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SaveCheck(); function SaveCheck() { var theDoc = Informed.currentDocument.currentRecord; var theValue = theDoc.Cell("DataAlert").value; var RevExt = "Revision 2.0" if (theValue == 0) { //The following code updates the Revision number when the form is saved. This code should be commented out on all but the External version. Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Issue_NumExt").value = RevExt; BuiltinCommand("Save").execute(); } else switch(theValue){ case 1: Util.message("You cannot save this form until you have completed the Document Reference field.",null,STOP,false); case 2: Util.message("You cannot save this form until you have completed the Form Use and Test Facility fields.",null,STOP,false); case 3: Util.message("You cannot save this form with the Test Facility ID as NEW.",null,STOP,false); break; } } nullJScr JavaScriptLang//This script is used to prevent saving the document without mandatory data. SaveAsCheck(); function SaveAsCheck() { var theDoc = Informed.currentDocument.currentRecord; var theValue = theDoc.Cell("DataAlert").value; var RevExt = "Revision 2.0" if (theValue == 0) { //The following code updates the Revision number when the form is saved. This code should be commented out on all but the External version. Informed.currentDocument.currentCollection.Cell("Issue_NumExt").value = RevExt; BuiltinCommand("Save As").execute(); } else switch(theValue){ case 1: Util.message("You cannot save this form until you have completed the Document Reference field.",null,STOP,false); case 2: Util.message("You cannot save this form until you have completed the Form Use and Test Facility fields.",null,STOP,false); case 3: Util.message("You cannot save this form with the Test Facility ID as NEW.",null,STOP,false); break; } } nullJScr JavaScriptripte){ case 1: Util.message("You cannot save this form until you have completed the Document Reference field.",null,STOP,false); bre/x9100sevev6T8T"92.0T 1$BrVehicle Safety StandardsIVSSDRS9u9ISE 91/00 Rear Underrun Impact )SE 91/00 Rear Underrun Impact Proctection "Revision 2.7" 6 r*Vehicle Model (optional)! ~XXQXXd'w) 3dM+n !?xqqVeclCatsChoiceC@<>.!  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Form Use   qE ` #x XThis form is being used in support of an application for a vehicle approval, submitting:   qx 0# *Details of a test report demonstrating compliance with Appendix A of ADR 91/00 or the technical requirements of UN R58 (02 or 03 series) (Complete section 5).   (H@'''@' '' rAFormUs_VehAppvTest  S S h6 S,Arial (]FormUs(]_VehAp(`pvTestH@'''@' '' sAFormUs_VehAppvECE  S S S,Arial (]FormUs(]_VehAp(_pvECE$` ,$'%P(!@'+&'  %`&! Test Facility No.   ^VG ',@H@'/$)0' $$ P')18 Test Facility Name   ^VX 'P,@!@'0$)0' $$ P'`)1! Test Facility Address   ^V` %( @')'&' '' %& x Test Report No.   ^VI $% 5. 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Proof of compliance   q P bIs the trailer fitted with a continuous rear bumper complying with the requirements of clause 5.1?  q  4Reference of document that demonstrates compliance:     9 ,Arial (4Reference of document that demonstrates compliance: @0@# @  33SPDataEntryAdvice_ProofComp    ^V `P@''' ' '' U! 0ProofComp5.1_Yes   ^VW `!PP"@@''' ' '' V! 0ProofComp5.1_No   ^VS P Yes  q  `P!P No  q  `"P# @   WWarning6  @ @If no, is the trailer constructed in accordance with clause 5.2   q  @!@ Document reference no.  qk @#@'#'' ' ' X@!"@ PrfDocRefNo.   ^V? H8@' '' ' '' Y! 0ProofComp5.2_Yes   ^V[ H!P8"@@'!'' ' '' Z! 0ProofComp5.2_No   ^VW x0 Yes  q x `0!P No  q  H"8# @"   [Warning7  - 2@$'-`.@h  6. 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Manufacturer's Name  `V pP0p  Created from:   = n completed.    p @J  ffff DataAlert    0 W*Licensee's unique Identification number for this document. (Use a max of 12 characters)  ;    @'M @'     A! 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Lamps on Vehicle which have a Component Registration Number    @ H>(The vehicle manufacturer need not submit test evidence for these lamps)    G  " " ^To list additional lamps please use another SE 1/00 form with its own unique reference number.    0`0" @#  33PCRNLamp_DataEntryAdvice   ` #0/ $''*`@'$) '  ' )! Test Facility No.  `L *.@'%$+' $$ P* + Test Facility Name  `X * .!@'&$+' $$ P* 0+! Test Facility Address  `` (*@@''')p' '' ()q0 Test Report No.  `I $ %P 4. 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