IDesILaytags:QSE 72/00 Side Impact Protection7200sev'Dynamic Side Impact Occupant Protection2.11Vehicle Safety StandardsDIRDs2.10es}BQr4jT`D e- EDE~:F? <F r~6M sST~DPS0 &,28>DJPV\bhntz6`Submit 6 A[^AT6BINA????bmp6$64*01407130917081482Nj68666p@'@' 4%@XXX@jBXXX@d'<1 `@d( %v 4NZ3Submit s Web6 LookupIDoc6 <LookupIDoc> rLookupIDoc <% Nh  SE 72/00 Rev 2.11  qiS  masterpageent Reference is empty"),IFT (Check17 = 'x',"Document Reference is greater than 12 characters"),IFT (Check3 = '%',"Document date is empty"),IFT (Check3 = 'x',"Document date is incorrect"),IFT (Check18 = 'x',"Identification, Vehicle Make is greater than 30 characters"),IFT (Check19 = 'x',"Identification, Vehicle Model is greater than 30 characters"),IFT (Warning5 = '%',"Identification, Variant / Options is empty"),IFT (Warning6 = '%',"Identification, Engine Serial Number is empty"),IFT (Check20 = '%',"Identification, Vehicle Indentification Number is empty"),IFT (Check20 = 'x',"Identification, Vehicle Identification Number is greater than 17 characters long"),IFT (Check21 = '%',"Identification, Protective System Unique Identification is empty"),IFT (Check21 = 'x',"Identification, Protective System Unique Identification is greater than 30 characters long"),IFT (Warning9 = '%',"Identification, Front Left Seat Belt Part Number is empty"),IFT (Warning11 = '%',"Identification, Front Right Seat Belt Part Number is empty"),IFT (Check22 = 'x',"Identification, Other Major Items of Occupant Protection is too long"),IFT (Warning17 = '%',"Test Results, Test Report Number is empty"),IFT (Check1 = '%',"Test Results, Test Report Date is empty"),IFT (Check1 = 'x',"Test Results, Test Report Date is greater than the document date."),IFT (Check2 = '%',"Test Results, Test Facility Number is empty"),IFT (Check2 = 'x',"Test Results, Test Facility Number is incorrect."),IFT (Check14 = '%',"Test Results, Vehicle RHD has not been answered"),IFT (Check14 = 'x',"Test Results, Vehicle RHD is incorrect."),IFT (Check23 = '%',"Test Results, Test Facility Name is empty"),IFT (Check23 = 'x',"Test Results, Test Facility Name is too long."),IFT (Check24 = '%',"Test Results, Test Facility Address is empty"),IFT (Check24 = 'x',"Test Results, Test Facility Address is too long."),IFT (Check11 = '%',"Alternative, ECE Approval is empty"),IFT (Check11 = 'x',"Alternative, ECE Approval is incorrect."),IFT (Warning15 = '%',"Alternative, Technical Requirements has not been answered"),IFT (Check12 = '%',"Alternative, Thoracic Trauma Index is empty"),IFT (Check12 = 'x',"Alternative, Thoricic Trauma Index is greater than 90g"),IFT (Check13 = '%',"Alternative, Pelvis Peak Lateral Acceleration is empty"),IFT (Check13 = 'x',"Alternative, Pelvis Peak Lateral Accreleration is greater than 90g"),IFT (Warning13 = '%',"Evidence, Test Vehicle Mass is empty or is outside the recommended range"),IFT (Warning19 = '%',"Evidence, Test Dummy Serial Number is empty"),IFT (Check4 = '%',"Evidence, Impact Speed is empty"),IFT (Check4 = 'x',"Evidence, Impact Speed is not within the range 33 to 37 km/h"),IFT (Warning16 = '%',"Evidence, Head Contact has not been answered"),IFT (Check5 = '%',"Evidence, Head Performance Critereon is empty"),IFT (Check6 = 'x',"Evidence, Head Performance Critereon is greater than 1000"),IFT (Check5 = '%',"Evidence, Rib Deflection Critereon is empty"),IFT (Check6 = 'x',"Evidence, Rib Deflection Critereon is greater than 42mm"),IFT (Check7 = '%',"Evidence, Soft Tissue Critereon is empty"),IFT (Check7 = 'x',"Evidence, Soft Tissue Critereon is greater than 1m/s"),IFT (Check8 = '%',"Evidence,Pubic Symphysis Peak Force is empty"),IFT (Check8 = 'x',"Evidence, Rib Deflection Critereon is greater than 6 kN"),IFT (Check9 = '%',"Evidence, Abdominal Peak Force is empty"),IFT (Check9 = 'x',"Evidence, Abdominal Peak Force is greater than 2.5 kN"),IFT (Check10 = '%',"Evidence, Door Open has not been answered"),IFT (Check10 = 'x',"Evidence, Door Open is incorrect"),IFT (Check15 = '%',"Evidence, Open Door For Evacuation has not been answered"),IFT (Check15 = 'x',"Evidence, Open Door For Evacuation is incorrect"),IFT (Check16 = '%',"Evidence, Rate of Fuel Leakage is empty"),IFT (Check16 = 'x',"Evidence, Rate of Fuel Leakage is greater than 30 g/min"))) End  J J 4-Sq J,Arial ( )If Lower (Hide_Status) <> 'received' Then(, ''(8Else(Dl CollapseColumn (MakeColumn (IFT (Check17 = '%',"Document Reference is empty"),IFT (Check17 = 'x',"Document(PyReference is greater than 12 characters"),IFT (Check3 = '%',"Document date is empty"),IFT (Check3 = 'x',"Document date is(\incorrect"),IFT (Check18 = 'x',"Identification, Vehicle Make is greater than 30 characters"),IFT (Check19 = 'x',"Identification,(hVehicle Model is greater than 30 characters"),IFT (Warning5 = '%',"Identification, Variant / Options is empty"),IFT (Warning6 =(tz'%',"Identification, Engine Serial Number is empty"),IFT (Check20 = '%',"Identification, Vehicle Indentification Number is(}empty"),IFT (Check20 = 'x',"Identification, Vehicle Identification Number is greater than 17 characters long"),IFT (Check21 =(}'%',"Identification, Protective System Unique Identification is empty"),IFT (Check21 = 'x',"Identification, Protective System(Unique Identification is greater than 30 characters long"),IFT (Warning9 = '%',"Identification, Front Left Seat Belt Part Number is(~empty"),IFT (Warning11 = '%',"Identification, Front Right Seat Belt Part Number is empty"),IFT (Check22 = 'x',"Identification,(|Other Major Items of Occupant Protection is too long"),IFT (Warning17 = '%',"Test Results, Test Report Number is empty"),IFT(~(Check1 = '%',"Test Results, Test Report Date is empty"),IFT (Check1 = 'x',"Test Results, Test Report Date is greater than the(document date."),IFT (Check2 = '%',"Test Results, Test Facility Number is empty"),IFT (Check2 = 'x',"Test Results, Test Facility(uNumber is incorrect."),IFT (Check14 = '%',"Test Results, Vehicle RHD has not been answered"),IFT (Check14 = 'x',"Test(}Results, Vehicle RHD is incorrect."),IFT (Check23 = '%',"Test Results, Test Facility Name is empty"),IFT (Check23 = 'x',"Test(|Results, Test Facility Name is too long."),IFT (Check24 = '%',"Test Results, Test Facility Address is empty"),IFT (Check24 =('x',"Test Results, Test Facility Address is too long."),IFT (Check11 = '%',"Alternative, ECE Approval is empty"),IFT (Check11 =(u'x',"Alternative, ECE Approval is incorrect."),IFT (Warning15 = '%',"Alternative, Technical Requirements has not been(}answered"),IFT (Check12 = '%',"Alternative, Thoracic Trauma Index is empty"),IFT (Check12 = 'x',"Alternative, Thoricic Trauma(wIndex is greater than 90g"),IFT (Check13 = '%',"Alternative, Pelvis Peak Lateral Acceleration is empty"),IFT (Check13 =((~'x',"Alternative, Pelvis Peak Lateral Accreleration is greater than 90g"),IFT (Warning13 = '%',"Evidence, Test Vehicle Mass is(4sempty or is outside the recommended range"),IFT (Warning19 = '%',"Evidence, Test Dummy Serial Number is empty"),IFT(@{(Check4 = '%',"Evidence, Impact Speed is empty"),IFT (Check4 = 'x',"Evidence, Impact Speed is not within the range 33 to 37(Lmkm/h"),IFT (Warning16 = '%',"Evidence, Head Contact has not been answered"),IFT (Check5 = '%',"Evidence, Head(X{Performance Critereon is empty"),IFT (Check6 = 'x',"Evidence, Head Performance Critereon is greater than 1000"),IFT (Check5(dz= '%',"Evidence, Rib Deflection Critereon is empty"),IFT (Check6 = 'x',"Evidence, Rib Deflection Critereon is greater than(pz42mm"),IFT (Check7 = '%',"Evidence, Soft Tissue Critereon is empty"),IFT (Check7 = 'x',"Evidence, Soft Tissue Critereon is(|vgreater than 1m/s"),IFT (Check8 = '%',"Evidence,Pubic Symphysis Peak Force is empty"),IFT (Check8 = 'x',"Evidence, Rib(vDeflection Critereon is greater than 6 kN"),IFT (Check9 = '%',"Evidence, Abdominal Peak Force is empty"),IFT (Check9 =(q'x',"Evidence, Abdominal Peak Force is greater than 2.5 kN"),IFT (Check10 = '%',"Evidence, Door Open has not been(xanswered"),IFT (Check10 = 'x',"Evidence, Door Open is incorrect"),IFT (Check15 = '%',"Evidence, Open Door For Evacuation({has not been answered"),IFT (Check15 = 'x',"Evidence, Open Door For Evacuation is incorrect"),IFT (Check16 = '%',"Evidence,(oRate of Fuel Leakage is empty"),IFT (Check16 = 'x',"Evidence, Rate of Fuel Leakage is greater than 30 g/min")))(End[5~mlrwxortti~vgm}jpt{mvpytgqw|eut}pq|}sh~fuux̎V~ڪ{̒t]22++-/7*XQ\M8/CB %385H+.)(&;2$&6-3@G5J81]J(e=D'-71GA~HQN-%01'014lx{s~|b{rxq|vM^¸ڨהŅlQvlВx܆P{iynosx厀|v}szxpum~p{vzd}u|uJnxr|uͭs{uwÉ󢏋eR49)481(VK|E%1.(J[J!;4*/x}8 ( (+87g8.NY&ejQg[r0&Q )d*6**?(7C4K=4/@P>E@8S6=)dHL>#:1+0>VudQ29I)A8>64.clrqkg{ # eXeqe1Informed_StartupScriptSaveDoc SaveAsDocHasNoteLang!if (Informed.currentDocument.count(Record) > 0) { Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Check_new_doc").value = 'existing'; Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Trigger").value = true; Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Trigger").value = false; 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The Cookie Monster BDFK COMMTFI.IFMFTEXTdosa PreferencesFKE3The Cookie Monster:Informed:Preferences:COMMTFI.IFM afpm9Yu*The Cookie MonsterThe Cookie Monster Lynne BilstonFKThe Cookie MonsterInformedPreferences COMMTFI.IFMThe Cookie Monster Preferences COMMTFI.IFMTEXTX  FacilityNum TestRe_FacNum TestRe_FacNum ! 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Scope_RPointYDataEntryAdviceDataEntryAdvice_1DataEntryAdvice_2DataEntryAdvice_3TriggerDocume_Reference1 Issue_NumExt Issue_Num Check_new_doc DataAlertHide_Reference Issue_NumberNoteHereFormUs_VehAppv_TestFormUs_VehAppv_ECECheck25CommentsAttached Attached_YestFormUs_VehAppv_ECECheck25CommentsAttached Attached_YesAttachedMessageComments_WarningerDocume_Reference1ManualInspection Issue_NumExt Issue_NumtRe_ECEApp1TestRe_ColEmitLightXTestRe_ColEmitLightYCheck1Check2 MainWarningVehAppv_DataEntryAdviceCRNLamp_DataEntryAdviceTestRe_DataEntryAdviceTestRe_DataEntryAdvice2Check6 DataPresentCheck7 Warning19 Warning20 Warning21 Warning22 Warning23 MainWarning1 MainWarning2 MainWarning3 MainWarning4 MainWarning5 MainWarning6 MainWarning7 MainWarning8 MainWarning9 MainWarning10 MainWarning11 MainWarning12 MainWarning13 MainWarning14 MainWarning15 MainWarning16 MainWarning17 MainWarning18 MainWarning19 MainWarning20 MainWarning21 MainWarning22 MainWarning23 MainWarning24Lumino_InAboveHrz1Lumino_BelowHrz1Lumino_OnRefAxis1Check8Check9Check10TestRe_ColEmitLightX1TestRe_ColEmitLightY1Check11Check12TestRe_DataEntryAdvice3Lumino_InAboveHrz2Lumino_BelowHrz2Lumino_OnRefAxis2Check13Check14Check15TestRe_ColEmitLightX2TestRe_ColEmitLightY2Check16Check17TestRe_DataEntryAdvice4Lumino_InAboveHrz3Lumino_BelowHrz3Lumino_OnRefAxis3Check18Check19Check20TestRe_ColEmitLightX3TestRe_ColEmitLightY3Check21Check22TestRe_DataEntryAdvice5Lumino_InAboveHrz4Lumino_BelowHrz4Lumino_OnRefAxis4Check23Check24Check25TestRe_ColEmitLightX4TestRe_ColEmitLightY4Check26Check27TestRe_DataEntryAdvice6Lumino_InAboveHrz5Lumino_BelowHrz5Lumino_OnRefAxis5Check28Check29Check30TestRe_ColEmitLightX5TestRe_ColEmitLightY5Check31Check32TestRe_DataEntryAdvice7Lumino_InAboveHrz6Lumino_BelowHrz6Lumino_OnRefAxis6Check33Check34Check35TestRe_ColEmitLightX6TestRe_ColEmitLightY6Check36Check37TestRe_DataEntryAdvice8Lumino_InAboveHrz7Lumino_BelowHrz7Lumino_OnRefAxis7Check38Check39Check40TestRe_ColEmitLightX7TestRe_ColEmitLightY7Check41Check42TestRe_DataEntryAdvice9Lumino_InAboveHrz8Lumino_BelowHrz8Lumino_OnRefAxis8Check43Check44Check45TestRe_ColEmitLightX8TestRe_ColEmitLightY8Check46Check47TestRe_DataEntryAdvice10Lumino_InAboveHrz9Lumino_BelowHrz9Lumino_OnRefAxis9Check48Check49Check50TestRe_ColEmitLightX9TestRe_ColEmitLightY9Check51Check52TestRe_DataEntryAdvice11Lumino_InAboveHrz10Lumino_BelowHrz10Lumino_OnRefAxis10Check53Check54Check55TestRe_ColEmitLightX10TestRe_ColEmitLightY10Check56Check57TestRe_DataEntryAdvice12Lumino_InAboveHrz11Lumino_BelowHrz11Lumino_OnRefAxis11Check58Check59Check60TestRe_ColEmitLightX11TestRe_ColEmitLightY11Check61Check62TestRe_DataEntryAdvice13.` 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7:")FacilityAddress FacilityName FacilityNumd<<1@TestRe_FacAddress>>FacilityAddress<<2@TestRe_FacName>>FacilityName<<3@TestRe_FacNum>>FacilityNumBData document lookup into Selected data document is "COMMTFI.IFM".Ccinformedprefs COMMTFI.IFMcprefs COMMTFI.IFMIDocW  +++ FacilityNum TestRe_FacNum TestRe_FacNumf4(5-d3.(+?.f4.5-d3..+?.VLuminous intensity on the reference axis must be  sI3 @3$  Sheet 2 of 2   qi8 P$'p )6. Test Results (Appendix A, UNECE R-95)    qi ` Test Vehicle Mass  qiQ p -Test Dummy Used in Test (EUROSID) Serial No.  >!j !>j h6 >!j,Arial (P+Test Dummy Used in Test (\+(EUROSID) Serial No.  Impact Speed  qi> P kg  qi   km/h  qi ` @'''' '' EvSum_TstVehMass  `p @' ''' ''  EvSum_Dummy   @'!''' ''  EvSum_ImpVel  pp@E Title wpp @3   Check31 h6 h6 >!j h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!3` `" @D Title x` `" @4   Check32 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@F Title y @5   Check4 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k Was there head contact?  qio   )If Yes; Head Performance Criterion (HPC):  qi   @ Rib Deflection Criterion (RDC):  qi   @ Soft Tissue Criterion (VC):  qit  @ "Pubic Symphysis Peak Force (PSPF):  qi ` &Abdominal Peak Force (APF): Internal  qi   @ % [Cl]  33  P@ % [Cl]  33  @ % [Cl]  33 P@ % [Cl]  33`@ % [Cl]  33  "Did any door open during the test?  qi p @'$'' 0' ''  EvSumm_HPC  p Yes  qi  No  qi  `@'"''- ' '' EvSumm_HeadContactY  `@'#''- ' '' EvSumm_HeadContactN  !@G Title ! @2   Check33 h6 h6 ! h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"` #@H Title "` # @2   Check5 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k @p ` @'%'' 0' ''  EvSumm_RDC   P"` P#@I Title  P"` P# @2   Check6 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k @"P mm  qi  p @'&'' 0' ''  EvSumm_VC   "` #@J Title  "` # @2   Check7 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k "@ m/s  qi  p @'''' 0' ''  EvSumm_PSPF   "`#@K Title  "`# @2   Check8 h6 h6 ! h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k @ " kN  qi  `p @'('' 0' ''  EvSumm_APF  p"`p#@L Title p"`p# @2   Check9 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k `" kN  qi  P Yes  qi P No  qi  0@')''- ' '' EvSumm_DoorOpenY  0@'*''- ' '' EvSumm_DoorOpenN  ! @M Title ! @2   Check10 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(kP Yes  qi P No  qi  0p@'+''- ' '' EvSumm_EvacPossibleY  0p@',''- ' '' EvSumm_EvacPossibleN  PP! @N Title PP! @2   Check10 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k` TWas it possible to open a door for evacuation without the use of tools after impact?   8  8 h6  8,Arial (MWas it possible to open a door for evacuation without the use of tools after (*impact?P % [Cl 5.3.1]  33P % [Cl 5.3.2]  33` ` $Rate of fuel leakage after collision  qi  p@ @'-'' 0' '' EvSumm_FuelLeakRate  0"`0#@O Title 0"`0# @2   Check9 h6 h6 ! h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k`  " g/min  qi @#` @C  33PDataEntryAdvice_4   .R?n P @ %[A4 4.3]  33 0 %[A4 3]  33`  % [Cl 5.3.5]  33P @ Thoracic Trauma Index (TTI)  qi p  Pelvis peak lateral acceleration  qi p @'.+'  *@ + Test Date (DD/MM/YYYY)     h6 ,Arial ( Test Date ( (DD/MM/YYYY) !`"@@ Title !`" @D   Check2 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k`p @'/+'  *@ + Test Date (DD/MM/YYYY)     h6 ,Arial ( Test Date ( (DD/MM/YYYY) `!``"@B Title `!``" @D   Check2 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(kp 0 %[S 5.1]  33 ` %[S 5.2]  330 ! g  qi  `! g  qi @#` @X  33PDataEntryAdvice_3   .R?n ` $ @'Z @'     A! Manufacturer's Name  .R?V h  Licensee's Ref  qiA @#'` 7. Test Results (FMVSS 214)    qi 2#'p Comments   qi> 2#@'0''&p' ''  Comments  P002 Title "# @g   Comments_Warning h6 h6 ! h6, Wingdings  (g t(t"s(_( WP002  qA P002&Tn @$ @'Z @'     A! Manufacturer's Name  G&TV 0P Licensee's Ref  qA P002p!p0" g  q !p`" g  q ``# @Y  33PDataEntryAdvice_3   GzUn @$ @'[ @'     A! Manufacturer's Name  GzUV 0P Licensee's Ref  qA P002 @'     A! Manufacturer's Name  <V 0P Licensee's Ref  qA P0020233333 SXr,Arial (e[S 5.1] p %[S 5.2]  33bX Xb SXr333333 bX,Arial (t[S 5.2]!P@" g   ` !Pp" g   ` # @c  33PScope_DataEntryAdvice   X~ Pp` @'e @'     A! Manufacturer's Name  X~T  0P Licensee's Ref  LDBA *Licensee's Ref   WA ee's Ref   VA Title "p # @D   Check2 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(k %[S 5.1]  33v v h6333333 v,Arial ([S 5.1]  %[S 5.2]  33  333333 ,Arial ([S 5.2]"p" g    " " g    p0  ECE Approval   @   ` ;(If tested to FMVSS 214, no further responses are required)       (ue(c(kp  G7Colour of emitted light - CIE trichromatic co-ordinates     !0 GX =    "#0 GY =      !0@'9Y''p' '' qATestRe_ColEmitLightX  2Qi 2iQ h6 2Qi,Arial (D$ TestRe_ColE(P6 mitLightX"0 #P0@'9Z''p' '' qATestRe_ColEmitLightY  2Qi 2iQ 2Qi,Arial (D$ TestRe_ColE(P6 mitLightY'p( ` GD>(Within one-quarter of a degree if Cl. 1(A)Ann3, 1.2.3 is utilised)   #  6  mW Wm 2Qi mW,Arial (a#(Within one-quarter of a degree if (Cl. 1(A)Ann3, 1.2.3(K is utilised)  ! P@9[ ATitle 6  ! P @9\    ACheck1 h6 h6 mW h6, Wingdings  (oe(|c(k"0 #0 P@9\ ATitle 7"0 #0 P @9]    ACheck2 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(kP 0 G>Test Results (Continued)       h6 ,Arial ( Test Results  (Y (Continued ()  P @9]   PATestRe_DataEntryAdvice2   9WwP 0-#'#-@"'$` %0 GLuminous Intensity   9 r $p% ` $G"[ Cl. 1(A) 6.2 , Cl. 1(A) 6.3 ]  =w\ w=\ pj =w\,Arial (O"[ Cl. 1(A) 6.2 , Cl. 1(A) 6.3 ](@*@'9^ '   (P*  AMaximum on or above horizontal   9WwP +,0@'9_ '   + ,0  A Maximum below horizontal   9WwPx &0'P@'9` '  &@'P  AOn reference axis   9WwPO &'0 Gcd   f  ) ) Gcd   f  +P, Gcd   f  &@'@@9a ATitle 8&@'@ @9b   ACheck3 h6 h6 =w\ h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(k() @9b ATitle 9()  @9c   ACheck4 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(k+, @9c ATitle :+,  @9d   ACheck5 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(kp  G7Colour of emitted light - CIE trichromatic co-ordinates     !0 GX =    "#0 GY =      !0@'9d''p' '' qATestRe_ColEmitLightX  2Qi 2iQ h6 2Qi,Arial (D$ TestRe_ColE(P6 mitLightX"0 #P0@'9e''p' '' qATestRe_ColEmitLightY  2Qi 2iQ 2Qi,Arial (D$ TestRe_ColE(P6 mitLightY'p( ` GD>(Within one-quarter of a degree if Cl. 1(A)Ann3, 1.2.3 is utilised)   #  6  mW Wm 2Qi mW,Arial (a#(Within one-quarter of a degree if (Cl. 1(A)Ann3, 1.2.3(K is utilised)  ! P@9f ATitle ;  ! P @9g   ACheck1 h6 h6 mW h6, Wingdings  (oe(|c(k"0 #0 P@9g ATitle <"0 #0 P @9h   ACheck2 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(kP 0 G>Test Results (Continued)       h6 ,Arial ( Test Results  (Y (Continued ()  P @9h  PATestRe_DataEntryAdvice2   9WwP 0-#'#-@"'$` %0 GLuminous Intensity   9 r $p% ` $G"[ Cl. 1(A) 6.2 , Cl. 1(A) 6.3 ]  =w\ w=\  =w\,Arial (O"[ Cl. 1(A) 6.2 , Cl. 1(A) 6.3 ](@*@'9i '  (P*  AMaximum on or above horizontal   9WwP +,0@'9j '  + ,0  A Maximum below horizontal   9WwPx &0'P@'9k '  &@'P  AOn reference axis   9WwPO &'0 Gcd   q  ) ) Gcd   q  +P, Gcd   q  &@'@@9l ATitle =&@'@ @9m   ACheck3 h6 h6 =w\ h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(k() @9m ATitle >()  @9n   ACheck4 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(k+, @9n ATitle ?+,  @9o   ACheck5 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(kp  G7Colour of emitted light - CIE trichromatic co-ordinates     !0 GX =    "#0 GY =      !0@'9o''p' '' qATestRe_ColEmitLightX  2Qi 2iQ h6 2Qi,Arial (D$ TestRe_ColE(P6 mitLightX"0 #P0@'9p''p' '' qATestRe_ColEmitLightY  2Qi 2iQ 2Qi,Arial (D$ TestRe_ColE(P6 mitLightY'p( ` GD>(Within one-quarter of a degree if Cl. 1(A)Ann3, 1.2.3 is utilised)   #  6  mW Wm pj mW,Arial (a#(Within one-quarter of a degree if (Cl. 1(A)Ann3, 1.2.3(K is utilised)  ! P@9q ATitle @  ! P @9r   ACheck1 h6 h6 mW h6, Wingdings  (oe(|c(k"0 #0 P@9r ATitle A"0 #0 P @9s    ACheck2 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(kP 0 G>Test Results (Continued)       h6 ,Arial ( Test Results  (Y (Continued ()  P @9s  !PATestRe_DataEntryAdvice2   9WwP 0-#'#-@"'$` %0 GLuminous Intensity   9 r $p% ` $G"[ Cl. 1(A) 6.2 , Cl. 1(A) 6.3 ]  =w\ w=\  =w\,Arial (O"[ Cl. 1(A) 6.2 , Cl. 1(A) 6.3 ](@*@'9t '  "(P*  AMaximum on or above horizontal   9WwP +,0@'9u '  #+ ,0  A Maximum below horizontal   9WwPx &0'P@'9v '  $&@'P  AOn reference axis   9WwPO &'0 Gcd   |  ) ) Gcd   |  +P, Gcd   |  &@'@@9w ATitle B&@'@ @9x  % ACheck3 h6 h6 =w\ h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(k() @9x ATitle C()  @9y  & ACheck4 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(k+, @9y ATitle D+,  @9z  ' ACheck5 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(kp  G7Colour of emitted light - CIE trichromatic co-ordinates     !0 GX =    "#0 GY =      !0@'9z''p' '' (qATestRe_ColEmitLightX  2Qi 2iQ h6 2Qi,Arial (D$ TestRe_ColE(P6 mitLightX"0 #P0@'9{''p' '' )qATestRe_ColEmitLightY  2Qi 2iQ 2Qi,Arial (D$ TestRe_ColE(P6 mitLightY'p( ` GD>(Within one-quarter of a degree if Cl. 1(A)Ann3, 1.2.3 is utilised)   #  6  mW Wm 2Qi mW,Arial (a#(Within one-quarter of a degree if (Cl. 1(A)Ann3, 1.2.3(K is utilised)  ! P@9| ATitle E  ! P @9}  * ACheck1 h6 h6 mW h6, Wingdings  (oe(|c(k"0 #0 P@9} ATitle F"0 #0 P @9~  + ACheck2 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(kP 0 G>Test Results (Continued)       h6 ,Arial ( Test Results  (Y (Continued ()  P @9~  ,PATestRe_DataEntryAdvice2   9WwP 0-#'#-@"'$` %0 GLuminous Intensity   9 r $p% ` $G"[ Cl. 1(A) 6.2 , Cl. 1(A) 6.3 ]  =w\ w=\  =w\,Arial (O"[ Cl. 1(A) 6.2 , Cl. 1(A) 6.3 ](@*@'9 '  -(P*  AMaximum on or above horizontal   9WwP +,0@'9 '  .+ ,0  A Maximum below horizontal   9WwPx &0'P@'9 '  /&@'P  AOn reference axis   9WwPO &'0 Gcd     ) ) Gcd     +P, Gcd     &@'@@9 ATitle G&@'@ @9  0 ACheck3 h6 h6 pj h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(k() @9 ATitle H()  @9  1 ACheck4 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(k+, @9 ATitle I+,  @9  2 ACheck5 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(kp  G7Colour of emitted light - CIE trichromatic co-ordinates     !0 GX =    "#0 GY =      !0@'9''p' '' 3qATestRe_ColEmitLightX  2Qi 2iQ h6 2Qi,Arial (D$ TestRe_ColE(P6 mitLightX"0 #P0@'9''p' '' 4qATestRe_ColEmitLightY  2Qi 2iQ 2Qi,Arial (D$ TestRe_ColE(P6 mitLightY'p( ` GD>(Within one-quarter of a degree if Cl. 1(A)Ann3, 1.2.3 is utilised)   #  6  mW Wm 2Qi mW,Arial (a#(Within one-quarter of a degree if (Cl. 1(A)Ann3, 1.2.3(K is utilised)  ! P@9 ATitle J  ! P @9  5 ACheck1 h6 h6 mW h6, Wingdings  (oe(|c(k"0 #0 P@9 ATitle K"0 #0 P @9  6 ACheck2 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(kP 0 G>Test Results (Continued)       h6 ,Arial ( Test Results  (Y (Continued ()  P @9  7PATestRe_DataEntryAdvice2   9WwP 0-#'#-@"'$` %0 GLuminous Intensity   9 r $p% ` $G"[ Cl. 1(A) 6.2 , Cl. 1(A) 6.3 ]  =w\ w=\  =w\,Arial (O"[ Cl. 1(A) 6.2 , Cl. 1(A) 6.3 ](@*@'9 '  8(P*  AMaximum on or above horizontal   9WwP +,0@'9 '  9+ ,0  A Maximum below horizontal   9WwPx &0'P@'9 '  :&@'P  AOn reference axis   9WwPO &'0 Gcd     ) ) Gcd     +P, Gcd     &@'@@9 ATitle L&@'@ @9  ; ACheck3 h6 h6 =w\ h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(k() @9 ATitle M()  @9  < ACheck4 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(k+, @9 ATitle N+,  @9  = ACheck5 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(kp  G7Colour of emitted light - CIE trichromatic co-ordinates     !0 GX =    "#0 GY =      !0@'9''p' '' >qATestRe_ColEmitLightX  2Qi 2iQ h6 2Qi,Arial (D$ TestRe_ColE(P6 mitLightX"0 #P0@'9''p' '' ?qATestRe_ColEmitLightY  2Qi 2iQ 2Qi,Arial (D$ TestRe_ColE(P6 mitLightY'p( ` GD>(Within one-quarter of a degree if Cl. 1(A)Ann3, 1.2.3 is utilised)   #  6  mW Wm 2Qi mW,Arial (a#(Within one-quarter of a degree if (Cl. 1(A)Ann3, 1.2.3(K is utilised)  ! P@9 ATitle O  ! P @9  @ ACheck1 h6 h6 mW h6, Wingdings  (oe(|c(k"0 #0 P@9 ATitle P"0 #0 P @9  A ACheck2 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(kP 0 G>Test Results (Continued)       h6 ,Arial ( Test Results  (Y (Continued ()  P @9  BPATestRe_DataEntryAdvice2   9WwP 0-#'#-@"'$` %0 GLuminous Intensity   9 r $p% ` $G"[ Cl. 1(A) 6.2 , Cl. 1(A) 6.3 ]  =w\ w=\ pj =w\,Arial (O"[ Cl. 1(A) 6.2 , Cl. 1(A) 6.3 ](@*@'9 '  C(P*  AMaximum on or above horizontal   9WwP +,0@'9 '  D+ ,0  A Maximum below horizontal   9WwPx &0'P@'9 '  E&@'P  AOn reference axis   9WwPO &'0 Gcd     ) ) Gcd     +P, Gcd     &@'@@9 ATitle Q&@'@ @9  F ACheck3 h6 h6 =w\ h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(k() @9 ATitle R()  @9  G ACheck4 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(k+, @9 ATitle S+,  @9  H ACheck5 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(kp  G7Colour of emitted light - CIE trichromatic co-ordinates     !0 GX =    "#0 GY =      !0@'9''p' '' IqATestRe_ColEmitLightX  2Qi 2iQ h6 2Qi,Arial (D$ TestRe_ColE(P6 mitLightX"0 #P0@'9''p' '' JqATestRe_ColEmitLightY  2Qi 2iQ 2Qi,Arial (D$ TestRe_ColE(P6 mitLightY'p( ` GD>(Within one-quarter of a degree if Cl. 1(A)Ann3, 1.2.3 is utilised)   #  6  mW Wm 2Qi mW,Arial (a#(Within one-quarter of a degree if (Cl. 1(A)Ann3, 1.2.3(K is utilised)  ! P@9 ATitle T  ! P @9  K ACheck1 h6 h6 mW h6, Wingdings  (oe(|c(k"0 #0 P@9 ATitle U"0 #0 P @9  L ACheck2 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(kP 0 G>Test Results (Continued)       h6 ,Arial ( Test Results  (Y (Continued ()  P @9  MPATestRe_DataEntryAdvice2   9WwP 0-#'#-@"'$` %0 GLuminous Intensity   9 r $p% ` $G"[ Cl. 1(A) 6.2 , Cl. 1(A) 6.3 ]  =w\ w=\  =w\,Arial (O"[ Cl. 1(A) 6.2 , Cl. 1(A) 6.3 ](@*@'9 '  N(P*  AMaximum on or above horizontal   9WwP +,0@'9 '  O+ ,0  A Maximum below horizontal   9WwPx &0'P@'9 '  P&@'P  AOn reference axis   9WwPO &'0 Gcd     ) ) Gcd     +P, Gcd     &@'@@9 ATitle V&@'@ @9  Q ACheck3 h6 h6 =w\ h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(k() @9 ATitle W()  @9  R ACheck4 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(k+, @9 ATitle X+,  @9  S ACheck5 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(kp  G7Colour of emitted light - CIE trichromatic co-ordinates     !0 GX =    "#0 GY =      !0@'9''p' '' TqATestRe_ColEmitLightX  2Qi 2iQ h6 2Qi,Arial (D$ TestRe_ColE(P6 mitLightX"0 #P0@'9''p' '' UqATestRe_ColEmitLightY  2Qi 2iQ pj 2Qi,Arial (D$ TestRe_ColE(P6 mitLightY'p( ` GD>(Within one-quarter of a degree if Cl. 1(A)Ann3, 1.2.3 is utilised)   #  6  mW Wm 2Qi mW,Arial (a#(Within one-quarter of a degree if (Cl. 1(A)Ann3, 1.2.3(K is utilised)  ! P@9 ATitle Y  ! P @9  V ACheck1 h6 h6 mW h6, Wingdings  (oe(|c(k"0 #0 P@9 ATitle Z"0 #0 P @9  W ACheck2 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(kP 0 G>Test Results (Continued)       h6 ,Arial ( Test Results  (Y (Continued ()  P @9  XPATestRe_DataEntryAdvice2   9WwP 0-#'#-@"'$` %0 GLuminous Intensity   9 r $p% ` $G"[ Cl. 1(A) 6.2 , Cl. 1(A) 6.3 ]  =w\ w=\  =w\,Arial (O"[ Cl. 1(A) 6.2 , Cl. 1(A) 6.3 ](@*@'9 '  Y(P*  AMaximum on or above horizontal   9WwP +,0@'9 '  Z+ ,0  A Maximum below horizontal   9WwPx &0'P@'9 '  [&@'P  AOn reference axis   9WwPO &'0 Gcd     ) ) Gcd     +P, Gcd     &@'@@9 ATitle [&@'@ @9  \ ACheck3 h6 h6 =w\ h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(k() @9 ATitle \()  @9  ] ACheck4 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(k+, @9 ATitle ]+,  @9  ^ ACheck5 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(kp  G7Colour of emitted light - CIE trichromatic co-ordinates     !0 GX =    "#0 GY =      !0@'9''p' '' _qATestRe_ColEmitLightX  2Qi 2iQ h6 2Qi,Arial (D$ TestRe_ColE(P6 mitLightX"0 #P0@'9''p' '' `qATestRe_ColEmitLightY  2Qi 2iQ 2Qi,Arial (D$ TestRe_ColE(P6 mitLightY'p( ` GD>(Within one-quarter of a degree if Cl. 1(A)Ann3, 1.2.3 is utilised)   #  6  mW Wm 2Qi mW,Arial (a#(Within one-quarter of a degree if (Cl. 1(A)Ann3, 1.2.3(K is utilised)  ! P@9 ATitle ^  ! P @9  a ACheck1 h6 h6 mW h6, Wingdings  (oe(|c(k"0 #0 P@9 ATitle _"0 #0 P @9  b ACheck2 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(kP 0 G>Test Results (Continued)       h6 ,Arial ( Test Results  (Y (Continued ()  P @9  cPATestRe_DataEntryAdvice2   9WwP 0-#'#-@"'$` %0 GLuminous Intensity   9 r $p% ` $G"[ Cl. 1(A) 6.2 , Cl. 1(A) 6.3 ]  =w\ w=\  =w\,Arial (O"[ Cl. 1(A) 6.2 , Cl. 1(A) 6.3 ](@*@'9 '  d(P*  AMaximum on or above horizontal   9WwP +,0@'9 '  e+ ,0  A Maximum below horizontal   9WwPx &0'P@'9 '  f&@'P  AOn reference axis   9WwPO &'0 Gcd     ) ) Gcd     +P, Gcd     &@'@@9 ATitle `&@'@ @9  g ACheck3 h6 h6 pj h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(k() @9 ATitle a()  @9  h ACheck4 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(k+, @9 ATitle b+,  @9  i ACheck5 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(kp  G7Colour of emitted light - CIE trichromatic co-ordinates     !0 GX =    "#0 GY =      !0@'9''p' '' jqATestRe_ColEmitLightX  2Qi 2iQ h6 2Qi,Arial (D$ TestRe_ColE(P6 mitLightX"0 #P0@'9''p' '' kqATestRe_ColEmitLightY  2Qi 2iQ 2Qi,Arial (D$ TestRe_ColE(P6 mitLightY'p( ` GD>(Within one-quarter of a degree if Cl. 1(A)Ann3, 1.2.3 is utilised)   #  6  mW Wm 2Qi mW,Arial (a#(Within one-quarter of a degree if (Cl. 1(A)Ann3, 1.2.3(K is utilised)  ! P@9 ATitle c  ! P @9  l ACheck1 h6 h6 mW h6, Wingdings  (oe(|c(k"0 #0 P@9 ATitle d"0 #0 P @9  m ACheck2 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(kP 0 G>Test Results (Continued)       h6 ,Arial ( Test Results  (Y (Continued ()  P @9  nPATestRe_DataEntryAdvice2   9WwP 0-#'#-@"'$` %0 GLuminous Intensity   9 r $p% ` $G"[ Cl. 1(A) 6.2 , Cl. 1(A) 6.3 ]  =w\ w=\  =w\,Arial (O"[ Cl. 1(A) 6.2 , Cl. 1(A) 6.3 ](@*@'9 '  o(P*  AMaximum on or above horizontal   9WwP +,0@'9 '  p+ ,0  A Maximum below horizontal   9WwPx &0'P@'9 '  q&@'P  AOn reference axis   9WwPO &'0 Gcd     ) ) Gcd     +P, Gcd     &@'@@9 ATitle e&@'@ @9  r ACheck3 h6 h6 =w\ h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(k() @9 ATitle f() @9  s ACheck4 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(k+, @9 ATitle g+, @9  t ACheck5 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (hh(ue(c(kp  G7Colour of emitted light - CIE trichromatic co-ordinates     !0 GX =    "#0 GY =      !0@'9''p' '' uqATestRe_ColEmitLightX  2Qi 2iQ h6 2Qi,Arial (D$ TestRe_ColE(P6 mitLightX"0 #P0@'9''p' '' vqATestRe_ColEmitLightY  2Qi 2iQ 2Qi,Arial (D$ TestRe_ColE(P6 mitLightY'p( ` GD>(Within one-quarter of a degree if Cl. 1(A)Ann3, 1.2.3 is utilised)   #  6  mW Wm 2Qi mW,Arial (a#(Within one-quarter of a degree if (Cl. 1(A)Ann3, 1.2.3(K is utilised)  ! P@9 ATitle h  ! 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ECE Approval Details   qi  R95-   qi @p@#  (!# Test Facility No.   :t  t: h6  :t,Arial ("*Test Facility (-*No.P' @  E   qi   @ #  !# Test Facility No.   :t  t:  :t,Arial ("*Test Facility (-*No. 0    ^^   :t@> Title  @D   Check2 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k  ECE Approval  qi> @% $' P!g @'#Y'  j"#Z Test Facility No.  -?G "$@'$%' $$ Pk$`% Test Facility Name  -?R "$!@'$%' $$ Pl$`%#p Test Facility Address  .?\  P!p@''#P' '' n"p#Q Test Report No.  .?F `@ 4. Test Report details   qiz  P p!p0@'+'  (*@ + Test Date (DD/MM/YYYY)     ! ,Arial ( Test Date ( (DD/MM/YYYY)  P `P *Test Report Date (dd/mm/yyyy)     `!@: Title  `! @7  33 Check1 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k ` P!` @9 Title v ` P!` @2   Check34 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"#0@< Title v"#0 @2   Check23 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k""##0@= Title v""##0 @2   Check24 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k `!`@; Title  `!` @5   Check2 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k ! 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