be the same system as full test vehicle 1.XThe unique braking system identification must be the same system as full test vehicle 2. lo  ;\ ;\ 8 ;\Td;\;\| , <|~pDf;_ ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\T;\h;\| $;\;\, <P|~pD >PPK  ;\ ;\ 8 ;\T;\| , <|~pD8;\;\@ ;\;\ ;\ _~( Ad3hWf4A_d3 EW_~( XAd3XhWf4A_d3 EWXThe unique braking system identification must be the same system as full test vehicle 1.l  ;\ ;\ 8 ;\T;\;\| , <|~pD֤;` ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\T;\h;\|8;\;\, <>|~pD>>>L ;\ ,;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ | ;\;\  %   lnm| ;\ ;\ ;\@ ;\ (;\ ;\| 01 ;\ 4;\;\  %  oqp ;\ ,;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ | 0;\;\  %   rts ;\ ;\ ;\@ ;\  | 0;\;\;\  %   uwvP @ ;\       A;\ ,       A;\;\ h;\%       A;\p;\ ;\7 ;\ x;\ P;\A;\J (;\P   yZ yZBJbTRT  yZBJTRbpBJTRBJTRXThe maximum laden vehicle speed is usually within the range 50 to 220 km/h. Please check/If the maximum laden vehicle speed for vehicle is less than the maximum laden vehicle speed for vehicle 9, then the fade test intervals must be decreased, or vehicle 9 must be tested.Imx-"@P @ ;\       A;\ P       A;\;\ t;\%       A;\p;\ d;\7 <;\ (;\ ;\A;\J ;\P   yZ yZB:dTR  yZB:TRB:TRB:TRXThe maximum laden vehicle speed is usually within the range 50 to 220 km/h. Please check/If the maximum laden vehicle speed for vehicle is less than the maximum laden vehicle speed for vehicle 10, then the fade test intervals must be decreased, or vehicle 10 must be tested.Jpy-"@P @ ;\       A;\ H       A;\;\ t;\%       A;\p;\ ;\7 ;\  ;\A;\J h;\P   yZ yZBdTRB  yZBTRP^BTRBTRXThe maximum laden vehicle speed is usually within the range 50 to 220 km/h. Please check/If the maximum laden vehicle speed for vehicle is less than the maximum laden vehicle speed for vehicle 11, then the fade test intervals must be decreased, or vehicle 11 must be tested.Ksz-"@P @ ;\       A;\;\        A;\;\ \;\%       A;\p 7  ;\ ;\ ;\A;\J ;\P   yZ yZBdTR  yZBTRBTRBTRXThe maximum laden vehicle speed is usually within the range 50 to 220 km/h. Please check/If the maximum laden vehicle speed for vehicle is less than the maximum laden vehicle speed for vehicle 12, then the fade test intervals must be decreased, or vehicle 12 must be tested.Lv{-"@Z ;\ H;\ l;\;\@ D;\ 0;\ ;\|   `;\       A;\;\ t;\       A;\\;\p ;\%       A;\;\$ ;\7  ;\L:;\A ;\F;\tS;\Z   %  TwSP TwSP %  TwSP %  $lnmIx-"Z ;\ H;\ H;\;\@ ;\ ;\ # (;\ ;\ ;\;\  ;\       A;\;\ X;\       A\;\p l;\%       A;\$ L;\7  ;\L:x;\A d;\F;\tSP;\Z   %  TwP TwP %  TwP %  $oqpJy-"Z ;\ H;\ ;\;\@ ;\ ;\ ;\|  ;\  ;\       A;\;\ <;\       A;\\;\p ;\%       A;\$ ;\7  L:t;\A ;\F;\tS;\Z   %  Tw:P Tw:P %  Tw:P %  $rtsKz-"Z ;\ H;\ ;\;\@ X;\ D;\ ;\|  ;\         A;\;\ ;\       A;\\;\p $;\%       A;\;\$ p;\7  ;\L:H;\A 4;\F;\tS ;\Z   %  Twb\P Twb\P %  Twb\P %  $uwvL{-"& _& `*&|d;\ :( ;\T ;\ :  0;\      CD;\ ;\;\X;\& $~(7%Gd3h$ <$~(7%Gd3h$f4<~G$d37%<E$$~(7%ZGd3Zh$f4B~G$d37%BE$f4H~G$d37%HE$ZVariant descriptions would normally be unique. Please enter a unique variant description.aoqpbc@*&|(;\ @ T ;\ ;\h        Ct;\ ;\;\X;\& $~(7%Cd3h$ <$~(7%NCd3h$f4<C$d37%<E$h$~(7%ZCd3Zh$f4BC$d37%BE$f4HC$d37%HE$ZVariant descriptions would normally be unique. Please enter a unique variant description.brtsac@*&|;\ @ T ;\ ;\h        C\;\ ;\;\X& $~(7%6Gd3h$ <$~(7%Gd3h$f4<G$d37%<E$$~(7%ZrGd3Zh$f4BG$d37%BE$f4HG$d37%HE$ZVariant descriptions would normally be unique. Please enter a unique variant description.cuwvab@* ;\ ;\ \;\@ ;\ ;\ # @;\ ;\      C;\ ;\X(;\;\;\#;\*  % < %   lnmabc* ;\ t;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |        C0;\ ;\X;\;\#<;\*  % < %   oqpabc* ;\ t;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |        Cx;\ ;\XP;\;\;\#(;\*  % < %   rtsbac* ;\ t;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |        C;\ ;\X;\;\;\#p;\*  % < %   uwvcab|* ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\h p;\\;\  (;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\;\;\;\D ;\  ;\X ;\ ;\;\" t;\* BB>LR xBB LRBB&LRBB.LR   %  mlnx|* ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\h |;\   ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\;\;\;\D ;\  ;\X ;\ (;\" ;\* Bj?LR xBj LRBj&LRBj.LR   %  poqya|* ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\h |;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\;\\;\;\D 4;\  ;\X ;\ $" ;\* BX?LR xBX LRBX&LRBX.LR   %  srtzb|* ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\h x;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\;\\;\;\D 4;\  ;\X ;\ ;\D;\" * Bb?LR xBb LRBb&LRBb.LR   %  vuw{cL , False~( 2wBd3hWL , False~( nwBd3hW{ x  , @;\2 f4fwB_d3 EWf4fwB_d3 EW*o_~( 7>wBd37hWf4fwB_d3 EW7At least one vehicle must be fully or partially tested.mL , False~( wBd3hWL , False~( wBd3hWL , False~( wBd3hW{ x  , ;\|;\ f42wB_d3 EWf42wB_d3 EWp_~( 7zwBd37hWf42wB_d3 EW7At least one vehicle must be fully or partially tested.pL , False~( fwBd3hWL , False~( wBd3hWL , False~( JwBd3hW{ x  ,  f4zwB_d3 EWf4zwB_d3 EWq_~( 7wBd37hWf4zwB_d3 EW7At least one vehicle must be fully or partially tested.sL , False~( wBd3hWL , False~( wBd3hWL , False~( 6wBd3hW{ x  , ;\;\ f4fwB_d3 EWf4fwB_d3 EWFĕ_~( 7wBd37hWf4fwB_d3 EW7At least one vehicle must be fully or partially tested.vL , False~( wBd3hWN (;\;\h P;\ ;\  ;\ ;\t;\ 0 ;\;\D ;\ ;\l ;\   ;\ ;\;\    ;\;\  ;\ ;\;\  ;\ ;\4;\ ;\\ ;\;\p ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\;\ X;\ ;\D;\ ;\$ ;\ > A;\?   ;\E;\L;\V;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ @;\ ;\(;\   ;\d;\   ;\;\  ;\P;\ ;\ ;\ ;\T!;\ ;\";\ ;\#`;\ ;\$$;\ ;\D%;\ E C;\FD;\;\;\ H;\T;\ [ ;\ K~(Jvd3hKf4 vKwd3J EK B@4N:WL 4N:WLf4vK?d3JEKlŕKA~(JD"vd3DhK T@4N:WLf4&vK?d3J&EKzŕKA~(JN^vd3NhKf4vK?d3JEKf4vK?d3JEKŕKA~(J+vd3+hK K~(Jvd3;hK K~(Jvd3hK K~(J2vd3hK K~(JZwd3+hK K~(Jwd3{hK K~(JOwd3hK K~(Jwd3hK K~(Jwd3khK K~(J7d3hK K~(JzG@d3hK K~(JRG@d3dhKf4NvK?d3JNEKŕKA~(JG7?d3GhK 4N:WLf4\vK?d3J\EKŕKA~(JXd3X} hKf4bvK?d3JbEKf4jvKed3JjEKf4rvKd3JrEKDVehicle number of the test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.NThe representive test vehicle for Vehicle Number 9 can not be Vehicle Number 9+Representative test vehicle must be tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.XDocument reference would normally be greater than 2 characters in length. Please check.%Jxm   lnoqrtuwUVWQyz{@N ;\;\;\h P;\ $;\ ;\ d;\ ;\P;\ ;\0 (;\;\D ;\ ;\l;\   ;\ ;\;\   ;\ ,;\  ;\   x;\ ;\4d;\ ;\\ <;\;\p ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\$ t;\ > A`;\?   ;\E;\Ll;\V;\ D;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\(;\   ;\d|;\   ;\@;\  ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\T!;\ ;\"P;\ ;\#;\ ;\$;\ ;\D%;\ E C;\FD;\;\;\ ;\T;\ [;\;\H K~(Jvd3hKf4 RKwd3J EK B@42 j :WL 42 j :WLf4RK?d3JEKŕKA~(JDd3DhK 42 j :WLf4&RK?d3J&EKƕKA~(JPd3PhKf4RK?d3JEKf4RK?d3JEKƕKA~(J+2d3+hK K~(Jd3FhK K~(Jd3hK K~(Jd3hK K~(J^d36hK K~(Jd3hK K~(Jd3hK K~(JBd3&hK K~(Jrd3vhK K~(Jd3hK K~(Jd3hK K~(J&d3lhKf4NRK?d3JNEK"ƕKA~(JG>d3GhK 42 j :WLf4\RK?d3J\EK0ƕKA~(JXbd3X hKf4bRK?d3JbEKf4jRKed3JjEKf4rRKd3JrEKDVehicle number of the test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.PThe representive test vehicle for Vehicle Number 10 can not be Vehicle Number 10+Representative test vehicle must be tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.XDocument reference would normally be greater than 2 characters in length. Please check.%Jyp   lnoqrtuwUVWxQz{@N ;\;\h 8;\ ;\  ;\ ;\;\ ;\0 ;\;\D \;\ ;\lH;\   ;\ ;\;\    ;\T;\  ;\ ,;\;\  ;\ ;\4;\ ;\\ ;\;\p ;\ ;\;\ ;\ d;\;\ <;\ ;\(;\ ;\$ ;\ > A;\?   ;\E;\L;\V;\ t;\ ;\ ;\  ;\(;\   ;\dh;\   ;\,;\  ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\T!x;\ ;\"<;\ ;\#;\ ;\$;\ ;\D%;\ E Ct;\FD;\;\;\ ;\T;\ [;\;\H K~(Jd3hKf4 jgKwd3J EK B@4R:WL 4R:WLf4jgK?d3JEKƕKA~(JDd3DhK 4R:WLf4&jgK?d3J&EKƕKA~(JPυd3PhKf4jgK?d3JEKf4jgK?d3JEKƕKA~(J+υd3+hK K~(Jυd3FhK K~(Jυd3hK K~(Jd3hK K~(J d36hK K~(J/d3hK K~(JN?d3hK K~(JGd3&hK K~(JGd3vhK K~(JGd3hK K~(JrGd3hK K~(J.Od3lhKf4NjgK?d3JNEKƕKA~(JGWd3GhK 4R:WLf4\jgK?d3J\EKƕKA~(JX&_d3X hKf4bjgK?d3JbEKf4jjgKed3JjEKf4rjgKd3JrEKDVehicle number of the test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.PThe representive test vehicle for Vehicle Number 11 can not be Vehicle Number 11+Representative test vehicle must be tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.XDocument reference would normally be greater than 2 characters in length. Please check.%Jzs   lnoqrtuwUVWxyQ{@N 8;\h ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\0 t;\;\D L;\ ;\l8;\   ;\ ;\   ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\;\  ;\ ;\4 ;\ ;\\ l;\;\p D;\ ;\ 0;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\$ ;\ > A ;\?   ;\E;\L;\V;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\(<;\   ;\d;\   ;\;\  ;\;\ ;\ L;\ ;\T!;\ ;\";\ ;\#;\ ;\$\;\ ;\D% ;\ E C ;\FD;\ d;\T;\ [<;\;\H K~(J׋d3hKf4 jNjKwd3J EK B@42:WL 42:WLf4jNjK?d3JEKǕKA~(JDd3DhK 42:WLf4&jNjK?d3J&EKǕKA~(JPz'd3PhKf4jNjK?d3JEKf4jNjK?d3JEK,ǕKA~(J+?d3+hK K~(J?d3FhK K~(J?d3hK K~(JOd3hK K~(JOd36hK K~(J_d3hK K~(Jd3hK K~(Jd3&hK K~(Jd3vhK K~(JOd3hK K~(J6d3hK K~(J"d3lhKf4NjNjK?d3JNEK:ǕKA~(JGGd3GhK 42:WLf4\jNjK?d3J\EKHǕKA~(JXjgd3X hKf4bjNjK?d3JbEKf4jjNjKed3JjEKf4rjNjKd3JrEKDVehicle number of the test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.PThe representive test vehicle for Vehicle Number 12 can not be Vehicle Number 12+Representative test vehicle must be tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.XDocument reference would normally be greater than 2 characters in length. Please check.%J{v   lnoqrtuwUVWxyzQ@ BN  ;\ 8;\@ ;\ ;\ ;\| ;\;\ P;\ |;\;\0 H;\ ;\X4;\  ;\ ;\`|   ;\ d;\   ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\ |;\ ;\H ;\`| |;\ (;\ c$ ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\;\$ ;\ ;\L;\ ;\t ;\ > Ap;\? B;\G;\O;\ ;\ \;\  4;\ ;\<    ;\x   ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ D;\ ;\, ;\!;\h ;\";\ ;\#;\ T;\$;\ ;\%;\X ;\&;\ E C;\FD;\x;\;\P;\O;\U;\ ;\;\;\HF  % B@TwKP TwKP x T@TwKP x  x            x TwKP %   &Llnmx   oqrtuwUVWQyz{ BN ;\ ^ ;\;\@ ;\ ;\ ;\| ;\;\ ;\ |;\;\0 H;\ ;\X4;\  ;\ ;\`|   l;\ 0;\   ;\ ;\;\ @;\ ;\ ,;\ ;\H ;\;\\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\;\ x;\ ;\d;\ ;\ <;\;\$ ;\ ;\L;\ ;\t ;\ > A;\? ;\B;\G;\O;\ ;\ `;\  8;\ ;\<   \ x   $;\ `| x ;\ ;\ ;\, ;\!;\h ;\";\ h;\#;\ ,;\$;\ ;\%;\X ;\&;\ E C;\FDl;\X;\;\0;\O;\U;\ ;\;\;\HF  % B@TwP TwP x TwP x  x            x TwP %   &Loqpy   lnrtuwUVWxQz{ BN ;\ <;\ ;\@ ;\    L;\ ;\ ;\;\0 D;\ ;\X0;\  ;\ ;\;\   ;\ ;\;\   ;\ ;\;\ |;\ ;\ h;\ ;\H @;\;\\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\ \;\ ;\H;\ ;\  ;\;\$ ;\ ;\L;\ ;\t ;\ > A;\? ;\B;\GO;\ ;\ x;\  ;\ ;\<   ;\ ;\x   p;\ ;\ 4;\ ;\ ;\ ;\, ;\!;\h ;\";\ D;\#;\ ;\$;\ ;\%;\X ;\&;\ E C;\FD@;\,;\;\;\O;\U;\ ;\;\;\HF  % B@TwP TwP x TwP x  x            x TwP %   &Lrtsz   lnoquwUVWxyQ{ BN ;\ ;\ ;\@ ;\ ;\ ;\| X;\;\ 0;\ 0;\;\0 ;\ ;\X ;\  ;\ t;\;\   L;\ ;\8;\   ;\ ;\`| \;\ ;\ H;\ ;\H ;\;\\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ X;\;\$ 0;\ ;\L ;\ ;\t ;\ > A;\? ;\B;\G;\O;\ ;\ |;\  T;\ ;\<   ;\ ;\x   ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\, h;\!;\h ,;\";\ ;\#;\ |;\$;\ @;\%;\X ;\&;\ E C;\FD;\;\;\O`;\U;\ L;\8;\;\HF  % B@Tw:P Tw:P x Tw:P x  x            x Tw:P %   &Luwv{   lnoqrtUVWxyzQ;\, ;\ h x;\ ;\ P;\  4;\ ;\ ;\ B;\ _K~( 2Bd3hWf4B_d3 EWf4B_d3 EWf4B_d3 EW _~( Bd3hW aoqp) ;\@l;\0;\ ;\ _~( "Bd3hW _~( RBd38hWf4B_d3 EW˕_~( 6vBd36hWf4B_d3 EWf4"B_d3 "EW6Vehicle category must be the same as vehicle number 1.H;\, ,;\ ;\h B ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\;\ _K~( Bd3hWf4B_d3 EWf4B_d3 EWf4B_d3 EW _~( Bd3hW brts) ;\@aCel;\ ;\ _~( Bd3hW _~( Bd38hWf4rB_d3 EW*_~( 6Bd36hWf4rB_d3 EWf4"rB_d3 "EW6Vehicle category must be the same as other vehicle(s).H;\, 4;\ ;\h ;\  T;\  ;\ @;\ ;\;\ ;\ _K~( Bd3hWf4nB_d3 EWf4nB_d3 EWf4nB_d3 EW _~( Bd3hW cuwv) ;\@aCel(;\ B0 _~( RBd3hW _~( jBd38hWf4"B_d3 EW_~( 6Bd36hWf4"B_d3 EWf4""B_d3 "EW6Vehicle category must be the same as other vehicle(s).H< ;\2 B~(Z1d3h) Docume_Reference1d33h) Docume_Reference1d3Mh)+ ;\ @;\ ;\ T t ;\  l;\ X;\  ;\  ;\     t;\>`;\ ;\l$;\;\$;\+  %  m p svACEGP 67 ,;\@;\, <_~( ?Ad3hW ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\Th;\|8;\;\, <_|~pDJ?_0  ;\ $;\ ;\ T;\h;\| ;\;\, <_|~pD6_   ;\ ;\ 8;\ T;\h;\| ;\;\, <n_|~pD6n_n(  ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\T;\h;\|;\;\, <_|~pD,7_! ;\ $;\  ;\T;\h;\|;\;\, <L|~pD7LL) ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\Th;\|x;\;\, <L|~pD@LL1 ;\ $;\ P;\ T;\h;\| ;\;\, <||~pD?|| ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\T;\h;\| 8;\;\, <_|~pDL7_" ;\ H;\ ;\ ;\T;\h;\|;\;\, <"_|~pDl9"_"* ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\Th;\| ;\;\, <l|~pDl@ll2P ,@\;\, <_~( Ad3hW ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\T;\h;\|8;\;\, <r_|~pD7r_r# ;\ $;\ L;\ ;\Th;\|<;\;\, <o|~pDo7oo+ ;\ $;\ ;\ ;\Th;\|;\;\, <l|~pDl@ll3P ,@;\, <_~( fAd3hW@@ p;\       A;\;\ ;\       A`;\;\  ;\ ;\  ;\4 ;\18:;\@N ~(-7)d3hg. w%*@<L Edw%*@<Lf47)d3-Eg.I~(-Q/1d3Qhg. ~(-v/1d3hg. ~(-/1d3hg. ~(-/1d3 hg.f4`7)cd3-`Eg.Ie~(-k^/1d3khg.Ie~(->G)d3"hg.f4n7)cd3-nEg.f4t7)d3-tEg.f4|7)d3-|Eg.QSmallest wheel vent area must be within the range 0 to 300000 square millimetres.kSmallest wheel vent area of vehicle 9 must be greater than or equal to smallest wheel vent area of vehicle , or vehicle 9 must be @ E ;\ ;\ $;\@ ;\ |;\ |  <;\       A;\;\ ;\       AP;\;\H  (;\ ;\)06 `;\>;\E   % TwQP EdTwQP x    x   $lnmx~ @@ p;\       A;\;\ ;\       A;\;\  ;\ ;\  ;\4 ;\1;\\:;\@N ~(-g8d3hg. w%@<L Edw%@<Lf46wHd3-Eg.J~(-QOd3Qhg. ~(-d3hg. ~(-2d3hg. ~(-d3(hg.f4`6wHcd3-`Eg.Je~(-ld3lhg.Je~(-~Od3)hg.f4n6wHcd3-nEg.f4t6wHd3-tEg.f4|6wHd3-|Eg.QSmallest wheel vent area must be within the range 0 to 300000 square millimetres.lSmallest wheel vent area of vehicle 10 must be greater than or equal to smallest wheel vent area of vehicle , or vehicle 10 must be @@@ p;\       A;\ ;\       AX;\;\  ;\ ;\  ;\4 8;\1;\\:;\@N ~(-/1d3hg. w%r@<L Edw%r@<Lf4v/1d3-Eg.Jv~(-Q>!d3Qhg. ~(-!d3hg. ~(-!d3hg. ~(-!d3@hg.f4`v/1cd3-`Eg.Xve~(-l!d3lhg.fve~(-Jd3)hg.f4nv/1cd3-nEg.f4tv/1d3-tEg.f4|v/1d3-|Eg.QSmallest wheel vent area must be within the range 0 to 300000 square millimetres.lSmallest wheel vent area of vehicle 11 must be greater than or equal to smallest wheel vent area of vehicle , or vehicle 11 must be @@@ ;\       A;\;\        A4;\;\  ;\   ;\4 ;\1;\\:;\@N X~pDJXX .~~\0 Ed.~~\0~8HJ8~zD khv٢8~pDJQQ٢ ۢL~pDJ ۢ \٢P~pDJ\٢\ ڢ~pDJVڢ~8H`J~zD0nkv٢~pDJll٢v֢~pDJ$֢~8HnJ~zD7?<~8HtJ8~zD:^[~8H|Jh~zD>wtQSmallest wheel vent area must be within the range 0 to 300000 square millimetres.lSmallest wheel vent area of vehicle 12 must be greater than or equal to smallest wheel vent area of vehicle , or vehicle 12 must be tested.v{~ @ E ;\ ;\ ,;\@ ;\ |;\ |  D;\       A;\;\ H;\       A;\;\H  t;\ `;\);\0L;\6 8;\>;\E   % TwV\P EdTwV\P x    x   $oqpy~  E ;\ ;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ | $;\;\ (;\       A;\;\ ;\       A ;\;\H   ;\);\0;\6 l;\>;\E   % Tw.P EdTw.P x    x   $rtsz~  E ;\ d;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |  ;\       A;\ ;\       AUH   ;\ )06 ;\>;\E   % TwP EdTwP x    x   $uwv{~ LR4       A;\ ;\       Ax;\ ;\%;\;\;\ ;\;\  ;\    ;\\d;\ P;\;\(;\ ;\ ;\;\;\;\L;\R ~(-d3hg. ~(-Rd3hg. ~(-d3hg. ~(-d3hg.f4Rd3-REg.x~(-hZd3hphg.x~(-d3hg. B@w% @H3L B@w% @H3Lf4rd3-rEg.x~(-2d32Qhg. B@w% @H3L  to ~(-6d3rhg. B@w% @H3L  kg when vehicle category is  . ~(-G?d3hg.f4d3-Eg.f4d3-Eg.hMaximum loaded test mass of vehicle 9 must be less than or equal to maximum loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 9 must be tested.2Maximum loaded test mass must be within the range $ mx ijH@NR4       A;\;\ ;\       AX;\;\ D;\%;\`+?;\ ;\;\  ;\    ;\\;\ ;\;\;\ t;\ `;\L;\$;\;\L;\R ~(-ng:d3hg. ~(-g:d3hg. ~(-R:d3hg. ~(-:d3hg.f4R6g:d3-REg.Ly~(-i6:d3iphg.Zy~(-1d3hg. B@w%@H3L B@w%@H3Lf4r6g:d3-rEg.hy~(-26>d32Thg. B@w%@H3L  to ~(-6=d3uhg. B@w%@H3L  kg when vehicle category is  . ~(-o=d3hg.f46g:d3-Eg.f46g:d3-Eg.iMaximum loaded test mass of vehicle 10 must be less than or equal to maximum loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 10 must be tested.2Maximum loaded test mass must be within the range $!py ij@NR4       A;\ ;\       A;\ \;\%4;\ ;\;\ ;\;\  ;\    ;\\;\ t;\;\L;\ 8;\ $;\;\;\;\L;\R ~(-~Wd3hg. ~(-Wd3hg. ~(-Wd3 hg. ~(-Wd3hg.f4RWd3-REg.8w~(-iWd3ithg.w~(-Wd3hg. B@w%6n@H3L B@w%6n@H3Lf4rWd3-rEg.4x~(-2jWd32Xhg. B@w%6n@H3L  to ~(-Wd3yhg. B@w%6n@H3L  kg when vehicle category is  . ~(-Wd3hg.f4Wd3-Eg.f4Wd3-Eg.iMaximum loaded test mass of vehicle 11 must be less than or equal to maximum loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 11 must be tested.2Maximum loaded test mass must be within the range $"sz ij@NR4       A;\;\ +_       A0;\;\ ;\% (;\ ;\;\ ;\   ;\    ;\\t;\ `;\;\8;\ $;\ ;\;\;\;\L;\R ~(-!d3hg. ~(-!d3hg. ~(-6!d3hg. ~(-!d3hg.f4R!d3-REg.*z~(-i!d3iphg.8z~(-2!d3hg. B@w%R@H3L B@w%R@H3Lf4r!d3-rEg.Fz~(-2F!d32Thg. B@w%R@H3L  to ~(-!d3uhg. B@w%R@H3L  kg when vehicle category is  . ~(-!d3hg.f4!d3-Eg.f4!d3-Eg.iMaximum loaded test mass of vehicle 12 must be less than or equal to maximum loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 12 must be tested.2Maximum loaded test mass must be within the range $#v{ ij@H ;\ D;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |        A<;\X ;\       A0;\;\  ;\%;\HH;\;\p 4;\   ;\  ;\3$9 ;\A,;\H   %    x B@TwwP B@TwwP x  (lnm x ijH ;\ ;\ (;\@ ;\ |;\ |        At;\X ,;\       A<;\;\  (;\%;\H;\;\p ;\   ;\ ;\3;\9 ;\At;\H   %    x B@Twb9P B@Twb9P x  (oqp!y ijH ;\ ;\ (;\@ ;\ |;\ |        At;\X l;\       A@;\;\  ,;\%HP;\;\p <;\   ;\ ;\39 ;\A;\H   %    x B@TwHWP B@TwHWP x  (rts"z ijH ;\ \;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |        A;\X ;\       A0;\;\  ;\%;\H;\;\p ;\   ;\ h;\3;\9 ;\A@;\H   %    x B@TwP B@TwP x  (uwv#{ ijTH;\       A;\ ;\;\       A;\;\ ;\ @';\;\;\;\  ;\ ;\Hp;\ ;\\  \;\   4;\  ;\;\  ;\  ;\  l;\;\$N D;\T    BVTR||  @yZB~TR|  to  @yZ  kg. Please checkBTRBTR_Lightly loaded test mass of vehicle 9 must be greater than lightly loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 9 must be tested.5Lightly loaded test mass is usually within the range $(mx  @d\       A;\ @;\       A(;\ ;\ ;\';\;\;\ ;\;\4 ;\;\H;\\ h;\ ;\T;\  ;\ @;\ ;\ ,;\   ;\ ;\ ;\$;\ ;\ x;\';\tVP;\\    BVTRH}V}  @yZB4TRz  to  @yZ  kg. Please checkBTRBTRlLightly loaded test mass of vehicle 10 must be greater than or equal to lightly loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 10 must be tested.5Lightly loaded test mass is usually within the range $)py !@`\       A;\ (;\       A;\4;\  4;\' ;\;\;\ ;\;\4 ;\;\H;\\ x;\ ;\d;\  ;\ P;\ ;\ <;\  ;\ ;\  ;\$ ;\  ;\ ;\';\tV;\\    BVTR8F  @yZB6TRT  to  @yZ  kg. Please checkBTRBTRlLightly loaded test mass of vehicle 11 must be greater than or equal to lightly loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 11 must be tested.5Lightly loaded test mass is usually within the range "*sz @`\       A;\;\ ;\;\       A;\8;\ ;\ $;\';\;\;\ t;\;\4 L;\;\H;\\ ;\ ;\;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  t;\ `;\;\ 8;\ ;\$$;\ ;\ ;\';\tV;\\    BVTR  @yZB6TRğ  to  @yZ  kg. Please checkBTRBTRlLightly loaded test mass of vehicle 12 must be greater than or equal to lightly loaded test mass of vehicle , or vehicle 12 must be tested.5Lightly loaded test mass is usually within the range "+v{ @FN  ;\  ;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |        A;\D;\X l       A;\ h;\ ;\ T;\',;\;\p;\ ;\;\ ;\  ;\   ;\T;\9;\? ;\G,;\N   %    x  @TwOP %  *lnm(x  V\ ;\ ;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |        A ;\X l;\l       A;\ ;\ ;\ ;\'|;\;\\h;\;\ @;\;\;\;\ ;\;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\$;\A;\8G ;\LOx;\V   %    x  @TwHIP %  *oqp)y !V\ ;\ ;\ |;\@ ;\ |;\ | ;\       A;\X ;\;\l       A;\ ;\ ;\ ;\';\;\\;\;\ ;\;\;\H;\ ;\4;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\$;\A;\8G ;\LO;\V   %    x  @TwzP %  (rts*z lN  ;\ T;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |        A;\D;\X 4;\;\l       A;\  ;\ ;\ ;\';\;\ ;\;\ ;\  l;\   ;\D;\9;\? ;\G;\N   %    x  B@TwVxP TwVxP %  (uwv+{ n@       A;\ ;\       Ax;\ ;\%$;\;\;\ ;\  ;\   ;\ ;\\: |;\@$     BRTRdr ,yZ #FyZBnTRBtbTRB|{TRMinimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 9 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 9 must be tested.EMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.0mx @@       A;\;\ ;\       A;\;\ ;\%;\;\;\   ;\   ;\ ;\\: \;\@$     BPRTRĢҢ ,yZ #FyZBPnTR࢖BPtjTRBP|TRMinimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 10 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 10 must be tested.EMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.1py @@       A;\ ;\       A;\;\ ;\%`;\$;\ ˣ )(   \;\ ;\\: 4;\@$     BRTR4B ,yZ #FyZBnTRPBtjTRB|TRMinimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 11 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 11 must be tested.EMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.2sz @@       A;\;\ ;\       A(;\;\ ;\%;\L;\ ;\  $;\   ;\ ;\\: ;\@$     BڷRTR ,yZ #FyZBڷnTRBڷtjTRBڷ|TRMinimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle 12 must be greater than or equal to minimum section width of tyres offered for vehicle , or vehicle 12 must be tested.EMinimum section width of tyres must be within the range 70 to 600 mm.3v{ @F ;\ ;\ t;\@ ;\ t | <;\       A;\DX l;\       A;\;\  ;\%\;\;\\ 4;\  ;\ H;\1;\7 ;\? ;\F   %    x ,TwyP #FTwyP x  $lnm0x F ;\ ;\ 8;\;\@ ,d   ;\       A;\D;\X ;\       A(;\;\  ;\%D;\;\\ ;\  ;\  ;\1;7 ;\?h;\F   %    x ,TwlP #FTwlP x  $oqp1y F ;\ ;\ H;\@ ;\ !T  ;\       A;\D;\X ;\       A(;\;\  ;\%\;\;\\ 4;\  ;\ ;\1;\7 ;\?;\F   %    x ,TwVjP #FTwVjP x  $rts2z F ;\ 4;\ 0;\;\@ , d;\ ;\|        A;\D;\X l;\       A;\;\  ;\%|;\;\\ D;\  ;\ ;\1;\7 ;\?d;\F   %    x ,Tw. P #FTw. P x  $uwv3{ / ;\ H;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |;\  ;\ c        A ;\;\T;\ @;\(;\/ % x   $lnmxL , False~( OXd3hN. ;\ \;\ @;\ ;\h ;\ ;\| @;\       A;\D;\;\;\%;\.f4uKed3JEKf4DuK?d3JDEKlKA~(Jcud3cKhKf4JuK?d3JJEKf4PuKed3JPEKf4XuKd3JXEKcEither a tested vehicle equipped to tow a trailer must be selected, or this vehicle must be tested."lnmx@L , False~( OXd3hN/ ;\ H;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |;\  ;\ v        A;\;\;\\;\ H;\(;\/ % x   $oqpyL , False~( OXd3hN. ;\ ;\ @ h ;\ ;\| ;\       A;\D;\;\;\%;\.f4Ked3JEKf4DK?d3JDEKKA~(Jcd3cShKf4JK?d3JJEKf4PKed3JPEKf4XKd3JXEKcEither a tested vehicle equipped to tow a trailer must be selected, or this vehicle must be tested."oqpy@L , False~( OXd3hN/ ;\ H;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |;\  ;\ H        A;\;\;\D;\ 8;\(;\/ % x   $rtszL , False~( BOXd3hN. H;\ h;\ ;\@T;\ h ;\ | ;\       A;\D;\;\;\%;\.f4qKed3JEKf4DqK?d3JDEKz KA~(Jcqd3cShKf4JqK?d3JJEKf4PqKed3JPEKf4XqKd3JXEKcEither a tested vehicle equipped to tow a trailer must be selected, or this vehicle must be tested."rtsz@L , False~( :OXd3hN/ ;\ ;\ 4;\@ ;\ |;\ |;\  ;\ d        Ah;\;\;\ ;\(;\/ % x   $uwv{L , False~( Wd3hN. ;\ d;\ @ h ;\ ;\| ;\       A;\Dq ;\%;\.f4vqKed3JEKf4DvqK?d3JDEK"KA~(JcNqd3cShKf4JvqK?d3JJEKf4PvqKed3JPEKf4XvqKd3JXEKcEither a tested vehicle equipped to tow a trailer must be selected, or this vehicle must be tested."uwv{@L , False~( Wd3hNpP ;\ ;\ 8ec ZT  /~(%ZRd3h0f4R/d3%E0"/~(%AfRd3A|h0f4R/d3%E0A***Please be aware that there are THREE pages in this document***& a ZT  B )R0!B R?***Please be aware that there are TWO pages in this document***8Arial Wingdings Helveticaܤ)) ;\ H;\ l;\;\@ D;\ 0;\ ;\|   `;\       A;\;\ t;\       A;\\;\p ;\%       A;\;\$ ;\7  ;\L:;\A ;\F;\tS;\Z   %  TwSP TwSP %  TwSP %  $lnmIx-"Z ;\ H;\ H;\;\@ ;\ ;\ # (;\ ;\ ;\;\  ;\       A;\;\ X;\       A\;\p l;\%       A;\$ L;\7  ;\L:x;\A d;\F;\tSP;\Z   %  TwP TwP %  TwP %  $oqpJy-"Z ;\ H;\ ;\;\@ ;\ ;\ ;\|  ;\  ;\       A;\;\ <;\       A;\\;\p ;\%       A;\$ ;\7  L:t;\A ;\F;\tS;\Z   %  Tw:P Tw:P %  Tw:P %  $rtsKz-"Z ;\ H;\ ;\;\@ X;\ D;\ ;\|  ;\         A;\;\ ;\       A;\\;\p $;\%       A;\;\$ p;\7  ;\L:H;\A 4;\F;\tS ;\Z   %  Twb\P Twb\P %  Twb\P %  $uwvL{-"& _& `*&|d;\ :( ;\T ;\ :  0;\      CD;\ ;\;\X;\& $~(7%Gd3h$ <$~(7%Gd3h$f4<~G$d37%<E$<$~(7%ZGd3Zh$f4B~G$d37%BE$f4H~G$d37%HE$ZVariant descriptions would normally be unique. Please enter a unique variant description.aoqpbc@*&|(;\ @ T ;\ ;\h        Ct;\ ;\;\X;\& $~(7%Cd3h$ <$~(7%NCd3h$f4<C$d37%<E$T<$~(7%ZCd3Zh$f4BC$d37%BE$f4HC$d37%HE$ZVariant descriptions would normally be unique. Please enter a unique variant description.brtsac@*&|;\ @ T ;\ ;\h        C\;\ ;\;\X& $~(7%6Gd3h$ <$~(7%Gd3h$f4<G$d37%<E$<$~(7%ZrGd3Zh$f4BG$d37%BE$f4HG$d37%HE$ZVariant descriptions would normally be unique. Please enter a unique variant description.cuwvab@* ;\ ;\ \;\@ ;\ ;\ # @;\ ;\      C;\ ;\X(;\;\;\#;\*  % < %   lnmabc* ;\ t;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |        C0;\ ;\X;\;\#<;\*  % < %   oqpabc* ;\ t;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |        Cx;\ ;\XP;\;\;\#(;\*  % < %   rtsbac* ;\ t;\ ;\@ ;\ |;\ |        C;\ ;\X;\;\;\#p;\*  % < %   uwvcab|* ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\h p;\\;\  (;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\;\;\;\D ;\  ;\X ;\ ;\;\" t;\* BB>LR xBB LRBB&LRBB.LR   %  mlnx|* ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\h |;\   ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\;\;\;\D ;\  ;\X ;\ (;\" ;\* Bj?LR xBj LRBj&LRBj.LR   %  poqya|* ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\h |;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\;\\;\;\D 4;\  ;\X ;\ $" ;\* BX?LR xBX LRBX&LRBX.LR   %  srtzb|* ;\ ;\ ;\ T ;\h x;\  ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\;\\;\;\D 4;\  ;\X ;\ ;\D;\" * Bb?LR xBb LRBb&LRBb.LR   %  vuw{cL , False~( 2wBd3hWL , False~( nwBd3hW{ x  , @;\2 f4fwB_d3 EWf4fwB_d3 EW8__~( 7>wBd37hWf4fwB_d3 EW7At least one vehicle must be fully or partially tested.mL , False~( wBd3hWL , False~( wBd3hWL , False~( wBd3hW{ x  , ;\|;\ f42wB_d3 EWf42wB_d3 EW`_~( 7zwBd37hWf42wB_d3 EW7At least one vehicle must be fully or partially tested.pL , False~( fwBd3hWL , False~( wBd3hWL , False~( JwBd3hW{ x  ,  f4zwB_d3 EWf4zwB_d3 EW^_~( 7wBd37hWf4zwB_d3 EW7At least one vehicle must be fully or partially tested.sL , False~( wBd3hWL , False~( wBd3hWL , False~( 6wBd3hW{ x  , ;\;\ f4fwB_d3 EWf4fwB_d3 EWb_~( 7wBd37hWf4fwB_d3 EW7At least one vehicle must be fully or partially tested.vL , False~( wBd3hWN (;\;\h P;\ ;\  ;\ ;\t;\ 0 ;\;\D ;\ ;\l ;\   ;\ ;\;\    ;\;\  ;\ ;\;\  ;\ ;\4;\ ;\\ ;\;\p ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\;\ X;\ ;\D;\ ;\$ ;\ > A;\?   ;\E;\L;\V;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ @;\ ;\(;\   ;\d;\   ;\;\  ;\P;\ ;\ ;\ ;\T!;\ ;\";\ ;\#`;\ ;\$$;\ ;\D%;\ E C;\FD;\;\;\ H;\T;\ [ ;\ K~(Jvd3hKf4 vKwd3J EK B@4N:WL 4N:WLf4vK?d3JEKcKA~(JD"vd3DhK T@4N:WLf4&vK?d3J&EKcKA~(JN^vd3NhKf4vK?d3JEKf4vK?d3JEKcKA~(J+vd3+hK K~(Jvd3;hK K~(Jvd3hK K~(J2vd3hK K~(JZwd3+hK K~(Jwd3{hK K~(JOwd3hK K~(Jwd3hK K~(Jwd3khK K~(J7d3hK K~(JzG@d3hK K~(JRG@d3dhKf4NvK?d3JNEKcKA~(JG7?d3GhK 4N:WLf4\vK?d3J\EKdKA~(JXd3X} hKf4bvK?d3JbEKf4jvKed3JjEKf4rvKd3JrEKDVehicle number of the test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.NThe representive test vehicle for Vehicle Number 9 can not be Vehicle Number 9+Representative test vehicle must be tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.XDocument reference would normally be greater than 2 characters in length. Please check.%Jxm   lnoqrtuwUVWQyz{@N ;\;\;\h P;\ $;\ ;\ d;\ ;\P;\ ;\0 (;\;\D ;\ ;\l;\   ;\ ;\;\   ;\ ,;\  ;\   x;\ ;\4d;\ ;\\ <;\;\p ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\$ t;\ > A`;\?   ;\E;\Ll;\V;\ D;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\(;\   ;\d|;\   ;\@;\  ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\T!;\ ;\"P;\ ;\#;\ ;\$;\ ;\D%;\ E C;\FD;\;\;\ ;\T;\ [;\;\H K~(Jvd3hKf4 RKwd3J EK B@42 j :WL 42 j :WLf4RK?d3JEKZdKA~(JDd3DhK 42 j :WLf4&RK?d3J&EKhdKA~(JPd3PhKf4RK?d3JEKf4RK?d3JEKvdKA~(J+2d3+hK K~(Jd3FhK K~(Jd3hK K~(Jd3hK K~(J^d36hK K~(Jd3hK K~(Jd3hK K~(JBd3&hK K~(Jrd3vhK K~(Jd3hK K~(Jd3hK K~(J&d3lhKf4NRK?d3JNEKdKA~(JG>d3GhK 42 j :WLf4\RK?d3J\EKdKA~(JXbd3X hKf4bRK?d3JbEKf4jRKed3JjEKf4rRKd3JrEKDVehicle number of the test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.PThe representive test vehicle for Vehicle Number 10 can not be Vehicle Number 10+Representative test vehicle must be tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.XDocument reference would normally be greater than 2 characters in length. Please check.%Jyp   lnoqrtuwUVWxQz{@N ;\;\h 8;\ ;\  ;\ ;\;\ ;\0 ;\;\D \;\ ;\lH;\   ;\ ;\;\    ;\T;\  ;\ ,;\;\  ;\ ;\4;\ ;\\ ;\;\p ;\ ;\;\ ;\ d;\;\ <;\ ;\(;\ ;\$ ;\ > A;\?   ;\E;\L;\V;\ t;\ ;\ ;\  ;\(;\   ;\dh;\   ;\,;\  ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\T!x;\ ;\"<;\ ;\#;\ ;\$;\ ;\D%;\ E Ct;\FD;\;\;\ ;\T;\ [;\;\H K~(Jd3hKf4 jgKwd3J EK B@4R:WL 4R:WLf4jgK?d3JEKdKA~(JDd3DhK 4R:WLf4&jgK?d3J&EKdKA~(JPυd3PhKf4jgK?d3JEKf4jgK?d3JEKeKA~(J+υd3+hK K~(Jυd3FhK K~(Jυd3hK K~(Jd3hK K~(J d36hK K~(J/d3hK K~(JN?d3hK K~(JGd3&hK K~(JGd3vhK K~(JGd3hK K~(JrGd3hK K~(J.Od3lhKf4NjgK?d3JNEKeKA~(JGWd3GhK 4R:WLf4\jgK?d3J\EKeKA~(JX&_d3X hKf4bjgK?d3JbEKf4jjgKed3JjEKf4rjgKd3JrEKDVehicle number of the test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.PThe representive test vehicle for Vehicle Number 11 can not be Vehicle Number 11+Representative test vehicle must be tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.XDocument reference would normally be greater than 2 characters in length. Please check.%Jzs   lnoqrtuwUVWxyQ{@N 8;\h ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\0 t;\;\D L;\ ;\l8;\   ;\ ;\   ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\ ;\;\  ;\ ;\4 ;\ ;\\ l;\;\p D;\ ;\ 0;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\$ ;\ > A ;\?   ;\E;\L;\V;\ ;\ ;\ ;\  ;\(<;\   ;\d;\   ;\;\  ;\;\ ;\ L;\ ;\T!;\ ;\";\ ;\#;\ ;\$\;\ ;\D% ;\ E C ;\FD;\ d;\T;\ [<;\;\H K~(J׋d3hKf4 jNjKwd3J EK B@42:WL 42:WLf4jNjK?d3JEKbbKA~(JDd3DhK 42:WLf4&jNjK?d3J&EKbKA~(JPz'd3PhKf4jNjK?d3JEKf4jNjK?d3JEK4cKA~(J+?d3+hK K~(J?d3FhK K~(J?d3hK K~(JOd3hK K~(JOd36hK K~(J_d3hK K~(Jd3hK K~(Jd3&hK K~(Jd3vhK K~(JOd3hK K~(J6d3hK K~(J"d3lhKf4NjNjK?d3JNEKBcKA~(JGGd3GhK 42:WLf4\jNjK?d3J\EKcKA~(JXjgd3X hKf4bjNjK?d3JbEKf4jjNjKed3JjEKf4rjNjKd3JrEKDVehicle number of the test vehicle must be within the range 1 to 12.PThe representive test vehicle for Vehicle Number 12 can not be Vehicle Number 12+Representative test vehicle must be tested.GDocument reference must be unique for each tested vehicle on this form.XDocument reference would normally be greater than 2 characters in length. Please check.%J{v   lnoqrtuwUVWxyzQ@ BN  ;\ 8;\@ ;\ ;\ ;\| ;\;\ P;\ |;\;\0 H;\ ;\X4;\  ;\ ;\`|   ;\ d;\   ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\ |;\ ;\H ;\`| |;\ (;\ c$ ;\ ;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\;\$ ;\ ;\L;\ ;\t ;\ > Ap;\? 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 qb  Anti-lock fitted?  qbD "" Yes  qb "# No  qb  !"@'''/' '' ( /@/ Brakin_OtherAffectsYes1  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (p Brakin_Other(s AffectsYes1"#@'''/' '' ( /@/ Brakin_OtherAffectsNo1  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_Other(u AffectsNo1!$'"P#P0@ Title "P#P0 @  33 Check160 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1"PP#P@ Title "PP#P @  33 Check159 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1"Pp#P@ Title "Pp#P @  33 Check158 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1"P#P@ Title "P#P @  33  Check157 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1""@ Yes  qb "#0 No  qb  !"P@'''/' '' ,  /@/ Brakin_OtherAffectsYes2  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (p Brakin_Other(s AffectsYes2"#P@'''/' '' ,  /@/ Brakin_OtherAffectsNo2  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_Other(u AffectsNo2""` Yes  qb "0#P No  qb  !0"p@'''/' '' 0  /@/ Brakin_OtherAffectsYes3  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_Other(s AffectsYes3"0#p@'''/' '' 0  /@/ Brakin_OtherAffectsNo3  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_Other(u AffectsNo3" P"! 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No  qb  @!`@"@'''/' '' 1 /@/ Brakin_VarPropYes4  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_VarPr(}opYes40!`0"@'''/' '' 1 /@/ Brakin_VarPropNo4  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_VarPr(opNo4@'@''0 9   qb  10   qb  11   qb !" 12   qb .2#'00#!#$ #'!#$ # Vehicle Category  qbK @''   80 Model:  P^ @@''   90 Model:  P^ @@''   :0 Model:  P^ #@''   ;0 Model:  P^ p! ?Is the suspension configuration the same as a tested vehicle?   % % d  %,Arial ($Is the suspension configuration the ( same as a tested vehicle?  ! #(If no, provide explanation below.)   qb  p Yes  qb  !@ No  qb  p p@'''/' '' ' @/@/ Brakin_SameSuspYes1  d  d  ! d ,Arial (p Brakin_Same(wSuspYes1 `!`@'''/' '' ' A/@/ Brakin_SameSuspNo1  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_Same(ySuspNo1 `@ Yes  qb  !`0 No  qb  p pP@'''/' '' + B/@/ Brakin_SameSuspYes2  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_Same(wSuspYes2 `!`P@'''/' '' + C/@/ Brakin_SameSuspNo2  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_Same(ySuspNo2 p` Yes  qb  0!`P No  qb  p0 pp@'''/' '' / D/@/ Brakin_SameSuspYes3  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_Same(wSuspYes3 `0!`p@'''/' '' / E/@/ Brakin_SameSuspNo3  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_Same(ySuspNo3 P p! Yes  qb  !`! No  qb  p! p"@'''/' '' 3 F/@/ Brakin_SameSuspYes4  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_Same(wSuspYes4 `!!`"@'''/' '' 3 G/@/ Brakin_SameSuspNo4  d  d  d ,Arial (p Brakin_Same(ySuspNo4!!#'!!# @$$$$ $$  H0 Model:  P^ .2#'00#~$'$@>$B'@@$@$'$@#"p#'@#"p## `#'# `#0@ Title 0 @  33Q Check80 h6 h6 d  h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@p@ Title @p @  33R Check79 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k`@ Title ` @  33S Check78 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@  Title  @  33T Check77 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k!#` SAre there other differences from a tested vehicle affecting test vehicle selection?  @ @ h6 @,Arial (&*Are there other differences from a tested (2)vehicle affecting test vehicle selection? !0@ Title  !0 @  33Y Check156 h6 h6 @ h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k 0P!0@ Title  0P!0 @  33Z Check155 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k `! @ Title  `!  @  33[ Check154 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1 ! @ Title  !  @  33\ Check153 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1#`$ $(If yes, provide explanation below.)   qb  @   Brakin_VarUBSID_h5  @` @   Brakin_MaxVehSpeed_h5   pP @''   0 Model:  P^ P  @   Brakin_UBSID_h8  p! @   Brakin_VarUBSID_h8    @   Brakin_MaxVehSpeed_h8  P @   Brakin_UBSID_h3  p @   Brakin_VarUBSID_h7   @   Brakin_MaxVehSpeed_h7  P @   Brakin_UBSID_h6  p @   Brakin_VarUBSID_h6   @   Brakin_MaxVehSpeed_h6  @''   0 Model:  P^ @@''   0 Model:  P^ @@''   0 Model:  P^ #@''   0 Model:  P^ '@ Title  @  33 Check165 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k @ Title  @  33 Check164 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@@ Title @ @  33 Check163 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1"p#@ Title "p# @  33 Check161 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (nc({k(1' "Maximum laden vehicle speed (km/h)  qb @''   I0 Model:  P^ @@''   J0 Model:  P^ @@''   K0 Model:  P^ #@''   L0 Model:  P^ 0 *Unique braking system (UBS) identification  qb 0@  Title 0 @  33U Check76 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k0`@  Title 0` @  33V Check75 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kP@  Title P @  33W Check73 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@  Title  @  33X Check74 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@''   ]0 Model:  P^ @@''   ^0 Model:  P^ @@''   _0 Model:  P^ #@''   `0 Model:  P^ '  Variant of UBS identification  qb|  @@''   a0 Model:  P^  @@'''' ''  b0 Model:  P^  #@''   c0 Model:  P^  ' P ?Variant description (include manufacturer's code if applicable)    h6 ,Arial (Variant description (+(include manufacturer's code if applicable) @ Title   @'  33d Check72 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k  @ Title   @(  33e Check71 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(7 @@ Title  @ @)  33f Check70 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k "p#@ Title  "p# @*  33g Check69 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@ Title  @+  33h Check68 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k @'0`@ Title 0` @,  33i Check67 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@ '`@ Title ` @-  33j Check66 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k #'@ Title  @.  33k Check64 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k#'#@'''/' '' E l/@/ Brakin_SelectFullTest1  d  d  h6 d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(y FullTest1  @'''/' '' E m/@/ Brakin_SelectTestNA1  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(zTestNA1 @'''/' '' E n/@/ Brakin_SelectPartTest1  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(x PartTest1    Not Tested  qb1 @@'''/' '' F o/@/ Brakin_SelectFullTest2  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(y FullTest2  @@'''/' '' F p/@/ Brakin_SelectTestNA2  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(zTestNA2 @@'''/' '' F q/@/ Brakin_SelectPartTest2  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(x PartTest2@@'''/' '' G r/@/ Brakin_SelectFullTest3  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(y FullTest3 @ @'''/' '' G s/@/ Brakin_SelectTestNA3  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(zTestNA3@ @'''/' '' G t/@/ Brakin_SelectPartTest3  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(x PartTest3"#@'''/' '' H u/@/ Brakin_SelectFullTest4  d  d  ! d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(y FullTest4 " #@'''/' '' H v/@/ Brakin_SelectTestNA4  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(zTestNA4" #@'''/' '' H w/@/ Brakin_SelectPartTest4  d  d  d ,Arial (o Brakin_Select(x PartTest4# #'# #  #'  # ' @ Selected for test ?  qbP   '  0 If selected for test enter the SE 35/01 reference number, otherwise enter the vehicle number from this form for the test vehicle  66  d  ,Arial ()If selected for test enter the SE 35/01 (.reference number, otherwise enter the vehicle (*number from this form for the test vehicle  @''    x0 Model:  P^   @@''    y0 Model:  P^  @ @''    z0 Model:  P^   #@''    {0 Model:  P^  ` `@ Title  ` ` @?  33| Check63 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k ` `@ Title  ` ` @@  33} Check62 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k ` `0@ Title  ` `0 @A  33~ Check53 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k `"P `#@ Title  `"P `# @B  33 Check52 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k`P  Full Test   qb)     Partial Test  qb2   Full Test   qb)   @  Partial Test  qb2   Full Test   qb)   p  Partial Test  qb2 "  Full Test   qb)   "  Partial Test  qb2   P  Not Tested  qb1   p  Not Tested  qb1  P "  Not Tested  qb1 $$#'$$#P# Type a "<" symbol to mirror the value in the cell to the left If a cross is displayed in a cell, place the cursor in that cell and type Control-? to see the error message.  LL3_H 3H_ h6 3_H,Arial (E>Type a "<" symbol to mirror the value in the cell to the left (QmIf a cross is displayed in a cell, place the cursor in that cell and type Control-? to see the error message.@ @   0 Model:  P^ @ @   0 Model:  P^ # @    0 Model:  P^ &1#@'''*p' '' )*q#@Brakin_VarDetail1  P^P %@"@&@#p@! Title %@"@&@#p @G  33 Check152 h6 h6 3_H h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1%& 0Details if any suspension configurations differ:  qb %0% ODetails of variations(s) which may affect braking performance or brake cooling:  qbZ 30 3$  Sheet 3 of 3   qb; '0 Minimum Wheelbase (mm)   qb{ p @   Brakin_SmallWhlVent_h5    @   Brakin_SmallSectWdth_h5  `0P @   Brakin_MLTM_h5  ` @   Brakin_LLTM_h5  P @!` @   Brakin_MLTM_h8  p !@ @   Brakin_LLTM_h8   !0 @   Brakin_SmallSectWdth_h8   0!0 @   Brakin_SmallWhlVent_h8  P @   Brakin_MLTM_h7  ` @   Brakin_LLTM_h7    @   Brakin_SmallSectWdth_h7  @ @   Brakin_SmallWhlVent_h7  P @   Brakin_MLTM_h6  ` @   Brakin_LLTM_h6    @   Brakin_SmallSectWdth_h6  @ @   Brakin_SmallWhlVent_h6   @' '`@''   0 Model:  P^ @@ Title @ @  33 Check105 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1`@@''   0 Model:  P^ `@@''   0 Model:  P^ `#@''   0 Model:  P^ @p@ Title @p @  33 Check96 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kp@ Title p @  33 Check95 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@ Title  @  33 Check94 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@`' @''    0 Model:  P^  @@''   !0 Model:  P^ @ @''   "0 Model:  P^  #@''   #0 Model:  P^ P $Maximum loaded test mass (MLTM) (kg)  qb 0@ Title 0 @  33$ Check93 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@p@ Title @p @  33% Check92 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k`@ Title ` @  33& Check91 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(9@ Title  @  33' Check90 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k @@''   (0 Model:  P^  @@@''   )0 Model:  P^  @@@''   *0 Model:  P^  @#@''   +0 Model:  P^ p0 ` $Lightly loaded test mass (LLTM) (kg)  qb 000@ Title 000 @  33, Check88 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k0@0p@ Title 0@0p @  33- Check87 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k0`0@ Title 0`0 @  33. 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