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Manufacturer's Name  `V P` 0Vehicle number (use on SE 81/01, describe below)  $ P $P h6 $ P,Arial (6Vehicle number (B!(use on SE 81/01, describe below)@` MGearbox assembly/part number or type/description (eg Auto, Auto with lockup)   2 2 $ P 2,Arial ( !Gearbox assembly/part number or (%type/description (eg Auto, Auto with ($lockup)`` Reference mass (kg)   ] ` !Equivalent test inertia mass (kg)     p   Fuel used   , P P Engine family    >  p 0 Body Shape Description/code    P AOverall transmission ratios used during test (km/h per 1,000 rpm)  & R &R 2 & R,Arial (8!Overall transmission ratios used (D during test (km/h per 1,000 rpm)`` ERoad Power Absorption value (kW) (only required if body shape varies)    & R ,Arial (!Road Power Absorption value (kW) ($(only required if body shape varies)` Vehicle selected for test?   o ` P $ [Table 2.4 ]   P @3P  Ev_SEDocRef_h2  ` @  @4P  Ev_Vhcl5_Ratio_h1  `` @5P  Ev_Vhcl5_Ratio_h8  ` @  @6P  Ev_Vhcl5_Ratio_h7  0 @7P  Ev_Vhcl5_Ratio_h6  `P @8P  Ev_Vhcl5_Ratio_h5  @ p  @9P  Ev_Vhcl5_Ratio_h4   @:P  Ev_Vhcl5_Ratio_h3   P0  @;P   Ev_EngFam_h2    @<"   Ev_Trans_h2   p  @="   Ev_Body_h2   @?P   Ev_RefMass_h4   0p  @@P   Ev_Fuel_h4    5      @'M''P' '' Ev_Fuel4   P @A Title  P @   Check62 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k @@'Y''P' ''  Ev_RefMass4  0 00 `@B Title 0 00 ` @   Check82 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@  @$C$$P$ $$ Ev_EITM4   @'L''P' ''  Ev_EngFam4   P@'N''P' '' Ev_Body4   @@@D Title  @@ @   Check66 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k @'P''P' ''  Ev_Trans4    @'Q'' ' '' Ev_Vhcl5_Ratio1    @'R'' ' '' Ev_Vhcl5_Ratio2   @'S'' ' '' Ev_Vhcl5_Ratio3    @'T'' ' '' Ev_Vhcl5_Ratio4    @'U'' ' '' Ev_Vhcl5_Ratio5   @'V'' ' '' Ev_Vhcl5_Ratio6     @'W'' ' '' Ev_Vhcl5_Ratio7     @'X'' ' '' Ev_Vhcl5_Ratio8     @8E8   Check78  p @FP  Ev_RoadPower_h4  P @'O''P' ''  Ev_RoadPower4   @ p@G Title  @ p @   Check70 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k @H Title   @   Check54 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@I Title  @   Check46 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k @'K''P' ''  Ev_SEDocRef4   ` "' ` '  @'J'' ' ''    Ev_TestedNo4  7 7 h6 7,Arial (Ev_(Test(edN(o4  @'I'' ' ''    Ev_TestedYes4  7 7 7,Arial (Ev_(Test(edY(es40P Yes    0p No     @J Title  @   Check50 h6 h6 7 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k #''Pp @KP  Ev_SEDocRef_h2  `  @LP  Ev_Vhcl6_Ratio_h1  `@ @MP  Ev_Vhcl6_Ratio_h8  `  @NP  Ev_Vhcl6_Ratio_h7   @OP  Ev_Vhcl6_Ratio_h6  `0 @PP  Ev_Vhcl6_Ratio_h5  @P @QP  Ev_Vhcl6_Ratio_h4  p @RP  Ev_Vhcl6_Ratio_h3   P  @SP   Ev_EngFam_h2    @T"   Ev_Trans_h2   p  @U"   Ev_Body_h2  p @WP   Ev_RefMass_h4   0P  @XP   Ev_Fuel_h4  @ 6      @'^''P' '' Ev_Fuel4   0 `@Y Title  0 ` @   Check63 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k @@'j''P' ''  Ev_RefMass4  00@@Z Title 00@ @   Check83 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@ @$[$$P$ $$ Ev_EITM4   @']''P' ''  Ev_EngFam4   P@'_''P' '' Ev_Body4   @@@\ Title  @@ @   Check67 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@'a''P' ''  Ev_Trans4  @'b'' ' '' Ev_Vhcl6_Ratio1  @'c'' ' '' Ev_Vhcl6_Ratio2  @'d'' ' '' Ev_Vhcl6_Ratio3  @'e'' ' '' Ev_Vhcl6_Ratio4  @'f'' ' '' Ev_Vhcl6_Ratio5  @'g'' ' '' Ev_Vhcl6_Ratio6   @'h'' ' '' Ev_Vhcl6_Ratio7   @'i'' ' '' Ev_Vhcl6_Ratio8    @8]8   Check79  P @^P  Ev_RoadPower_h4  P@'`''P' ''  Ev_RoadPower4   P@_ Title  P @   Check71 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(7 @` Title   @   Check55 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k@a Title  @   Check47 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@'\''P' ''  Ev_SEDocRef4  ''@'['' ' ''    Ev_TestedNo4  7 7 h6 7,Arial (Ev_(Test(edN(o4@'Z'' ' ''    Ev_TestedYes4  7 7 7,Arial (Ev_(Test(edY(es400 Yes    0Pp No     @b Title  @   Check51 h6 h6 7 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!5'PP @cP  Ev_SEDocRef_h2  `p @dP  Ev_Vhcl7_Ratio_h1  `  @eP  Ev_Vhcl7_Ratio_h8  `p @fP  Ev_Vhcl7_Ratio_h7  ` @gP  Ev_Vhcl7_Ratio_h6  ` @hP  Ev_Vhcl7_Ratio_h5  @0 @iP  Ev_Vhcl7_Ratio_h4  P @jP  Ev_Vhcl7_Ratio_h3   P ` @kP   Ev_EngFam_h2    @l"   Ev_Trans_h2   p  @m"   Ev_Body_h2  P @oP   Ev_RefMass_h4   00  @pP   Ev_Fuel_h4  p0 7      @'o''P' '' Ev_Fuel4    @@q Title   @ @+   Check64 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k @@'{''P' ''  Ev_RefMass4  00 @r Title 00 @.    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Check72 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k` @x Title `  @@   Check56 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k@y Title  @A   Check48 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@'m''P' ''  Ev_SEDocRef4  ''@'l'' ' ''    Ev_TestedNo4  7 7 h6 7,Arial (Ev_(Test(edN(o4@'k'' ' ''    Ev_TestedYes4  7 7 7,Arial (Ev_(Test(edY(es40p Yes    00P No     @z Title  @E    Check52 h6 h6 7 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k'"P#0 @{P  "Ev_SEDocRef_h2  `P @|P  #Ev_Vhcl8_Ratio_h1  `!!p @}P  $Ev_Vhcl8_Ratio_h8  `P @~P  %Ev_Vhcl8_Ratio_h7  "#@ @P  &Ev_Vhcl8_Ratio_h6  ` !` @P  'Ev_Vhcl8_Ratio_h5  @ @P  (Ev_Vhcl8_Ratio_h4  #0# @P  )Ev_Vhcl8_Ratio_h3   P" #@ @P  * Ev_EngFam_h2   "#` @"  + Ev_Trans_h2   p" #p @"  , Ev_Body_h2   0  @P  . Ev_RefMass_h4   0! ! @P  / Ev_Fuel_h4  P! 8      #@'''P' '' 0Ev_Fuel4     @ Title    @W  2 Check65 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k @#@'''P' '' 4 Ev_RefMass4  00@ Title 00 @Z  5 Check85 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@# @$$$P$ $$ 6Ev_EITM4   #@'''P' '' 7 Ev_EngFam4   P#@'''P' '' 8Ev_Body4   P"`P#@ Title  P"`P# @^  9 Check69 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k#@'''P' '' : Ev_Trans4  @''' ' '' ;Ev_Vhcl8_Ratio1  !@''' ' '' <Ev_Vhcl8_Ratio2  !#@''' ' '' =Ev_Vhcl8_Ratio3  @''' ' '' >Ev_Vhcl8_Ratio4  !@''' ' '' ?Ev_Vhcl8_Ratio5  !#@''' ' '' @Ev_Vhcl8_Ratio6   @''' ' '' AEv_Vhcl8_Ratio7   !@''' ' '' BEv_Vhcl8_Ratio8  ! # @88   CCheck81 " # @P  DEv_RoadPower_h4  P#@'''P' '' E Ev_RoadPower4  @ Title  @k  F Check73 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"@ #p@ Title "@ #p @l  G Check57 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k!"@ Title !" @m  H Check49 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k#@'~''P' '' I Ev_SEDocRef4  '##'##`@'}'' ' '' J   Ev_TestedNo4  7 7 h6 7,Arial (Ev_(Test(edN(o4`@'|'' ' '' K   Ev_TestedYes4  7 7 7,Arial (Ev_(Test(edY(es40!P Yes    0 !0 No     "`#@ Title "`# @q  L Check53 h6 h6 7 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k##'### ## #@P 0Vehicle number (use on SE 81/01, describe below)     h6  ,Arial (Vehicle number (!(use on SE 81/01, describe below)(`* MGearbox assembly/part number or type/description (eg Auto, Auto with lockup)  ~  ~   ~ ,Arial (!Gearbox assembly/part number or (%type/description (eg Auto, Auto with (lockup)-`. Reference mass (kg)   ] .`/ !Equivalent test inertia mass (kg)    #0p#  Fuel used    . !P! Engine family    > $%p Body Shape Description/code    +@P, AOverall transmission ratios used during test (km/h per 1,000 rpm)     ~   ,Arial (!Overall transmission ratios used ( during test (km/h per 1,000 rpm)&`( ERoad Power Absorption value (kW) (only required if body shape varies)  `  `   ` ,Arial (r!Road Power Absorption value (kW) (~$(only required if body shape varies)`` Vehicle selected for test?   o /p00 P $ [Table 2.4 ]     @P  NEv_SEDocRef_h2  * @+  @P  OEv_Vhcl9_Ratio_h1  ,`- @P  PEv_Vhcl9_Ratio_h8  , @-  @P  QEv_Vhcl9_Ratio_h7  +0,@ @P  REv_Vhcl9_Ratio_h6  +P, @P  SEv_Vhcl9_Ratio_h5  + p+  @P  TEv_Vhcl9_Ratio_h4  *+@ @P  UEv_Vhcl9_Ratio_h3  !0" @P  V Ev_EngFam_h2  )`) @"  W Ev_Trans_h2  %&  @"  X Ev_Body_h2  -.@ @P  Z Ev_RefMass_h4  #pp# @P  [ Ev_Fuel_h4  0 p 9    "P $0@'''P' '' \Ev_Fuel4  # P$ @ Title # P$ @  ^ Check102 h6 h6 `  h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1-` .@'''P' '' ` Ev_RefMass4  -p 0.p `@ Title -p 0.p ` @  a Check122 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1. 0  @$$$P$ $$ bEv_EITM4   "P@'''P' '' c Ev_EngFam4  $0 &@'''P' '' dEv_Body4  %&@ Title %& @  e Check106 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1' *0@'''P' '' f Ev_Trans4  *0 +@ @''' ' '' gEv_Vhcl9_Ratio1  *0 +@ @''' ' '' hEv_Vhcl9_Ratio2  *0 +@@''' ' '' iEv_Vhcl9_Ratio3  +@ ,P @''' ' '' jEv_Vhcl9_Ratio4  +@ ,P @''' ' '' kEv_Vhcl9_Ratio5  +@ ,P@''' ' '' lEv_Vhcl9_Ratio6  ,P -` @''' ' '' mEv_Vhcl9_Ratio7  ,P -` @''' ' '' nEv_Vhcl9_Ratio8  ,P -` @88   oCheck118 &'`p @P  pEv_RoadPower_h4  & '@'''P' '' q Ev_RoadPower4  & @' p@ Title & @' p @  r Check110 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1!0"0@ Title !0"0 @  s Check94 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@ Title  @  t Check86 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@ @'''P' '' u Ev_SEDocRef4    "'  ' 0 @''' ' ''  v   Ev_TestedNo4  7 7 h6 7,Arial (Ev_(Test(edN(o4 @ @''' ' ''  w   Ev_TestedYes4  7 7 7,Arial (Ev_(Test(edY(es4P@ Yes    pp0 No     @ Title  @  x Check90 h6 h6 7 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k #'`'` p @P  zEv_SEDocRef_h2  * + @P  {Ev_Vhcl10_Ratio_h1  ,@- @P  |Ev_Vhcl10_Ratio_h8  , - @P  }Ev_Vhcl10_Ratio_h7  +,@ @P  ~Ev_Vhcl10_Ratio_h6  +0, @P  Ev_Vhcl10_Ratio_h5  +P+ @P  Ev_Vhcl10_Ratio_h4  *p+@ @P  Ev_Vhcl10_Ratio_h3  !" @P   Ev_EngFam_h2  )`) @"   Ev_Trans_h2  %&  @"   Ev_Body_h2  -p.@ @P   Ev_RefMass_h4  #pP# @P   Ev_Fuel_h4  0@ 10     "P$0@'''P' '' Ev_Fuel4  # 0$ `@ Title # 0$ ` @   Check103 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1-`.@'''P' ''  Ev_RefMass4  -p.p@@ Title -p.p@ @   Check123 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1.0  @$$$P$ $$ Ev_EITM4  "P@'''P' ''  Ev_EngFam4  $0&@'''P' '' Ev_Body4  %&@ Title %& @   Check107 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1'*0@'''P' ''  Ev_Trans4  *0+@@''' ' '' Ev_Vhcl10_Ratio1  *0+@@''' ' '' Ev_Vhcl10_Ratio2  *0+@@''' ' '' Ev_Vhcl10_Ratio3  +@,P@''' ' '' Ev_Vhcl10_Ratio4  +@,P@''' ' '' Ev_Vhcl10_Ratio5  +@,P@''' ' '' Ev_Vhcl10_Ratio6  ,P-`@''' ' '' Ev_Vhcl10_Ratio7  ,P-`@''' ' '' Ev_Vhcl10_Ratio8  ,P-` @88   Check119 &'`P @P  Ev_RoadPower_h4  &'@'''P' ''  Ev_RoadPower4  & 'P@ Title & 'P @   Check111 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (nc({k(1!0"0@ Title !0"0 @   Check95 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@ Title  @   Check87 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@@'''P' ''  Ev_SEDocRef4  ''0@''' ' ''     Ev_TestedNo4  7 7 h6 7,Arial (Ev_(Test(edN(o4 @@''' ' ''     Ev_TestedYes4  7 7 7,Arial (Ev_(Test(edY(es40@ Yes    pP0p No     @ Title  @   Check91 h6 h6 7 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(9`'` P @P  Ev_SEDocRef_h2  *+p @P  Ev_Vhcl11_Ratio_h1  , - @P  Ev_Vhcl11_Ratio_h8  ,-p @P  Ev_Vhcl11_Ratio_h7  +,@` @P  Ev_Vhcl11_Ratio_h6  +, @P  Ev_Vhcl11_Ratio_h5  +0+ @P  Ev_Vhcl11_Ratio_h4  *P+@ @P  Ev_Vhcl11_Ratio_h3  !"` @P   Ev_EngFam_h2  )`) @"   Ev_Trans_h2  %&  @"   Ev_Body_h2  -P.@ @P   Ev_RefMass_h4  #p0# @P   Ev_Fuel_h4  @` 11     "P$0@'''P' '' Ev_Fuel4  # $ @@ Title # $ @ @   Check104 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1-`.@'''P' ''  Ev_RefMass4  -p.p @ Title -p.p @   Check124 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1.0  @$$$P$ $$ Ev_EITM4  "P@'''P' ''  Ev_EngFam4  $0&@'''P' '' Ev_Body4  %&@ Title %& @   Check108 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1'*0@'''P' ''  Ev_Trans4  *0+@@''' ' '' Ev_Vhcl11_Ratio1  *0+@@''' ' '' Ev_Vhcl11_Ratio2  *0+@@''' ' '' Ev_Vhcl11_Ratio3  +@,P@''' ' '' Ev_Vhcl11_Ratio4  +@,P@''' ' '' Ev_Vhcl11_Ratio5  +@,P@''' ' '' Ev_Vhcl11_Ratio6  ,P-`@''' ' '' Ev_Vhcl11_Ratio7  ,P-`@''' ' '' Ev_Vhcl11_Ratio8  ,P-` @88   Check120 &'`0 @P  Ev_RoadPower_h4  &'@'''P' ''  Ev_RoadPower4  &'0@ Title &'0 @   Check112 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1!0`"0@ Title !0`"0 @   Check96 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@ Title  @   Check88 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@@'''P' ''  Ev_SEDocRef4  ''0@''' ' ''     Ev_TestedNo4  7 7 h6 7,Arial (Ev_(Test(edN(o4 @@''' ' ''     Ev_TestedYes4  7 7 7,Arial (Ev_(Test(edY(es4@p Yes    p00P No     @ Title  @   Check92 h6 h6 7 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k`'` "#0 @P  Ev_SEDocRef_h2  *+P @P  Ev_Vhcl12_Ratio_h1  ,!-!p @P  Ev_Vhcl12_Ratio_h8  ,-P @P  Ev_Vhcl12_Ratio_h7  +",@#@ @P  Ev_Vhcl12_Ratio_h6  + ,!` @P  Ev_Vhcl12_Ratio_h5  ++ @P  Ev_Vhcl12_Ratio_h4  *#0+@# @P  Ev_Vhcl12_Ratio_h3  !""#@ @P   Ev_EngFam_h2  )`")#` @"   Ev_Trans_h2  %"& #p @"   Ev_Body_h2  - 0.@  @P   Ev_RefMass_h4  #p!#! @P   Ev_Fuel_h4  @  12     "P$0#@'''P' '' Ev_Fuel4  # $  @ Title # $  @   Check105 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1-`.#@'''P' ''  Ev_RefMass4  -p.p@ Title -p.p @    Check125 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1.0 # @$$$P$ $$ Ev_EITM4  "P#@'''P' ''  Ev_EngFam4  $0&#@'''P' '' Ev_Body4  %"`&#@ Title %"`&# @   Check109 h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1'*0#@'''P' ''  Ev_Trans4  *0+@@''' ' '' Ev_Vhcl12_Ratio1  *0+@!@''' ' '' Ev_Vhcl12_Ratio2  *0!+@#@''' ' '' Ev_Vhcl12_Ratio3  +@,P@''' ' '' Ev_Vhcl12_Ratio4  +@,P!@''' ' '' Ev_Vhcl12_Ratio5  +@!,P#@''' ' '' Ev_Vhcl12_Ratio6  ,P-`@''' ' '' Ev_Vhcl12_Ratio7  ,P-`!@''' ' '' Ev_Vhcl12_Ratio8  ,@!-P# @88   Check121 &"'`# @P  Ev_RoadPower_h4  &'#@'''P' ''  Ev_RoadPower4  &'@ Title &' @   Check113 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1!0"@"0#p@ Title !0"@"0#p @   Check97 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k!"@ Title !" @   Check89 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@#@'''P' ''  Ev_SEDocRef4  '##'##`0@''' ' ''     Ev_TestedNo4  7 7 h6 7,Arial (Ev_(Test(edN(o4 `@@''' ' ''     Ev_TestedYes4  7 7 7,Arial (Ev_(Test(edY(es4@!P Yes    p 0!0 No     "`#@ Title "`# @!   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S:LSjII::XDjL$S"StLSj?tStLSjrtXRjL$S)Reference mass must be suppliedI The reference mass is usually in the range 500 to 4000 kg, please check.Equivalent test inertia mass for vehicle 1 must be equal to or less than the Equivalent test inertia mass of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) , or vehicle 1 must be tested 6b@) ;\  ;\ ;\ T;\        A;\;\ ;\X;\;\;\";\)( S6 %tSCt efL  k(fL  %LtS{LtL x,tS2,t, :tS@:t:  6ba1 h ;\       A;\0;\D ;\ p;\ \;\ 4;\;\& ;\- t$\1  4SX.X X$SC@SSXp ehMl.h k(hMl.hXX$S SSXI IXFX$S#SSXdSfSXffXTX$S*X^XL$S/Reference mass must be suppliedI The reference mass is usually in the range 500 to 4000 kg, please check.Equivalent test inertia mass for vehicle 2 must be equal to or less than Equivalent test inertia mass of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) , or vehicle 2 must be tested"ip 6b@h, ;\ @;\ ;\ ;\ l;\       A;\D;\X ;\;\;\;\";\%;\,R ZtSSZtZ %htSbhth efL  k(fL  %tSt xtS]t tSot tSt$ip 6ba1 h d;\       A;\D (;\  ;\ ;\;\&;\- ;\1  4ST.X T$SC@SJSTpJJ ehMl*h k(hMl*hXT$S S~STI I~~XFT$S#4SXSTdXX0SbSTbbXTT$S*X^TL$S/Reference mass must be suppliedI The reference mass is usually in the range 500 to 4000 kg, please check.Equivalent test inertia mass for vehicle 3 must be equal to or less than Equivalent test inertia mass of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) , or vehicle 3 must be tested"gq 6b@h, ;\ ;\ P;\ ;\        A;\D ;\X t;\;\L;\;\";\%$;\,R SS %Sb efL 0 k(fL 0 %tSt xtS]t tSot tSt$gq 6ba1 ;\h p;\       A;\0 ;\D ;\ ;\ |;\ T;\;\&@;\- ;\1  ^4S&.^^X &$SC@ETS&p ehMl&h k(hMl&hX&$S  FTPS&I IPPXF&$S#FTS&d&FT4S&44XT&$S*X^&L$S/Reference mass must be suppliedI The reference mass is usually in the range 500 to 4000 kg, please check.Equivalent test inertia mass for vehicle 4 must be equal to or less than Equivalent test inertia mass of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) , or vehicle 4 must be tested"fr 6b@h, ;\ $;\ ;\         A;\D ;\X ;\;\;\"%;\,R tSSt %tSbt efL  k(fL  %tSt x0tS]0t0 >tSo>t> ZtSZtZ$fr 6bD ;\ ;\ ;\T|;\;\ ;\;\  ;\  0;\0t;\;\t;\'L;\;\ $;\/;\;\p;\7;\ 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:E_h~PD:7ZAh~D:EfA~H/H<:E_h~PDXUZ"Ah~D:Ett"A"~H/HB:E_h~PD!Engine Family must be suppliedtEngine family for vehicle 4 must be the same as the engine family of the tested vehicle, or vehicle 4 must be tested flmn*V@%<X        A;\;\ ;\;\  A\0;\  ;\ ;\H5;\<|  dSXL$S# ZLS!R! hMlhX^$S/ZJSJJ,Z`S%%``Xl$S6XrL$S9!Body Shape Descriptor is requiredRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same4^_`,XVSTUDp@@        A}T;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ 4;\;\;\ ;\4 ;\5;\\< ,;\@  4SZ+X Z$S@=ZSZ!o! hMlhX`Z$S0JG*ZhSZhh8ZSZ%%XnZ$S7/,XtZ$S:NKX|ZL$S>gd!Body Shape Descriptor is requiredRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same8i^_`,XSVTUDp@@        A ;\ @;\,;\  A;\ ;\;\;\;\ ;\4 t;\5;\\< L;\@  4Sz+X z$S@=MZSz!o! hMl^hX`z$S0JGMZSzMZ"Sz%%""Xnz$S7/,Xtz$S:NKX|zL$S>gd!Body Shape Descriptor is requiredRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same8g^_`,XTVSUDp@@        A;\Ь ;\  A;\ ega ;\;\;\ ;\4 ;\5;\\< ;\@  4S+X $S@=JZS!o! hMlhX`$S0JGJZSJZS%%Xn$S7/,Xt$S:NKX|L$S>gd!Body Shape Descriptor is requiredRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same8f^_`,XUVSTDp@9: ;\ X;\ T       A;\;\ ;\;\0  A;\;\ ;\;\;\ ;\ -;\2;\49 !S3!! %!S@!! fL ` x%S %% %S%% *%S4*%*%6^_`,XVSTUDp <X $ H;\ ;\       A;\;\ ;\;\  A;\;\  ;\;\;\;\-;\42;\H5;\<( !SP!! %("S_("(" fL   xF%S7F%F% !SM!! !Si!! !S!!:i^_`,XSVTUDp <X ;\ ;\ ;\        A;\;\ ;\;\  A;\ $;\;\;\-;\42;\H5;\<( SP %#S_## fL \ xn"S8n"n" |"SN|"|" "Sj"" "S"":g^_`,XTVSUDp <X ;\ p;\ ;\        A;\ ;\ ;\;\  A H;\;\ ;\ ;\-42;\H5<;\<( SP %#S_## fL @ x#S8## $#SN$#$# \#Sj\#\# j#Sj#j#:f^_`,XUVSTDp&|  ;\       A |;\h;\ ;\;\0;\Dl;\&( 撔~pD撔~8Hh~zD$!$LZ:Δ8~pDʒ"q":Δ:~8H:ʒ8~zDZWLZϔ8~pDʒppϔDSϔ8~pDʒ ϔ ̔8~pDʒ̔ ̔h~pDʒ+̔"Transmission type must be suppliedpTransmission type for vehicle 2 must be the same as the transmission type of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) , or vehicle 2 must be tested iabc+WB( T       AP;\ ;\;\ (;\ ;\;\l d;\%p;\(R ɔP~pD^,ɔ~8H ^̔8~zDA>Sɔ8~pD^"q"ɔ~8H:^̔8~zDZW&Sʔ8~pD^ppʔ4S˔8~pD^ ˔ ˔8~pD^˔ ~˔h~pD^+~˔~"Transmission type must be suppliedpTransmission type for vehicle 3 must be the same as the transmission type of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) , or vehicle 3 must be tested gabc+WB( T       A|;\ ;\;\ T;\t;\;\ld;\%`;\(R P~pDr,~8H r8~zDA>S8~pDr"q"~8H:r8~zDZWSޔ8~pDrppޔޔS8~pDr  8~pDr $h~pDr+$$"Transmission type must be suppliedpTransmission type for vehicle 4 must be the same as the transmission type of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) , or vehicle 4 must be tested fabc+WB;N ;\T       A;\;\ ;\       A;\;\$ ;\;\&;\( l;\*8;\$;\;\4;\H;R dSaXa!L$S*'"SLSa#[# 8hMlԔvhXba!L$S10SLSa>SLSa L Xpa!L$S8_\#Transmission ratio must be suppliedThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested"dow#O{@4       A;\;\ ;\       A$;\;\l$ ;\_&;\( ;\*;\T;\4 8hMlhXVL$S+)&SzLSρzzSb}LS  b}bXdL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested%epx@4;\       A;\;\        A<;\;\l$ (;\;\&;\( ;\*;\;\;\4 8hMlVhXVVL$S+)&HS6ELSVہ6E6EVSRELSV  REREXdVL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested&fqy)U@4;\       A;\;\        A;\;\l$ t;\;\&;\( L;\*$;\;\;\4 8hMlhXV L$S+)&SdLS ܁ddSLS  Xd L$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested'grz(T@4;\       A;\ ;\ ;\       Al;\;\l$ X;\;\&( ;\*`;\L;\$;\4 8hMl"hXV"L$S+)&SLSSLS  Xd"L$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested(hs{'S@4;\       A;\P;\ ;\       A;\;\l$ ;\;\&;\( `;\*8;\$;\4 8hMlB"hXVl"L$S+)&Sf:LSlf:f:´S\9LSl  \9\9Xdl"L$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested)it|&R~@4;\       A;\8;\ ;\       A;\;\l$ ;\&;\( |;\*T;\@;\;\4 8hMl"hXVj9L$S+)&@S;0LSj9;0;NS;0LSj9  ;0;Xdj9L$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested*ju}%Q}@4;\       A;\;\        A;\!j$ l&!n( *;\$;\4 8hMlAhXV=L$S+)&̵Sj9LS=j9j9ڵS<:LS=  <:<:Xd=L$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested+kv~$P|@mB ;\ h;\  ;\ TH;\|       A ;\0       A;\;\$ ;\;\&;\( ;\*;\ ;\  A;\;\ ;\  A;\t;\$ d[I& ;\( ;\* ;\;\ !"#$%&'  A;\x @;\ ;\ !"#$%&'  A;\;\,$ ;\;\@&;\T( d;\*;\|<;\(()*+,-./0123  A;\;\0 ;\()*+,-./0123  A;\;\$ ;\;\& ;\( ;\ * ;\;\44456789:;<=>?  A;\;\ ;\456789:;<=>?  AD;\;\$ 0;\;\& ;\( ;\* ;\;\@@ABCDEFGHIJK  A@;\;\  ,;\@ABCDEFGHIJK  A;\ ,;\$ ;\ @x;\& d;\( ;\ h*<;\;\ LLMNOPQRSTUVW  A;\ 0;\ ;\ DLMNOPQRSTUVW  A;\;\ $ ;\;\ &;\ ( ;\*;\ 4;\XXYZ[\]^_`abc  A;\;\  ;\XYZ[\]^_`abc  A;\ 0;\$ ;\ ;\&^l( *;\-;\ Y;\;\;\;\ ;\5;\(a;\f;\<m  =SC:== %F>SCGF>F> 8hM F x=SCq== 8hM F x8;SC8;8; 8hM F x2SC22 8hM F x>pASC>pA>p 8hM F xqASC qAq 8hM F xpASCC pAp 8hM F xqASCmqAq 8hM F xqASCqAq LpASCLpALpc"dow#O{%epx&fqy)U'grz(T(hs{'S)it|&R~*ju}%Q}+kv~$P|?v T;\       A`;\;\ L;\       A;\;\$ ;\;\&l;\( ;\*;\ ;\ ;\H4T;\; ;\p?|  4S2X $SGDtSFmS#x#FmFm 8hMlhXd$S2SxkSׁ?xkxkSkS u kkXr$S9XzL$S=#Transmission ratio must be suppliedThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested i-d"ow#O{@4;\       A;\        A;\;\l$ ;\;\&;\( ;\*;\;\;\4 8hMlhXV,L$S++(Sv,LS,؁v,v,S,LS,  ,,Xd,L$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testede%px@4;\       A;\        A;\;\l$ ;\;\&;\( ;\*$;\(;\;\4 8hMldhXVL$S+/,FSmLS؁mmTSmLS  mmXdL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedf&qy)U@4;\       A;\ U$       A\;\;\l$ H;\;\&;\(  ;\*;\x;\P;\4 8hMlhXVL$S+/,$LS؁ $,LS  ,,XdL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedg'rz(T@4;\       A;\;\        A;\;\l$ ;\;\&;\( ;\*;\;\h;\4 8hMl>@hXVh@L$S+/,^$%LSh@%l$%LSh@  %Xdh@L$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedh(s{'S@4;\       A;\p;\ ;\       A ;\d$ ;\&;\( ;\*;\@;\4 8hMl =hXVJ=L$S+/,$=0LSJ==0=Ρ$8=0LSJ=  8=08=XdJ=L$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedi)t|&R~@4;\       A;\ ;\       A(;\;\l$ ;\d&;\( $;\*;\4 8hMl=hXV=L$S+/,"$l<LS=l<l<0$9LS=  99Xd=L$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedj*u}%Q}@4;\       A ;\ ;\       A$l$ ;\;\&;\( ;\*X;\D;\;\4 8hMl=hXV>L$S+/,$"CLS>"C" $xyLS>  xyxyXd>L$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedk+v~$P|@Xp` ;\ ;\ \;\ ;\| ;\       A ;\;\0 ;\       A;\$ ;\;\&4;\( ;\ *`;\;\4  A;\$;\ ;\  A,;\;\$ ;\;\&;\( ;\*;\ ;\ !"#$%&'()*  A L;\;\ 8;\ !"#$%&'()*  A;\,;\$ ;\@;\&p;\( ;\h*H;\;\+,+-./0123456  A;\0;\ ;\D,+-./0123456  A;\;\$ ;\;\& ;\ ( ;\* ;\4;\7879:;<=>?@AB  A;\;\ ;\879:;<=>?@AB  A;\<;\$ ;\(;\& ;\( ;\* ;\;\CDCEFGHIJKLMN  A;\ 8;\ DCEFGHIJKLMN  AD;\;\ @$ 0;\;\ T& ;\ h( ;\*;\ ;\OPOQRSTUVWXYZ  A@;\;\ D ,;\POQRSTUVWXYZ  A;\ ;\$ ;\ x;\&d;\( ;\ *<;\;\ H[\[]^_`abcdef  A;\ ;\ ;\ \[]^_`abcdef  Ad;\;\ $ P;\;\ &;\ ( (;\*;\ -;\Y;\;\;\;\ ;\(5;\a;\<f;\Pi;\pJ ?Sp>W ? ? %=Sp>f== 8hM 0. x9Sp>99 8hM 0. x<Sp><< 8hM 0. x;Sp>;; 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N?N?Xd@?L$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested~+kv$P|@Xp` ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\| ;\       A h;\;\0 T;\       A(;\$ ;\;\&4;\( ;\ *`;\;\4  A;\$;\ ;\  A;\;\$ t;\;\&;\( L;\*;\ ;\ !"#$%&'()*  A 0;\;\ ;\ !"#$%&'()*  A;\, |;\$ ;\@ h;\& T;\( ;\h* ,;\;\+,-.+/0123456  A;\0 x;\ ;\D,-.+/0123456  A;\;\$ ;\;\& ;\ ( ;\* ;\4t;\789:7;<=>?@AB  A;\;\ t;\89:7;<=>?@AB  A;\;\$ ;\;\& ;\( ;\* ;\;\CDEFCGHIJKLMN  A;\ ;\ ;\ DEFCGHIJKLMN  AX;\;\ @$ D;\;\ T& ;\ h( ;\*;\ ;\OPQROSTUVWXYZ  AT;\;\ D @;\PQROSTUVWXYZ  A;\ ;\$ ;\ ;\&x;\( ;\ *P;\;\ H[\]^[_`abcdef  A;\ ;\ ;\ \]^[_`abcdef  A;\;\ $ ;\;\ &;\ ( ;\*;\ -;\Y;\;\;\p;\ ;\(5\;\a;\<f;\Pi4;\pJ „S2?W„„ %tS2?ftt 8hM 0 x!S2?!! 8hM 0 x!S2?!! 8hM 0 x"S2?"" 8hM 0 x!S2?2 !! 8hM 0 x!S2?f !! 8hM 0 x!S2? !! 8hM 0 x[S2?[[ 8hM 0 xWS2?WW 8XS2?8X8X FXS2?*FXFXff?w"do#O{x%epy&fq)Uz'gr(T{(hs'S|)it&R~}*ju%Q}~+kv$P|F (;\@, <3_~Df:3_3WVF T;\@, <ia~DiiaiXSF D;\@, <9_~Df:9_9YTm<X       A;\;\ ;\ d;\;\  A8;\;\ ;\t;\L;\;\;\;\4& ;\<|  Z4SLZZX.L$S,o&j#SLicij#j# hMl"hX^L$S/nk:o&*%SLׁ*%*%Ho&!SL%6%!!XlL$S6MJXtLL$S:fciRoad Power Absoption must be provided if the tested and untested vehicles do not have the same body shapeRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same4^_`,XVSTUDp@@       A;\;\ ;\ ;\p;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\;\ ;\4;\& ;\\< |)(@  (S((X0$Sl&6Sii66 hMlhX`$S0*l&Sׁ+8l&>S%f%>>Xn$S7~Xv$S;X|L$S>iRoad Power Absoption must be provided if the tested and untested vehicles do not have the same body shapeRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same6i^_`,XSVTUDp@@       A1(  ;\0;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\ ;\4;\& ;\\< ;\@  S,X0,$Sl&S,ii hMlhX`,$S0l&:S,؁*::l&S,%e%Xn,$S7}Xv,$S;X|,L$S>iRoad Power Absoption must be provided if the tested and untested vehicles do not have the same body shapeRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same6g^_`,XTVSUDp@@       A;\ ;\ ;\;\  A;\;\  ;\;\ ;\4p;\& ;\\< 4;\@  ,S,,X0$Sl&Sii hMlrhX`$S0 m&S؁+m&S%d%Xn$S7|Xv$S;X|L$S>iRoad Power Absoption must be provided if the tested and untested vehicles do not have the same body shapeRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same8f^_`,XUVSTDp@9: ;\ <;\ ;\       A;\L;\ ;\ $;\;\0  A ;\ ;\ ;\ p;\;\  H;\ 4;\2;\49 >S6>> %`"S6 `"`" fL  xJ$S6J$J$ X$S6$X$X$ $S6:$$6^_`,XVSTUDp<X ;\ ;\ ,;\       A;\ ;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ l;\;\D;\;\ ;\42;\H5<( S! %%S2%% fL  x#SA## #SW## #Ss## $S$$8i^_`,XSVTUDp<X ;\ ;\ L;\       A;\ ;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\;\ ;\42;\H5`;\<( $S$!$$ % $S$2 $ $ fL * x$#S$A$#$# @#S$W@#@# \#S$s\#\# #S$##8g^_`,XTVSUDpL ;\ ;\ $;\       A;\;\ ;\ ;\  A;\;\  A;\p;\;\$ ;\%;\(;\-;\B;\E\;\LR f6_~pD8!f6_f6 %6_~pD826_6 $S1~B8 $S1~B8 x64_~pD8+64_64 n4_~pD8An4_n4 @5_~pD8]@5_@5 87_~pD8s87_878f^_`,XUVSTDpd$h ;\ ;\ P;\ TH;\       A;\ ;\;\ ;\0;\;\X;\$ &A4~D5&A& %4A~DB4A4 xA~D,A A~D:Almn*V' ;\ ;\ ,;\ g;\|       A;\ ;\;\0 h;\;\X@;\ ;\' 0_~Dv6R0_0 %._~Dv6a._. x._~Dv6S._. -_~Dv6e-_- -_~Dv6{-_-"ilmn*V' ;\ ;\ p;\ ;\|       A0;\ ;\;\0 xh;\X;\;\ ;\' ._~D.R._. %-_~D.a-_- x(_~D.S(_( d)_~D.ed)_d) *_~D.{*_*"glmn*V' ;\ ;\ ;\        A2 ;\ ;\0 h;\X;\;\ ;\' ._~D0R._. %-_~D0a-_- x(_~D0S(_( d)_~D0ed)_d) *_~D0{*_*"flmn*V< ;\;\, <la~Dlal< ;\, <b~DƆbv ;\ ;\ D;\ T 0;\ ;\|'f ~H/H8_4~PD:6~H/H8_4~PD TP %5_~D8a5_5 *4_~D8o*4_*4 ;\ ;\ |;\ T  ;\| ;\ $;\ ;\~H/HT4_4~PD:6~H/HT4_4~PD TP %0_~DT4v0_0 1_~DT41_1i ;\ ;\ |;\ T  ;\| ;\ T;\ ;\~H/H:_4~PD:6~H/H:_4~PD TP %*4_~D:v*4_*4 T4_~D:T4_T4g ;\ P;\ ;\ T   ;\ |;\ ;\~H/HP_4~PD:6~H/HP_4~PD TP %&Q_~DPv&Q_&Q P_~DPP_Pf bj$D h ;\ p;\Dl;\ ;\    ;\      C;\ @;\   H;\4;\ ;\  \;\p;\ ;\ d;\P;\  A;\ ;\t ;\;\t;\L;\;\+8;\7;\M$;\Y;\b;\jF 1-hMlhX L$S0-PBLS ?}?BB dS X L$S P4LS $$44X" d$S   -hMlhX0 L$S=:P^LS HH^^X8 d$SXZ L$S-PPLS %%PPXb d$S1 hMlhXp L$S8PLS 3G3Xx d$S<b_ B@hMlhX L$SCP|LS 88||X d$SGX L$S[ Vehicle number 66PƱLS #1#ƱƱX L$SbDA?Form identification can not exceed 20 characters. Please check$A response is required for vehicle 1HSE Form identification is usually longer than 2 characters. Please check%SE Form identification is duplicated.3The tested vehicle column number can not exceed 12.8The column number for the tested vehicle must be entered# has not been tested. Please check4h"NzKw@ \iD h ;\ ;\D;\l;\ ;\    ;\      C;\ 8;\   D;\0;\;\ ;\  ;\\;\p;\ ;\ \;\  A;\` ;\ ;\t;\;\;\D;\*;\60;\L;\X;\a;\iF 1-hMlhX L$S0-dPLS?}? dSXL$S rPLS$$X"d$S   -hMlhX0L$S=:PLSHHX8d$SXZL$S-PLS%%Xbd$S1 hMlhXpL$S8PLS3I3Xxd$S<da B@hMlhXL$SCPLS88Xd$SGXL$SZ Vehicle number P6LS#.#66XL$SaA>?Form identification can not exceed 20 characters. Please check$A response is required for vehicle 2HSE Form identification is usually longer than 2 characters. Please check%SE Form identification is duplicated.3The tested vehicle column number can not exceed 12.8The column number for the tested vehicle must be entered# has not been tested. Please check6i"NzKw@ YiD h ;\ @;\D<;\ ;\    ;\      C;\ D;\   (;\;\;\ ;\  ;\\;\p;\ ;\ \;\  A;\` ;\ ;\t;\;\;\D;\*;\60;\L;\X;\a;\iF 1-hMl0hX 0L$S0- PhLS0?}?hh dS0X0L$S PLS0$$X"0d$S   -hMl0hX00L$S=:(PZLS0EEZZX80d$SXZ0L$S-~6PLS0%%Xb0d$S1 hMl0hXp0L$S8DPLS03F3Xx0d$S<a^ B@hMl0hX0L$SCRP>LS088>>X0d$SGX0L$SZ Vehicle number 0vv`PLS0#+#X0L$Sa>;?Form identification can not exceed 20 characters. Please check$A response is required for vehicle 3EForm identification is usually longer than 2 characters. Please check%SE Form identification is duplicated.3The tested vehicle column number can not exceed 12.8The column number for the tested vehicle must be entered# has not been tested. Please check6g"NzKw@ \iD h |;\ D0;\;\ ;\    ;\      C;\ ;\   ;\;\l;\ ;\  ;\\;\p;\ ;\ ;\  A;\` ;\ IF;\;\;\;\*;\6|;\L;\Xh;\a;\iF 1-hMlhX NL$S0-bPLSN?}? xdSNxxXNL$S pPLSN$$X"Nd$S   -hMlhX0NL$S=:~P\LSNHH\\X8Nd$SXZNL$S-PLSN%%XbNd$S1 hMlhXpNL$S8PLSN3I3XxNd$S<da B@hMlhXNL$SCP8%LSN888%8%XNd$SGXNL$SZ Vehicle number N##P2#LSN#.#2#2#XNL$SaA>?Form identification can not exceed 20 characters. Please check$A response is required for vehicle 4HSE Form identification is usually longer than 2 characters. Please check%SE Form identification is duplicated.3The tested vehicle column number can not exceed 12.8The column number for the tested vehicle must be entered# has not been tested. Please check6f"NzKw@L , False~()6d3h1   ;\ fU(fnl ~H/H2N_~PD~H/H 2N_~PD1-~H/H2N_h~PDDAP@_h~D2N--@_@~H/H2N_h~PD -The vehicle must be either tested or untested@L , False~()?5d3h1   ;\ @;\| ~H/H@k~PD~H/H @k~PD1-~H/H@kh~PDDA\Pkh~D@--k~H/H@kh~PD -The vehicle must be either tested or untested@L , False~()6d3h1  `;\ ;\@ ;\T ,~H/HF,~PD~H/H F,~PD1-~H/HF,h~PD ZWtPF,h~DF--F,F~H/HF,h~PD -The vehicle must be either tested or untestedi@L , False~()0d3h1    ;\T ;\~H/H`p_~PD~H/H `p_~PD1-~H/H`p_h~PD YVPo_h~D`p--o_o~H/H`p_h~PD -The vehicle must be either tested or untestedi@L , False~()9d3h1  D;\ ;\@ ;\T ;\~H/Hk~PD~H/H k~PD1-~H/Hkh~PD ZWPkh~D--k~H/Hkh~PD -The vehicle must be either tested or untestedg@L , False~()Fd3h1  ;\ ;\@ ;\T ~H/HBB,~PD~H/H BB,~PD1-~H/HBB,h~PD ZW\5$B,h~DBB--B,B~H/HBB,h~PD -The vehicle must be either tested or untestedg@L , False~()WLd3h1 ;\   ;\T ,j~H/Hk~PD~H/H k~PD1-~H/Hkh~PD ZW2$kh~D--k~H/Hkh~PD -The vehicle must be either tested or untestedf@L , False~()Kd3h1   @ , ,s~H/Hk~PD~H/H k~PD1-~H/Hkh~PD [XH3$^kh~D--^k^~H/Hkh~PD -The vehicle must be either tested or untestedf@$^ ;\ ;\ D;\$;\   ;\D;\;\ ;\ ;\      C;\ ;\   ;\t;\ `;\ ;\    ;\4;\H  h4 ;\;\  A;\ 8 ;\;\`4;\";\t, ;\@;\J ;\QG4W^ 1-fL  "Sn"M"" $#Sn"}$#$# %@#Sn"@#@#X&n"$S -fL  %#Sn"##X8n"$S x$Sn"$$X^n"$S/ fL  x%Sn" %%Xpn"$S8(% B@fL  x!Sn"U!!Xn"$SAro x#Sn"S## #Sn"a##6h"NzKw]  h;\DT;\;\  ;\ DH;\;\ >       C;\ H;\    4;\  ;\ ;\    ;\4;\H;\\ ;\   A;\$ ;\ ;\8;\;\`!;\+;\t?t;\I;\P`;\V;\] 1-fL A $S M$$ $S }$$ %$S $$X& $S -fL A %*%S *%*%X8 $S x#S ##X^ $S/ fL A x\#S  \#\#Xp $S8*' B@fL A x#S Y##X $SAvs x!S N!! !S \!!8i"NzKw] ;\ (;\ h;\DT;\  T;\ 0;\D;\;\  ;\      C;\ ;\   ;\;\ ;\ ;\    4;\H;\\ ;\ ;\  A;\$ 84$ L;\;\`!8;\+;\t?$;\I;\P;\V;\] 1-fL 8 |"SM|"|" "S}"" %"S""X&$S -fL 8 %@#S@#@#X8$S x$S$$X^$S/ fL 8 x$S $$Xp$S8*' B@fL 8 x*%SY*%*%X$SAvs xj#SNj#j# #S\##8g"NzKw] ;\ ;\ H;\D;\  `;\ D;\l;\ ;\ ;\      C;\ ;\   ;\;\ ;\ ;\    4;\H;\\ p;\ H;\  A;\$ ;\ ;\8 ;\;\`! l;\+;\t? 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hMlZyhX`y$S0JG\MSy\M\`)Sy%%`)`Xny$S7/,Xty$S:NKX|yL$S>gd!Body Shape Descriptor is requiredRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same8^_`,XVSTUDp@ <X ;\ ;\ h;\        A;\ ;\ ;\;\  A;\ ;\;\$;\;\-;\42;\H5\;\<( vySzPvyvy %W,Sz_W,W fL $Ҍ xVSz8VV HSzNHH Szj Sz:^_`,XVSTUDp( T       A(;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\;\l<;\%x;\(R P~pDԞ,~8H Ԟ8~zDA>8~pDԞ"q"~8H:Ԟ8~zDZW8~pDԞpp8~pDԞ  Μ8~pDԞΜΜ ܜh~pDԞ+ܜܜ"Transmission type must be suppliedpTransmission type for vehicle 5 must be the same as the transmission type of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) , or vehicle 5 must be tested abc+WB?v T;\       A`;\;\ L;\       A;\;\$ ;\;\&x;\( ;\*;\ ;\ ;\H4;\; ;\p?|  4Sz2X z$SGDSz#x# 8hMlPhXdz$S22 Sz?2 2 T(Sz u ((Xrz$S9XzzL$S=#Transmission ratio must be suppliedThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested "dow#O{@4;\       A;\ ;\        AH;\;\l$ 4;\;\&;\( ;\*d;\ ;\ ;\4 8hMlhXVꃉL$S+,)<vLSꃁvvJhLS  hhXdꃉL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested%epx@4;\       A;\ ;\        Ah;\;\l$ T;\&;\( ;\*0;\;\4 8hMl"hXVLL$S+/,LSLLSL  XdLL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested&fqy)U@4;\       A;\ ;\ T       AH;\;\l$ 4;\;\&;\(  ;\*;\;\;\4 8hMlhXVL$S+/,LSࣈLS  ࣈXdL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested'grz(T@4;\       A;\ ;\ rl       Ax;\;\l$ d;\;\&;\( <;\*;\;\;\4 8hMl#!hXV#!L$S+/,b >LS# > >p>LS#  >>Xd#!L$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested(hs{'S@4;\       A;\ ;\ rl       At;\;\l$ `;\;\&;\( 8;\*;\;\;\4 8hMl"$!hXVL$!L$S+/,n>LSL$n>n>|>LSL$  |>|>XdL$!L$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested)it|&R~@4;\       A;\ ;\ rl       A;\;\l$ ;\;\&;\( ;\*;\;\;\4 8hMl$!hXV$!L$S+/,&FLS$FF4HLS$  HHXd$!L$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested*ju}%Q}@4;\       A;\ ;\ rl       At;\;\l$ `;\;\&;\( 8;\*p;\(;\;\4 8hMl$!hXV%!L$S+/,%!LS%%!%ΚLS%  ΚΚXd%!L$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested+kv~$P|@Xp` ;\ ;\ |;\ ;\| ;\       A ,;\;\0 ;\       A;\$ ;\;\&4;\( ;\ *`;\;\4  A;\$;\ ;\  AL;\;\$ 8;\;\&;\( ;\*;\ !"#$%&'()*  A ;\;\ ;\ !"#$%&'()*  A;\,;\$ ;\@;\&;\( ;\h*;\;\+,-./+0123456  A;\0;\ ;\D,-./+0123456  AD;\;\$ 0;\;\& ;\ ( ;\* ;\4;\789:;7<=>?@AB  A@;\;\ ,;\89:;7<=>?@AB  A;\;\$ ;\x;\& d;\( ;\* <;\;\CDEFGCHIJKLMN  A;\ ;\ ;\ DEFGCHIJKLMN  A\;\;\ @$ H;\;\ T& ;\ h(  ;\*;\ ;\OPQRSOTUVWXYZ  AX;\;\ D D;\PQRSOTUVWXYZ  A;\ ;\$ ;\ ;\&|;\( ;\ *T;\;\ H[\]^_[`abcdef  A;\ ;\ ;\ \]^_[`abcdef  Ap;\;\ $ \;\;\ &;\ ( 4;\*;\ - ;\Y;\ ;\;\ ;\ ;\(5 ;\a;\<f;\Pi ;\pJ p SdWp p  %` Sdf` `  8hM  x Sd   8hM  x Sd   8hM  xSd 8hM  x{Sd2 {{ 8hM  x~Sdf ~~ 8hM  x(Sd (( 8hM  xSd 8hM  x"Sd"" ,Sd,, >Sd*>>f"dow#O{%epx&fqy)U'grz(T(hs{'S)it|&R~*ju}%Q}+kv~$P|F  ;\@, <k~D:kU=b       A;\ ;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\;\ L;\;\4% ;\H: ;\\=  hSZhhX0Z$SZvFSZiivFv hMl0hX`Z$S0h()SZҁ+()(v)SZ%f%) KSZxK ~JSZ~J~ fLSZffiRoad Power Absoption must be provided if the tested and untested vehicles do not have the same body shapeRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same6^_`,XVSTUDpB<X ;\ ;\ $;\       A;\ ;\ D;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ h;\;\@;\;\ ;\42;\H5 h<( LS!LL %*S2** fL  x<SA<< NSWNN nSsnn jSjj8^_`,XVSTUDp'  ;\ h;\ |       A;\ ;\ ;\0 `;\;\X;\;\ ;\' D^~D RD^D %R^~D aR^R x^~D S^ :^~D e:^: A~D {A"lmn*V ;\ d;\ ;\ T  ;\| ;\ $;\ ;\~H/Hdj8~PD:6~H/Hdj8~PD TP %j ~Ddvj &j ~Dd&j& \iD h X;\ ;\D;\ ;\    ;\      C;\ @;\   @;\,;\;\ ;\  \;\p;\ ;\ d;\  A;\` ;\ ;\t;\;\;\L;\*;\68;\L;\X$;\a;\iF 1-hMl2hX \L$S0-LS\?}? jdS\jjX\L$S LS\$$X"\d$S   -hMl2hX0\L$S=:LS\HHX8\d$SXZ\L$S-LS\%%Xb\d$S1 hMl2hXp\L$S8 LS\3I3Xx\d$S<da B@hMl2hX\L$SC6LS\886X\d$SGX\L$SZ Vehicle number \-&HLS\#.#HHX\L$SaA>?Form identification can not exceed 20 characters. Please check$A response is required for vehicle 5HSE Form identification is usually longer than 2 characters. Please check%SE Form identification is duplicated.3The tested vehicle column number can not exceed 12.8The column number for the tested vehicle must be entered# has not been tested. Please check6"NzKw@L , Falsej~D:HjH  $;\ @ ;\T ;\~H/Hrjh~PD~H/H rjh~PD1-~H/HrjP~PD YVƞjP~Dr--ƞjƞ~H/HrjP~PD -The vehicle must be either tested or untestedL , Falsej~Dzj   ;\@ ;\T ;\~H/Hhjh~PD~H/H hjh~PD1-~H/HhjP~PD YVBjP~Dh--j~H/HhjP~PD -The vehicle must be either tested or untested] ;\ ;\ |;\D;\  ;\ ;\D;\;\ ;\       C;\ \;\   ;\ ;\ ;\    4;\H;\\ |;\ T;\  A;\$ ;\ ;\8`;\;\`!L;\+;\t?8;\I;\P$;\V;\] 1-fL   SM 6S}6 %Z6SZ6ZX&$S -fL   %6S6X8$S x@S@X^$S/ fL   x@S @Xp$S8*' B@fL   x@SY@X$SAvs x-SN- -S\-8"NzKw<  ;\, <8j~D8j8F ;\ ;\/ , <Jj~DJjJF  ;\/, <Jj~DnJjJF  ;\/, <A~DTAF ,;\;\@, <nc~DncnF ;\ ;\/, <c~DncF ;\, <:,~DF:,:F  ;\/, <Jj~DnJjJ< , < _~D  _ < ;\, <Jj~DJjJ< 8, < _~Dd) _ F ;\8;\@, <~j~D~j~< 8, <0 _~D 0 _0 7& L*CT;\  ;\ @;\          A;\l;\ ;\  ;\ ;\;\;\,;\3;\ 7x P]4S\+P]P]X \$S@= Fuel type must be selectedƔ Petrol S\ LPGL S\LL Diesel S\ CNG6 S\6 ElectricS\X&\$SS\==XR\$S)S\]Y] )ܘS\pܘܘX`\$S0Xj\L$S5=Fuel type must be either Petrol, LPG, Diesel, CNG or Electric]Fuel type for an untested vehicle must be the same as for the tested vehicle (vehicle number  vwx/[@2 ;\ ;\ P;\ C;\  ;\ ;\        A;\;\ ;\  ;\ ;\#[( +;\2  \S>^P\\ %z]S>^_z]z] PetrolS>^ LPGƔS>^ƔƔ DieselS>^ԔԔ CNG6S>^6 ElectricS>^(( xS>^ xS>^ ܘS>^ܘܘ :@S>^:@:"vwx/[`1 ;\h p;\       A;\0 ;\D  ;\ ;\  X;\;\&D;\- ;\1  JA4S?;\@A;\@d;\BC<;\DE;\;\FG;\HI;\;\JK;\LM;\0t;\NOL;\PQ;\$;\RSTU;\;\V;\WXX;\;\ Y;\40;\Y  B@TwP 8TwP TwP TwP z@TwP /TwP eTwP TwP ?@TwP #vTwP !TwP TwP #=TwP &6TwP %@@TwP TwP &xTwP *QTwP (TwP TwP *`TwP -@TwP ,TwP TwP -;TwP 2TwP /TwP TwP 2:TwP 9@TwP 6=TwP TwP 9TwP @_~TwP <TwP TwP @n@TwP FTwP CZnTwP TwP F7TwP Mȸ@TwP J|TwP TwP MTwP T{TwP QTwP TwP T@TwP [1TwP WkTwP TwP [A4TwP ajTwP ^yTwP TwP aϬ@TwP hxTwP eSTwP TwP h@TwP ouTwP khTwP TwP o1TwP vgTwP s vTwP TwP v@TwP }+uTwP yTwP TwP }:@TwP TwP &eTwP TwP .TwP TwP MsTwP TwP -@TwP pTwP MsTwP TwP pTwP MsTwP TwP V$h  ;\,;\       A;\ ;\  ;\X;\$ dS\X \L$S:72LS\fX<\L$SXU@$6LS\tt$6$XB\L$S!Engine Family must be suppliedtEngine family for vehicle 6 must be the same as the engine family of the tested vehicle, or vehicle 6 must be tested lmn*V@@        A| ;\ h;\T;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\;\ ;\4  ;\5< ;\@  4S+X $S@=W,S!o!W,W hMl`hX`$S0JGVSVVHS%%HHXn$S7/,Xt$S:NKX|L$S>gd!Body Shape Descriptor is requiredRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same8^_`,XVSTUDp@ <X ;\ ;\ h;\        A;\ ;\ ;\;\  A;\ ;\;\$;\;\-;\42;\H5\;\<( |S2P|| %W,S2_W,W fL lŎ xS26 S2L (S2h(( jS2~jj:^_`,XVSTUDp( T       A;\ ;\ ;\ `;\X;\;\l;\%;\(R ՔP~pD,Ք~8H Ԕ8~zDA>Ք8~pD"q"Ք~8H:Ԕ8~zDZW`֔8~pDpp`֔`|֔8~pD |֔| ֔8~pD֔ ֔h~pD+֔"Transmission type must be suppliedpTransmission type for vehicle 6 must be the same as the transmission type of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) , or vehicle 6 must be tested abc+WB?v T;\       A`;\;\ L;\       A;\ ;\$ ;\ ;\& t;\( ;\*;\ ;\ ;\H4\;\; ;\p?|  *4S2**X $SGDb}S#x#b}b 8hMl~hXd$S2Nc}S?Nc}Ncxc}S u xc}xcXr$S9XzL$S=#Transmission ratio must be suppliedThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested "dow#O{@4;\       A;\ ;\        AH;\;\l$ 4;\;\&;\( ;\*d;\;\;\4 8hMlphXV܃L$S++(bLS܃pLS܃  Xd܃L$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested%epx@4;\       A;\ ;\        Ah;\;\l$ T;\&;\( ;\*0;\;\4 8hMlhXVL$S+/,^>LS>>^LLS  LLXdL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested&fqy)U@4;\       A;\ ;\        A@;\;\l$ ,;\;\&;\( ;\*;\;\;\4 8hMl&hXVPL$S+/,j[LSPx[LSP  XdPL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested'grz(T@4;\       A;\ ;\ 6       A;\;\l$ ;\;\&;\( ;\*|;\h;\`;\4 8hMlhXV$L$S+/,[j%LS$j%j[%LS$  %Xd$L$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested(hs{'S@4;\       A;\;\ ;\       A;\;\l$ x;\;\&;\( P;\*;\ ;\4 8hMl\hXVL$S+/,.\>$!LS>$!>$<\L$!LS  L$!L$XdL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested)it|&R~@4;\       A;\ ;\ ;\       A;\;\l$ l;\;\&;\( D;\*;\;\4 8hMlhXVL$S+/,\$!LS$!$\$!LS  $!$XdL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested*ju}%Q}@4;\       A;\ ;\ |       A,;\;\l$ ;\;\&;\( ;\*;\;\;\4 8hMl hXVJL$S+/,\;LSJ;;]LSJ  XdJL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested+kv~$P|@Xp` ;\ ;\ p;\ ;\|;\       A ;\;\0  ;\       A ;\$ ;\ ;\&4;\( ;\ *`;\;\4  A;\$;\ ;\  A@;\;\$ ,;\;\&;\( ;\*;\;\ !"#$%&'()*  AX;\;\ D;\ !"#$%&'()*  A;\,;\$ ;\@;\&;\( ;\h*;\;\+,-./0+123456  A;\0;\ ;\D,-./0+123456  A`;\;\$ L;\;\& ;\ ( $;\* ;\4;\789:;<7=>?@AB  A\;\;\ H;\89:;<7=>?@AB  A;\;\$ ;\;\& ;\( ;\* X;\;\CDEFGHCIJKLMN  A;\ ;\ ;\ DEFGHCIJKLMN  A\;\;\ @$ H;\;\ T& ;\ h(  ;\*;\ ;\OPQRSTOUVWXYZ  AX;\;\ D D;\PQRSTOUVWXYZ  A;\ ;\$ ;\ ;\&|;\( ;\ *T;\;\ H[\]^_`[abcdef  A;\ ;\ ;\ \]^_`[abcdef  Ad;\;\ $ P;\;\ &;\ ( (;\*;\ -;\Y;\;\;\;\ ;\(5;\a;\<f;\Pi;\pJ S@ W %}S@ f}} 8*wlD h xS@  8*wlD h x'S@ '' 8*wlD h xHS@ HH 8*wlD h xTS@ 2 TT 8*wlD h xS@ f  8*wlD h x?S@  ?? 8*wlD h x>S@ >> 8*wlD h xS@  S@  !S@ *!!f"dow#O{%epx&fqy)U'grz(T(hs{'S)it|&R~*ju}%Q}+kv~$P|F ;\0X, <Jj~D<JjJ@       A ;\ ;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ 0;\;\9;\ ;\4;\& ;\\< ;\@  >S0>>X00$S ^nS0iinn hMlxhX`0$S0^6S0*66&^jS0%e%jjXn0$S7}Xv0$S;X|0L$S>iRoad Power Absoption must be provided if the tested and untested vehicles do not have the same body shapeRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same6^_`,XVSTUDp@<X ;\ ;\ `;\       A ;\ ;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ ;\@;\;\ ;\42;\H5Ҋ|<( "S!"" %8S288 fL 0 xlSAll SW | Ss| | S 8^_`,XVSTUDp' ;\ ;\ $;\ 0`       A;\ ;\ ;\0 ;\XL;\8;\ ;\' k~DrRk %6k~Dra6k6 xk~DrSk Dk~DreDkD `k~Dr{`k`"lmn*V ;\ @;\ ;\ T  ;\| ;\ $;\ ;\~H/H08~PD:6~H/H08~PD TP %0 ~Dv0 00 ~D000 \iD h X;\ ;\D;\ ;\    ;\      C;\ @;\   @;\,;\;\ ;\  ;\\;\p;\ 0;\ ;\  A;\` $;\ ;\t;\;\;\;\*;\6;\L;\X;\a;\iF 1-hMl`hX L$S0-Z`LS?}?`` dSXL$S ZRLS$$RRX"d$S   -hMl`hX0L$S=:Z|LSHH||X8d$SXZL$S-ZnLS%%nnXbd$S1 hMl`hXpL$S8Z-LS3I3-Xxd$S<da B@hMl`hXL$SCZ^!LS88^!^Xd$SGXL$SZ Vehicle number !|W!LS#.#!XL$SaA>?Form identification can not exceed 20 characters. Please check$A response is required for vehicle 6HSE Form identification is usually longer than 2 characters. Please check%SE Form identification is duplicated.3The tested vehicle column number can not exceed 12.8The column number for the tested vehicle must be entered# has not been tested. Please check6"NzKw@L , False0~D,:0:  0;\ @ ;\T ~H/Hd0h~PD~H/H d0h~PD1-~H/Hd0P~PD YV2X0P~Dd--0~H/Hd0P~PD -The vehicle must be either tested or untestedL , False0~D0  ;\ @ 0x ;\~H/H00h~PD~H/H 00h~PD1-~H/H00P~PD YVX0P~D0--0~H/H00P~PD -The vehicle must be either tested or untested] ;\ ;\ ;\D ;\  ;\ ;\D;\;\ ;\       C;\ `;\   ;\p;\ \;\ ;\    ;\4;\H;\\ ;\ ;\  A;\$ 0;\ ;\8,!;\+;\t?;\I;\P;\V;\] 1-fL  @ 6SM6 Z6S}Z6Z %6S6X&$S -fL  @ %@S@X8$S x@S@X^$S/ fL  @ x@S @Xp$S8*' B@fL  @ x-SY-X$SAvs x-SN- -S\-8"NzKw< ;\, <0~DD0F  ;\;\@, <Bk~DBkBF H;\@, <40~D404F ;\0;\;\@, <40~D^404F ;\;\/, <D0~DD0DF d;\;\@, <Bk~DBkBF ;\@, <"0~D"0"F 8;\@, <Z0~DZ0Z< ;\, <.0~D.0. < H;\, <0~D0< ;\, < 0~D 0  F ;\@, <Z0~DZ0Z< D;\, <<0~D<0<7& L*C,;\  ;\ ;\          A;\l;\ ;\  ;\ @;\;\;\,;\3;\ 7x 4S+X $S@= Fuel type must be selectedL Petrol S6 LPG S Diesel Sܘܘ CNG:@ S:@: ElectricS$$X&$S6Q>S==>>XR$S)DQؐ-S]Y]ؐ-ؐ )2-Sp2-2X`$S0XjL$S5=Fuel type must be either Petrol, LPG, Diesel, CNG or Electric]Fuel type for an untested vehicle must be the same as for the tested vehicle (vehicle number  vwx/[@2 ;\ ;\ P;\ C;\  ;\ p;\        A;\;\ d;\  ;\ ;\#?,;\@A;\@;\BC;\DE;\;\FG;\HI;\d;\JK<;\LM;\0;\NO;\PQ;\;\RS;\TU;\t;\V;\WX8;\;\ Y;\4;\Y  B@TwP 8TwP TwP TwP z@TwP /TwP eTwP TwP ?@TwP #vTwP !TwP TwP #=TwP &6TwP %@@TwP TwP &xTwP *QTwP (TwP TwP *`TwP -@TwP ,TwP TwP -;TwP 2TwP /TwP TwP 2:TwP 9@TwP 6=TwP TwP 9TwP @_~TwP <TwP TwP @n@TwP FTwP CZnTwP TwP F7TwP Mȸ@TwP J|TwP TwP MTwP T{TwP QTwP TwP T@TwP [1TwP WkTwP TwP [A4TwP ajTwP ^yTwP TwP aϬ@TwP hxTwP eSTwP TwP h@TwP ouTwP khTwP TwP o1TwP vgTwP s vTwP TwP v@TwP }+uTwP yTwP TwP }:@TwP TwP &eTwP TwP .TwP TwP MsTwP TwP -@TwP pTwP MsTwP TwP pTwP MsTwP TwP V$h  , ;\       A;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\X;\$ ,6dSr,6,X rL$S:7V6LSrfV6VX<rL$SXU@LSrtt@XBrL$S!Engine Family must be suppliedtEngine family for vehicle 7 must be the same as the engine family of the tested vehicle, or vehicle 7 must be tested  lmn*V@@        A\| ;\ h;\T;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\;\ ;\4 ;\5;\\< ;\@  4Sԑ+X ԑ$S@=vW,Sԑ!o!W,W hMlhX`ԑ$S0JGSԑ(Sԑ%%((Xnԑ$S7/,Xtԑ$S:NKX|ԑL$S>gd!Body Shape Descriptor is requiredRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same8 ^_`,XVSTUDp@ <X $ ;\ ;\       A;\ ;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\,-;\42;\H5;\<( ƑSnPƑƑ %W,Sn_W,W fL l xSn6 SnL "Snh"" 0Sn~00: ^_`,XVSTUDp(        A;\ ;\ ;\ ;\ x;\;\;\l;\% T;\(R D֔P~pD ,D֔D~8H ֔8~zDA>R֔8~pD "q"R֔R~8H: ֔8~zDZWՔ8~pD ppՔ,Ք8~pD  ,Ք, :Ք8~pD :Ք: HՔh~pD +HՔH"Transmission type must be suppliedpTransmission type for vehicle 7 must be the same as the transmission type of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) , or vehicle 7 must be tested abc+WB?v T;\       A`;\;\ L;\       A;\;\$ ;\t;\&`;\( ;\*;\ ;\ ;\H4;\; ;\p?|  4Sr2X r$SGD6*Sr#x#** 8hMlHhXdr$S2DSr?RSr u Xrr$S9XzrL$S=#Transmission ratio must be suppliedThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested "dow#O{@4;\       A;\ ;\ JL       AH;\;\l$ 4;\;\&;\( ;\*d;\;\;\4 8hMlhXVⲊL$S+,)~LSⲁ~~LS  XdⲊL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested%epx@4;\       A;\ ;\ JL       Ah;\;\l$ T;\&;\( ;\*0;\ ;\4 8hMlhXVDL$S+/,LSDLSD  XdDL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested&fqy)U@4;\       A;\ ;\ j       A;\;\l$ ;\;\&;\( ;\*;\l;\D;\4 8hMl|hXVL$S+/,rBLSBBPLS  PPXdL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested'grz(T@4;\       A;\ ;\ N       A;\;\l$ ;\;\&;\( ;\*p;\\;\4;\4 8hMlzhXVHzL$S+/,ԚLSHz$LSHz  $$XdHzL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested(hs{'S@4;\       A;\ ;\ N       At;\;\l$ `;\;\&;\( 8;\*T;\@;\;\4 8hMlzhXVzL$S+/,xLSzxxėLSz  XdzL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested)it|&R~@4;\       A;\ ;\ N       A;\;\l$ ;\;\&;\( ;\* ;\;\;\4 8hMlt"hXV"L$S+/,LS&LS  Xd"L$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested*ju}%Q}@4;\       A;\ ;\ N       At;\;\l$ `;\;\&;\( 8;\*p;\(;\;\4 8hMl"hXV"L$S+/,"LS"֊LS  ֊Xd"L$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested+kv~$P|@Xp` ;\ ;\ |;\ ;\| ;\       A ,;\;\0 ;\       A;\$ ;\;\&4;\( ;\ *`;\;\4  A;\$;\ ;\  AL;\;\$ 8;\;\&;\( ;\*;\b !"#$%&'()*  A \;\;\ H;\ !"#$%&'()*  A;\,;\$ ;\@;\&;\( ;\h*X;\;\+,-./01+23456  A;\0;\ ;\D,-./01+23456  A;\;\$ ;\;\& ;\ ( ;\* ;\4;\789:;<=7>?@AB  A;\;\ ;\89:;<=7>?@AB  A;\L;\$ ;\8;\& $;\( ;\* ;\;\CDEFGHICJKLMN  A;\ H;\ ;\ DEFGHICJKLMN  A;\;\ @$ ;\;\ T& ;\ h( ;\*;\ p;\OPQRSTUOVWXYZ  A;\;\ D ;\PQRSTUOVWXYZ  A;\ ;\$ ;\ ;\&;\( ;\ *;\;\ H[\]^_`a[bcdef  A;\ ;\ ;\ \]^_`a[bcdef  Ad;\;\ $ P;\;\ &;\ ( (;\*;\ -;\Y;\;\;\;\ ;\(5;\a;\<f;\Pi;\pJ :!S!W:!:! %!S!f!! 8hM a x!S!!! 8hM a xd]S!d]d] 8hM a xVS!VV 8hM a xxVS!2 xVxV 8hM a x\VS!f \V\V 8hM a xVS! VV 8hM a x8XS!8X8X 8hM a x YS! Y Y &YS!&Y&Y US!*UUf"dow#O{%epx&fqy)U'grz(T(hs{'S)it|&R~*ju}%Q}+kv~$P|F ;\;\@, <X0~DX0X@       A ;\ ;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ 0;\;\9 L)( & ;\\< ;\@  6S|6X0|6$SPlS|iill hMlR6hX`|6$S0^S|ҁ+l8S|%f%88Xn|6$S7~Xv|6$S;X||6L$S>iRoad Power Absoption must be provided if the tested and untested vehicles do not have the same body shapeRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same6^_`,XVSTUDp@<X ;\ ;\ (;\       A;\ ;\ ;\ ;\4;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\ P2;\H5;\<( n6S!n6n %< S2< < fL @ x SA  | SW| | xCSsxCxC Z@SZ@Z@8^_`,XVSTUDp' ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\|       A ;\ ;\ 0L ,?d;\ ;\' 0~DJR 0  %^0~DJa^0^ x0~DJS0 0~DJe 0  .0~DJ{.0." lmn*V ;\ ;\ @;\ T  ;\| ;\ $;\ ;\~H/HD08~PD:6~H/HD08~PD TP %20 ~DDv202 N0 ~DDN0N \iD h ;\ h;\Dd;\ ;\    ;\      C;\ @;\   H;\4;\ ;\  ;\\;\p;\ ;\ ;\  A;\` (;\ ;\t;\;\;\;\*;\6;\L;\X;\a;\iF 1-hMl6hX 6L$S0-H6LS?}?6 6dS6X6L$S V 6LS$$ 6 X"6d$S   -hMl6hX06L$S=:66LSHH666X86d$SXZ6L$S-(6LS%%(6(Xb6d$S1 hMl6hXp6L$S8 !LS3I3 ! Xx6d$S<da B@hMl6hX6L$SCP!LS88P!PX6d$SGX6L$SZ Vehicle number 4!4!LS#.#!X6L$SaA>?Form identification can not exceed 20 characters. Please check$A response is required for vehicle 7HSE Form identification is usually longer than 2 characters. Please check%SE Form identification is duplicated.3The tested vehicle column number can not exceed 12.8The column number for the tested vehicle must be entered# has not been tested. Please check6"NzKw@L , False0~D0  ;\ @ 0 ;\~H/H0h~PD~H/H 0h~PD1-~H/H0P~PD YVҔ0P~D--0~H/H0P~PD -The vehicle must be either tested or untestedL , False0~Dڴ0ڴ  ;\ @ 0d ;\~H/H0h~PD~H/H 0h~PD1-~H/H0P~PD YVF0P~D--0~H/H0P~PD -The vehicle must be either tested or untested] ;\ ;\ ;\D@;\  ;\ ;\D;\;\ ;\       C;\ ;\   ;\;\ ;\ ;\    ;\4;\H;\\  ;\   A;\$ X;\ ;\80;\;\`!;\+;\t?;\I;\P;\V;\] 1-fL ؏ Z6SRMZ6Z @SR}@ %@SR@X&R6$S -fL ؏ %@SR@X8R6$S x-SR-X^R6$S/ fL ؏ x-SR -XpR6$S8*' B@fL ؏ x-SRY-XR6$SAvs x`SRN`` SR\8"NzKw< ;\;\, <80~D808IF ;\;\;\@, <2,2~D:*2,22,;F  ;\13, <LT1~D*LT1LTBF  ;\13, <Fj~DFjFAF ;\;\13, <d~D*d@F ;\13, <d~D*d?F ;\l;\;\@, <^0~DP^0^>F P;\;\@, < d~D* d =< ;\;\, <S1~D-S1S7< 8, <)2~D2,)2):< ;\;\, <¬0~D|¬0¬8F `;\;\@, <x,2~D@,x,2x,4< ;\, <\0~D$\0\07& L*C;\  ;\ ;\          A;\l;\ l;\  ;\ ;\X;\;\,D;\3;\ 7x :@4S+:@:X $S@= Fuel type must be selected$ Petrol S2-2 LPG- S- Diesel SRR CNG"P S"P"P ElectricS@@X&$S S==  XR$S)KS]Y]K )֛KSp֛K֛X`$S0XjL$S5=Fuel type must be either Petrol, LPG, Diesel, CNG or Electric]Fuel type for an untested vehicle must be the same as for the tested vehicle (vehicle number  -0/J"vwx[@2 ;\ @;\ ;\ C;\  ;\ p;\        AH;\ ;\  |;\#;\( ;\+T;\2  ܘSPܘܘ %S_ PetrolS:@: LPG$S$$ DieselS22 CNG-S- ElectricSRR xSSSS x S   @S@@ .KS.K."-0/J"vwx[a1 ;\h p;\       A;\0 ;\D ;\ |;\ ;\ ;\;\&;\- ;\1  <"4S.<"<X "$SC@n "Sp" ehMlj"h k(hMlj"hX"$S | "SI I"XF"$S# "Sd" x"Sx"xXT"$S*X^"L$S/Reference mass must be suppliedI The reference mass is usually in the range 500 to 4000 kg, please check.Equivalent test inertia mass for vehicle 8 must be equal to or less than Equivalent test inertia mass of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) , or vehicle 8 must be tested"-4.J" 6b@h, ;\ X;\ ;\         A;\D;\X ;\;\;\;\"%;\,R "SxS" %Sxb efL Ն k(fL Ն %DSxDD x Sx]   Sxo    Sx  $-4.J" 6bD ;\ ;\ ;\T|;\;\ ;\;\  ;\  0;\B&;\;\t;\'L;\;\ $;\/;\;\p;\7;\ !;\;\?"#\;\$%;\4;\G&' ;\();\`;\O*+;\,-;\;\W./l;\01;\D;\_23;\45B"lT;\g67,;\89;\;\o:;;\<=;\;\w>?;\@A;\@d;\BC<;\DE;\;\FG;\HI;\;\JK;\LM;\0t;\NOL;\PQ;\$;\RSTU;\;\V;\WXX;\;\ Y;\40;\Y  B@TwFP 8TwFP TwFP TwFP z@TwFP /TwFP eTwFP TwFP ?@TwFP #vTwFP !TwFP TwFP #=TwFP &6TwFP %@@TwFP TwFP &xTwFP *QTwFP (TwFP TwFP *`TwFP -@TwFP ,TwFP TwFP -;TwFP 2TwFP /TwFP TwFP 2:TwFP 9@TwFP 6=TwFP TwFP 9TwFP @_~TwFP <TwFP TwFP @n@TwFP FTwFP CZnTwFP TwFP F7TwFP Mȸ@TwFP J|TwFP TwFP MTwFP T{TwFP QTwFP TwFP T@TwFP [1TwFP WkTwFP TwFP [A4TwFP ajTwFP ^yTwFP TwFP aϬ@TwFP hxTwFP eSTwFP TwFP h@TwFP ouTwFP khTwFP TwFP o1TwFP vgTwFP s vTwFP TwFP v@TwFP }+uTwFP yTwFP TwFP }:@TwFP TwFP &eTwFP TwFP .TwFP TwFP MsTwFP TwFP -@TwFP pTwFP MsTwFP TwFP pTwFP MsTwFP TwFP .V$h  ;\,<;\       A;\ ;\ ;\ ;\;\X;\$ @dSF@X FL$S:7(d@LSFfd@dX<FL$SXU60-LSFtt0-0XBFL$S!Engine Family must be suppliedtEngine family for vehicle 8 must be the same as the engine family of the tested vehicle, or vehicle 8 must be tested 7-J"lmn*V@@        A#$ ;\ h;\T;\  A;\;\ p;\;\;\;\ ;\4 X;\5;\\< 0;\@  ė4S+ėėX $S@=W,S!o!W,W hMl~hX`$S0IFSjS%%jjXn$S7.+Xt$S:MJX|L$S>fc!Body Shape Descriptor is requiredRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same8-8J"^_`,XDVSTUp@ <X ;\ ;\ h;\        A;\ ;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ ;\;\t;\`;\-;\42;\H58;\<( SPP %X,SP_X,X fL - xxSP6xx SPL SPh "SP~"":-8J"^_`,XDVSTUp( T       A;\ ;\ ;\ ;\l;\;\l;\%P;\(R P~pD,~8H 8~zDA>x >8~pD"q">>~8H:8~zDZW 8~pDpp :8~pD :: ƞ8~pDƞƞ Ԟh~pD+ԞԞ"Transmission type must be suppliedpTransmission type for vehicle 8 must be the same as the transmission type of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) , or vehicle 8 must be tested -:J"abc+WB?v T;\       A`;\;\ L;\       A;\;\$ ;\;\&;\( ;\*;\ ;\ ;\H4;\; ;\p?|  ‹4S2‹X ‹$SGD S#x# 8hMl‹hXd‹$S2 rS?rr dS u ddXr‹$S9Xz‹L$S=#Transmission ratio must be suppliedThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested -;J#""dowO{@4;\       A;\ ;\ TL       AH;\;\l$ 4;\;\&;\( ;\*d;\h;\@;\4 8hMl.ËhXVXËL$S+,)X ԲLSXÁԲԲf pLSX  ppXdXËL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedJI%epx"@4;\       A;\ ;\ TL       Ah;\;\l$ T;\&;\( ;\*0;\;\4 8hMlËhXVËL$S+/,6LSÁ66DLS  DDXdËL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedJ)"&fqyU@4;\       A;\ ;\ TL       A@;\;\l$ ,;\;\&;\( ;\*;\d;\<;\4 8hMlċhXV*ċL$S+/,LS*ā LS*  Xd*ċL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedJ("'grzT@4;\       A;\ ;\ 0D       Ah;\;\l$ T;\;\&;\( ,;\*;\;\;\4 8hMl+hXV+L$S+/,`:zLS+:z:znHzLS+  HzHzXd+L$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedJ'"(hs{S@4;\       A;\;\ ;\       A;\;\l$ x;\;\&;\( P;\*,;\;\4 8hMl ,hXV4,L$S+/,zLS4,zzzLS4,  zzXd4,L$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedJ&")it|R~@4;\       A;\ ;\ ;\       A;\;\l$ l;\;\&;\( D;\*;\t;\4 8hMll,hXV,L$S+/,2"LS,"@"LS,  "Xd,L$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedJ%"*ju}Q}@4;\       A;\ ;\ z\       A,;\;\l$ ;\;\&;\( ;\*;\;\;\4 8hMlvhXVwL$S+/,wLSwwwLSw  XdwL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedJ$"+kv~P|@Xp` ;\ ;\ ;\ ;\|;\       Ad;\;\0 P;\       A;\$ ;\t;\&( ;\ *;\;\4  A;\;\ ;\  A<;\;\$ (;\;\&;\( ;\*;\ ;\ !"#$%&'()*  A D;\;\ 0;\ !"#$%&'()*  A;\,;\$ ;\@|;\&h;\( ;\h*@;\;\+,-./012+3456  A;\0;\ ;\D,-./012+3456  A;\;\$ ;\;\& ;\ ( ;\* ;\4;\789:;<=>7?@AB  A;\;\ ;\89:;<=>7?@AB  A;\4;\$ ;\ ;\&  ;\( ;\* ;\;\CDEFGHIJCKLMN  A;\ 0;\ ;\ DEFGHIJCKLMN  A;\;\ @$ |;\;\ T& ;\ h( T;\* ;\OPQRSTUVOWXYZ  A;\;\ D |OPQRSTUVOWXYZ  A;\ ;\$ ;\ p;\&\;\( ;\ *4;\;\ H[\]^_`ab[cdef  A;\ ;\ ;\ \]^_`ab[cdef  Ad;\;\ $ P;\;\ &;\ ( (;\*;\ -;\Y;\;\;\;\ ;\(5;\a;\<f;\Pi;\pJ "S>W " " %:!S>f:!:! 8hM . x!S>!! 8hM . x!S>!! 8hM . x!S>!! 8hM . x^S>2 ^^ 8hM . xxVS>f xVxV 8hM . xNVS> NVNV 8hM . xUS>UU 8hM . xjVS>jVjV VS>VV VS>*VVf-;J#""dowO{I%epx)&fqyU('grzT'(hs{S&)it|R~%*ju}Q}$+kv~P|F ;\@, <S1~DS1SE@       A ;\ ;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ 0;\;\9;\ ;\4\;\& ;\\<  ;\@  .@S .@.X0 @$S: S ii  hMl@hX` @$S0V| S ܁*| |< S %e%< <Xn @$S7}Xv @$S;X| @L$S>iRoad Power Absoption must be provided if the tested and untested vehicles do not have the same body shapeRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same6-J"^_`,XDVSTUp@<X ;\ ;\ `;\       A ;\ ;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\ ;\42;\H5d;\<( @S:!@ % BS:2 B B fL m xZ@S:AZ@Z@ xCS:WxCxC KS:sK KS:K8-J"^_`,XDVSTUp' ;\ $;\ L;\ $;\       A ;\ ;\ ,\ ;\X<;\(;\ ;\' U1~DVRU1U %V1~DVaV1V x0~DVS0 0~DVe0 0~DV{0"-7J"lmn*V ;\ ;\ @;\ T  ;\| ;\ $;\ ;\~H/Hf.8~PD:6~H/Hf.8~PD TP % . ~Dfv .  . ~Df.JK- \iD h X;\ ;\D;\ ;\    ;\      C;\ @;\   @;\,;\;\ ;\  ;\\;\p;\ X;\ ;\  A;\` |;\ ;\t;\;\;\60*6L;\X;\a;\iF 1-hMl@hX @L$S0-(@LS?}?(@( @dS@X@L$S @LS$$@X"@d$S   -hMl@hX0@L$S=:D@LSHHD@DX8@d$SXZ@L$S-6@LS%%6@6Xb@d$S1 hMl@hXp@L$S8&!LS3I3&!&Xx@d$S<da B@hMl@hX@L$SCB!LS88B!BX@d$SGX@L$SZ Vehicle number 4!4,`{JLS#.#`{J`{X@L$SaA>?Form identification can not exceed 20 characters. Please check$A response is required for vehicle 8HSE Form identification is usually longer than 2 characters. Please check%SE Form identification is duplicated.3The tested vehicle column number can not exceed 12.8The column number for the tested vehicle must be entered# has not been tested. Please check6I-K"NzJw@L , False.~Dft.t  ;\ @ T ;\~H/H.h~PD~H/H .h~PD1-~H/H.P~PD YV.P~D--.~H/H.P~PD -The vehicle must be either tested or untestedJK-L , False.~D̼ڼ.ڼ  ;\ @ T ;\~H/H.h~PD~H/H .h~PD1-~H/H.P~PD YVn<.P~D--<.<~H/H.P~PD -The vehicle must be either tested or untestedJK-] ;\ 4;\ ;\Dd;\  ;\ ;\D;\;\ ;\       C;\ <;\   ,;\;\ ;\ ;\    4;\H\ \;\ 4;\  A;\$ ;\ ;\8l;\;\`!X;\+;\t?D;\I;\P0;\V;\] $S1~Ǝ ~pDM 4~pD} %~pD~8H&4~zD -$S1~Ǝ %. ~pD. . ~8H84~zD x*!~pD*!*!~8H^4~zD/ $S1~Ǝ x6~pD 66~8Hp4~zD8*' B@$S1~Ǝ x~pDY~8H4~zDAvs x ~pDN   ~pD\  8I-K"NzJw< 8h, <*2~D(+*2*u"F ;\;\;\@, <P0~DP0Pg#F , <6~D6n$F ;\@, <X6~DX6Xm%F ;\@, <0~D40l&F P;\@, < 6~D, 6 k'F ;\;\1[, <Fj~DFjFj(F ;\;\;\@, <ȭ3~D,ȭ3ȭi)< ;\;\, <3~D83c*< , <*3~Dȭ*3*f+< ;\;\, <3~Db3d,F ;\1k, <0~DV0`.< , <0~D0\/7& L*C  ;\ h;\          A;\l;\ ;\  ;\ ;\;\,l;\3;\ 7x -4S$+-X $$S@= Fuel type must be selectedR Petrol S$"P"P LPG@ S$@@ Diesel S$֛K֛ CNG>" S$>"> ElectricS$="=X&$$SZ="S$==="=XR$$S)ZxS$]Y]xx )jS$pjjX`$$S0Xj$L$S5=Fuel type must be either Petrol, LPG, Diesel, CNG or Electric]Fuel type for an untested vehicle must be the same as for the tested vehicle (vehicle number  Y\[vNvwx/@2 ;\ ;\ 0;\ C  ;\ <;\        A;\;\ ;\  L;\#;\( ;\+$;\2  -S$P- %RS$_RR PetrolS$SS LPG S$   DieselS$@@ CNG.KS$.K. ElectricS$"S$>"> xS$ S$ ޣMS$ޣMޣ"Y\[vNvwx/a1 ;\h p;\       A;\0;\D ;\  ;\  ;\;\&;\- ;\1  B~4S4.B~BX 4~$SC@JT^~S4p^~^ ehMl ~h k(hMl ~hX4~$S XTtS4I ItXF4~$S#fTtS4dttTtS4tXT4~$S*X^4~L$S/Reference mass must be suppliedI The reference mass is usually in the range 500 to 4000 kg, please check.Equivalent test inertia mass for vehicle 9 must be equal to or less than Equivalent test inertia mass of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) , or vehicle 9 must be tested"Y`ZvN 6b@h, ;\ X;\ ;\         A;\DX ;\;\;\;\";\%h;\,R ~SS~ %"Sb" efL <ׇ k(fL <ׇ %"S" x<"S]<"< So DSDD$Y`ZvN 6bD ;\ 8;\ ;\T|;\;\ ;\;\  ;\  0x;\;\P;\(;\;\;\';\;\ ;\/;\;\p`;\78;\ !;\;\?"#<;\$%;\;\G&' ;\();\`;\O*+;\,-;\;\W./l;\01;\D;\_23;\45;\P;\g67;\89;\;\o:;|;\<=;\T;\w>?,;\@A;\@;\BC;\DE;\;\FG;\HI;\d;\JK<;\LM;\0;\NO;\PQ;\;\RS;\TU;\t;\V;\WX8;\;\ Y;\4;\Y  B@TwP 8TwP TwP TwP z@TwP /TwP eTwP TwP ?@TwP #vTwP !TwP TwP #=TwP &6TwP %@@TwP TwP &xTwP *QTwP (TwP TwP *`TwP -@TwP ,TwP TwP -;TwP 2TwP /TwP TwP 2:TwP 9@TwP 6=TwP TwP 9TwP @_~TwP <TwP TwP @n@TwP FTwP CZnTwP TwP F7TwP Mȸ@TwP J|TwP TwP MTwP T{TwP QTwP TwP T@TwP [1TwP WkTwP TwP [A4TwP ajTwP ^yTwP TwP aϬ@TwP hxTwP eSTwP TwP h@TwP ouTwP khTwP TwP o1TwP vgTwP s vTwP TwP v@TwP }+uTwP yTwP TwP }:@TwP TwP &eTwP TwP .TwP TwP MsTwP TwP -@TwP pTwP MsTwP TwP pTwP MsTwP TwP ZV$h  ,;\       A;\ ;\ p;\ ;\;\X ;\$ _~pD_~8H h~zD:7UR_h~pDfR_R~8H<h~zDXUU_h~pDtt_~8HBh~zD!Engine Family must be suppliedtEngine family for vehicle 9 must be the same as the engine family of the tested vehicle, or vehicle 9 must be tested cYvNlmn*V@@        A ;\ h;\T;\  A;\;\ l;\;\;\ ;\4 ;\5;\\< p;\@  $ 4S+$ $X  $S@=4VX,S!o!X,X hMl hX` $S0IFBV0S00PVS%%Xn $S7.+Xt $S:MJX| L$S>fc!Body Shape Descriptor is requiredRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same8YdvN^_`,XpVSTUD@ <X ;\ ;\ 4;\        A;\;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\p;\-;\42H5d;\<(  SP  %fS_ff fL  xS6 SL "Sh"" >S~>>:YdvN^_`,XpVSTUD( T       A;\ ;\ ;\ ;\x;\~%;\(R P~pDΜ,~8H Μ8~zDA>S8~pDΜ"q"~8H:Μ8~zDZWT؝8~pDΜpp؝؝V*_8~pDΜ *_* p_8~pDΜp_p Γ_h~pDΜ+Γ_Γ"Transmission type must be suppliedpTransmission type for vehicle 9 must be the same as the transmission type of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) , or vehicle 9 must be tested YfvNabc+WB?v T;\       A`;\;\ L;\       A;\4;\$ ;\ ;\& ;\( ;\*;\ ;\ ;\H4;\; ;\p?|  ΋4S2΋X ΋$SGD‹S#x#‹ 8hMll΋hXd΋$S2$‹S΁?‹2‹S u ‹Xr΋$S9Xz΋L$S=#Transmission ratio must be suppliedThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested YgvON"dow#{@4;\       A;\ ;\ 'D       AH;\;\l$ 4;\;\&;\( ;\*d;\;\t;\4 8hMl΋hXVϋL$S+,)JËLSρJËJXËLS  XËXXdϋL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedvu%epxN@4;\       A;\ ;\ 'D       Ah;\;\l$ T;\&;\( ;\*0;\ ;\4 8hMl>ϋhXVhϋL$S+/,hËLShρËvËLSh  ËXdhϋL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedvUN&fqy)@4;\       A;\ ;\ G|       A;\;\l$ ;\;\&;\( ;\*;\x;\P;\4 8hMlϋhXVϋL$S+/,ʻċLSρċػ*ċLS  *ċ*XdϋL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedvTN'grz(@4;\       A;\;\ ;\       A;\l$ ;\;\&;\( ;\*;\;\,;\4 8hMl hXV+L$S+/,,#!LS+#!#:#!LS+  #!#Xd+L$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedvSN(hs{'@4;\       A;\ ;\ &       A_oit;\l$ d;\;\&;\( <;\*;\;\;\4 8hMlhXVL$S+/,&,LS&,&,4,LS  4,4,XdL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedvRN)it|&~@4;\       A;\ ;\ &       At;\;\l$ `;\;\&;\( 8;\*L;\8;\;\4 8hMl<hXVfL$S+/,,LSf,,,LSf  ,,XdfL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedvQN*ju}%}@4;\       A;\ ;\ &       A;\;\l$ ;\;\&;\( ;\*D;\0;\;\4 8hMlhXVL$S+/,RLS`LS  XdL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedvPN+kv~$|@Xp` ;\ ;\ |;\ ;\| ;\       A ,;\;\0 ;\       A;\$ ;\;\&4;\( ;\ *`;\;\4  A;\$;\ ;\  AL;\;\$ 8;\;\&;\( ;\*;\ ;\ !"#$%&'()*  A D;\;\ 0;\ !"#$%&'()*  A;\,;\$ ;\@|;\&h;\( ;\h*@;\;\+,-./0123+456  A;\0;\ ;\D,-./0123+456  A;\;\$ ;\;\& ;\ ( ;\* ;\4;\789:;<=>?7@AB  At;\;\ `;\89:;<=>?7@AB  A;\;\$ ;\;\& ;\( ;\* p;\;\CDEFGHIJKCLMN  A;\ ;\ ;\ DEFGHIJKCLMN  A;\;\ @$ ;\;\ T& ;\ h( ;\*;\ ;\OPQRSTUVWOXYZ  A|;\;\ D h;\PQRSTUVWOXYZ  A;\ ;\$ ;\ ;\&;\( ;\ *x;\;\ H[\]^_`abc[def  A;\ ;\ ;\ \]^_`abc[def  Ah;\;\ $ T;\;\ &;\ ( ,;\*;\ -AY;\;\;\ ;\(5;\a;\<f;\Pi;\pJ ,S{W,, %D>S{fD>D> 8hM E x!S{!! 8hM E x!S{!! 8hM E x!S{!! 8hM E x!S{2 !! 8hM E x!S{f !! 8hM E x[S{ [[ 8hM E x&YS{&Y&Y 8hM E xXS{XX XS{XX YS{* Y YfYgvON"dow#{u%epxU&fqy)T'grz(S(hs{'R)it|&~Q*ju}%}P+kv~$|F ;\;\@, < 0~D  0 qD@       A ;\ ;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ 0;\;\9;\ ;\4;\& ;\\< ;\@  BSZ@ B BX0Z@$SKSZ@iiK hMln hX`Z@$S0ηKSZ@+KܷKSZ@%f%KXnZ@$S7~XvZ@$S;X|Z@L$S>iRoad Power Absoption must be provided if the tested and untested vehicles do not have the same body shapeRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same6YvN^_`,XpVSTUD@<X ;\ ;\ ,;\       A ;\ ;\ ;\;\  A;\ ;\X;\;\ ;\42;\H5;\<( Z@S!Z@Z@ %uFS2uFu fL d xtFSAtFt KSWK ~JSs~J~ X,SX,X8YvN^_`,XpVSTUD' ;\ 8;\ ;\ ;\|       A;\ ;\;\0 p;\;\X;\;\ ;\' Z6~DBRZ6Z %l3~DBal3l x3~DBS3 3~DBe3 3~DB{3"YcvNlmn*V ;\ l;\ ;\ T  ;\| ;\ $;\ ;\~H/Hf68~PD:6~H/Hf68~PD TP %ָ6 ~Dfvָ6ָ 6 ~Df6vwY \iD h X;\ ;\D;\ ;\    ;\      C;\ @;\   @;\,;\;\ ;\  ;\\;\p;\ ;\ ;\  A;\` ;\ ;\t;\;\;\<;\*;\6(;\L;\X;\a;\iF 1-hMl-hX -L$S0--LS?}?- -dS-X-L$S -LS$$-X"-d$S   -hMl-hX0-L$S=:ƹ:-LSHH:-:X8-d$SXZ-L$S-Թ,-LS%%,-,Xb-d$S1 hMl-hXp-L$S84!LS3I34!4Xx-d$S<da B@hMl-hX-L$SC|JLS88|J|X-d$SGX-L$SZ Vehicle number p~Jp~{JLS#.#{J{X-L$SaA>?Form identification can not exceed 20 characters. Please check$A response is required for vehicle 9HSE Form identification is usually longer than 2 characters. Please check%SE Form identification is duplicated.3The tested vehicle column number can not exceed 12.8The column number for the tested vehicle must be entered# has not been tested. Please check6uYwN"zvK@L , False6~D~6  P;\ @ ;\T ;\~H/H6h~PD~H/H 6h~PD1-~H/H6P~PD YV:6P~D--6~H/H6P~PD -The vehicle must be either tested or untestedvwYL , False6~Dָ6  P;\ @ ;\T ;\~H/H6h~PD~H/H 6h~PD1-~H/H6P~PD YVijT6P~D--T6T~H/H6P~PD -The vehicle must be either tested or untestedvwY] ;\ 0;\ ;\D`;\  ;\ ;\D;\;\ ;\       C;\ ;\   ;\;\ t;\ ;\    ;\4;\H;\\ ;\ ;\  A;\$ ;\ ;\8|;\;\`!h;\+;\t?T;\I;\P@;\V;\] 1-fL   S`M L<"S`}L<"L< %,="S`,=",=X&`$S -fL   %>"S`>">X8`$S xMS`MX^`$S/ fL   xMS` MXp`$S8*' B@fL   xMS`YMX`$SAvs x~JS`N~J~ }JS`\}J}8uYwN"zvK< ;\, <6+2~Df6+26+NF ;\8;\@, <Fj~DjFjFOF ;\P;\@, <0~D0PF L;\@, <|1~D|1|QF ;\@, <Fj~DFjFRF $;\@, <1~D1SF ;\;\@, <1~D1TF ;\@, <40~D404U< ;\, <1~D1V< , <L0~DL0LW< , <|1~D|1|XF ;\;\@, <1~D1Z< ;\, <41~D414[7& L,C  ;\ l;\          A;\l;\ ;\  ;\ ;\4;\;\, ;\3;\ 7x @4SS-@@X S$SB? Fuel type must be selected֛ Petrol SS="= LPG>" SS>"> Diesel SSjj CNGޣM SSޣMޣ ElectricSS\M\X&S$S".MSS==.M.XRS$S)0|)SS]_]|)| )()SSw()(X`S$S0XjSL$S5=Fuel type must be either Petrol, LPG, Diesel, CNG or Electric]Fuel type for an untested vehicle must be the same as for the tested vehicle (vehicle number  zvwx/[@2 ;\ ;\ P;\ CT;\  ;\ @;\        A;\;\ (;\  ;\ ;\# |( ;\+$;\2  @SRR@@ % SRa   PetrolSR"> CNGSR ElectricSR xޣMSRޣMޣ x`)SR`)` |)SR|)| .KSR.K."zvwx/[c1 ;\h p;\       A;\0;\D ;\ ;\  0;\;\&;\- ;\1  V4SH0VVX H$SEBzrSHrrr ehMlh k(hMlhXH$S ~SHI I~XFH$S#~SHk~~SH  ~XTH$S*X^HL$S/Reference mass must be suppliedI The reference mass is usually in the range 500 to 4000 kg, please check.Equivalent test inertia mass for vehicle 10 must be equal to or less than Equivalent test inertia mass of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) , or vehicle 10 must be tested"z 6b@h, ;\ X;\ ;\         A;\DX ;\;\;\;\";\%;\,R SU %<"Sd<"< efL p܈ k(fL p܈ %"S" x"Sc" Su DSDD$z 6bD ;\ ;\ ;\T|;\;\ ;\;\  ;\  0;\F;\;\t;\'L;\;\ $;\/;\;\p;\7;\ !;\;\?"#\;\$%;\4;\G&' ;\();\`;\O*+;\,-;\;\W./l;\01;\D;\_23;\45FHT;\g67,;\89;\;\o:;;\<=;\;\w>?;\@A;\@d;\BC<;\DE;\;\FG;\HI;\;\JK;\LM;\0t;\NOL;\PQ;\$;\RSTU;\;\V;\WXX;\;\ Y;\40;\Y  B@TwHP 8TwHP TwHP TwHP z@TwHP /TwHP eTwHP TwHP ?@TwHP #vTwHP !TwHP TwHP #=TwHP &6TwHP %@@TwHP TwHP &xTwHP *QTwHP (TwHP TwHP *`TwHP -@TwHP ,TwHP TwHP -;TwHP 2TwHP /TwHP TwHP 2:TwHP 9@TwHP 6=TwHP TwHP 9TwHP @_~TwHP <TwHP TwHP @n@TwHP FTwHP CZnTwHP TwHP F7TwHP Mȸ@TwHP J|TwHP TwHP MTwHP T{TwHP QTwHP TwHP T@TwHP [1TwHP WkTwHP TwHP [A4TwHP ajTwHP ^yTwHP TwHP aϬ@TwHP hxTwHP eSTwHP TwHP h@TwHP ouTwHP khTwHP TwHP o1TwHP vgTwHP s vTwHP TwHP v@TwHP }+uTwHP yTwHP TwHP }:@TwHP TwHP &eTwHP TwHP .TwHP TwHP MsTwHP TwHP -@TwHP pTwHP MsTwHP TwHP pTwHP MsTwHP TwHP X$h  , ;\       A;\ ;\x;\ ;\;\X<;\$ ~pDK~8H Kh~zD<9fh~pDKh~8H<Kh~zD]Zt<h~pDKvv<<~8HBKh~zD!Engine Family must be suppliedvEngine family for vehicle 10 must be the same as the engine family of the tested vehicle, or vehicle 10 must be tested zlmn*V@~@        AP;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\;\ ;\4  ;\5< ;\@  A4SA-AAX A$SB?fSA!q!ff hMlAhX`A$S0OLSA"SA%%""XnA$S741XtA$S:SPX|AL$S>li!Body Shape Descriptor is requiredRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle(vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same8z^_`,XVSTUDp@L ;\ \;\ ;\        A;\;\ ;\  A ;\ ;\  A;\p;\ ;\$ ;\% ;\(=;\BE;\LR ~pD R % ~pD a   $S1~J $S1~J xf ~pD (f f  ~pD >   ~pD Z   ~pD p:z^_`,XVSTUDp( T       A;\ ;\;\ d;\;\;\l8;\%$;\(R P~pDʝ.~8H ʝ8~zDC@_8~pDʝ"s"_~8H:ʝ8~zD_\Z_8~pDʝqqZ_Z_8~pDʝ  _ ֑_8~pDʝ#֑_֑ *_h~pDʝ3*_*"Transmission type must be suppliedqTransmission type for vehicle 10 must be the same as the transmission type of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) , or vehicle 10 must be tested zabc+WB?v Tp;\       A;\;\ ;\       A;\;\$ ;\;\&;\( ;\*;\ ;\ ;\H4h;\; ;\p?|  4Sv4X v$SIF4 Sv#z#   8hMlLhXdv$S2B SvE  8 Sv | 8 8 Xrv$S9XzvL$S=#Transmission ratio must be suppliedThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested {z"dow#O@4;\       A;\ ;\ RT       AH;\;\l$ 4;\;\&;\( ;\*d;\ ;\ ;\4 8hMlhXVBL$S+0-A΋LSB΋AϋLSB  ϋXdBL$S2 The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested%epxz@4;\       A;\ ;\ RT       Ah;\;\l$ T;\&;\( ;\*0;\h;\4 8hMlzhXVL$S+30FBZϋLSZϋZTBhϋLS  hϋhXdL$S2  The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedz&fqy)U@4;\       A;\ ;\ RT       A@;\;\l$ ,;\;\&;\( ;\*;\;\;\4 8hMl܀hXVL$S+30BLSBLS  XdL$S2  The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedz'grz(T@4;\       A;\ ;\ G       AX;\;\l$ D;\;\&;\( ;\*;\;\;\4 8hMlhXV>L$S+30 CJLS>JJC+LS>  ++Xd>L$S2  The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedz(hs{'S@4;\       A;\ ;\ ;\       A;\;\l$ l;\;\&;\( D;\*;\$;\4 8hMlvhXVL$S+30lCLSzCLS  XdL$S2  The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested~z)it|&R@4;\       A;\ ;\ h       A|;\;\l$ h;\;\&;\( @;\*;\;\;\4 8hMlhXVL$S+30CXLSXXCfLS  ffXdL$S2  The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested}z*ju}%Q@4;\       A;\ ;\ h       At;\;\l$ `;\;\&;\( 8;\*;\;\d;\4 8hMlThXV~L$S+300DLS~>DRgLS~  RgRgXd~L$S2  The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested|z+kv~$P@Xp` ;\ 8;\ ;\ ;\|,;\       A;\;\0 x;\       A L;\$ ;\ 8;\&4;\( ;\ *`;\;\4  A;\$;\ ;\  A;\;\$ ;\;\&;\( p;\*;\d;\ !"#$%&'()*  A;\;\ ;\ !"#$%&'()*  A;\,;\$ ;\@;\&;\( ;\h*;\;\+,-./01234+56  A;\0;\ ;\D,-./01234+56  AD;\;\$ 0;\;\& ;\ ( * ;\4\;\789:;<=>?@7AB  A;\;\ ;\89:;<=>?@7AB  A;\;\$ ;\;\& ;\( ;\* ;\;\CDEFGHIJKLCMN  A;\ ;\ ;\ DEFGHIJKLCMN  Ad;\;\ @$ P;\;\ T& ;\ h( (;\* \;\OPQRSTUVWXOYZ  A;\;\ D ;\PQRSTUVWXOYZ  A;\ ;\$ ;\ ;\&;\( ;\ *;\;\ H[\]^_`abcd[ef  A;\ ;\ ;\ \]^_`abcd[ef  Ad;\;\ $ P;\;\ &;\ ( (;\*;\ -;\Y;\;\;\;\ ;\(5;\a;\<f;\Pi;\pJ SvY %. Svh. .  8hM H[ x Sv   8hM H[ xt Svt t  8hM H[ x Sv    8hM H[ x SvD    8hM H[ x Sv|    8hM H[ x Sv    8hM H[ x* Sv* *  8hM H[ xSv$ Sv6 SvL  f{z"dow#O%epx&fqy)U'grz(T(hs{'S~)it|&R}*ju}%Q|+kv~$PF p;\@, <1~D1p@       A ;\ ;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ 0;\;\9;\ ;\4;\& ;\\< d;\@  BS4BBX04$SvguFS4iiuFu hMl hX`4$S0gtFS41tFtgKS4%m%KXn4$S7Xv4$S;X|4L$S>iRoad Power Absoption must be provided if the tested and untested vehicles do not have the same body shapeRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same6z^_`,XVSTUDp@<X ;\ ;\ `;\       A;\ ;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ |;\;\;\ ;\42;\H5`;\<( 8X,S~&8X,8X %FX,S~7FX,FX fL ј xX,S~GX,X fS~]ff gS~ygg fS~ff8z^_`,XVSTUDp' ;\ ;\ t;\ ;\       A;\ ;\;\0 \;\;\X4;\ ;\ ;\' 3~DT 3  %3~Dc3 x3~DX3 3~Dj3 1~D1"zlmn*V ;\ ;\ @;\ T  ;\| ;\ $;\ ;\~H/H68~PD:6~H/H68~PD TP %6 ~Dv6 6 ~D6 ]iD h  ;\ x;\Dt;\ ;\    ;\      C;\ @;\   ;\;\L;\ ;\  ;\\;\p;\ ;\ ;\  A&4 l ;\t;\;\;\;\*;\6;\L;\Xx;\a;\iF 1-hMlhX L$S1.e6LS?~?66 dS  XL$S e(LS%%((X"d$S -hMlhX0L$SC@eRLSHHRRX8d$SXZL$S- fDLS%%DDXbd$S1 hMlhXpL$S8f}JLS3R3}J}Xxd$S<nk B@hMlhXL$SC&f{JLS88{J{Xd$SGXL$SZ Vehicle number {J{4f }JLS#<# }J }XL$SaOL?Form identification can not exceed 20 characters. Please check%A response is required for vehicle 10HSE Form identification is usually longer than 2 characters. Please check%SE Form identification is duplicated.3The tested vehicle column number can not exceed 12.8The column number for the tested vehicle must be entered# has not been tested. Please check6z"NKw@L , False3~D3   ;\@ ;\T ;\~H/HT3h~PD~H/H T3h~PD1-~H/HT3P~PD YVfx3P~DT--x3x~H/HT3P~PD -The vehicle must be either tested or untestedL , False3~D3    ;\T ;\~H/H~3h~PD~H/H ~3h~PD1-~H/H~3P~PD YVPfz3P~D~--z3z~H/H~3P~PD -The vehicle must be either tested or untested] ;\ ;\ ;\D@;\  ;\ ;\D;\;\ ;\       C;\ ;\   X;\D;\ 0;\ ;\    ;\H;\\ 8;\   A;\$ ;\ ;\8;\;\`!;\+;\t?;\I;\Px;\V;\] 1-fL  L<"S@NL<"L< ,="S@,=",= %>"S@>">X&@$S -fL  %MS@MX8@$S xMS@MX^@$S/ fL  xMS@MXp@$S830 B@fL  x}JS@c}J}X@$SA~ x~JS@Z~J~ f5S@hf5f8z"NKw< 8, <0~Db0zF h;\;\@, <|1~D|1|{F ;\@, <x1~Dx1x|F 8;\@, <<1~D<1<}F 8, <1~D1~F ;\5W, <0~DΩ0F ;\@, <1~D1F ;\@, <k~Dk< ;\;\, <1~D1<  ;\, <1~D1< T;\, <|1~D|1|F ,;\@, <1~D1< , <41~D4147& L,CT;\  ;\ @;\          A;\l;\ ;\  ;\ ;\;\;\,;\3;\ 7x ="4S֛-="=X ֛K$SB? Fuel type must be selectedj Petrol S֛\M\ LPGޣM S֛ޣMޣ Diesel S֛()( CNG`) S֛`)` ElectricS֛)X&֛K$SxK KS֛== K XR֛K$S)K.KS֛]_].K. )KS֛wKX`֛K$S0Xj֛KL$S5=Fuel type must be either Petrol, LPG, Diesel, CNG or Electric]Fuel type for an untested vehicle must be the same as for the tested vehicle (vehicle number  vwx/[@2 ;\ ;\ P;\ C;\  ;\ ;\        A;\;\ ;\  ;\ ;\#( +;\2  >"SR>"> %Sa PetrolS LPGޣMSޣMޣ DieselS`)` CNG|)S|)| ElectricS.K. xKSK xf}JSf}Jf} {JS{J{ f5Sf5f"vwx/[c1 ;\h p;\       A;\0;\D ;\ ;\  ;\;\&;\- ;\1  4S0X $SEBPSr ehMlh k(hMlhX$S  PSI IXF$S#PvSkvv(PS  XT$S*X^L$S/Reference mass must be suppliedI The reference mass is usually in the range 500 to 4000 kg, please check.Equivalent test inertia mass for vehicle 11 must be equal to or less than Equivalent test inertia mass of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) , or vehicle 11 must be tested" 6b@h, ;\ X;\ ;\         A;\DX |;\;\T;\;\";\%,;\,R |SnU|| %Snd efL (؉ k(fL (؉ %Sn x"Snc" <"Snu<"< "Sn"$ 6bD ;\ 8;\ ;\T|;\;\ ;\;\  ;\  0x;\;\P;\(;\;\;\';\;\ ;\/;\;\p`;\78;\ !;\;\?"#<;\$%;\;\G&' ;\();\`;\O*+;\,-;\;\W./l;\01;\D;\_23;\45;\P;\g67;\89;\;\o:;|;\<=;\T;\w>?,;\@A;\@;\BC;\DE;\;\FG;\HI;\d;\JK<;\LM;\0;\NO;\PQ;\;\RS;\TU;\t;\V;\WX8;\;\ Y;\4;\Y  B@TwP 8TwP TwP TwP z@TwP /TwP eTwP TwP ?@TwP #vTwP !TwP TwP #=TwP &6TwP %@@TwP TwP &xTwP *QTwP (TwP TwP *`TwP -@TwP ,TwP TwP -;TwP 2TwP /TwP TwP 2:TwP 9@TwP 6=TwP TwP 9TwP @_~TwP <TwP TwP @n@TwP FTwP CZnTwP TwP F7TwP Mȸ@TwP J|TwP TwP MTwP T{TwP QTwP TwP T@TwP [1TwP WkTwP TwP [A4TwP ajTwP ^yTwP TwP aϬ@TwP hxTwP eSTwP TwP h@TwP ouTwP khTwP TwP o1TwP vgTwP s vTwP TwP v@TwP }+uTwP yTwP TwP }:@TwP TwP &eTwP TwP .TwP TwP MsTwP TwP -@TwP pTwP MsTwP TwP pTwP MsTwP TwP X$h  , ;\       A;\ |;\h;\ ;\;\X,;\$ M~pDMM~8H h~zD<90PKh~pDhKK~8H<h~zD]Z>Ph~pDvv~8HBh~zD!Engine Family must be suppliedvEngine family for vehicle 11 must be the same as the engine family of the tested vehicle, or vehicle 11 must be tested lmn*V@@        A,T;\ h;\T;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\;\ ;\4 X;\5;\\< ;\@  K4Sx-KX xK$SB?PxSx!q!xx hMlNKhX`xK$S0OL؇PSxPSx%%XnxK$S752XtxK$S:TQX|xKL$S>mj!Body Shape Descriptor is requiredRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same8^_`,XVSTUDp@ <X ;\ ;\ h;\        A;\;\ ;\;\  A;\ ;\;\$;\;\-;\42;\H5\;\<( jKSRjKj %fSaff fL D6 x>S=>> JSSJJ HSoHH @SS@S@S:^_`,XVSTUDp( T       AP;\ ;\;\ (;\ ;\;\l;\%x;\(R lP~pD.ll~8H 8~zDC@3Pz8~pD"s"zz~8H:8~zD_\ 3P➕8~pDqq➕.3P8~pD   8~pD# h~pD3"Transmission type must be suppliedqTransmission type for vehicle 11 must be the same as the transmission type of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) , or vehicle 11 must be tested abc+WB?v Tp;\       A;\;\ ;\       A;\;\$ ;\t;\&`;\( ;\*;\ ;\ ;\H4;\; ;\p?|  4S4  X $SIF3PSzS#z#SzS 8hMlhXd$S23PUzSEUzU3PUzS | UzUXr$S9XzL$S=#Transmission ratio must be suppliedThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested "dow#O{@4;\       A;\ ;\        AH;\;\l$ 4;\;\&;\( ;\*d;\@;\;\4 8hMlfhXVL$S+0-3P4LS444PⲊLS  ⲊXdL$S2 The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested%epx@4;\       A;\ ;\        Ah;\;\l$ T;\&;\( ;\*0;\;\4 8hMlȳhXVL$S+30T4PLSb4PLS  XdL$S2  The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested&fqy)U@4;\       A;\ ;\ 1       A;\;\l$ ;\;\&;\( t;\*L;\8;\;\4 8hMl*hXVTL$S+304PLST4PLST  XdTL$S2  The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested'grz(T@4;\       A;\ ;\        A ;\;\l$ l;\;\&;\( D;\* ;\ ;\;\4 8hMlD:hXVn:L$S+305P0LSn:00&5P>LSn:  >>Xdn:L$S2  The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested(hs{'S@4;\       A;\ ;\        A;\*$ x&*( * ;\;\;\4 8hMl:hXV:L$S+302PLS:2PLS:  Xd:L$S2  The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested)it|&R~@4;\       A;\ ;\        At;\;\l$ `;\;\&;\( 8;\*`;\L;\$;\4 8hMl;hXV2;L$S+302PLS2;2PLS2;  Xd2;L$S2  The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested*ju}%Q}@4;\       A;\4;\ ;\       A;\l$ ;\&;\( ;\*4;\ ;\ ;\4 8hMlj;hXV;L$S+30zE8LS;88zE;LS;  ;;Xd;L$S2  The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested+kv~$P|@Xp` ;\ 8;\ ;\ ;\|,;\       A;\;\0 x;\       A L;\$ ;\ 8;\&4;\( ;\ *`;\;\4  A;\$;\ ;\  A;\;\$ ;\;\&;\( p;\*;\d;\ !"#$%&'()*  A;\;\ ;\ !"#$%&'()*  A;\,;\$ ;\@;\&;\( ;\h*;\;\+,-./012345+6  A;\0;\ ;\D,-./012345+6  AD;\;\$ 0;\;\& ;\ ( ; * ;\4 ;\789:;<=>?@A7B  A ;\;\ ;\89:;<=>?@A7B  A;\ `;\$ ;\ L;\&  8;\( ;\*  ;\;\CDEFGHIJKLMCN  A;\  \;\ ;\ DEFGHIJKLMCN  A;\;\ @$ ;\;\ T& ;\ h( ;\* \;\OPQRSTUVWXYOZ  A;\;\ D ;\PQRSTUVWXYOZ  A;\ ;\$ ;\ ;\&;\( ;\ *;\;\ H[\]^_`abcde[f  A;\ ;\ ;\ \]^_`abcde[f  Ad;\;\ $ P;\;\ &;\ ( (;\*;\ -;\Y;\;\;\;\ ;\(5;\a;\<f;\Pi;\pJ S Y %UzS hUzU 8hM + xTzS TzT 8hM + xUzS UzU 8hM + xTzS  TzT 8hM + xUzS D UzU 8hM + xHTzS | HTzHT 8hM + x2VzS  2Vz2V 8hM + xTzS TzT 8hM + xVzS $VzV VzS 6VzV VzS LVzVf"dow#O{%epx&fqy)U'grz(T(hs{'S)it|&R~*ju}%Q}+kv~$P|F ;\;\@, <0~Dd0@       A;\ ;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ 0;\;\9;\ ;\4D;\& ;\\< 0@  PSSPPX0S$S{E~JSSii~J~ hMl\ShX`S$S0{E8X,SS18X,8X{EX,SS%m%X,XXnS$S7XvS$S;X|SL$S>iRoad Power Absoption must be provided if the tested and untested vehicles do not have the same body shapeRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same6^_`,XVSTUDp@<X ;\ ;\ `;\       A;\ ;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ ;\H;\;\ ;\42;\H5 ;\<( xSSP&xSxS %FX,SP7FX,FX fL  xfSPIff gSP_gg gSP{gg fSPff8^_`,XVSTUDp'  0;\ D;\ ;\|       At;\ ;\;\0 L;\;\X$;\;\ 5' 3~DT3 %3~Dc3 x13~DX131 1~Dj1 "1~D"1""lmn*V ;\ ;\ @;\ T  ;\| ;\ $;\ ;\~H/H38~PD:6~H/H38~PD TP %3 ~Dv3 3 ~D3 ]iD h X;\ ;\D;\ ;\    ;\      C;\ @;\   @;\,;\;\ ;\  ;\\;\p;\ ;\ H;\  A;\` ;\ ;\t;\;\;\0;\*;\6;\L;\X;\a;\iF 1-hMl`>"hX >"L$S1.H|E>"LS>?~?>"> >"dS>>">X>"L$S |E>"LS>%%>">X">"d$S -hMl`>"hX0>"L$SC@D}E>"LS>HH>">X8>"d$SXZ>"L$S-L!>"LS>%%>">Xb>"d$S1 hMl`>"hXp>"L$S8h!|JLS>3R3|J|Xx>"d$S<nk B@hMl`>"hX>"L$SC!n{JLS>88n{Jn{X>"d$SGX>"L$SZ Vehicle number >}J}!{JLS>#<#{J{X>"L$SaOL?Form identification can not exceed 20 characters. Please check%A response is required for vehicle 11HSE Form identification is usually longer than 2 characters. Please check%SE Form identification is duplicated.3The tested vehicle column number can not exceed 12.8The column number for the tested vehicle must be entered# has not been tested. Please check6"NzKw@L , False3~D3   ;\@ ;\T ;\~H/H3h~PD~H/H 3h~PD1-~H/H3P~PD YVd!:3P~D--:3:~H/H3P~PD -The vehicle must be either tested or untestedL , False3~D3  ;\ @ ;\T ;\~H/H 3h~PD~H/H 3h~PD1-~H/H 3P~PD YV!3P~D --3~H/H 3P~PD -The vehicle must be either tested or untested] ;\ ;\ ;\D ;\  ;\ ;\D;\;\ ;\       C;\ `;\   ;\;\ ;\ ;\    ;\4;\H;\\ |;\ T;\  A;\$ ;\ ;\8;\;\`!;\+;\t?;\I;\P;\V;\] 1-fL    >"S=N >" > MS=M %MS=MX&="$S -fL   %MS=MX8="$S x~JS=~J~X^="$S/ fL   x}JS=}J}Xp="$S830 B@fL   x<5S=c<5<X="$SA~ xd5S=Zd5d 5S=h58"NzKw< ;\, <6+2~D6+26+F ;\@, <x1~Dx1xF 0;\@, <60~D606F ;\@, <Fj~DJFjFF ;\;\@, <x1~Dx1xF ;\@, <x1~Dx1xF  ;\i,, <x1~Dx1xF (;\;\@, <x1~Dx1x< ;\;\, <,.~D,.,< p;\, <1~D1< d;\, <v0~Dv0vF ;\@, <0~D,*0< , <,0~D),0,7& L,CL;\  ;\ 8;\          A;\l;\ ;\  h;\ ;\;\,;\3;\ 7x \M4Sj-\M\X j$SB? Fuel type must be selected( Petrol Sj) LPG`) Sj`)` Diesel SjK CNGK SjK ElectricSjf}Jf}X&j$S 2}JSj==}J}XRj$S)6 2}JSj]_]}J} ){JSjw{J{X`j$S0XjjL$S5=Fuel type must be either Petrol, LPG, Diesel, CNG or Electric]Fuel type for an untested vehicle must be the same as for the tested vehicle (vehicle number  vwx/[@2 ;\ ;\ P;\ C;\  ;\ ;\        A;\ d;\  ;\ ;\# ( ;\+(;\2  ޣMSxRޣMޣ %`)Sxa`)` PetrolSx|)| LPG.KSx.K. DieselSxK CNGf}JSxf}Jf} ElectricSx{J{ xf5Sxf5f xV,SxV,V V,SxV,V W,SxW,W"vwx/[b1 ;\h p;\       A;\0;\D ;\ 8;\ $;\ ;\&T;\- ;\1  |A4SDA0|A|AX DA$SEB 2ASDArAA ehMl(Ah k(hMl(AhXDA$S  2nASDAI InAnAXFDA$S# 2RASDAjRARA" 2nSDA  nnXTDA$S*X^DAL$S/Reference mass must be suppliedI The reference mass is usually in the range 500 to 4000 kg, please check.Equivalent test inertia mass for vehicle 12 must be equal to or less thanEquivalent test inertia mass of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) , or vehicle 12 must be tested" 6b@h, ;\ X;\ ;\         A;\DX @;\;\;\;\";\%;\,R tSUt %tSdt efL ͊ k(fL ͊ %tSt xtSbt >St>> LSLL$ 6bD ;\ 8;\ ;\T|;\;\ ;\;\  ;\  0x;\;\P;\(;\;\;\';\;\ ;\/;\;\p`;\78;\ !;\;\?"#<;\$%;\;\G&' ;\();\`;\O*+;\,-;\;\W./l;\01;\D;\_23;\45;\P;\g67;\89;\;\o:;|;\<=;\T;\w>?,;\@A;\@;\BC;\DE;\;\FG;\HI;\d;\JK<;\LM;\0;\NO;\PQ;\;\RS;\TU;\t;\V;\WX8;\;\ Y;\4;\Y  B@TwJP 8TwJP TwJP TwJP z@TwJP /TwJP eTwJP TwJP ?@TwJP #vTwJP !TwJP TwJP #=TwJP &6TwJP %@@TwJP TwJP &xTwJP *QTwJP (TwJP TwJP *`TwJP -@TwJP ,TwJP TwJP -;TwJP 2TwJP /TwJP TwJP 2:TwJP 9@TwJP 6=TwJP TwJP 9TwJP @_~TwJP <TwJP TwJP @n@TwJP FTwJP CZnTwJP TwJP F7TwJP Mȸ@TwJP J|TwJP TwJP MTwJP T{TwJP QTwJP TwJP T@TwJP [1TwJP WkTwJP TwJP [A4TwJP ajTwJP ^yTwJP TwJP aϬ@TwJP hxTwJP eSTwJP TwJP h@TwJP ouTwJP khTwJP TwJP o1TwJP vgTwJP s vTwJP TwJP v@TwJP }+uTwJP yTwJP TwJP }:@TwJP TwJP &eTwJP TwJP .TwJP TwJP MsTwJP TwJP -@TwJP pTwJP MsTwJP TwJP pTwJP MsTwJP TwJP X$h  , ;\       A;\ ;\;\ ;\;\X ,;\$ ~pD~8H Փh~zD<9p2h~pDh~8H<Փh~zD]Z~2Mh~pDvvMM~8HBՓh~zD!Engine Family must be suppliedvEngine family for vehicle 12 must be the same as the engine family of the tested vehicle, or vehicle 12 must be tested lmn*V@@        A)L;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ D;\;\;\;\ ;\4 ;\5;\\< ;\@  tF4St-tFtX tF$SB?P2fSt!q!ff hMlrtFhX`tF$S0OL^2>St>>2HSt%%HHXntF$S752XttF$S:TQX|tFL$S>mj!Body Shape Descriptor is requiredRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same8^_`,XVSTUDp@ <X ;\ ;\ 0;\        A;\;\ <;\(;\  A;\;\ T;\;\;\-42H5;\<( tFS6uRtFt %fS6uaff fL I xJS6u=JJ @SS6uS@S@S S6uo S6u:^_`,XVSTUDp( T       A ;\;\ ;\;\l,;\%;\(R P~pD.~8H 8~zDC@`O8~pD"s"~8H:8~zD_\nO8~pDqq|Oě8~pD  ěě 8~pD# h~pD3"Transmission type must be suppliedqTransmission type for vehicle 12 must be the same as the transmission type of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) , or vehicle 12 must be tested abc+WB?v Tp;\       A;\;\ ;\       A;\ $;\$ ;\ ;\&;\( ;\*;\ ;\ ;\H4;\; ;\p?|  A4S~D4AAX ~D$SIFOS~D#z# 8hMlbDhXd~D$S2OS~DEO S~D |  Xr~D$S9Xz~DL$S=#Transmission ratio must be suppliedThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested "dow#O{@4;\       A;\ ;\ 0       AH;\;\l$ 4;\;\&;\( ;\*d;\4;\ ;\4 8hMlhXVL$S+0-\OLSjOLS  XdL$S2 The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested%epx@4;\       A;\ ;\ 0       Ah;\;\l$ T;\&;\( ;\*0;\;\4 8hMlbhXVL$S+30O䳎LS䳎̩OLS  XdL$S2  The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested&fqy)U@4;\       A;\ ;\ 0       A@;\;\l$ ,;\;\&;\( ;\*;\d;\<;\4 8hMlhXVL$S+30 O8LS88.OzLS  zzXdL$S2  The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested'grz(T@4;\       A;\ ;\        A`;\;\l$ L;\;\&;\( $;\*;\,;\14 8hMlVhXV>VL$S+30Od< LS>Vd< d<O< LS>V  < <Xd>VL$S2  The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested(hs{'S@4;\       A;\ ;\ Z       A;\a$ x&a( *;\;\;\4 8hMlQhXVRL$S+30dO:LSR::rO:LSR  ::XdRL$S2  The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested)it|&R~@4;\       A;\ ;\ Z       At;\;\l$ `;\;\&;\( 8;\*;\;\`;\4 8hMlRRhXVnRL$S+30ONSLSnRNSNSrOQLSnR  QQXdnRL$S2  The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested*ju}%Q}@4;\       A;\ ;\ Z       At;\;\l$ `;\;\&;\( 8;\*L;\8;\;\4 8hMlRhXVRL$S+30ƤO,LSR,,ԤO`=LSR  `=`=XdRL$S2  The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested+kv~$P|@Xp` ;\ 8;\ ;\ ;\|,;\       A;\;\0 x;\       A L;\$ ;\ 8;\&4;\( ;\ *`;\;\4  A;\$;\ ;\  A;\;\$ ;\;\&;\( p;\*;\d;\ !"#$%&'()*  A;\;\ ;\ !"#$%&'()*  A;\, ;\$ ;\@ l;\& X;\( ;\h* 0;\;\+,-./0123456+  A;\0 |;\ ;\D,-./0123456+  A ;\;\$ ;\;\& ;\ ( ;\* ;\4 x;\789:;<=>?@AB7  A ;\;\ ;\89:;<=>?@AB7  A;\ $;\$ ;\ ;\&  ;\( ;\*  ;\;\CDEFGHIJKLMNC  A;\  ;\ ;\ DEFGHIJKLMNC  A;\;\ @$ l;\;\ T& ;\ h( D;\* \;\OPQRSTUVWXYZO  A;\;\ D ;\PQRSTUVWXYZO  A;\ ;\$ ;\ ;\&;\( ;\ *;\;\ H[\]^_`abcdef[  A;\ ;\ ;\ \]^_`abcdef[  Ad;\;\ $ P;\;\ &;\ ( (;\*;\ -;\Y;\;\;\;\ ;\(5;\a;\<f;\Pi;\pJ AS~DYAA %TzS~DhTzT 8hM (N x@VzS~D@Vz@V 8hM (N xTzS~DTzT 8hM (N xVzS~D VzV 8hM (N xTzS~DD TzT 8hM (N xVzS~D| VzV 8hM (N xRUzS~D RUzRU 8hM (N xSzS~DSzS 8hM (N xUzS~D$UzU UzS~D6UzU VzS~DLVzVf"dow#O{%epx&fqy)U'grz(T(hs{'S)it|&R~*ju}%Q}+kv~$P|F $;\@, <1~D 1@       A;\ ;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ D;\;\;\;\ ;\4;\& ;\\< ;\@  rFSrrFrX0rF$SޥOFX,SriiFX,FX hMl|rFhX`rF$S0OfSr1ffOgSr%m%ggXnrF$S7XvrF$S;X|rFL$S>iRoad Power Absoption must be provided if the tested and untested vehicles do not have the same body shapeRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same6^_`,XVSTUDp@<X ;\ ;\ (;\       A;\;\ ;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ ;\;\P;\;\ ;\42;\H5;\<( rFS@s&rFr %gS@s7gg fL   xfS@sHff gS@s^ g g JS@szJJ @SS@s@S@S8^_`,XVSTUDp' ;\ ;\ `9;\|       A|;\ ;\;\0 T;\;\X,;\ ;\' iRoad Power Absoption must be provided if the tested and untested vehicles do not have the same body shapeRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same6^_`,XVSTUDp@<X ;\ ;\ (;\       A;\;\ ;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ ;\;\P;\;\ ;\42;\H5;\<( rFS@s&rFr %gS@s7gg fL   xfS@sHff gS@s^ g g JS@szJJ @SS@s@S@S8^_`,XVSTUDp' ;\ ;\ `9;\|       A|;\ ;\;\0 T;\;\X,;\ ;\' l4~@~~'~ 4~@~~'~ 86P~D868ZV$h  ,;\       A;\ ;\ p;\ ;\;\X ;\$ _~pD_~8H h~zD:7~R_h~pDfR_R~8H<h~zDXU~_h~pDtt_~8HBh~zD!Engine Family must be suppliedtEngine family for vehicle 9 must be the same as the engine family of the tested vehicle, or vehicle 9 must be tested cYvNlmn*V@@        A ;\ h;\T;\  A;\;\ l;\;\;\ ;\4 ;\5;\\< p;\@  $ 4S+$ $X  $S@=~X,S!o!X,X hMl hX` $S0IF~0S00 ~S%%Xn $S7.+Xt $S:MJX| L$S>fc!Body Shape Descriptor is requiredRoad Power Absorption of untested vehicle must be no more than 10% higher than the value for the tested vehicle (vehicle number %) if the body shapes are not the same8YdvN^_`,XpVSTUD@ <X ;\ ;\ 4;\        A;\;\ ;\;\  A;\;\ ;\;\;\p;\-;\42H5d;\<(  SP  %fS_ff fL  xS6 SL "Sh"" >S~>>:YdvN^_`,XpVSTUD( T       A;\ ;\ ;\ ;\x;\~%;\(R P~pDΜ,~8H Μ8~zDA>~8~pDΜ"q"~8H:Μ8~zDZW~؝8~pDΜpp؝؝~*_8~pDΜ *_* p_8~pDΜp_p Γ_h~pDΜ+Γ_Γ"Transmission type must be suppliedpTransmission type for vehicle 9 must be the same as the transmission type of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) , or vehicle 9 must be tested YfvNabc+WB?v T;\       A`;\;\ L;\       A;\4;\$ ;\ ;\& ;\( ;\*;\ ;\ ;\H4;\; ;\p?|  ΋4S2΋X ΋$SGDL~‹S#x#‹ 8hMll΋hXd΋$S2Z~‹S΁?‹h~‹S u ‹Xr΋$S9Xz΋L$S=#Transmission ratio must be suppliedThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested YgvON"dow#{@4;\       A;\ ;\ 'D       AH;\;\l$ 4;\;\&;\( ;\*d;\;\t;\4 8hMl΋hXVϋL$S+,)~JËLSρJËJ~XËLS  XËXXdϋL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedvu%epxN@4;\       A;\ ;\ 'D       Ah;\;\l$ T;\&;\( ;\*0;\ ;\4 8hMl>ϋhXVhϋL$S+/,~ËLShρË,~ËLSh  ËXdhϋL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedvUN&fqy)@4\       A;\ ;\ G|       A;\;\l$ ;\;\&;\( ;\*;\x;\P;\4 8hMlϋhXVϋL$S+/,~ċLSρċ~*ċLS  *ċ*XdϋL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedvTN'grz(@4;\       A;\;\ ;\       A;\l$ ;\;\&;\( ;\*;\;\,;\4 8hMl hXV+L$S+/,~#!LS+#!#~#!LS+  #!#Xd+L$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedvSN(hs{'@4;\       A;\ ;\ &       A_oit;\l$ d;\;\&;\( <;\*;\;\;\4 8hMlhXVL$S+/,R~&,LS&,&,`~4,LS  4,4,XdL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedvRN)it|&~@4;\       A;\ ;\ &       At;\;\l$ `;\;\&;\( 8;\*L;\8;\ 4`;\4 8hMl<hXVfL$S+/,3s,LSf,,3s,LSf  ,,XdfL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedvQN*ju}%}@4;\       A;\ ;\ &       A;\;\l$ ;\;\&;\( ;\*D;\0;\;\4 8hMlhXVL$S+/,@4sLSN4sLS  XdL$S2The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedvPN+kv~$|@Xp` ;\ ;\ |;\ ;\| ;\       A ,;\;\0 ;\       A;\$ ;\;\&4;\( ;\ *`;\;\4  A;\$;\ ;\  AL;\;\$ 8;\;\&;\( ;\*;\ ;\ !"#$%&'()*  A D;\;\ 0;\ !"#$%&'()*  A;\,;\$ ;\@|;\&h;\( ;\h*@;\;\+,-./0123+456  A;\0;\ ;\D,-./0123+456  A;\;\$ ;\;\& ;\ ( ;\* ;\4;\789:;<=>?7@AB  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%uFS2uFu fL d xtFSAtFt KSWK ~JSs~J~ X,SX,X8YvN^_`,XpVSTUD' ;\ 8;\ ;\ ;\|       A;\ ;\;\0 p;\;\X;\;\ ;\' Z6~DBRZ6Z %l3~DBal3l x3~DBS3 3~DBe3 3~DB{3"YcvNlmn*V ;\ l;\ ;\ T  ;\| ;\ $;\ ;\~H/Hf68~PD:6~H/Hf68~PD TP %ָ6 ~Dfvָ6ָ 6 ~Df6vwY \iD h X;\ ;\D;\ ;\    ;\      C;\ @;\   @;\,;\;\ ;\  ;\\;\p;\ ;\ ;\  A;\` ;\ ;\t;\;\;\<;\*;\6(;\L;\X;\a;\iF 1-hMl-hX -L$S0-T6s-LS?}?- -dS-X-L$S 6s-LS$$-X"-d$S   -hMl-hX0-L$S=:P7s:-LSHH:-:X8-d$SXZ-L$S-^7s,-LS%%,-,Xb-d$S1 hMl-hXp-L$S8l7s4!LS3I34!4Xx-d$S<da B@hMl-hX-L$SCz7s|JLS88|J|X-d$SGX-L$SZ Vehicle number p~Jp~7s{JLS#.#{J{X-L$SaA>?Form identification can not exceed 20 characters. Please check$A response is required for vehicle 9HSE Form identification is usually longer than 2 characters. Please check%SE Form identification is duplicated.3The tested vehicle column number can not exceed 12.8The column number for the tested vehicle must be entered# has not been tested. Please check6uYwN"zvK@L , False6~D~6  P;\ @ ;\T ;\~H/H6h~PD~H/H 6h~PD1-~H/H6P~PD YV>8s6P~D--6~H/H6P~PD -The vehicle must be either tested or untestedvwYL , False6~Dָ6  P;\ @ ;\T ;\~H/H6h~PD~H/H 6h~PD1-~H/H6P~PD YV8sT6P~D--T6T~H/H6P~PD -The vehicle must be either tested or untestedvwY] ;\ 0;\ ;\D`;\  ;\ ;\D;\;\ ;\       C;\ ;\   ;\;\ t;\ ;\    ;\4;\H;\\ ;\ ;\  A;\$ ;\ ;\8|;\;\`!h;\+;\t?T;\I;\P@;\V;\] 1-fL   S`M L<"S`}L<"L< %,="S`,=",=X&`$S -fL   %>"S`>">X8`$S xMS`MX^`$S/ fL   xMS` MXp`$S8*' B@fL   xMS`YMX`$SAvs x~JS`N~J~ }JS`\}J}8uYwN"zvK< ;\, <6+2~Df6+26+NF ;\8;\@, <Fj~DjFjFOF ;\P;\@, <0~D0PF L;\@, <|1~D|1|QF ;\@, <Fj~DFjFRF $;\@, <1~D1SF ;\;\@, <1~D1TF ;\@, <40~D404U< ;\, <1~D1V< , <L0~DL0LW< , <|1~D|1|XF ;\;\@, <1~Dd AZ< ;\, <41~D414[7& L,C  ;\ l;\          A;\l;\ ;\  ;\ ;\4;\;\, ;\3;\ 7x @4SS-@@X S$SB? Fuel type must be selected֛ Petrol SS="= LPG>" SS>"> Diesel SSjj CNGޣM SSޣMޣ ElectricSS\M\X&S$S.MSS==.M.XRS$S)|)SS]_]|)| )()SSw()(X`S$S0XjSL$S5=Fuel type must be either Petrol, LPG, Diesel, CNG or Electric]Fuel type for an untested vehicle must be the same as for the tested vehicle (vehicle number  zvwx/[@2 ;\ ;\ P;\ CT;\  ;\ @;\        A;\;\ (;\  ;\ ;\# |( ;\+$;\2  @SRR@@ % SRa   PetrolSR"> CNGSR ElectricSR xޣMSRޣMޣ x`)SR`)` |)SR|)| .KSR.K."zvwx/[c1 ;\h p;\       A;\0;\D ;\ ;\  0;\;\&;\- ;\1  V4SH0VVX H$SEBzrSHrrr ehMlh k(hMlhXH$S ~SHI I~XFH$S#~SHk~~SH  ~XTH$S*X^HL$S/Reference mass must be suppliedI The reference mass is usually in the range 500 to 4000 kg, please check.Equivalent test inertia mass for vehicle 10 must be equal to or less than Equivalent test inertia mass of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) , or vehicle 10 must be tested"z 6b@h, ;\ X;\ ;\         A;\DX ;\;\;\;\";\%;\,R SU %<"Sd<"< efL p܈ k(fL p܈ %"S" x"Sc" Su DSDD$z 6bd @t;\h h;\  @;\  ;\;\;\;\D;\;\;\x;\'P;\;\(;\/;\4`;\78;\ !;\;\?"#;\$%;\G&'\;\();\$4;\O*+ ;\,-t;\W./\;\01;\4;\_23 ;\45$;\g67;\89;\d;\o:;X;\<=;\0;\w>?6@A;\;\BC;\DE;\T;\FG;\HI;\|;\JKT;\LM;\,;\NO;\PQ;\D;\RS;\TU;\;\VWd;\XY;\<;\Z[;\\];\4 ;\^_ l;\`a;\ D;\bc ;\de;\;\fg;\hi;\$;\jk|;\lm;\tT;\no,;\pq;\;\rs;\tu;\ ;\vw;\xy;\ dd;\z{<;\|};\ ;\~;\ ;\;\ ;\ , 6h~D6 B@~@~~'~ z@~@~~'~ }~@~~'~ ~@~~'~ ~@~~'~ :~@~~'~ e~@~~'~ ~@~~'~ |~@~~'~ #v~@~~'~ !˻~@~~'~ ~@~~'~ #=EJ ~ &ܻ~@~~'~ %1|~@~~'~ ~@~~'~ &@~@~~'~ *39~@~~'~ (~@~~'~ ~@~~'~ *B{@~@~~'~ -@~@~~'~ +@~@~~'~ ~@~~'~ -;~@~~'~ 0~@~~'~ /Sz~@~~'~ ~@~~'~ 1 ~@~~'~ 4U7~@~~'~ 2~@~~'~ ~@~~'~ 4dy~@~~'~ 7~@~~'~ 6~@~~'~ ~@~~'~ 7:~@~~'~ ; 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;\p?|  4Sv4X v$SIF{s Sv#z#   8hMlLhXdv$S2{s SvE  {s8 Sv | 8 8 Xrv$S9XzvL$S=#Transmission ratio must be suppliedThe transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested {z"dow#O@4;\       A;\ ;\ RT       AH;\;\l$ 4;\;\&;\( ;\*d;\ ;\ ;\4 8hMlhXVBL$S+0-|s΋LSB΋|sϋLSB  ϋXdBL$S2 The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested%epxz@4;\       A;\ ;\ RT        Ah;\;\l$ T;\&;\( ;\*0;\h;\4 8hMlzhXVL$S+30f|sZϋLSZϋZt|shϋLS  hϋhXdL$S2  The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedz&fqy)U@4;\       A;\ ;\ RT       A@;\;\l$ ,;\;\&;\( ;\*;\;\;\4 8hMl܀hXVL$S+30|sLS|sLS  XdL$S2  The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedz'grz(T@4;\       A;\ ;\ G       AX;\;\l$ D;\;\&;\( ;\*;\;\;\4 8hMlhXV>L$S+30*}sJLS>JJ8}s+LS>  ++Xd>L$S2  The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be testedz(hs{'S@4;\       A;\ ;\ ;\       A;\;\l$ l;\;\&;\( D;\*;\$;\4 8hMlvhXVL$S+30}sLS}sLS  XdL$S2  The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested~z)it|&R@4;\       A;\ ;\ h       A|;\;\l$ h;\;\&;\( @;\*;\;\;\4 8hMlhXVL$S+30}sXLSXX}sfLS  ffXdL$S2  The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested}z*ju}%Q@4;\       A;\ ;\ h       At;\;\l$ `;\;\&;\( 8;\*;\;\d;\4 8hMlThXV~L$S+30l~sLS~z~sRgLS~  RgRgXd~L$S2  The transmission ratio of the untested vehicle must be within 8% of the transmission ratio of the tested vehicle (vehicle number ) or this vehicle must be tested|z+kv~$P@Xp` ;\ 8;\ ;\ ;\|,;\8{ 4`T&*`*p @P  dEv_Vhcl2_Ratio_h1  )!*P! @%P  xEv_Vhcl4_Ratio_h1  "@#0 @.P  Ev_SEDocRef_h2  )*`P @$P  wEv_Vhcl4_Ratio_h1  +!,`!p @+P  ~Ev_Vhcl4_Ratio_h1  +,`P @*P  }Ev_Vhcl4_Ratio_h1  + "+#@ @)P  |Ev_Vhcl4_Ratio_h1  * +`!` @(P  {Ev_Vhcl4_Ratio_h1  *+@ @'P  zEv_Vhcl4_Ratio_h1  * #0*# @&P  yEv_Vhcl4_Ratio_h1  )*`p @P  oEv_Vhcl3_Ratio_h1  ,,p @#P  vEv_Vhcl3_Ratio_h1  ,,p @"P  uEv_Vhcl3_Ratio_h1  *+`P @!P  tEv_Vhcl3_Ratio_h1  *+` @ P  sEv_Vhcl3_Ratio_h1  *+`p @P  rEv_Vhcl3_Ratio_h1  *0* @P  qEv_Vhcl3_Ratio_h1  *P* @P  pEv_Vhcl3_Ratio_h1  !0"!#@ @P  n Ev_EngFam_h2  !0!P @P  m Ev_EngFam_h2  !0 ! @P  l Ev_EngFam_h2  ,P, @P  kEv_Vhcl2_Ratio_h1  ,p, @P  jEv_Vhcl2_Ratio_h1  +@+p @P  iEv_Vhcl2_Ratio_h1  *@+` @P  hEv_Vhcl2_Ratio_h1  * *p @P  fEv_Vhcl2_Ratio_h1  )`*P @P  eEv_Vhcl2_Ratio_h1  *@+` @P  gEv_Vhcl2_Ratio_h1  ()0 @"  a Ev_Trans_h2  ()0p @"  b Ev_Trans_h2  (") #` @"  c Ev_Trans_h2  % % @ "  ^ Ev_Body_h2  %"%p#p @ "  ` Ev_Body_h2  %% @ "  _ Ev_Body_h2  P @ @     A! Manufacturer's Name  `V 0@    PTrigger  `   !`"  @"  fHide_WakeColumn1  Pp @"  gHide_WakeColumn1   @"  hHide_WakeColumn1  @ @"  iHide_WakeColumn1  - 0- @P  p Ev_RefMass_h2  --p @P  q Ev_RefMass_h3  - 0-  @P  r Ev_RefMass_h4  "P#P @P  v Ev_Fuel_h2  "`#P @P  w Ev_Fuel_h3  "!#0! @P  x Ev_Fuel_h4   @#'  p@'  @'     A! Manufacturer's Name  `V  ` "P@' '  ( ` "p Date (dd/mm/yyyy)  `L  ` p` Document   ; 3 3#  Sheet 1 of 2   8 @ Title  @   33  MainCheck h6 h6  h6, Wingdings  (fn(tC(h(eP@ Title P @!  33  MainWarning h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (fW(ta(r(n @ Title  @"  33 Check1 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k "p #@ Title  "p # @#  33 Check3 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k @  Date     0 "  (dd/mm/yyyy)   <  P ?*Licensee's reference for this document (use only 12 characters)  '  @@ Title @ @$  33 MainLengthCheck h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (fn(tg(t(hP 0@ Title  P 0 @%  33 0 LengthMessage  `G Pp@'  @'    A! Manufacturer's Name  `V Pp@ Title Pp @'  33 Check4 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(kPp"P@'  @'    A! Manufacturer's Name  `V P"`p#@ Title  P"`p# @)  33 Check5 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k` *Vehicle Make (Optional)   ` *Vehicle Model (Optional)    `p 0Vehicle number (use on SE 81/01, describe below)       ,Arial (Vehicle number (!(use on SE 81/01, describe below)') MGearbox assembly/part number or type/description (eg Auto, Auto with lockup)  o o   o,Arial (!Gearbox assembly/part number or (%type/description (eg Auto, Auto with (lockup),- Reference mass (kg)   ] .. !Equivalent test inertia mass (kg)    ! #@@' ''P' '' Ev_Fuel1    1    p 2     3    !@ 4    !#@'''P' '' Ev_Fuel2  !#@'+''P' '' Ev_Fuel3  !##@'<''P' '' Ev_Fuel4  " P# @ Title " P#  @;   Check18 h6 h6 o h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"0#`@ Title "0#` @<   Check19 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"#@@ Title "#@ @D   Check20 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"# @ Title "#  @G   Check21 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!2, -@'''P' ''  Ev_RefMass1  , 0- `@ Title , 0- ` @K   Check38 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k2#',-@'&''P' ''  Ev_RefMass2  ,-@@ Title $,-@ @_   Check39 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k,-@'7''P' ''  Ev_RefMass3  ,- @ Title %,- @a   Check40 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k,-#@'H''P' ''  Ev_RefMass4  ,-@ Title &,- @c   Check41 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(4@ Fleet and Test Vehicle Details    "#P  Fuel used    .  #'- /p @$$$P$ $$ Ev_EITM1  -/p @$$$P$ $$ Ev_EITM2  -/p @$$$P$ $$ Ev_EITM3  -/p# @$$$P$ $$ Ev_EITM4  ,- @ $ [Table 2.4 ]  '''$P @ @     A! Manufacturer's Name  `V @` # tSelection of Test Fleet - Fuel Consumption Labelling for Light VehiclesZ : Z: h6 Z :,Arial (t-Selection of Test Fleet - Fuel Consumption (G Labelling for Light Vehicles0@ SF 81/01 AUG 2005   _ Pp 0  Australian Design Rule 81/01     !@'''P' ''  Ev_EngFam1  !@'''P' ''  Ev_EngFam2  !@'*''P' ''  Ev_EngFam3  !#@';''P' ''  Ev_EngFam4   p! Engine family    > # %@' ''P' '' Ev_Body1  #%@'''P' '' Ev_Body2  #%@',''P' '' Ev_Body3  #%#@'=''P' '' Ev_Body4  $%@ Title $% @@   Check22 h6 h6 Z : h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k$%@ Title $% @A   Check23 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k$%@ Title $% @B   Check24 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k$"P%#@ Title $"P%# @C   Check25 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k#$ 0 Body Shape Description/code    ' )@' ''P' ''  Ev_Trans1  ' )@'''P' ''  Ev_Trans2  ' )@'.''P' ''  Ev_Trans3  ' )#@'?''P' ''  Ev_Trans4  ) * @' '' ' '' "Ev_Vhcl1_Ratio1  ) * @''' ' '' %Ev_Vhcl1_Ratio2  ) *@''' ' '' &Ev_Vhcl1_Ratio3  * + @''' ' '' 'Ev_Vhcl1_Ratio4  * + @''' ' '' (Ev_Vhcl1_Ratio5  * +@''' ' '' )Ev_Vhcl1_Ratio6  + , @''' ' '' *Ev_Vhcl1_Ratio7  + , @''' ' '' +Ev_Vhcl1_Ratio8  + , @88   ,Check34 )*@''' ' '' -Ev_Vhcl2_Ratio1  )*@''' ' '' .Ev_Vhcl2_Ratio2  )*@' '' ' '' /Ev_Vhcl2_Ratio3  *+@'!'' 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If a cross is displayed in a cell, place the cursor in that cell and type Control-? to see the error message. Untested vehicles must, when compared to a tested vehicle, : a) have the same engine family, b) use the same fuel type, c) have the same general body shape above the wheel centres or have a road power absoption value no more than 10% higher, d) have the same or lower Equivalent Inertia Test Mass, e)have the same transmission type and f) have overall transmission ratios within 8% of those used in the test       Instructions   H &p@& @P  SEv_RoadPower_h2  &0p& @P  TEv_RoadPower_h3  &@"&# @P  UEv_RoadPower_h4  %'0  ERoad Power Absorption value (kW) (only required if body shape varies)  Q} Q}   Q},Arial (c!Road Power Absorption value (kW) (o$(only required if body shape varies)% ' @' ''P' '' V Ev_RoadPower1  %' @'''P' '' W Ev_RoadPower2  %' @'-''P' '' X Ev_RoadPower3  %' #@'>''P' '' Y Ev_RoadPower4  % @& p@ Title % @& p @  Z Check26 h6 h6 Q} h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k& 'P@ Title & 'P @  [ Check27 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k&'0@  Title &'0 @  \ Check28 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k&'@  Title &' @  ] Check29 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k !@/ Title  ! @   Check14 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k !@0 Title  ! @   Check15 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k p!@1 Title  p! @   Check16 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k "@!#p@2 Title  "@!#p @   Check17 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k0` @-P  Ev_SEDocRef_h2  0p @,P  Ev_SEDocRef_h2  @ Vehicle selected for test?   o pp0@ Title  pp0 @Z   Check6 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k@ Title ! @[   Check7 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k@ Title " @\   Check8 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k!"@ Title #!" @]   Check9 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k oSE 81/01 form IDENTIFICATION number (not doc ref) (if tested) or Vehicle Number of tested vehicle (if untested)  66  h6 ,Arial (SE 81/01 form IDENTIFICATION ($number (not doc ref) (if tested) or (%Vehicle Number of tested vehicle (if ( untested) @'''P' ''  Ev_SEDocRef1  @'''P' ''  Ev_SEDocRef2  @')''P' ''  Ev_SEDocRef3  #@':''P' ''  Ev_SEDocRef4   @''' ' ''    Ev_TestedNo1  7 7  7,Arial (Ev_(Test(edN(o1 @''' ' ''    Ev_TestedYes1  7 7 7,Arial (Ev_(Test(edY(es1  "'  '''##'## @ Yes    ` No     @''' ' ''    Ev_TestedNo2  7 7  7,Arial (Ev_(Test(edN(o2@''' ' ''    Ev_TestedYes2  7 7 7,Arial (Ev_(Test(edY(es2 p Yes    0P No     @'('' ' ''    Ev_TestedNo3  7 7 7,Arial (Ev_(Test(edN(o3@'''' ' ''    Ev_TestedYes3  7 7 7,Arial (Ev_(Test(edY(es3 p Yes    0P No     `@'9'' ' ''    Ev_TestedNo4  7 7 7,Arial (Ev_(Test(edN(o4`@'8'' ' ''    Ev_TestedYes4  7 7 7,Arial (Ev_(Test(edY(es4 !P Yes     !0 No     @ Title * @z   Check10 h6 h6 7 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k@ Title + @{   Check11 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(1@ Title , @|   Check12 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k"`#@ Title -"`# @}   Check13 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k./p $ [Table 2.4 ]  +#,#+#,#(@)@@ Title (@)@ @*   Check30 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k(@P)@@ Title (@P)@ @+   Check31 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ge(tc(k(!3(@P)@@ Title (@P)@ @,   Check32 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k(P"0)P#`@ Title (P"0)P#` @-   Check33 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (ne({c(k P@'  @'    A! Manufacturer's Name  `V  @ p@ Title  @ p @4  33 Check2 h6 h6 h6, Wingdings  (gh(te(c(k  0 *Licensee's unique Identification number for this document (remains constant even if the document is revised) (Use a max of 20 characters)  m   @AE(HB @   zHide_Table4_RefMass  0 @   {Hide_Table4_InertiaMass  0 @   |Hide_Table4_RoadPower   @   }Hide_Table4_Row  0 1@ @  Title  0 1@ @    Hide_Table4_Row_1  h6 h6 h6,Arial (iTa(uble(4_(Rofor this document (remains constant even if the document is revised) (Use a max of 20 characters)  m  1p!1! @P  Ev_Vhcl4_Ratio_h1  11P @P   Ev_Vhcl4_Ratio_h1  1#02 # @P  !Ev_Vhcl4_Ratio_h1  11p @P  "Ev_Vhcl3_Ratio_h1  102 @P  #Ev_Vhcl2_Ratio_h1  102 @P  $Ev_Vhcl3_Ratio_h1  1P2 @P  %Ev_Vhcl3_Ratio_h1  1 2 @P  &Ev_Vhcl2_Ratio_h1  1p`1 @ P  'Ev_Vhcl2_Ratio_h1  1 2  @'!'' ' '' ( Ev_RVD_Var1  1 2  @'"'' ' '' ) Ev_RVD_Eng1  1 2 @'#'' ' '' * Ev_RVD_Trans1  12 @'$'' ' '' + Ev_RVD_Var2  12 @'%'' ' '' , Ev_RVD_Eng2  12 @'&'' ' '' - Ev_RVD_Trans2  12 @'''' ' '' . 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